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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

An engaging activity that did keep me returning.... some notable and not-so-notable members I will not name....actually have provided me (once you scrape away the banter) in their final visceral reactions, some very beautiful and ugly truths (but truths all the same)...their very core essence and character in a way. I would only get to truly thank them on it in the hereafter if we meet there I suppose (where hate no longer exists and only peace reigns)....such things cannot be said and understood so much in this realm down here with mere words.

Now I am turning more jaded about it all as very few nowadays seem to "get it"....very few engage in (at least initial) good faith anymore or have some credence for why to turn it into more grey or bad faith engagement as a process...rather than default to it.

There is what was once merely a veneer here....that has turned into a thick cloud....even a haze....I don't really think promising more mods/rules/enforcement or whatever is really going to reverse things back to the sweetspot renaissance or golden era. But I am willing to be proven wrong on that...and its just my perspective anyway...and maybe it was just always like that and its my nostalgia speaking too much.

But its really too bad for most that are just finding this place or just finding what they want to give and get out of it. Many worthies give up early now...or are ejected because they have not found the path hewn out for them...or realise its even there....that certain things are needed (whether fair or unfair) like anywhere else if you are to sustainably create your own unique path past that.

So you got it too.


Remember, that's exactly what I'd set out to do. :-)


Thanks, sorry your community went through such things as well.

We've gotten killed from both sides. As recent as Godhra.

But with Hindus, except two instances in mediaeval India, it's always mistaken identity.

Even today a very large percentage of Indian Hindus will assume we are Muslims, since we are not Hindu, and since we are obviously not lookswise like typical Christian converts.

We are very comfortable with some cultural aspects of Muslims. Like their food. And the aesthetics of their upper crust.

But overall we are spiritually more in tune with Hindus. And as liberal and secular as them.

Which is why we chose India over Pakistan.

Both are our adopted homelands and the same people.

But it's not the people that were the problem in Persia either.
So you got it too.


Remember, that's exactly what I'd set out to do. :-)


We've gotten killed from both sides. As recent as Godhra.

But with Hindus, except two instances in mediaeval India, it's always mistaken identity.

Even today a very large percentage of Indian Hindus will assume we are Muslims, since we are not Hindu, and since we are obviously not lookswise like typical Christian converts.

We are very comfortable with some cultural aspects of Muslims. Like their food. And the aesthetics of their upper crust.

But overall we are spiritually more in tune with Hindus. And as liberal and secular as them.

Which is why we chose India over Pakistan.

Both are our adopted homelands and the same people.

But it's not the people that were the problem in Persia either.

We have plenty of Parsis in Pakistan too, esp in Karachi.

I am from Lahore, Faisalabad, and the surrounding area of Central Punjab, so most of our minorities are Christians, who also came with us during partition to escape violence. They were targeted too.

Unfortunately the way Hindutva is firing India up, you never know who is next. Muslims are on the chopping block now, but Christians are also in line. Somewhere down the line, I am sure, Parsis will be targeted too.

Our ancestors never knew they will have to leave their ancestral lands. They built homes and land with a sense of permanence, however when the mobs came, even sympathetic Sikhs and Hindus were used as firewood for burning bloodlust.
We have plenty of Parsis in Pakistan too, esp in Karachi.

I am from Lahore, Faisalabad, and the surrounding area of Central Punjab, so most of our minorities are Christians, who also came with us during partition to escape violence. They were targeted too.

Unfortunately the way Hindutva is firing India up, you never know who is next. Muslims are on the chopping block now, but Christians are also in line. Somewhere down the line, I am sure, Parsis will be targeted too.

Our ancestors never knew they will have to leave their ancestral lands. They built homes and land with a sense of permanence, however when the mobs came, even sympathetic Sikhs and Hindus were used as firewood for burning bloodlust.

This land is like that bro.

But mitti aur log to hamare hi hain.

Marenge to yahin.

Both my wife and I are docs. Doing good.

I was the one who always toyed with wanting to emigrate when we were freshly married and starting a family.

Shes more rooted to the soil.

She has these brilliant one liners from time to time which is why I guess she's the mother of my line.

She told me - We are not safer anywhere else in the world than here.

I believe her.
Yes. They go out if their way to look different to us.

I believe it's out of defiance. Also it helps them identify each other and gather around quick in case of a fight.

Hindus to an extent have started doing the same now with either a tika or balis and of course the red and yellow thread.

Both have their typical lockets and chains.

The women are easiest.

Burqas for Muslims.
Disappointing to see what they've been reduced to considering this is the nation that once birthed the likes of Iqbal, jinnah, syed ahmad and countless rulers.
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Disappointed to see what they've been reduced to considering this is the nation that once birthed the likes of Iqbal, jinnah, syed ahmad and countless rulers.

Hyper-religious signalling is their form of fingering and defiance.

I know it coz I know many of them very closely.

All my life.
Any Christian kingdoms in what is now modern day India?

It's not like Muslims alone need protection from the RSS
This land is like that bro.

But mitti aur log to hamare hi hain.

Marenge to yahin.

Both my wife and I are docs. Doing good.

I was the one who always toyed with wanting to emigrate when we were freshly married and starting a family.

Shes more rooted to the soil.

She has these brilliant one liners from time to time which is why I guess she's the mother of my line.

She told me - We are not safer anywhere else in the world than here.

I believe her.

Islamic world has changed alot since the turbulent period when you left. Don't forget that much the same way as some Parsis left Iran, the Safawi forced conversion of Iran from Sunnism to Shiaism was equally brutal.

This is what produced the Farsiwans of Afghanistan and Pakistan's own Iranian origin families. In Pakistan, there isn't any threat to minorities, we are actually rebuilding and restoring Hindu and Buddhist temples throughout the country. When India leaves Afghanistan, hate against Sikhs and others will subside.

In the end, Parsis have alot of customs and cultural similarities to Iranics of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir.

We will see how Hindutva deals with the unique paradigm of the Parsis of Gujurat and other areas, because they also are originally foreigners too.
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