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A "Million March" Anti-India rally to take place in UK calling for 'independence of Kashmir'

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A "Million March" is to take place on October 26 which expects to see thousands of people rally
Something not quite right with this o_O

Well its about time we talk about the elephant in the room
Who is this "we"? All I ever hear Pakistanis talking about is Kashmir, I think you've done enough talking on the matter.
VERY INTERESTING....The Kashmirs march for Independence on UK soil, will give the much needed impact and support.
I have already plans to go. Kashmir baney ga Pakistan. :pakistan:
It will have ZERO impact.

I don't know if there is some sort of coordinated strategy at work here but it seems that these sort of anti-India events are being organised (primarily by Pakistani groups) more and more regularly in the West for example those rallies that were to be held protesting Modi in the US but that received precisely 0 air time.

If I got my tin foil hat on I would say there is some sort of plot at work here most likely with Pakistani govt/state fingerprints all over it.

Or, more likely, the Pakistani Diaspora are becoming ever more frustrated with their domestic issues and are lashing out at the typical "bogey man"- India and dragging up the same issues, Kashmir.
Don't Pakis in UK disguise themselves as Indian?
Don't know enough Pakistanis to know if this is the case.

Don't the British people hates Pakis???
There have been issues between the Asian (Indian/Bangledeshi/Pakistani) and White communities since the 50s, lately for various reasons the Pakistani community specifically has been on the receiving end of a lot more intolerance/hatred though.
It will have ZERO impact.

I don't know if there is some sort of coordinated strategy at work here but it seems that these sort of anti-India events are being organised (primarily by Pakistani groups) more and more regularly in the West for example those rallies that were to be held protesting Modi in the US but that received precisely 0 air time.

Interesting you should mention this. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theory but looking at the course of events that have unfolded, looks like a lot of it is organized.

What's unfolding is turning out to be hilarious though. Can't wait for more.
@Shamsher Singh Bajwa

What average hindu think of sikh


In 1984 hindus killed/rap** thousands of sikhs on street of Delhi. Its believed 21% of current day sikhs have hindu father from 84 riots.

the march is sponsored by Pakistani islamic terrorist organizations,the ISI and Jamaat-ud-Daawa

Another one who is ashamed of being Indian :rofl:
Interesting you should mention this. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theory but looking at the course of events that have unfolded, looks like a lot of it is organized.
I am not a fan of this sort of conspiracy nonsense either but there have been a rather strange chain of events recently along these lines. As I've mentioned the anti-mood rallies in the US but I you'll remember there had been a move in the UK parliament recently to denounce India's actions in Kashmir and this was sponsored by British-Pakistani MPs.

Additionally (as much as I would be dubious to believe anything they have to say) I remember watching a report on Times Now on the Modi visit to the US where a journalist of that network claimed they had proven a link between certain Pakistani organisations and these anti-India/Modi rallies being organised I do take this with a bucket of salt but, in this context, it sort of fits.
Don't Pakistani in UK disguise themselves as Indian??? Don't the British people hates Pakis???

Why would any British Pakistani identify as an Indian considering the Indian male is considered an epitome of ugliness, and the fact that Indians are a weak people. Trust me, Indians are hated or at least disliked world over. Even non-racists dislike Indian males.

And still lolling at false flag. Haha.
In 1984 hindus killed/rap** thousands of sikhs on street of Delhi. Its believed 21% of current day sikhs have hindu father from 84 riots.

There are about 20 million sikhs in India. There were 8000 deaths in the riots. You work out the math.

This is exactly why I love Pakistani textbooks - it's so entertaining to non-Pakistanis.
Right! Because you know me, better than i know myself right? Just stop being a 5 year old for once ..please!

We don't recognize Khalistan as a part of India, so quit trolling. By "India", I mean the bhaiyyaland. Where all the self-loathing(as they are loathed by others) false flaggers hail from.

Go tell that to an Indian Sikh in person bro, don't expect to walk away with all your teeth.

Go and tell a Sikh in vancouver that he is an Indian and see what he'd do to you. Haha.

idiot.....sikhs are true indians.....unlike Balochis who don't consider themselves as Pakistanis

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz
Kashmirs need to do such rallies through out World Countries, not just only Britain.
Explain why exactly? You think the world cares? Maybe you could have got somewhere a decade or so ago when Kashmir was quite literally on fire and India was but a small player on the world stage but not today when Kashmir is at peace (pretty much) and India is a growing global power.

Oh and let's not forget "Azad" Kashmir is hardly a utopian vision these days, is it?
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