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A man who tried to rescue Sri Lankan engineer Prianatha Kumara facing threats and leaving Pakistan

Idc about what Congress thinks or don't think, none of my concern or even the conversation at hand

Ends do not justify the means
He was jailed for working with CIA a foreign, hostile agency not for anything related to laden

Apply it to anyother country, they'd probably do the same for working with foreign agencies - if mullah Umar was hiding in China or Russia and Chinese, Russian citizen helped CIA for whatever reason
He'd be in jail
Citizens who work with foreign agencies are not well liked anywhere
So yes, it's a Moronic comparison
I assume generals and politicians have get out of jail cards
But Dr. Afridi is still jailed. Legal system in Pakistan can be upside down. Guilty are venerated and virtuous are punished.
His two crimes,
1 - Worked with CIA
2 - Ran a fake polio campaign which caused ripples in local populace that polio campaign is a CIA conspiracy.

The damage from second point is very big.
I agree that he shouldn't vanish but instead join progressive movements like the Socialists and Communists which have been there in Pakistan for a 100 years ( he should establish contact with Arooj Aurangzeb's group ) and there are other progressives and rationals too. He should seek their help in moving his house somewhere safer.

It is unfortunate that most modern desi Muslims are filth, totally unaware of the gentleness, empathy, progressiveness and rationality of Islam and instead they are just ritualist and literalist zombies who think Islam is all about praying and doing three hajjs every five years and wearing burqa ( especially in India ) and marching on the roads chanting "Ghustak-e-rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda" in support of a man from 1400 years ago who would have laughed at their imbecility at the least. Who are these irrational ritualist filths to speak on behalf of Islam and take it upon themselves to lynch someone for it ?

I see that in India of recent, since the mid-2000s :



Should these above uglies be allowed to represent Islam and the magnificent history of Muslims who lived the Islamic Golden Age that contributed to a good bit of the modern amenities that we now in the modern world use daily ?

And the first photo with the crooks holding a poster saying Raza Academy... these idiots grandly went to Iraq in 2003 just before the American military and its allies were about to invade and when the invasion became imminent these Tableeghi idiots ran back to India, never once thinking of staying there to defend Iraq even by helping with ambulance work.

This situation is somewhat same in Pakistan, including the lynching of Mashal Khan in 2017 but Pakistan has Aurat Marches who openly challenge these zombies and there are some on PDF who join the Lal Masjid crooks in throwing stones on the Aurat March under the cover of Haya March and these PDFers will not be seen on this thread in expressing sadness about Malik Adnan leaving Pakistan and expressing outrage that there are people who threaten him for save a human from a frenzied lynch mob : @Areesh,@Sayfullah, @Mujahid Memon, @hussain0216, @MultaniGuy and @Titanium100. We will also not see on this thread the non-desi mullahs : @Indos, @SalarHaqq, @Muhammed45 and @_Nabil_. We will also not see on this thread the Indian mullah @xeuss who can go on and on about the "depraved Hindu society" but will not condemn the undeniable depravity among Muslims which he should be striving to eradicate. Sayfullah declared me murtad a few days ago in a thread that thread Areesh started to complain about my blasphemy. No, it is not me blaspheming and being a murtad but each and every one of these mullahs who lynch and destroy usually on orders of NATO who are the blasphemers and murtads.

Bangladesh though more progressive than India and Pakistan, is also getting mullah'fied especially with NATO now speaking for "democratic elections" so that NATO can do regime change and insert a mullah regime there too.

Yes, this lynching was posted on PDF. Absolutely tragic, done by zombies

Sur, you want to do good so please do not spread misinfo. Mashal Khan was himself a Socialist and a secularist and hated by the mullahs and he was lynched by them on charges of blasphemy. I am myself a Communist and we Communists are not mindless zombies to lynch a sensitive, poetry-filled youth. Please watch this wonderful interview of "Leather Jacket Girl" Arooj Aurangzeb who is a Pakistani leftist and she and her comrades hold Mashal Khan as their ideal :

Why would she and her group lynch their comrade Mashal ?

Yes, it is said that many a time a female is the worst enemy of a female.

And yes, many desi "Muslims" still carry the Hindu caste system. Only a few days ago Mujahid Memon and Titanium called me Bhangi derisively. This was my response to them, appealing in the name of the last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad who spoke for Muslims not to discriminate amongst themselves based on race and also that everyone is a child of Adam and Eve. Yet these members continued calling me Bhangi in derision.

Shut up pervert
His two crimes,
1 - Worked with CIA
2 - Ran a fake polio campaign which caused ripples in local populace that polio campaign is a CIA conspiracy.

The damage from second point is very big.

O S A M A was even dead before 9/11
Sayfullah declared me murtad a few days ago in a thread that thread Areesh started to complain about my blasphemy.
Who really cares about your beliefs?

You can be a murtad, agnostic, atheist, Jew, hinduist, trinitarian, or all together, I really don't care.

You are failing to see, on purpose of course, the real Islamic countries source of problems like colonialism and how he destructed the socio-economic and moral tissues of the societies, add to that the drawing of weird frontline and install of cûcks regimes upon decolonisations.

For you, It's always Islam and Muslim, the problem, not cultural, not educational, I have no time to waste on a brainwashed "Murtad" 😂
OK, what happened is that in December 2021 Priyantha, a Sri Lankan manager in a factory in Pakistan for 11 years was accused by some workers of blasphemy against Islam via deliberately tearing up a poster or a sticker written with Quranic verses. These workers informed their co-zombies and about 800 of them gathered near the factory and he was pulled out of the factory and the zombies began lynching him. The hero of this thread, Malik Adnan, was a deputy manager in the factory and he tried saving him but the Sri Lankan was pulled away from Adnan's rescuing hands and lynched and then his body set on fire. This is the Wikipedia page for it. This lynching is the same what the Irani mullah government has been doing since September so please do not support the Irani mullahs and the South Asian lynching mullahs.

About India's experience of COVID the reasonable Indian experts and foreign experts agreed that four million more Indians died than was the official government number. Why did you not speak about this but instead bring in "Ebeel Commies" via mentioning China and Xi ?

The mob lynching Priyantha last year and Mashal Khan in 2017 and Asia bibi before, all acted on their will that they know Islam whereas they didn't. It is these ritualists and literalists who are staying away from Islam and not the progressives, Communists and so-called liberals. :)
I hate communism more than i hate imperialism. At least imperialists hide behind the word of God, commies are the most shameless liars that ever existed. Btw, Iran and Turkey will kill the last commie Kurds out there.

When it comes to communism, we are merciless.
Idc about what Congress thinks or don't think, none of my concern or even the conversation at hand

Ends do not justify the means
He was jailed for working with CIA a foreign, hostile agency not for anything related to laden

Apply it to anyother country, they'd probably do the same for working with foreign agencies - if mullah Umar was hiding in China or Russia and Chinese, Russian citizen helped CIA for whatever reason
He'd be in jail
Citizens who work with foreign agencies are not well liked anywhere
So yes, it's a Moronic comparison
Pakistan should care about what the Congress thinks. It is called knowing which side of the bread is buttered. Pakistan is known to have committed very many less than legal acts for 'national security'.

The inside story is this: this Dr. Afridi cause is popular among many Senators. Senators have an important power called 'Hold'. They can prevent any bill from being brought to table.
Who really cares about your beliefs?

You can be a murtad, agnostic, atheist, Jew, hinduist, trinitarian, or all together, I really don't care.

You are failing to see, on purpose of course, the real Islamic countries source of problems like colonialism and how he destructed the socio-economic and moral tissues of the societies, add to that the drawing of weird frontline and install of cûcks regimes upon decolonisations.

For you, It's always Islam and Muslim, the problem, not cultural, not educational, I have no time to waste on a brainwashed "Murtad" 😂

1. So no condemnation from you about the lynching and no sadness and anger that the hero who tried to save the victim is now having to leave Pakistan because of threats by mullahs. Yet you call me as brainwashed ? And you haven't even read the lengthy posts I have made yesterday in the 'Iran protests' thread yesterday where one of my posts linked to another lengthy post of mine.

2. You seem to speak passionately against colonialism yet you living in North Africa fail to acknowledge the anti-colonial and internationalist work of Jamal Abdul Nasser, Muammar Gaddafi and the Algerian Socialists who were your immediate or regional neighbors. Have a read of this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is an article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Modern Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s. An Algerian member, Ceylal, has commented there nicely. Your own Tunisia is a progressive society and that didn't come about through mullahs lynching whoever they want. Read that thread and see how little you understand Islam and humanity in general and be humble and learn. :)

3. The very next lines of the section of my post you quoted had the below but why didn't you quote it ?
No, it is not me blaspheming and being a murtad but each and every one of these mullahs who lynch and destroy usually on orders of NATO who are the blasphemers and murtads.
Why didn't you quote this and tell Areesh, Sayfullah and the likes that you have no time for those brainwashed murtads and then leave a laugh emoji ?

I hate communism more than i hate imperialism. At least imperialists hide behind the word of God, commies are the most shameless liars that ever existed.

How are commies the most shameless liars that ever existed ?

Btw, Iran and Turkey will kill the last commie Kurds out there.

When it comes to communism, we are merciless.

Do not use the names of entire countries to justify the beliefs and crimes of you mullahs. The entire population of Turkey is not composed of Erdogan's so-called Muslim Brotherhood. There are many rationals and progressives too including Communists and including a preacher of pre-2011 Libya's Jamahiriya political ideology who I knew on Facebook until soon when I closed by account there. On the 10th of October 2015 there was a massive bombing in Ankara at a peace rally organized by a progressive opposition party and workers unions calling for peaceful engagement with the Kurds :
The bombs appeared to target a "Labour, Peace and Democracy" rally organised by the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK). The peace march was held to protest against the growing conflict between the Turkish Armed Forces and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The incident occurred 21 days before the scheduled 1 November general election.
The aftermath ?


On the day of the blasts, the initial death toll was reported as 86, along with 186 wounded. Next day, the total number of deaths was announced as 97. According to the prime minister's statement on 14 October, 99 people were killed in total. The number increased in the following days, as people in the hospitals succumbed to their wounds, to 100 and to 102.

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) made independent claims, reporting that 97 died and over 400 people had been injured, which they later updated to 105, and 106. International media speak of 109 deaths and 508 injured.
The Turkish people immediately suspected Erdogan's party AKP aka Turkish "Muslim" Brotherhood and its state organs :

Immediate response​

Witnesses at the scene told the media that the police began using tear gas shortly after the bombs went off, while stopping ambulances from getting through. Angry people tried to attack police cars after the blast, with the HDP claiming that the police attacked people carrying the injured to safety.

Shortly after the bombings, the Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, the Minister of the Interior Selami Altınok, and the Minister of Justice Kenan İpek visited the scene to carry out investigations. However, they were met by protestors who chanted anti-AKP slogans and were forced to leave the scene less than one minute after arriving.
The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) openly blamed the Turkish state and the government for conducting the attack, accusing the government of collaborating with non-state actors and taking insufficient action to tackle their presence. The HDP has claimed that the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) was guilty of being "murderers with blood on their hands" and also of being the number one threat to Turkey's peace and security.
My Turkish contact on FB too said that he and others knew that the bombing was carried out by the Erdogan government because Turkish people wanted peace with the Kurds and Erdogan and his government being mullah murderers want perpetual war.

And four years prior, in 2011, when NATO began attacking Baathist Syria by talking of regime change and its member Turkey government started arming, harboring and pushing into Syria thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood across the Syria border and I think Turkish military planes also prepared to attack Syria there was a progressive Turkish group called Progressive Lawyers Association took out marches in Turkey calling on Erdogan not get involved in the Western governments' war against Syria. These protesters also Turkish people.

About Iran itself, the illegitimate and oppressor mullah government has been bombarding Kurds in Iraq claiming that the Kurds there have been helping the Irani revolutionaries in Iran.

So you grandly using "Iran and Turkey will kill the last commie Kurd" as if every member of these countries wants the Kurds eliminated is a blatant lie, or your delusion. :)
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