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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

You are over estimating their numbers.

The problem is that when Sarthak, you and I, cannot make others accept our findings. They are too brainwashed by Gandhi and Bollywood to accept the hard reality

Let me narrate an incident that occurred with me not so long ago.

I posted an OLX ad as I required a certain product. I used one of alternative numbers to post that ad. I had 'Kamaal R Khan' as my name on my watsapp profile.

Now this Indian Muslim dude contacts me on my watsapp and offers to sell the product I wanted at a reasonable price. I decline not because I had already bought the product. But because I made a conscious decision 7 years back not to buy anything from Muslims. No point in concealing this fact.

Let's get back to the story. So this Muslim guy assumed that I were Muslim due to my 'Kamaal R Khan' pseudonym. And he went on to add me to a Muslim only watsapp group. The usual messages of them denigrating Hindu deities or praising Pakistan were not surprising. But what caught me off guard the most were condolences messages being posted for Abu Bakr Baghdadi.

When some Indian Muslims carried out processions for Osama Bin Laden our Sanghis @Kaniska and their Liberal cousins @Joe Shearer call them 'fringe' elements among a peaceful community.

The bitter truth is that enlightened people like you and me will never be accepted by the majority.
There is something wrong with your muslims and there's definitely something wrong with you, why did you decided to never buy anything from a muslims?


Im old school.

In my old days i used to do the same.

I used to grow a beard, wear a pathani (always black), soorma under the eyes, jaali wali topi, and sit for hours at a table at select cafes in Camp.

Irani chai after Irani chai. Helps if at regular intervals you step out to spit. And come back in scratching your crotch.

My name?

Adil Minhas.
Is that what stereotypical Indian muslim looks like?
Ameen, dear brother.

Read Tafheem ul Islam, aka Towards Understanding Islam, you will gain a new appreciation for him and also gain some barakat this Ramazan.

Dr. Israr Ahmad also has several lectures about Maulana Maududi and his actions during partition. Dr. Israr was a supporter of Quaid e Azam throughout his life.

You need to get this idea out of your head. There was a recent thread in which I questioned the identity of a guy hiding in a Pakistani ID, who was doing all he could to further Indian propaganda and denounce Pakistani identity as false.

Your friend Joe egged him on the whole way, that is, several pages of feeding him to incite a response. Most posters who I tagged are witness to that. That is not just a drive by post of an opinion, that is an agenda.

How long can they hide? Anyway, just watch as I stated. All will become clear by the horse's own mouth.

trolled; trolling; trolls
Definition of troll

transitive verb

2. a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content … trolls engage in the most outrageous and offensive behaviors possible—all the better to troll you with.— Whitney Phillips

b : to act as a troll (see troll entry 3 sense 2) on (a forum, site, etc.) … is also notorious, for trolling message boards on the Internet, posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement.— Mark Hemingway

c : to harass, criticize, or antagonize (someone) especially by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, postings, or acts

To address your definition that you posted, joe doesn't fit that. He's not being inflammatory, or harassing anyone, and no evidence has been presented to prove otherwise.

Like I said, feel free to tag me if he ever does that, but from what I've seen, he's stayed within forum rules.

He can egg that guy on all he wants, so long as its within the forum rules. I egg people on all the time, just to get them to dig their own grave even deeper.

Remember when I told you that me joe and nilgiri are aware of our situations? Same thing applies here. So long as everyone remains within the forum rules, no action can be taken.

Maybe have a talk with webby, if you feel strongly about this.
Fighting Hindutva is a form of jihad and any Muslim who is willing to be used as cannon fodder in this jihad is an honorable Muslim.

We are not against Hinduism, we are opposed to Hindutva and also the condescending secular Congress Islamophobes like Shashi Tharoor.

In our struggle for justice, we will find allies from places we did not expect. You will see BDs, Indian Muslims, Hindus, and others rise up to join our holy struggle against this diabolical Hindu fascist regime.

It is the agenda of certain mindsets of India, that any and all vilification and isolation against Pakistanis must be promoted. Therefore anyone who has any sympathy towards Pakistan, it matters not his religion, must be educated or else deemed the enemy.

We have seen this tactic on full display against two members who do not hate Pakistan, @xeuss An Indian Muslim and @Shantanu_Left A Hindu.

This has been a very educational thread, to say the least.

With a thread entitled, "A homeland for Indian Muslims," we would surely find such people eager to undo the direction in which Indian Muslim and Pakistani thinking is heading towards.

Their worst scenario has just started to unfold, all the divisiveness they thrived on and promoted among Muslims of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India against each other has come undone.

All Muslims now are united to undo the Hindutva menace, and with it the system which bred and appeased this menace for 70+ years.

It is a new day, the fight is just beginning.
It seems to have affected xeuss as well, and for that reason, from that post onwards, I have not stepped forward to support them. My strong position regarding them has not changed one little bit.

I don't think I am easily affected by others. So that can be set aside.

We do appreciate your strong support, but we would appreciate it more if you could be more like the Israelis Jews who support the Palestinians. They don't expect the Palestinians to change one bit or dilute their cause.

I am sure that is not too much to ask for a person of your ethics and morality.
To address your definition that you posted, joe doesn't fit that. He's not being inflammatory, or harassing anyone, and no evidence has been presented to prove otherwise.

Like I said, feel free to tag me if he ever does that, but from what I've seen, he's stayed within forum rules.

He can egg that guy on all he wants, so long as its within the forum rules. I egg people on all the time, just to get them to dig their own grave even deeper.

Remember when I told you that me joe and nilgiri are aware of our situations? Same thing applies here. So long as everyone remains within the forum rules, no action can be taken.

Maybe have a talk with webby, if you feel strongly about this.

It is a consistent problem, but for now they can enjoy the cover given them.
He can egg that guy on all he wants, so long as its within the forum rules. I egg people on all the time, just to get them to dig their own grave even deeper.

An engaging activity that did keep me returning.... some notable and not-so-notable members I will not name....actually have provided me (once you scrape away the banter) in their final visceral reactions, some very beautiful and ugly truths (but truths all the same)...their very core essence and character in a way. I would only get to truly thank them on it in the hereafter if we meet there I suppose (where hate no longer exists and only peace reigns)....such things cannot be said and understood so much in this realm down here with mere words.

Now I am turning more jaded about it all as very few nowadays seem to "get it"....very few engage in (at least initial) good faith anymore or have some credence for why to turn it into more grey or bad faith engagement as a process...rather than default to it.

There is what was once merely a veneer here....that has turned into a thick cloud....even a haze....I don't really think promising more mods/rules/enforcement or whatever is really going to reverse things back to the sweetspot renaissance or golden era. But I am willing to be proven wrong on that...and its just my perspective anyway...and maybe it was just always like that and its my nostalgia speaking too much.

But its really too bad for most that are just finding this place or just finding what they want to give and get out of it. Many worthies give up early now...or are ejected because they have not found the path hewn out for them...or realise its even there....that certain things are needed (whether fair or unfair) like anywhere else if you are to sustainably create your own unique path past that.
You must ask a Bengali. It indicates an increasing disenchantment and dislike of the goings on in PDF.
I knew what it means, just wanted everyone else to know as well.

PDF is what it is, even some Pakistanis are not happy, but as an Indian its understandable.
You can not expect from Pakistanis to agree with your Indian narrative always, no matter how nicely you put it, some could be fooled or lost in the juggling of the worlds, but not all. Message remains the same...

I am not saying to change your POV, I am just saying...do not expect everyone to agree with you always.
Dishonest, scheming Pakistanis again. @xeuss @undercover JIX


I don't really understand how all this negative perception of Pakistanis started in India.

I remember very well it did not exist until the late '90s. Not in urban India at least. I never have cared much for the rustics and villagers, so maybe they always felt that way...being the uneducated buffoons they are (now in government). Back then, Imran Khan, Salma Agha (now Indian citizen I think) had a second home in Mumbai. I did meet Shoaib Akhtar once. There used to be two squash players: Jansher and Jahangir Khan who would often practice here. Ghulam Ali, Abida Parveen, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan frequently came down for concerts. The rock band Junoon was a sensation. Not only celebrities but even the Pakistanis who weren't well-known were commonly seen in parties and such.

When did these people suddenly become aliens from World War Z? I think BJP played a great role in creating this negativity.

....condescending secular Congress Islamophobes like Shashi Tharoor.

I believe Shashi Tharoor's heart is in the right place. But yes, he is quite a prick. I don't think he's an Islamphobe though I am aware some of his statements have rubbed Indian Muslims the wrong way. Was it against the Shahada or Kalma? He is definitely a secular person but doesn't understand the importance Muslims place to their articles of faith. I like to argue it was a foot in the mouth for him instead of deliberately trying to offend Muslims.

But, I could be wrong. These days I don't trust anyone in Congress party apart from the Gandhi family. Everyone else is guided by their own self-interests, and seems to be flirting with Hindutva. Luckily the Gandhi family calls the shots in all matters. In fact, the Congress party will collapse without Sonia-ji or Rahul. Not a single leader is selfless anymore.

I officially quit shilling for Congress after Sachin Pilot's statement on the Babri Masjid verdict where he argues that a grand temple should be built on the site of the demolished mosque. It went against the party's official positon. Really the rot is very deep inside.
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I don't think I am easily affected by others. So that can be set aside.

We do appreciate your strong support, but we would appreciate it more if you could be more like the Israelis Jews who support the Palestinians. They don't expect the Palestinians to change one bit or dilute their cause.

I am sure that is not too much to ask for a person of your ethics and morality.

I acknowledge your message and hear it very clearly.

I don't really understand how all this negative perception of Pakistanis started in India.

I remember very well it did not exist until the late '90s. Not in urban India at least. I never have cared much for the rustics and villagers, so maybe they always felt that way...being the uneducated buffoons they are (now in government). Back then, Imran Khan, Salma Agha (now Indian citizen I think) had a second home in Mumbai. I did meet Shoaib Akhtar once. There used to be two squash players: Jansher and Jahangir Khan who would often practice here. Ghulam Ali, Abida Parveen, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan frequently came down for concerts. The rock band Junoon was a sensation. Not only celebrities but even the Pakistanis who weren't well-known were commonly seen in parties and such.

When did these people suddenly become aliens from World War Z? I think BJP played a great role in creating this negativity.

You probably will find it boring, but I did spend some time on trying to decipher this 'avalanche diode' kind of thing. Perhaps some day (it's on the forum), I might dig it out and persuade you to subscribe to it.

I believe Shashi Tharoor's heart is in the right place. But yes, he is quite a prick. I don't think he's an Islamphobe though I am aware some of his statements have rubbed Indian Muslims the wrong way. Was it against the Shahada or Kalma? He is definitely a secular person but doesn't understand the importance Muslims place to their articles of faith. I like to argue it was a foot in the mouth for him instead of deliberately trying to offend Muslims.

But, I could be wrong. These days I don't trust anyone in Congress party apart from the Gandhi family. Everyone else is guided by their own self-interests, and seems to be flirting with Hindutva. Luckily the Gandhi family calls the shots in all matters. In fact, the Congress party will collapse without Sonia-ji or Rahul. Not a single leader is selfless anymore.

I officially quit shilling for Congress after Sachin Pilot's statement on the Babri Masjid verdict where he argues that a grand temple should be built on the site of the demolished mosque. It went against the party's official positon. Someone from BJP told me: "pahle apnay bharwon ko sambhaalo phir hame gali dena."

Really the rot is very deep inside.

I knew what it means, just wanted everyone else to know as well.

PDF is what it is, even some Pakistanis are not happy, but as an Indian its understandable.
You can not expect from Pakistanis to agree with your Indian narrative always, no matter how nicely you put it, some could be fooled or lost in the juggling of the worlds, but not all. Message remains the same...

I am not saying to change your POV, I am just saying...do not expect everyone to agree with you always.

I know that you knew, and put it plainly as I scorn subterfuge.

As for expecting everyone to agree with me, did you get that impression from my stand on various matters? Did I seem to be a supplicant or to be garnering votes of support? I expect you to accept what you have seen with your own eyes, and not impose a pre-determined vision on my actions.
There is something wrong with your muslims and there's definitely something wrong with you, why did you decided to never buy anything from a muslims?

Is that what stereotypical Indian muslim looks like?

Yes. They go out if their way to look different to us.

I believe it's out of defiance. Also it helps them identify each other and gather around quick in case of a fight.

Hindus to an extent have started doing the same now with either a tika or balis and of course the red and yellow thread.

Both have their typical lockets and chains.

The women are easiest.

Burqas for Muslims.
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