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A man who tried to rescue Sri Lankan engineer Prianatha Kumara facing threats and leaving Pakistan

I agree that he shouldn't vanish but instead join progressive movements like the Socialists and Communists which have been there in Pakistan for a 100 years ( he should establish contact with Arooj Aurangzeb's group ) and there are other progressives and rationals too. He should seek their help in moving his house somewhere safer.

It is unfortunate that most modern desi Muslims are filth, totally unaware of the gentleness, empathy, progressiveness and rationality of Islam and instead they are just ritualist and literalist zombies who think Islam is all about praying and doing three hajjs every five years and wearing burqa ( especially in India ) and marching on the roads chanting "Ghustak-e-rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda" in support of a man from 1400 years ago who would have laughed at their imbecility at the least. Who are these irrational ritualist filths to speak on behalf of Islam and take it upon themselves to lynch someone for it ?

I see that in India of recent, since the mid-2000s :



Should these above uglies be allowed to represent Islam and the magnificent history of Muslims who lived the Islamic Golden Age that contributed to a good bit of the modern amenities that we now in the modern world use daily ?

And the first photo with the crooks holding a poster saying Raza Academy... these idiots grandly went to Iraq in 2003 just before the American military and its allies were about to invade and when the invasion became imminent these Tableeghi idiots ran back to India, never once thinking of staying there to defend Iraq even by helping with ambulance work.

This situation is somewhat same in Pakistan, including the lynching of Mashal Khan in 2017 but Pakistan has Aurat Marches who openly challenge these zombies and there are some on PDF who join the Lal Masjid crooks in throwing stones on the Aurat March under the cover of Haya March and these PDFers will not be seen on this thread in expressing sadness about Malik Adnan leaving Pakistan and expressing outrage that there are people who threaten him for save a human from a frenzied lynch mob : @Areesh,@Sayfullah, @Mujahid Memon, @hussain0216, @MultaniGuy and @Titanium100. We will also not see on this thread the non-desi mullahs : @Indos, @SalarHaqq, @Muhammed45 and @_Nabil_. We will also not see on this thread the Indian mullah @xeuss who can go on and on about the "depraved Hindu society" but will not condemn the undeniable depravity among Muslims which he should be striving to eradicate. Sayfullah declared me murtad a few days ago in a thread that thread Areesh started to complain about my blasphemy. No, it is not me blaspheming and being a murtad but each and every one of these mullahs who lynch and destroy usually on orders of NATO who are the blasphemers and murtads.

Bangladesh though more progressive than India and Pakistan, is also getting mullah'fied especially with NATO now speaking for "democratic elections" so that NATO can do regime change and insert a mullah regime there too.

Yes, this lynching was posted on PDF. Absolutely tragic, done by zombies

Sur, you want to do good so please do not spread misinfo. Mashal Khan was himself a Socialist and a secularist and hated by the mullahs and he was lynched by them on charges of blasphemy. I am myself a Communist and we Communists are not mindless zombies to lynch a sensitive, poetry-filled youth. Please watch this wonderful interview of "Leather Jacket Girl" Arooj Aurangzeb who is a Pakistani leftist and she and her comrades hold Mashal Khan as their ideal :

Why would she and her group lynch their comrade Mashal ?

Any inclusion of ANP in this investigation either is an afterthought by the government which is opposed to leftism anyway or an ANP member was involved in the lynching but he was in ANP not for ideological reason but only because of being power-hungry. Below is from the Wikipedia page for Mashal's lynching :

Yes, it is said that many a time a female is the worst enemy of a female.

And yes, many desi "Muslims" still carry the Hindu caste system. Only a few days ago Mujahid Memon and Titanium called me Bhangi derisively. This was my response to them, appealing in the name of the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad who spoke for Muslims not to discriminate amongst themselves based on race and also that everyone is a child of Adam and Eve. Yet these members continued calling me Bhangi in derision.
@WebMaster you give me points for trolling but never do anything about this commie troll? What else should I respond to a commie perverted troll than “shut up pervert”?
1. So no condemnation from you about the lynching and no sadness and anger that the hero who tried the victim is now having to leave Pakistan because of threats by mullahs.
See when you deviate the subject by your hateful speech, and then you argue people don't talk about it.

Yet you call me as brainwashed ? And you haven't even read the lengthy posts I have made yesterday in the 'Iran protests' thread yesterday where one of my posts linked to another lengthy post of mine.
Did read your hypocrite post and quoted you

2. You seem to speak passionately against colonialism yet you living in North Africa fail to acknowledge the anti-colonial and internationalist work of Jamal Abdul Nasser, Muammar Gaddafi and the Algerian Socialists who were your immediate or regional neighbors.
What the Fúck is that ? What have Abdennacer, Gaddafi and Boumdyne to do with the subject?? Are you high???

Have a read of this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is an article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Modern Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s. An Algerian member, Ceylal, has commented there nicely. Your own Tunisia is a progressive society and that didn't come about through mullahs lynching whoever they want. Read that thread and see how little you understand Islam and humanity in general and be humble and learn. :)

Seriously, no more jamahir bullshit reading, I'm not interested and you are close to be put in ignore list, your case is hopeless...
3. The very next lines of the section of my post you quoted had the below but why didn't you quote it ?

Why didn't you quote this and tell Areesh, Sayfullah and the likes that you have no time for those brainwashed murtads and then leave a laugh emoji ?
I have nothing against Murtads, I encourage brainless people to leave Islam, honestly we don't need more stupid people, we have already plenty, so every one leaving is good news for me ✌️
Pakistan should care about what the Congress thinks. It is called knowing which side of the bread is buttered. Pakistan is known to have committed very many less than legal acts for 'national security'.

The inside story is this: this Dr. Afridi cause is popular among many Senators. Senators have an important power called 'Hold'. They can prevent any bill from being brought to table.
And??? How's this related to our original point?? Senators have power in the US but how TH is is related to the original stupid comparison

move the hell on if there's no point to it, instead of going in circles
Pakistan should care about what the Congress thinks. It is called knowing which side of the bread is buttered. Pakistan is known to have committed very many less than legal acts for 'national security'.

The inside story is this: this Dr. Afridi cause is popular among many Senators. Senators have an important power called 'Hold'. They can prevent any bill from being brought to table.
Do you really think congress or senators make decisions based on the status of one foreign national who wasn’t even loyal to his own country. If he was really that important, John Kerry would have came up with superb plan to set him free. He is an expandable foreign assets that is of no use anymore. Many shakeel Afradi were recruited and sacrificed during WoT.

Now the only issue his information in the news media as a foreign agent.

If he was to set free then it will severely undermine Pakistan security establishment by sending wrong single to anyone who is willing to work against the state for money or visas. It will embolden the recruitment of foreign assets inside Pakistan by any foreign agency.

If he is not set free, then it sends a clear message to foreign assets that they gonna get caught and rot in jail. Which is discouraging when it comes to recruitment and retention of such assets by CIA / MI6 and so on.
And??? How's this related to our original point?? Senators have power in the US but how TH is is related to the original stupid comparison

move the hell on if there's no point to it, instead of going in circles
The point is about 'image'; The previous PM made a lot of hue and cry about 'Islamophobia'. That won't go away if fuel is fed to the fire. The said PM also was very unhappy that he didn't get a phone call.
Pakistan is cursed with corruption and extremism. Unless the silent majority shed blood to take back control - there is no hope.
Do you really think congress or senators make decisions based on the status of one foreign national who wasn’t even loyal to his own country.
The only reason I even know about him is because mysteriously his name was being dropped whenever there was a debate in Congress about Pakistan (I sometimes watch C-SPAN). Biden was VP when Osama was taken out. Then IK was unhappy that there was no phone call.

I spent 30 seconds to pull random examples:

The only reason I even know about him is because mysteriously his name was being dropped whenever there was a debate in Congress about Pakistan (I sometimes watch C-SPAN). Biden was VP when Osama was taken out. Then IK was unhappy that there was no phone call.

I spent 30 seconds to pull random examples:

These are pressure tactics or excuses to halt aid or sale of equipment. If there was no shekel afradi, then it would be next thing on the long list of “do more”. If or when US want something done. It’s gets done. Case in point Raymond Davis got away after killing two people.
These are pressure tactics or excuses to halt aid or sale of equipment. If there was no shekel afradi, then it would be next thing on the long list of “do more”. If or when US want something done. It’s gets done. Case in point Raymond Davis got away after killing two people.
You may be right. But Raymond Davis case is different. Since he is an American, he has to be brought back. They can't just switch off the phone line and stay home. In Afridi's case I think there is a hold by a couple of Senators. Definitely Mike Lee of Utah.
You may be right. But Raymond Davis case is different. Since he is an American, he has to be brought back. They can't just switch off the phone line and stay home. In Afridi's case I think there is a hold by a couple of Senators. Definitely Mike Lee of Utah.
Most of these senators and congressmen are vetted by Deep state /establishment before they even made anywhere close to elections or being considered electable. There are many tools, tactics and levers behind the scenes to weed out those that doesn’t toe the line. Case in point: Even the President (Trump) was booted when he decided to go off course, or in his case Deep state failed to mange him. if you are still in doubt, just look up Gen Mark A. Milley statements he made after the elections.

Now it will take a single phone call from Langley and or equivalent office for Senator Lee to withdraw all his objections the next day. .
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Now it will take a single phone call from Langley and or equivalent for Senator Lee to withdraw all his objections the next day. .
Maybe. But his tenacity has surprised me. That he remembers something from 10 years back and uses it effectively to throw a wrench every time a bill or amendment comes up.
Maybe. But his tenacity has surprised me. That he remembers something from 10 years back and uses it effectively to throw a wrench every time a bill or amendment comes up.
Foreign govt lobbyists make sure he stay on course.
Foreign govt lobbyists make sure he stay on course.
Possible. I watched a House member introduce a bill to offer aid to the flood victims. I think some members on the Foreign Affairs committee killed it. If it had passed, Mike Lee would have scuppered it in Senate.
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