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A Muslim majority Indus Valley Civilization?

Proof is our existence on this land of indus river. Indus valley civilisation is pre-Islamic heritage of Pakistan. Pakistani peoples lived in indus valley before creation of Pakistan and coming of Islam in south Asia.

Some Indians Hindus are very funny creatures

If some Pakistani talk about Islamic brotherhood then they keep reminding them about their pre Islamic past that their ancestors were not Muslims and they were converted into Islam by forced , this and that blah blah

and if some Pakistani talk about Indus valley civilisation and accept their pre-Islamic heritage then they keep telling them that they don't have any share in it and they were not existed on this land prior to coming of Islam(7th century)

Check the sites of IVC and their locations and other facts.. Apart from Indus, major settlements were on the banks of Saraswati which have since disappeared and considered a reason for the collapse of IVC. Infact other name of IVC is Indus Saraswati Civilization. Saraswati river is mentioned every where in Vedas
Learn more about Sarawati
Sarasvati River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, most of the claims of being Arabs etc are made by Pakistani themselves so it's not the case of Indian Hindu acting funny, for sure.. It's your books only which claims that your history starts from 7th century not Indian. Also no where in my post I said you were or were not the converts and not related to IVC.. So stop giving me attitude..

It is only you people who have confused your identities and don't know who you really are.. I can call you what ever I want but it is important that do you know yourself and defend any of your claims with certainty.. I bet you can't defend whether you claim yourself to be the people of land (aboriginals) or even that you have the blood of the invading armies.. You can not really prove anything with surety..
I am a strong advocate of the 'Indus man' and discussed this subject at length in another thread. Few things I would like to add.

1. The Indus Valley Civilization is centred on the geographic Indus Valley which is why it is not called the Gangetic Civilization etc.

2. Like any civilization you don't get a clear cut off point or a exact defined border.They tend to to have central zone which is the centre of gravity and as you move further away the gravity field gets weaker.

3. Without a shred of doubt the Indus Valley is centred on Pakistan, have a look at a map and see how the Indus is Pakistan's main artery. What Nile is to Egypt, Indus is to Pakistan. Cut off the Indus and Pakistan is finished.

4. Therefore Indus Valley Civilization is centred on what is now Pakistan. The main sites Mohenjo Daro [Sindh] or [Harrapa] Punjab are in Pakistan.

4. Imagine a lamp in the dark. proximate to it will be very well lit but as you move further away the effect will get weaker and weaker. Clearly there will bea area that will come within definition of 'lit'. However you can't draw a exact line where the 'unlit' zone starts from. But we know a certain distance from the lamp will be outside it's zone.

5. In the same way the IVC was centred in Pakistan ,however areas as far as Eastern Iran, modern Tajikistan in Central Asia and western India came also under the influence of IVC. But the fact is IVC is central to the Indus Valley which in turn is central to Pakistan.

6. IVC sities have been found all over beyond it's incubation zone, the Indus. However most of these sities are neglible. For example Kalibangan in India is just a hole in the mud. Lothal is Gujrat is just a few huts with modern day excavated reservoir called the dock. I could dig a hole in the ground in Sahara and fill it up with water !!!

7. Now compare the sites where the real meat of the IVC is, in Pakistan. Mohejo Daro or Harrapa. These are huge. Please do go over to Google Earth and see for yourself. On some maps I have seen there appear to be 10s of dots in India suggesting that India has as much if not more of the IVC. The truth is if you check Google ERarth imagery there is nothing on the ground where the dots are placed except Lothal although even that is just a few huts.

8. Any doubts? Well anybody with spare energy and time please upload actual photos of these sites. Group them according to countries and you shall see what I mean. Do please exclude artistic dreams. Let us stick to actual photographs, aerial and ground.

9. If U, V, W, X, Y, Z were my ancestors it does not follow I will look like U or V because over the generations because of new input of blood from W,X,Y I will have evolved. Evolution is everywhere. Anatolian Turks are a Turkic people but they do NOT look like their brothers in Kazakistan because of additional blood from native Anatolia and the Balkans.

10. As part of evolution and change languages also mutate and entire people change religion. Ancient Greeks were not Orthodox Christians but try telling modern Greeks ( Hellas ) that Sparta or Socrates has no connection to them and watch the answer you get. similarly the modern Egyptians speak Arabic and are Muslims. Queen Neferititi did not speak Arabic and was definitely not a Muslim. Yet nobody says Misr ( modern Egypt has no connection or right to the legacy of the Ancient Egypt.

11. So in the case of Pakistan which is the modern political unit covering the Indus Valley is the inheritor of the IVC. There is direct thus - IVC > U> V> W> X> Y> Z> Modern Pakistan. People after people invaded leaving behind a layer. Over time layer after layer the eventual evolved 'product' is the modern Punjabi, Sindhi etc. Pakistan.

12. This is the actiual fact on the ground. Nothing is going to change that. Right now Pakistani's have 'disconnected' from their motherland the Indus Valley but the mighty Indus shall reclaim her people, time is on her side. Increasingly more and more Pakistani's will embrace their motherland and in doing soing accept their forefathers. They have everything to gain for they should take pride that it was their forefathers that gave this part of the world 'civilization'.

13. For people like me I see increasing awareness of Pakistan real background and many Pakistani's like Aitzaz Ahsan's book 'The Indus Man' and Prof. Hasan Dhani [ kindly mentioned by Joe Shearer ] have set the ball rolling. Time will take care of everything. No people, Pakistani's included can stay estranged from their forefathers. This article ' A Muslim Majority Indus' is one more small effort in that direction. Change is slow but it wil happen.

14. Just to clarify some points here, in the formula U,V,W,X etc I openly acknowledge that there will have been Vedic people, Greek people, Buddhist people, Hindu people etc who went into making the modern people of Pakistan.

Ahmad Hassan Dani in A Morning with Farah post by zagham - YouTube

Antiquity Journal

In Memoriam

Pakistan was called Melluha in 8000 BC - Indus Valley Civilization - Zimbio

A interview with Prof. Ahmed Hasan Dhani: Ancient Indus Valley Script: Dani Interview Text Only

To the Pakistani's of whatever political shade I suggest you all embrace your history from even before IVC going back to MehrGarh
in Balochistan near the Afghan border and anything and everything in between on that 6,000 long years road that has brought us to today. From IVC, Panini, Alexander the Great, Porus, to Taxila, to Buddhist period, then the Hindu Kingdoms and arrival of Islam to the British conquest in 1849 to 1947 and today.

The story of Pakistan - Indus Valley starts here - Mehrgarh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mehrgarh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dude chill out, Most Pakistanis are decedents of Aryans be it Kashmiris, Punjabis, Baloch ( mixed with Arabs) or Pushtuns (mixed with ancient Jewish tribes, invading Turks, Parthians etc). IVC might not be Aryan, but it is in Today's Pakistan and Aryans came settled on the banks of Indus so we can claim it.
Historically three civilizations are related to Pakistan (Indus Valley Civilization, Gandhara civilization and Mehrgarh civilization).
I am unable to go to page 13 to reply the gibberish of Jbund :D Indus valley civilisation and its history belongs to Pakistani ancestors whatever religion they used to be..Indians should stop stealing the heritage of others
It's your books only which claims that your history starts from 7th century not Indian. Also no where in my post I said you were or were not the converts and not related to IVC.. So stop giving me attitude..

You are really an idiot who cannot debate without insulting others. You don't know our books better than ourselves. The timeline of hinduism is so messed up that you guys claim everything . Read history of Pakistan from Pakistani sources and it should shut your mouth as you claim that history of Pakistan did not existed before 7th century and they were fall from trees in 7th century

Indus Civilisation
History of Ancient Pakistan
History Through The Centuries
You are really an idiot who cannot debate without insulting others. You don't know our books better than ourselves. The timeline of hinduism is so messed up that you guys claim everything . Read history of Pakistan from Pakistani sources and it should shut your mouth as you claim that history of Pakistan did not existed before 7th century and they were fall from trees in 7th century

Indus Civilisation
History of Ancient Pakistan
History Through The Centuries

You are the one who started with Indian Hindu thing so don't cry if you were replied back appropriately..

Also, claim whatever you want to claim who cares? Fact is you guys are so confused about your identity and there is nothing called Ancient Pakistan.. That's an absurdity being taught to the Pakistani kids..

Also, the first site was found on the banks of Indus hence it was named that way which was later changed to Indus Saraswati Civilization as more sites came up..

Also, I think you are not illiterate but still don't know from where you are seeing me saying that your history started in seventh century. Same thing happened in other thread where you thought it was appropriate to insult my religion but inappropriate to hear a response back.. Come'on, what are you?? I am not the one who like to insult anyone but if have to deal with people insulting me then I don't mince my words in replies..

Also, don't worry about the timeline of Hinduism it has existed since ages before a few abrahamic religions were born in seventh century AD. As you are trying to point out, it is not the timeline which proves the claims rather the scientific proofs like existence of swastika, Pashupathy, Shiv, mother goddess worship etc at the various IVC sites which proves the connect also most linguistics claims are now pointing that the language of IVC is probably Dravidian. So nobody is stealing anything, people are just joining the dots and reaching the real history..
I haven't confined myself to the literal meaning of scripture, neither am I unwilling to change my mind if presented with evidence refuting my views. Don't go around calling other people's interpretation of their own religious scripture as being illogical or irrational. I assure you that most Muslims literally believe in the Quranic stories regarding the prophets & belief in them is a requirement to call yourself a Muslim.

I have no idea about who this person called "Ram Janmabhoomi" was. Your reference to the flood, are you talking about Noah's flood in the Bible? The Quranic view is different, & I don't believe in the whole world being flooded since that is illogical & goes against the scientific research that I have undertaken regarding the subject.

The member "The SC" is a strict Pan-Islamist, I remember reading his posts on other threads where he continuously made comments like "the Muslim Ummah will prevail". In fact I remember arguing with him over the subject of Islamic & ethnic nationalism on the same thread. For someone that obsessed with Islamic nationalism, I found it amusing that his scientific views regarding the origins of the different races of mankind weren't consistent with Islamic teachings. That is why I kept bringing up religious view points in my arguments made against him, & of course while discussing Semitic people, Shem is going to come up naturally since most of their tribes trace their descent from him.

What, in effect, is the difference between a 'strict pan-Islamist' and a person who cites Ham, Shem and Japhet as historical figures who lived in the past?

Besides that, I am more than willing to accept genetic studies even if they go Islamic teachings.

A wholly contradictory position.

If you are willing to jettison Islamic teachings when they are proven wrong, you are willing to accept that they are not infallible. Why then do you start with these teachings as a default position?

If you had read my earlier posts on this thread, you would know that I believe in freedom of thought & speech, & I encourage being tolerant of different views regardless of how much an individual may disagree.

I, too, believe in motherhood and apple pie.

I also disagree that science is opposed to creationism. Science never rejects God, but it rejects models of God.

Science has nothing to do with God. It neither accepts nor rejects God. It does not take into accou nt that which cannot be measured or weighed. Far less does it enter into models of God.

For example the worship of idols is naturally going to be rejected by science or anyone with a brain.

But of course anyone with a brain is compelled to accept that a man can travel from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from there by horseback to all the heavens, and back again. A wonderful, flexible brain, which knows when and how to turn itself on and off.

Like I said earlier, most Muslims literally believe in the Quran scripture.

That is not compatible with science, nor with history.

Scientific views are always evolving & science itself encourages arguments & critical thinking. Muslims should study & tolerate all kinds of scientific views.

The reverse, unfortunately, is difficult to apply. Scientists will find it difficult to study scriptural views. They may, of course, tolerate such views.

The views that go against Islamic teachings must be studied as well, but I doubt you will find people willing to accept views that go against Islam.

Presumably a typo. Everyone other than a Muslim of your definition will find it possible to accept views that go against Islam.
confused? LOL sure buddy.
Just because we chose to stop worshiping rocks does not mean we are confused.
Even after 1000 years your @sses are still burning that we moved on.
YOu guys are projecting your insecurities on us, Pakistanis are Proud of be Muslim, Proud to be Pakistani And Proud of the IVC and all other history that happened on our soil.

Deal with it.
there is nothing called Ancient Pakistan.. That is the absurdity being taught to the Pakistani kids..
Your ignorance is in abundance. Read this information about history of ancient Pakistan

The first known inhabitants of the modern-day Pakistan region are believed to have been the Soanian (Homo erectus), who settled in the Soan Valley and Riwat 1.9 million years ago. Over the next several thousand years, the region would develop into various civilizations like Mehrgarh and the Indus Valley Civilization. Prior to the independence as a modern state in 1947, the country was both independent and under various colonial empires throughout different time periods. The region's ancient history also includes some of the oldest empires from the subcontinent[1] and some of its major civilizations.[2][3][4][5] Thus, Pakistan is in fact a multi-regional state and not a South Asian state actor only; its history if analyzed in depth would prove the point

Soanian Culture

An early farming village in Mehrgarh, c. 7000 BCE, with houses built with mud bricks. (Musée Guimet, Paris).
The Soanian is an archaeological culture of the Lower Paleolithic (ca. 1.9 mya to 125,000 BC), contemporary to the Acheulean. It is named after the Soan Valley in the Sivalik Hills, near modern-day Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The bearers of this culture were Homo erectus. In Adiyala and Khasala[disambiguation needed], about 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) from Rawalpindi, on the bend of the Soan River hundreds of edged pebble tools were discovered. No human skeletons of this age have yet been found. In the Soan River Gorge many fossil bearing rocks are exposed on the surface. The 14 million year old fossils of gazelle, rhinoceros, crocodile, giraffe and rodents have been found there. Some of these fossils are on display at the Natural History Museum in Islamabad.


Mehrgarh, (7000–5500 BCE), on the Kachi Plain of Balochistan, is an important Neolithic site discovered in 1974, with early evidence of farming and herding,[11] and dentistry.[1] Early residents lived in mud brick houses, stored grain in granaries, fashioned tools with copper ore, cultivated barley, wheat, jujubes and dates, and herded sheep, goats and cattle. As the civilization progressed (5500–2600 BCE) residents began to engage in crafts, including flint knapping, tanning, bead production, and metalworking. The site was occupied continuously until 2600 BCE,[12] when climatic changes began to occur. Between 2600 and 2000 BCE, region became more arid and Mehrgarh was abandoned in favour of the Indus Valley,[13] where a new civilization was in the early stages of development.

Read more
History of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Way to go :tup:


This 'Saraswati' is at best conjecture. I have done extensive reading on this, I have done my own search via the Google Earth imagery. Even if indeed this river did flow along the route ( modern Hakra-Gaggar drybed ) nothing much changes. Majority of this 'Saraswati still falls in Pakistan.

At any rate there are minor sites not even worth taking about. Saraswati if even it it flowed at that time was just a appendage and any sites are just minor satellites of Indus River sites like Harrapa or Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan.

But more importantly the epic and defining cities of IVC, Mohenjo Daro or Harrapa DO NOT fall anywhere near this mythical Saraswati.

Now challange you to post pictures of IVC sites on the 'Saraswati'. Who knows if they are significant enough than we might even have a new category - The SVC. The Saraswati Civilization.

1. At any rate I challange you to upload photographs of actual sites on what was Saraswati. DO NOT use any sites on the Indus. Let us see what meat this mythical Saraswati has. NO artist drawings. Just plain pictures.

2. I suspect besides the 'hole in the sand' Kalibangan and a few bricks there is not going to be much. Than we will post pictures of the actual sites in Pakistan on the Indus River System. Let us than compare.

What annoys me is the heritage of our forefathers that lies under our very feet is being 'plundered' and 'claimed' by Indians sat in Karanatka, Tamil Nadu, Chennai etc

Hello Joe, nice to see you join us.
^ Dude you should make another topic to discuss the compatibility of science with religion. Science and religion are two different domains of knowledge. I personally don't see any conflict between them as i dont see any discoveries of science disprove any of my religious belief or i don't see any of my religious beliefs reject any fact or truth of science. Religion is more like philosophy or metaphysics :)

1. Thank you for your suggestion.
2. Kindly do not address me as "Dude". I am neither your contemporary nor your intimate.
Brahui people of Balochistan still to date are linguistically Dravidians.. The term called Pakistan was coined in 1933 by the the two nation theory advocates and that's all the age of the word.. Show me any mention of it any where else before 1930's and then i will consider your BS ancient Pakistani claims.

Sarawswati -

The present-day Sarsuti (Saraswati River) originates in a submontane region (Ambala district) and joins the Ghaggar near Shatrana in Punjab. Near Sadulgarh (Hanumangarh) the Naiwal channel, a dried out channel of the Sutlej, joins the Ghaggar. Near Suratgarh the Ghaggar is then joined by the dried up Drishadvati (Chautang) river.

Ghaggar-Hakra river - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Along the course of the Ghaggar-Hakra river are many archaeological sites of the Indus Valley Civilization; but not further south than the middle of Bahawalpur district.

In a survey conducted by M.R. Mughal between 1974 and 1977, over 400 sites were mapped along 300 miles of the Hakra river.majority of these sites were dated to the fourth or third millennium BC

The river flows in Haryana and there are plenty of sites in Haryana along the route.

List of Indus Valley Civilization sites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

confused? LOL sure buddy.
Just because we chose to stop worshiping rocks does not mean we are confused.
Even after 1000 years your @sses are still burning that we moved on.
YOu guys are projecting your insecurities on us, Pakistanis are Proud of be Muslim, Proud to be Pakistani And Proud of the IVC and all other history that happened on our soil.

Deal with it.

:rofl: Look at this funny Pakistani!! You stopped worshiping rocks and started worshiping bombs.. Btw, IVC is all about rocks too.. they had the same pagan practices that you hate so much..

And you say you moved on.. That is not exactly the case.. Stop sending terrorists in my country and then no one will even think about your lot..
1. No evidence of Pakistanis are IVC descendants, South-Indians at least have some.
2. IVC was isolated for all this years, the guys who believes the first part is stupid.
3. Pakistan word coined in 1930s, 40s IVC discovered in 1840s and then you say it is a exclusive heritage of IVC.. do you not see how screwed the logic sounds?
I am a strong advocate of the 'Indus man' and discussed this subject at length in another thread. Few things I would like to add.

1. The Indus Valley Civilization is centred on the geographic Indus Valley which is why it is not called the Gangetic Civilization etc.


2. Like any civilization you don't get a clear cut off point or a exact defined border.They tend to to have central zone which is the centre of gravity and as you move further away the gravity field gets weaker.


3. Without a shred of doubt the Indus Valley is centred on Pakistan, have a look at a map and see how the Indus is Pakistan's main artery. What Nile is to Egypt, Indus is to Pakistan. Cut off the Indus and Pakistan is finished.

Do not agree.
4. Therefore Indus Valley Civilization is centred on what is now Pakistan. The main sites Mohenjo Daro [Sindh] or [Harrapa] Punjab are in Pakistan.

Agree. Read this with my previous comment. This is accurate, the previous statement was not.

4. Imagine a lamp in the dark. proximate to it will be very well lit but as you move further away the effect will get weaker and weaker. Clearly there will bea area that will come within definition of 'lit'. However you can't draw a exact line where the 'unlit' zone starts from. But we know a certain distance from the lamp will be outside it's zone.

5. In the same way the IVC was centred in Pakistan ,however areas as far as Eastern Iran, modern Tajikistan in Central Asia and western India came also under the influence of IVC. But the fact is IVC is central to the Indus Valley which in turn is central to Pakistan.

This is a skewed description. It does not reflect the reality on the ground, but what Pakistani patriots would like to see as the reality. Such selective reporting does no credit to any case being made on the basis of facts.

6. IVC sities have been found all over beyond it's incubation zone, the Indus. However most of these sities are neglible. For example Kalibangan in India is just a hole in the mud. Lothal is Gujrat is just a few huts with modern day excavated reservoir called the dock. I could dig a hole in the ground in Sahara and fill it up with water !!!

Why was it necessary to cite equally weighty, or light-weight, sites to the west?

7. Now compare the sites where the real meat of the IVC is, in Pakistan. Mohejo Daro or Harrapa. These are huge. Please do go over to Google Earth and see for yourself. On some maps I have seen there appear to be 10s of dots in India suggesting that India has as much if not more of the IVC. The truth is if you check Google ERarth imagery there is nothing on the ground where the dots are placed except Lothal although even that is just a few huts.

Can we be objective for a moment? Is this statement being made considering how much concentrated effort went into two sites, and how little has been done so far on the others? Was it ever the objective of archaeologists to measure the extent and depth of these sides, to lend weight to nationalist arguments?

8. Any doubts? Well anybody with spare energy and time please upload actual photos of these sites. Group them according to countries and you shall see what I mean. Do please exclude artistic dreams. Let us stick to actual photographs, aerial and ground.

By all means, let us compare the situation on the ground as it was in 1840, another favourite date that has been cited. What will these snapshots show? Only progress as of a certain year. Is that how we assess historical ground realities?

9. If U, V, W, X, Y, Z were my ancestors it does not follow I will look like U or V because over the generations because of new input of blood from W,X,Y I will have evolved. Evolution is everywhere. Anatolian Turks are a Turkic people but they do NOT look like their brothers in Kazakistan because of additional blood from native Anatolia and the Balkans.


10. As part of evolution and change languages also mutate and entire people change religion. Ancient Greeks were not Orthodox Christians but try telling modern Greeks ( Hellas ) that Sparta or Socrates has no connection to them and watch the answer you get. similarly the modern Egyptians speak Arabic and are Muslims. Queen Neferititi did not speak Arabic and was definitely not a Muslim. Yet nobody says Misr ( modern Egypt has no connection or right to the legacy of the Ancient Egypt.


11. So in the case of Pakistan which is the modern political unit covering the Indus Valley is the inheritor of the IVC. There is direct thus - IVC > U> V> W> X> Y> Z> Modern Pakistan. People after people invaded leaving behind a layer. Over time layer after layer the eventual evolved 'product' is the modern Punjabi, Sindhi etc. Pakistan.

This is baffling.

Were the original inhabitants homogeneous? If so, after repeated common invasions, and presumably common genetic overlays, how are the people of political Pakistan so diverse?

Were the original inhabitants homogeneous, but were they inflicted by diverse invasions? Were the genetic overlays different? If so, what is today the common theme binding the peoples of Pakistan? Not Pakistan; as people from all countries have pointed out, that was a recent creation. Is it that the heirs of the IVC are a diverse group of people? If so, how will you apply your central lamp model to this? Is the IVC the legacy of Harappa, or is it the legacy of Mohenjodaro? Who has a greater right to the legacy? Assuming for a moment that there is a legacy, which is itself debatable.

12. This is the actiual fact on the ground. Nothing is going to change that. Right now Pakistani's have 'disconnected' from their motherland the Indus Valley but the mighty Indus shall reclaim her people, time is on her side. Increasingly more and more Pakistani's will embrace their motherland and in doing soing accept their forefathers. They have everything to gain for they should take pride that it was their forefathers that gave this part of the world 'civilization'.

This is not part of what I believe can be discussed, as these are legitimate wishes and aspirations, but not matters for discussion.

13. For people like me I see increasing awareness of Pakistan real background and many Pakistani's like Aitzaz Ahsan's book 'The Indus Man' and Prof. Hasan Dhani [ kindly mentioned by Joe Shearer ] have set the ball rolling. Time will take care of everything. No people, Pakistani's included can stay estranged from their forefathers. This article ' A Muslim Majority Indus' is one more small effort in that direction. Change is slow but it wil happen.

As above. These are the legitimate aspirations of the people of Pakistan. I have no comment.

14. Just to clarify some points here, in the formula U,V,W,X etc I openly acknowledge that there will have been Vedic people, Greek people, Buddhist people, Hindu people etc who went into making the modern people of Pakistan.

This is best kept aside for the moment. Its acceptance or rejection does not affect the tenor of Atanz' arguments.


To the Pakistani's of whatever political shade I suggest you all embrace your history from even before IVC going back to MehrGarh in Balochistan near the Afghan border and anything and everything in between on that 6,000 long years road that has brought us to today. From IVC, Panini, Alexander the Great, Porus, to Taxila, to Buddhist period, then the Hindu Kingdoms and arrival of Islam to the British conquest in 1849 to 1947 and today.

The story of Pakistan - Indus Valley starts here <skip>
1. Thank you for your suggestion.
2. Kindly do not address me as "Dude". I am neither your contemporary nor your intimate.


dude is simply use to refer an individual mostly Male just like guy, chap, mate etc. I will not use it next time if you found it offensive :D

3. Pakistan word coined in 1930s, 40s IVC discovered in 1840s and then you say it is a exclusive heritage of IVC.

You need to use your brain. Sure word "Pakistan"[name given to land of present day pakistan] might coined in 1930 but Pakistani peoples were existed on this land and were living there for centuries. They did not appeared from sky out of nowhere in 1930 at the time of creation
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