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A man who tried to rescue Sri Lankan engineer Prianatha Kumara facing threats and leaving Pakistan

Possible. I watched a House member introduce a bill to offer aid to the flood victims. I think some members on the Foreign Affairs committee killed it. If it had passed, Mike Lee would have scuppered it in Senate.
Just looked him up, he and his father both has a long history of working for DOJ, 100% establishment guy.
Just looked him up, he and his father both has a long history of working for DOJ, 100% establishment guy.
I too looked up after you mentioned. Looks like a Standard issue conservative. His DOJ background may be why he is hankering after what he thinks is unfair sentence.
I doubt he is getting threats now after what 2 years, he decided to leave the country and this might just help him...If I were him in Pakistan today i would do the same....If God has forsaken it and your protectors are hell bend to destroy it
View attachment 905677

Receiving constant threats and afraid to go out for work. Confined himself at home and quit his job.

...and this is another example of extremism that exists in the society with its roots embedded through religion, although religion teaches otherwise.

No wonder, the war of insurgency against TTP and BLA won't end because such extremist elements exist within society who need religion to fuel out their emotions without giving any value to human life.

What amuses you ?

See @jamahir this is the true face of you mob lynchers. Anyways what else can we expect from hindutvas who lynch their sisters for talking with a Muslim guy

What ? Me a mob lyncher ? Me a Hindutvadi ? Hain ? Hain ???? But again this is your excuse not to express your sadness and condemnation about the topic of this thread.

Secondly, I don't have a sister but if I had one I wouldn't be the one to stop her from anywhere, except joining a "My hijab is my pride" brigade.

Thirdly, on the other hand it is people like you who stop your sisters and your cousins from talking to men, any men, let alone to Hindu men, Christian men etc. :)

Fourthly, it is ridiculously funny for you to call me a Hindutvadi when the whole forum knows me as a Muslim Communist and then there is the fact of you being the actual Hindutvadi not only because you are a ritualist but also because only a few days ago you derisively called me Bhangi which means you are the one to believe in the Hindu caste system despite presenting yourself as Muslim.

@WebMaster you give me points for trolling but never do anything about this commie troll? What else should I respond to a commie perverted troll than “shut up pervert”?

Remember I was banned by PakSword on complaint by Areesh and aided by you and other mullahs ? In addition, @WebMaster gave me a warning. What should instead have been done is expel you and other mullahs here because just as I had expected, you and your chums have not uttered a single word of condemnation about the lynching of Priyantha and sadness and anger about the hero who tried to save him having to leave Pakistan now because of threats. What is the contribution you and your chums do being on PDF, on the internet and in the wider world ? You are just parasites, of the harmful sort.

See when you deviate the subject by your hateful speech, and then you argue people don't talk about it.

I am deviating ? I ???? Show your post in this thread expressing condemnation about the lynching of Priyantha and sadness and anger about the hero who tried to save him having to leave Pakistan now because of threats. It is you who is deviating from the subject of this thread.

Did read your hypocrite post and quoted you

How is my post there hypocritical ?

What the Fúck is that ? What have Abdennacer, Gaddafi and Boumdyne to do with the subject?? Are you high???

Umm, you were the one to mention colonialism and these fellows were anti-colonialists and revolutionaries.

Boumediene on the left with another revolutionary and anti-colonialist Fidel in 1972.

On the other hand the mullahs have always conspired with the Western government colonialists / NATO. Here is Nasser talking about the so-called Muslim Brotherhood :

How Abdel Nasser described Muslim Brotherhood​

Amr Mohamed Kandil
Mon, 23 Jul 2018 - 07:22 GMT

FILE – Gamal Abdel Nasser (L), Mohamed Naguib (R)

FILE – Gamal Abdel Nasser (L), Mohamed Naguib (R)

CAIRO – 23 July 2018: Jinx! Gamal Abdel Nasser is not here today to say this term to President Sisi in order to prevent bad luck. It is easy for someone who is used to listening to the current leadership’s statements and Abdel Nasser’s statements as well to know that they sound exactly the same.

13 years after the success of July 23 revolution, which abolished the monarchy, late President Nasser, one of the revolution’s top leaders, described Muslim Brotherhood in one of his speech as people who exploit religion to obtain people’s support and seize power.

“The parties were dissolved, and we clashed with the Muslim Brotherhood party, during the four years, in 1953 and in 1954 … We were embroiled in dispute, they declared war against us, and they shot at me on October, 26, 1954 in Alexandria … Terrorist members in the Muslim Brotherhood party were arrested, and they were judged,” Nasser said during the statement.

“In 1954, we were negotiating with the British [forces occupying Egypt at the time] for the evacuation [deal]. At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood members were holding secret meetings with the members of the British Embassy. They were telling them: we will be able to seize power,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the Muslim Brotherhood party has never held the patriotic feelings which Egyptians have held, adding: “The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time when we were fighting in the Canal was asked: what is your stance on the war in the canal. He said: We are a wide (international) call. Perhaps the war in the canal comes for your benefit here in Egypt, while we think it is beneficial to fight in another country.”

“This is the call of the Muslim Brotherhood. All of [their] speech is full of deception and [exploitation of] religion,” Nasser stated.

Similar to what happened following 2011 revolution when people decided to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps because the youth who led the January revolution were not familiar with the MB policies, Abdel Nasser said he reconciled with the MB members, explaining that the reconciliation however, failed to turn them into good citizens.

“In 1953, we actually and honestly wanted to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood supposing that [this will make its members] take the right path. I met with the General guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He issued [some] demands,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the MB guide asked him to force Egyptian women to wear Islamic veil and to shut cinemas and theaters.

Nasser said: “He told me that you as a ruler is responsible [for veiling women]. I told him, you have a daughter in the Faculty of Medicine who is unveiled. Why didn’t you force her to wear a veil? If you are not able to make your daughter wear a veil, [how] would you want me to [force] 10 million women to wear veils in the country?”

“Then, [he told me] that women must not [go to] work. I think that when a woman works, we are protecting her [this way]. Why do [some women] go astray? They do so because of the need and poverty. We all know such stories of women whose sons or mothers are sick and they did not find money, so they were forced to sell their bodies. Therefore, work is a protection for women, while preventing women from work [works] against her. We actually liberate women by [allowing] them to work and cooperate with the man,” Nasser added.

“Last year, in 1964, before the constitution, I released them all from the prison, and we issued a law to return every one of them to his work with the same salary and promotion prospects. In 1965, we seized the new conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood; secret system, and assassination and destruction plans,” the late President said.

Nasser said that Muslim Brotherhood group says that all the [Egyptian] people are disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslims. According to Nasser, The MB members say they refuse people representation, and the Parliament. He added that the MB group considers the kings and presidents of the Arab and other countries as disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslim people.

“They were arrested, and we also arrested all old MB organizations … It is not about the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser. If Abdel Nasser was assassinated, a thousand people similar to Gamal Abdel Nasser would emerge, but we can never accept that [our] people be assassinated,” Nasser stated.

“We started to view [their cases]; all people who participated in these secret organizations will be referred to judgment. All dangerous people who we released in 1964 and had basically represented heads or dangerous members in the secret organizations will be [imprisoned]. After that, the rest of [the MB group members] will be released. We will give them another chance. If somebody of them [commits similar illegal actions] we will arrest him and we will never get him out of prison.”

“It is enough. We cannot take a gamble on the rewards we achieved during the 13 past years,” Nasser stated, adding that the MB group uses Islam to deceive people and grab them to join the party.

Concerning the MB, “they are neither Muslims, nor brothers. They are malevolent … Their leaders outside [the country] cooperated with Baghdad Pact, colonial countries, all our enemies, and Arab reactionary, and proved with clear evidence that the MB party or movement is only a movement that works for the benefit of colonialism and reactionary, by which it is funded.

Islamic ideologies are always not welcomed by monarchies. The MB wanted to cooperate with the Free Officers who lead the 1952 revolution, in order for them to achieve political advancement amid competition with other parties including “Al-Wafd.”

The MB’s crisis began when they found themselves almost excluded from the new ministry in the era of Mohamed Naguib, Egypt’s first President following the removal of King Farouk of Egypt. When Nasser came into power, the crisis was worsened; While MB members have held an Islamic message, Nasser had emphasized in his speeches the Arab identity of the country.

Before Nasser came into power in 1956, Mahmoud Abdel-Latif, an MB member tried to assassinate him two years earlier, while he was delivering a speech in Alexandria, to celebrate the British military withdrawal, according to media reports.

Following his return to Cairo, Nasser ordered the arrest of thousands of people mostly of the Muslim Brotherhood members, and dismissed dozens of officers loyal to Naguib.

MB author and thinker Sayed Kotb was executed in 1966 after being convicted of planning to assassinate Nasser who ruled Egypt for about 14 years until his death in 1970.
The "M"B thought the same as the lynchers of Priyantha :
Nasser said that Muslim Brotherhood group says that all the [Egyptian] people are disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslims. According to Nasser, The MB members say they refuse people representation, and the Parliament. He added that the MB group considers the kings and presidents of the Arab and other countries as disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslim people.
But who do these mullah self-declared-Muslims turn out to be ? Nasser said it :
Concerning the MB, “they are neither Muslims, nor brothers. They are malevolent … Their leaders outside [the country] cooperated with Baghdad Pact, colonial countries, all our enemies, and Arab reactionary, and proved with clear evidence that the MB party or movement is only a movement that works for the benefit of colonialism and reactionary, by which it is funded.
So, Nabil, it is always the oppressor mullahs who are the tools and seeded ones of the colonialist.

Seriously, no more jamahir bullshit reading, I'm not interested and you are close to be put in ignore list, your case is hopeless...

If you do not accept my text just above then fine, if you think of yourself as an intellectual person who sits with progressives over tea sessions and talks for change and think of me as an idiot then please put me on your ignore list.

have nothing against Murtads, I encourage brainless people to leave Islam, honestly we don't need more stupid people, we have already plenty, so every one leaving is good news for me ✌️

Then please convey that to Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Muhammed45, yourself and co.

Pakistan is cursed with corruption and extremism. Unless the silent majority shed blood to take back control - there is no hope.

Pakistanis must take inspiration from the Iranis who have abandoned their schooling and their employment to agitate for change against their oppressor government even if it takes shedding their blood.

...and this is another example of extremism that exists in the society with its roots embedded through religion, although religion teaches otherwise.

No wonder, the war of insurgency against TTP and BLA won't end because such extremist elements exist within society who need religion to fuel out their emotions without giving any value to human life.

Generally good words and in particular to TTP and the utter lack of value given to human life we can find people in this very thread most of who I tagged in post# 11 and then I tagged Zarvan.
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Everything about you

Also, no homo... But I hate everything about you commie gutter filth beggar cvnt losers.

The gutter is an obsession with you, having pushed the Dalits and Shudras into it for 3000 years. :) Your fav Modi jee says that the Dalits and Shudras go into the gutter because God has ordained it so they find divine and spiritual bliss through that experience. The Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani then logically asked, why doesn't Modi jee himself get into the gutter to experience the same sublime "spiritual bliss". You should do the same too because you keeping advising Drizzt to do it so you must love the gutter.

And look at which member did a Like to your post : @Areesh.
The gutter is an obsession with you, having pushed the Dalits and Shudras into it for 3000 years. :) Your fav Modi jee says that the Dalits and Shudras go into the gutter because God has ordained it so they find divine and spiritual bliss through that experience. The Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani then logically asked, why doesn't Modi jee himself get into the gutter to experience the same sublime "spiritual bliss". You should do the same too because you keeping advising Drizzt to do it so you must love the gutter.

And look at which member did a Like to your post : @Areesh.

Shut up pervert
The gutter is an obsession with you, having pushed the Dalits and Shudras into it for 3000 years. :) Your fav Modi jee says that the Dalits and Shudras go into the gutter because God has ordained it so they find divine and spiritual bliss through that experience. The Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani then logically asked, why doesn't Modi jee himself get into the gutter to experience the same sublime "spiritual bliss". You should do the same too because you keeping advising Drizzt to do it so you must love the gutter.

And look at which member did a Like to your post : @Areesh.
Dunno much about this Dalit bs, tbh, apart from the naxal connection.

'Drizzt' sounds like the music my falling pee makes as it hits the ceramic.
Shut up pervert

Actually you are the pervert - a perversion in humanity. And the credit of your continued perversion goes to your family who continue to support you. Or I don't know, they too must be terrorized by your irrationality. It is very possible that you will honor-kill your sister or cousin.

Dunno much about this Dalit bs, tbh, apart from the naxal connection.

1. What is "Dalit BS" ?

2. Yes, Naxals are ebeel but these gents and "ladies" must prevail all over the world :



'Drizzt' sounds like the music my falling pee makes as it hits the ceramic.

And "Virus" sounds to me something to be removed. Corona virus, rabies virus etc.
What amuses you ?

What ? Me a mob lyncher ? Me a Hindutvadi ? Hain ? Hain ???? But again this is your excuse not to express your sadness and condemnation about the topic of this thread.

Secondly, I don't have a sister but if I had one I wouldn't be the one to stop her from anywhere, except joining a "My hijab is my pride" brigade.

Thirdly, on the other hand it is people like you who stop your sisters and your cousins from talking to men, any men, let alone to Hindu men, Christian men etc. :)

Fourthly, it is ridiculously funny for you to call me a Hindutvadi when the whole forum knows me as a Muslim Communist and then there is the fact of you being the actual Hindutvadi not only because you are a ritualist but also because only a few days ago you derisively called me Bhangi which means you are the one to believe in the Hindu caste system despite presenting yourself as Muslim.

Remember I was banned by PakSword on complaint by Areesh and aided by you and other mullahs ? In addition, @WebMaster gave me a warning. What should instead have been done is expel you and other mullahs here because just as I had expected, you and your chums have not uttered a single word of condemnation about the lynching of Priyantha and sadness and anger about the hero who tried to save him having to leave Pakistan now because of threats. What is the contribution you and your chums do being on PDF, on the internet and in the wider world ? You are just parasites, of the harmful sort.

I am deviating ? I ???? Show your post in this thread expressing condemnation about the lynching of Priyantha and sadness and anger about the hero who tried to save him having to leave Pakistan now because of threats. It is you who is deviating from the subject of this thread.

How is my post there hypocritical ?

Umm, you were the one to mention colonialism and these fellows were anti-colonialists and revolutionaries.
View attachment 905971

Boumediene on the left with another revolutionary and anti-colonialist Fidel in 1972.

On the other hand the mullahs have always conspired with the Western government colonialists / NATO. Here is Nasser talking about the so-called Muslim Brotherhood :

The "M"B thought the same as the lynchers of Priyantha :

But who do these mullah self-declared-Muslims turn out to be ? Nasser said it :

So, Nabil, it is always the oppressor mullahs who are the tools and seeded ones of the colonialist.

If you do not accept my text just above then fine, if you think of yourself as an intellectual person who sits with progressives over tea sessions and talks for change and think of me as an idiot then please put me on your ignore list.

Then please convey that to Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Muhammed45, yourself and co.

Pakistanis must take inspiration from the Iranis who have abandoned their schooling and their employment to agitate for change against their oppressor government even if it takes shedding their blood.

Generally good words and in particular to TTP and the utter lack of value given to human life we can find people in this very thread most of who I tagged in post# 11 and then I tagged Zarvan.
Seriously you are a hopeless case, your hate toward Islam and Muslims is beyond my understanding.

We discussed the matter before, in avail, ....

I really want to put you in ignore list, because you are a waste of time, energy and bandwidth, but can't let you do your crusades and inquisitions against Muslims unchecked.
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