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Featured A Master Stroke That Could Change Entire Landscape of Karachi, Sindh

its not just talat hussain or hamid mir etc but entire media group
yes you can turn them by addressing all the weak point they highlight,. they dont even have to try and lie
PTI performance has been dismal .
change for better and the critics will run out of fuel to use against Imran and PTI
You're talking about an ideal world. There will always be issues to talk about and things to fix. You can't sidestep all these in a democracy. However I feel that the parliament hasn't delivered, and it is time we think about an alternate type of government. Maybe even CCP style.
This is where I don't agree with you. If Imran Khan doesn't get the support of media against PPP, he will lose support of Karachi in next election.

Might be true to some extent. People are wary of anyone who doesn't fix their immediate problems. For all of IK's issues, at least he is not a "harami" (arabic meaning thief).
This is where I don't agree with you. If Imran Khan doesn't get the support of media against PPP, he will lose support of Karachi in next election.
I am sure Media will fall in line once it runs out of genuine stories of failure of PTI and will either go quiet or will sheepishly approach previous targets of criticism in the dark of the night
You're talking about an ideal world. There will always be issues to talk about and things to fix. You can't sidestep all these in a democracy. However I feel that the parliament hasn't delivered, and it is time we think about an alternate type of government. Maybe even CCP style.
no brother
even in the west there is no ideal Utopia. I am asking for 20 or 30% good news
we dont even have that. Media is not a principled singular entity bound together by some religious code
it is a mish mash of egotistic self centered self serving opinion makers and profit minded owners
they will bend like wax when they will see the changes and the mood.

I wont waste your time
one example
Feb/ March 19, check out the reporting of Hamid Mir during his visit in Balakot. he is otherwise open critic of military but that day he was singing the ISPR song without a script..
no brother
even in the west there is no ideal Utopia. I am asking for 20 or 30% good news
we dont even have that. Media is not a principled singular entity bound together by some religious code
it is a mish mash of egotistic self centered self serving opinion makers and profit minded owners
they will bend like wax when they will see the changes and the mood.

I wont waste your time
one example
Feb/ March 19, check out the reporting of Hamid Mir during his visit in Balakot. he is otherwise open critic of military but that day he was singing the ISPR song without a script..

Of course there is no utopia. Mass mobilizing the media requires a lot of $$$ and truth be said, I will hate IK for squandering public money just to up his ratings. Where's the PTI media cell now anyway, they're awfully quiet.

Hamid Mir is an opportunist janab. How could he not kowtow the official line against Balakot lest he be declared a traitor (which he probably is).
Unfortunately, I don't see IK learning anything until it's too late.

And we are not saying to give money to anchors.. There are many ways this government can support favorable media outlets who have a pro Pakistan track record. One example is long public awareness advertisements (such as how to behave in COVID times, how to respect traffic rules, morality etc). Our public really needs to be reminded and educated about many behaviors we have forgotten in chaos.

Last year, when I visited Pakistan, people behind me broke the queue to get to the immigration desk. I tried to force them to move back.. They refused.. I tried to get help of other people.. and to my surprise they told me to let it go.

We have to educate our people how to fight for their rights.. These short msgs can be delivered through favorbale media outlets.
he turned to something else since he married to his recluse wife (she worries me).
I think he does listen to a confident person so there is some chance although very slim I agree
I am sure Media will fall in line once it runs out of genuine stories of failure of PTI and will either go quiet or will sheepishly approach previous targets of criticism in the dark of the night
It's just that media right now gives too much time to highlight the failures. I don't want that they stop highlighting them.. In a democracy, media should continuously expose government's failures.. But media should also highlight responsibilities and failures of provincial governments when we know 18th amendment is in place.
A common man in Karachi has started blaming PTI becuase he thinks Karachi voted for a party that's in the federal government. He doesn't know that complexities of the tussle between provinces and centre.
PTI has wasted alot of time..its performance has been subpar

fortunately it still has time but PTI will not win if it doesn't fix at least three major issues
1. utilities, electricity, gas and fuel issues. By securing gas supply and investing heavily in electricity infrasture, privatization and plugging in loses
2. Karachi (Karachi is the key to win reelection and can even help to bag the province)..mainly, water, power, transport, and sewerage. all it needs is to draw a planning map and then use japan and china has a source of funding
3. food security by correcting the sugar cane issue, and helping in local harvesting of oil and pulses bringing down food prices

both are fixable but require a lot of planning ...the good news is PTI has 3 years time, the bad news is it has no more cushion left as it has already wasted 2 years.
The ppp political snails are the most vile, wretched scum in all of Pakistan. It is almost inconceivable to think such people actually exist in the world today.

In my view, ppp's political elite ought to be dragged on to the streets, butt naked and whipped till they are bled dry.
The ppp political snails are the most vile, wretched scum in all of Pakistan. It is almost inconceivable to think such people actually exist in the world today.

In my view, ppp's political elite ought to be dragged on to the streets, butt naked and whipped till they are bled dry.

Agree with you. No place for such wadera shahi in 21st century.

don't be too happy its a step which is bound to back fire and would a Failure .... Shaheen Shabai is mistaken here ....

How, bro? What do you think?
Feeling despondent about my city. Nothing is going to change till PPP is there. Notice how everyone has quietened down on Uzair Baloch JIT even though the entire top leadership of PPP was caught with a smoking gun.
Feeling despondent about my city. Nothing is going to change till PPP is there. Notice how everyone has quietened down on Uzair Baloch JIT even though the entire top leadership of PPP was caught with a smoking gun.
Blame the justice system. He withdrew his testimony apparently and you can indict him. Pakistan needs a full revamp of the justice system and introduce jury system similar to USA.
There's a lot of talk about media perceptions and what media does with respect to the situation in Karachi. I disagree that media has a significant role in this and PPP knows this very well. Karachi and Hyderabad are probably the only places that are affected strongly by what the media says and these places already don't vote PPP. Most of their vote is literally anti-PPP (in the shape of JI, MQM, or PTI). The rural population of Sindh does not have access to or care about what the media says, and they are the ones keeping PPP in power. Unless a political party spends a tremendous amount of time and effort campaigning and working in interior Sindh, there won't be any change in voter patterns. Unfortunately, PTI stands on too shaky legs to be able to do this. So sadly, I don't see anything changing for the better.
Note:Feeling little happy! Journalist Shaheen Sehbai indirectly seconded me.


A Master Stroke That Could Change Entire Landscape of Karachi, Sindh

Shaheen Sehbai

KAPTAAN Imran Khan and his struggling team were desperately looking for a loose ball to handle Karachi and Sindh, as nothing was working despite a comfortable mandate given by Karachi to PTI.

Then God came down.

Everyone, and his aunt telltale, was shouting from the rooftop that Karachi, and Sindh, had been ignored and left to the stray dogs in the streets of the entire province, biting and killing innocent people, while corrupt leaders were enjoying judicial, political and medical reliefs.

PM Khan was stuck between a rural PPP majority and a divided spectrum of other Sindhis who could not counter a Bhutto vote, no matter if it went to the advantage of an incorrigible Zardari clan.

So Khan had to go along with the antics and political gimmicks of the PPP, with Zardari sometimes coming out strongly against the army, in fits of rage, threatening to expose army generals and bringing down bricks over bricks or at other times hiding for weeks and months citing medical issues that almost invariably hit all men of his age and his habits.

Another big political game was to give time to the upcoming heir of the Bhutto legacy, Bilawal, the nick-named son of Zardari, to get training on the job, learning how to speak in Urdu, how to make jokes, how to understand political terms, how to attack the Establishment, how to behave like his slain mother in almost similar tones, as if that would get him the respect and get him votes.

When two years back Bilawal started to gain some confidence and his dad had not thrown in the towel yet, the young Zardari was cut down to his size as dad Zardari told a public meeting that he was still inexperienced and needed more training, meaning he should not yet be taken seriously.

Then things moved fast and Zardari decided it was time for him to hibernate and disappear and let young Bilawal take to the streets with uncles and aunts surrounding him to guide him through the political maze at every step.

Is it not an unfortunate and sorrowful comedy that elders and seniors like Ch. Aitzaz Ahsan, Farhatullah Babar, Sherry Rehman, Farooq Naik, Sardar Latif Khosa and their likes, bow their heads before a novice who is being tutored and trained by these very people to learn politics and try to pose as a leader. He is being treated as a student and the Dean of Professors, at the same time.

But even Bilawal and his tutors have their limits. While vultures were raiding Karachi and Sindh, unchallenged at least until the next round of political changes, Islamabad was getting the flak for doing nothing. PTI Governor flexed his muscles off and on but could hardly do
anything. The Rangers were deployed and after so many years have almost lost their efficacy or the fear that such a force could create among criminals.

Then the skies came down crying.

Karachiites took a heavy down pouring of disaster. Not just the narrow streets but also the main highways were flooded with just two to three inches of rain. Water entered all bedrooms and sitting rooms, washing away whatever little the poor chaps owned.

The media did the rest and for several days the nation watched helplessly how Sindh government succumbed to the disaster that in any other country would have been a mild charge of severe weather.

Discussing the situation with all stakeholders and power centres, Prime Minister Imran Khan moved in and announced to send in the national disaster management team, which for all practical purposes is manned and handled by the army.

He also formally invited the army to move in and do what is needed. Apparently it was just a reaction to the rain disaster and the clogged and choked state of Karachi, but in political terms it had a much wider scope and a move with far-reaching consequences.

Karachi has been left to the devils for too long and everything is in a broken shape: the residents litter heaps of garbage every day to add to their suicidal miseries but there is no leadership at any level to educate the people on this self-destructive measure; millions of plastic bags clog every water and sewerage drain; whatever little that seeps out goes into the sea that creates further environmental and sea life issues; there is no plan or no authority that can think of tackling this massive menace.

So now when the NDMA and the army marches in, what are they supposed to do and what effect can this move have?

The first natural step would be for the troops that are stationed in cantonments around Karachi to move on to the streets and let the city planners, water/sewage experts, wherever they may come from, to assess what is needed and how to go about the huge task.

Army troops on Karachi streets will have an immediate sobering impact on many other evils that were playing havoc, unchecked. The target killers, the motorcycle bandits, bank and ATM robbers, political, religious or social protestors, carrying hidden or even open arms, will think twice whether to take the law into their hands.

For everyone’s great relief the tyranny of the uniformed, politicized and unrepentant Sindh Police will automatically be cut to size, although the army will technically be there only for disaster relief. Yet the mere presence of troops will have a tremendous restraining effect.
The task of the army will not be a short-lived affair.

It will take weeks and months of preparing a Master Plan to begin the work on the streets and many more weeks and months for the machines, cranes, trucks and containers to start moving mountains of garbage.

It will have to be decided where these mountains will be dumped and how and at what cost this environmental hazard be disposed of. The previous plans and projects to turn this waste into energy will have to be revisited and revived if needed.

More than the physical garbage removal and cleanup, a very determined and powerful media and information campaign will have to be launched with millions in budgets to educate the people not to create further problems. Social responsibility will have to be induced, forcibly if needed.

A very strict ban on use of plastic bags will have to be enforced with a properly thought out strategy to replace the plastic with biodegradable material. Many countries in the world have achieved these environmental targets and their expertise and experience will have to be utilized.

Many more aspects of this huge task will be discussed and pointed out by experts but once the big plan takes shape and things start moving on the streets of Karachi, it will be the beginning of a long and never ending embarrassment for the Sindh PPP Government.

For almost three decades PPP has been in power in the province and not once have they tried to address this issue. Yet if the NDMA and the army produce results, and quick ones, people all over the country will have to believe this was a deliberate sin, a punishable act of commission. There will be a political price.

On another level, this one single act will give Imran Khan and the federal government a strong foothold in Karachi and Sindh.

By one stroke of pen, all the legal and constitutional complications of imposing Governor’s Rule or taking direct measures by the federal government have been bypassed.

The PPP and the Sindh Government cannot raise any objection as Karachi is facing a major disaster, which the local and provincial authorities have failed to handle.

With the induction of the army, if there was any room for political chest beating by the Sindh Government, it has been taken care of. Mr Asif Zardari or Bilawal or Chief Minister Shah do not have the guts to come out and attack the army. They have millions of other issues to worry about.

So in the coming weeks when law and order improves on Karachi streets, crime goes down, the presence of troops gives confidence to businesses to step up, streets start to get better and people are told and forced to behave, the entire scenario will change.

PPP and Sindh Government will remain bystanders and will have to watch the show from sidelines. No political move, fresh polls or a parliamentary shake-up will have produced these results.

Mr Imran Khan should thank God and his advisers for creating this opening.

Well, I said, to an extent, same thing on my last recent below thread few days ago.


May Allah bless my city which I love ABSOLUTELY.


7th July is not far away. Hope for the best because 12 years of shit can't cleared in few days. Federal must make Karachi as a part of Federal administrative area. Only solution to solve Karachi problems or else PPP will kill Karachi soon. I am also considering to move from Karachi to anywhere in Punjab due to this Bagarat PPP.
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