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A leaked fottage Shows How USA is killing Afghan civilians


Sep 24, 2016
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The clip in question shows a military vehicle approaching a truck with a white cab and black cargo cabin, of the type Afghans often call “Jingle trucks.” Military sources identified the first vehicle to POLITICO as a version of the M-ATV armored vehicle specially outfitted for special operations forces.

The clip is filmed from the perspective of an individual armed with a shotgun who is standing in a rear hatch of the armored vehicle.

As the armored vehicle comes alongside the truck, the individual lowers his military-style shotgun and appears to fire into the truck's driver-side window, causing the glass to shatter.

The armored vehicle appears to continue on its way. It is not clear from the footage whether the driver was harmed.

The video has been taken down from youtube but it can be seen on politico website.

Video is available at the link below and shows the true cause of rise in terrorism in Afghanistan.

LOL google is totally blocking search results on the video and News
The investigation has wrapped up.

This American soldier was shooting in self defense during this drive-by shooting. American justice has been served. God bless America. And, only the white "Christians" of America and no one else. Thank you.
Afghan Media finally also picked up the story

US military investigating Afghanistan shooting video

The US military officials have said they are investigating a video which purportedly shows a shooting incident in Afghanistan involving a US service member.

The commander of the US Central Command Gen. Joseph Votel in a statement has told Fox News “I have reviewed the video and I am disappointed and also concerned that the American people, our Coalition partners, the Afghan government, and the Afghan people will believe that American service members are callous and indifferent to the horrors of war or the suffering of innocent people trapped in conflict,” said Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Central Command.

Gen. Votel further added “I can assure you that this video does not represent the professionalism or humanity of the men and women of U.S. Central Command. We reject the unprofessional and callous message this video conveys.”

According to the report, the US defense secretary James Mattis has also been briefed regarding the video and an investigation is underway regarding the incident.

The video which recently went viral on internet purportedly shows heavy clashes in some parts of Afghanistan although the authenticity of the video has not been verified independently so far.

In one part of the video, a soldier is seen opening fire on a truck driver as he is sitting in his parked trucked on a roadside.

The clip in question shows a military vehicle approaching a truck with a white cab and black cargo cabin, of the type Afghans often call “Jingle trucks.” Military sources identified the first vehicle to POLITICO as a version of the M-ATV armored vehicle specially outfitted for special operations forces.

The clip is filmed from the perspective of an individual armed with a shotgun who is standing in a rear hatch of the armored vehicle.

As the armored vehicle comes alongside the truck, the individual lowers his military-style shotgun and appears to fire into the truck's driver-side window, causing the glass to shatter.

The armored vehicle appears to continue on its way. It is not clear from the footage whether the driver was harmed.

The video has been taken down from youtube but it can be seen on politico website.

Video is available at the link below and shows the true cause of rise in terrorism in Afghanistan.


LOL, tell me one combat zone in the world where the combatants haven't committed a single war crime ??? Just consider Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka or even Kashmir and East Pakistan. I can give you ton's of testimony and statements. Above is just one such incident nothing more. :p:
LOL, tell me one combat zone in the world where the combatants haven't committed a single war crime ??? Just consider Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka or even Kashmir and East Pakistan. I can give you ton's of testimony and statements. Above is just one such incident nothing more. :p:
lol this is just one there are thousands of war crimes committed by USA and the Crime that has been caught should be punished.
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