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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

I also don't believe any Indian Muslims should be considered any less patriotic for supporting Pakistan in peaceful times, much less for a stupid game like cricket.

Thanks for bringing this up and stating it like it should be.

Leave supporting Pakistan aside, we cannot even objectively praise Wasim Akram in India. We will be branded as anti-nationals. Hindus can heap praise on Wasim Akram or Imran Khan or even Umar Akmal with no repercussions.
Thanks for bringing this up and stating it like it should be.

Leave supporting Pakistan aside, we cannot even objectively praise Wasim Akram in India. We will be branded as anti-nationals. Hindus can heap praise on Wasim Akram or Imran Khan or even Umar Akmal with no repercussions.

Thanks for bringing this up and stating it like it should be.

Leave supporting Pakistan aside, we cannot even objectively praise Wasim Akram in India. We will be branded as anti-nationals. Hindus can heap praise on Wasim Akram or Imran Khan or even Umar Akmal with no repercussions.

Wasim Akram is a once in a lifetime genius. Go ahead and support him all you want, and damn anyone who disagrees with you or gives you false labels. Stop caring what they thing. It's their problem, not yours.

EDIT: I personally liked Waqar Younis more than Wasim Akram. Also, Imran Khan (as a cricketer). I have stopped following Cricket after 2003 or something...

I still think Sachin Tendulkar is the best cricketer in the subcontinent, and would rate him as number 1 in every sense of the word. He's probably the greatest cricketer ever. But, the remaining of the top five positions should probably be filled by Pakistani players like Akram, Afridi, etc.

Of course, my Cricket knowledge is really rusty. I don't even know the names of any cricketers in India's current squad: except, Virat Kohli of course.
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Thanks for this ray of sunlight buddy.

One video is better than thousands of posts and deja-vu drama here :D

That squirm it causes here is especially worth it..."He's been forced to say it!". <----- :P

Say what you will about Owaisi, but he is quite the natural orator with right amount of good humour:

(2.00 minute mark :lol:)

An excellent role model of balancing identity and political views with stoic underlying nationalism.

Plenty more where that comes from, pleeeeeenty more stomach churn for here :p:
I must agree here. I think I was a bit offended by Afrazul Mandal's posts the other day. He should know when to shut up. While as a non-practicing Hindu, I am allowed to mock my own religion, it's not nice for you to go overboard and do exactly the same. It's fine if you rate my tongue in cheek Hinduphobic posts or react with a smiley or something, but some of your comments were really offensive.

While I am on the side of Indian Muslims, I will not tolerate disrespect coming from them, or anyone else. You even went to the extent of calling me a "troll". I hope you learn from your mistakes, improve your behavior and posts in the future. I always oppose any kind of racial discrimination, Islamophobia etc. Henceforth, I will definitely be watching your replies to my comments. If you can't reply properly, better not do it. Focus on other people's posts.

I reply to everyone's threads here, wherever possible. Even when they disagree with me. As long as they're not name-calling and keeping it polite. That being said, I am not perfect. I got into a few slanging matches here and have cussed on occasions. But at least I know where to stop. The same I expect of all other posters.

This comment was entirely directed at the Indian posters here. I am not ***-kissing these Pakistanis here, but let me tell you, every single one of them has been overwhelmingly polite to me. I genuinely like the way they replied to my comments. I wish the Indian posters could learn something from them.

Afrazul Mandal comes off way too extreme, this is why I have some doubts on who he actually is. Many people do as well. His Islamic knowledge is also incomplete, as he has stated incorrect things in the past. Don't worry about him, he is unimportant.

Genuine Indian Muslims here are @xeuss and @jamahir , I am sure there are others too.

We Pakistanis have absolutely nothing against Hinduism. Our religion teaches us not to ridicule or mock any other religion either. Mods have been working on that issue, rest assured.

Our ire is directed only against RSS and their supporters, who erroneously use Hinduism for political purposes and revenge fantasies.

I personally admire Indian Hindu heroes like Arvind Kerjiwal and now deceased Hermant Karkare. We should also remember that Quaid e Azam's political mentor himself was Hindu, Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

If we separated with respect and love, all this bloodshed, hate, and violence could have been avoided, but alas it was not to be.

Now we have to find out how we will deal with the repercussions of Hindutva, which is an enemy to Islam and Hinduism alike.
You've debulked this forum from a thriving multinational one to a Pakistani one with UN observers

By Multinational, you mean Indian Propaganda and anti Islam and Pakistan? I am sure MODS followed due process, and still lot more needs to be done, as PDF is too lenient towards the Indian trolls pushing RSS terrorist midset and agenda....and do not g=forget the manner in which they present themselves...
What can I say man. Your forum. Happy to be here.

Saas bahu wala emotional blackmail? you know PDF is too gullible and easy to manipulate.

let banned members send emails to PDF, normal threads are not to discuss Management decisions and issues.
Brother @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
what you’ve said makes perfect sense, me and you are able to seeing things from a different angel after we review what’s transpired in the past. On top of being blessed our ancestors made the trip to Pakistan.

As for the rest I can’t say a word as your more knowledgeable on this subject and deeply learned, hence I will boy my head to you. :-)

Ameen, dear brother.

Read Tafheem ul Islam, aka Towards Understanding Islam, you will gain a new appreciation for him and also gain some barakat this Ramazan.

Dr. Israr Ahmad also has several lectures about Maulana Maududi and his actions during partition. Dr. Israr was a supporter of Quaid e Azam throughout his life.

Once again, he is engaging in debate. He disagrees with you, that doesn't automatically make him a troll. Nor does him being an Indian mean he's automatically a troll either. Your own logic applies here as well.

You need to get this idea out of your head. There was a recent thread in which I questioned the identity of a guy hiding in a Pakistani ID, who was doing all he could to further Indian propaganda and denounce Pakistani identity as false.

Your friend Joe egged him on the whole way, that is, several pages of feeding him to incite a response. Most posters who I tagged are witness to that. That is not just a drive by post of an opinion, that is an agenda.

How long can they hide? Anyway, just watch as I stated. All will become clear by the horse's own mouth.

trolled; trolling; trolls
Definition of troll

transitive verb

2. a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content … trolls engage in the most outrageous and offensive behaviors possible—all the better to troll you with.— Whitney Phillips

b : to act as a troll (see troll entry 3 sense 2) on (a forum, site, etc.) … is also notorious, for trolling message boards on the Internet, posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement.— Mark Hemingway

c : to harass, criticize, or antagonize (someone) especially by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, postings, or acts

Ameen, dear brother.

Read Tafheem ul Islam, aka Towards Understanding Islam, you will gain a new appreciation for him and also gain some barakat this Ramazan.

Dr. Israr Ahmad also has several lectures about Maulana Maududi and his actions during partition. Dr. Israr was a supporter of Quaid e Azam throughout his life.

You need to get this idea out of your head. There was a recent thread in which I questioned the identity of a guy hiding in a Pakistani ID, who was doing all he could to further Indian propaganda and denounce Pakistani identity as false.

Your friend Joe egged him on the whole way, that is, several pages of feeding him to incite a response. Most posters who I tagged are witness to that. That is not just a drive by post of an opinion, that is an agenda.

How long can they hide? Anyway, just watch as I stated. All will become clear by the horse's own mouth.

Would it be too much to ask who this guy hiding in a Pakistani ID was, and the thread in which I egged him on? I am always open to correction, if there happens to have been a mistake made? I hope that is true both ways.

trolled; trolling; trolls
Definition of troll

transitive verb

2. a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content … trolls engage in the most outrageous and offensive behaviors possible—all the better to troll you with.— Whitney Phillips

b : to act as a troll (see troll entry 3 sense 2) on (a forum, site, etc.) … is also notorious, for trolling message boards on the Internet, posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement.— Mark Hemingway

c : to harass, criticize, or antagonize (someone) especially by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, postings, or acts

Whatever everybody else is Hon Gov Arif Mohammed Khan and Hon Late President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam are not impotent and bayghairat ....Hon Late President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam is perhaps the greatest Indian of the last 70 years
It's a shame that muslims are neglected so bad in India that a no good show piece is considered to the greatest muslim in 200 mil population in the last 70 years of your history, real shame.

That's a different discussion and Indian legal institutions directly consulted the highest authorities in Mecca regarding the Islamic legality of the Babri Masjid....anyways its a different discussion for a different thread
Bring a source that any muslim in the world accepted that or sided with india on the shahadat of the mosque.

V shud have left India in 1947 and leave our Mosques nd Islamic structures to be destroyed by Hindus.

Maulana Azad wanted Muslims to stay in India nd make it Islamic again.
And could you tell us again how did that go?
I am replying late but I think this topic needs to be clarified a bit.

As an agnostic/liberal/leftist/secular Indian (call me whatever you want, my most preferred term for myself is 21st century Nehruvian), I am on the side of the Indian Muslims. I don't think I have to prove it to anyone here, or even in the real world. My actions speak louder than my words.

I am also not anti-Pakistani for the simple reason that Jawaharlal Nehru was not anti-Pakistani. Yes, he had his serious differences with Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Both were very ambitious people who cared about their respective countrymen. But, he never hated the country. During his lifetime, except for the 1948 Kashmir skirmish, there weren't any tensions with Pakistan. People were able to freely travel between the two countries etc.

I also don't believe any Indian Muslims should be considered any less patriotic for supporting Pakistan in peaceful times, much less for a stupid game like cricket. The fact that they are judged harshly in today's India is because we live in a different atmosphere which is the complete opposite of the founding values of India. It's a Nazi ideology (Hindutvad/RSS) we fought tooth and nail against in 1947, and will continue to fight them now.

I must agree here. I think I was a bit offended by Afrazul Mandal's posts the other day. He should know when to shut up. While as a non-practicing Hindu, I am allowed to mock my own religion, it's not nice for you to go overboard and do exactly the same. It's fine if you rate my tongue in cheek Hinduphobic posts or react with a smiley or something, but some of your comments were really offensive.

While I am on the side of Indian Muslims, I will not tolerate disrespect coming from them, or anyone else. You even went to the extent of calling me a "troll". I hope you learn from your mistakes, improve your behavior and posts in the future. I always oppose any kind of racial discrimination, Islamophobia etc. Henceforth, I will definitely be watching your replies to my comments. If you can't reply properly, better not do it. Focus on other people's posts.

I reply to everyone's threads here, wherever possible. Even when they disagree with me. As long as they're not name-calling and keeping it polite. That being said, I am not perfect. I got into a few slanging matches here and have cussed on occasions. But at least I know where to stop. The same I expect of all other posters.

This comment was entirely directed at the Indian posters here. I am not ***-kissing these Pakistanis here, but let me tell you, every single one of them has been overwhelmingly polite to me. I genuinely like the way they replied to my comments. I wish the Indian posters could learn something from them.

If this was directed at me - it is ambiguous, and starts by naming someone else - it is entirely for me to decide whether or not to trust anybody purporting to be Indian and criticising India. As you said, as a non-practising Hindu, I allow myself to criticise (not mock) my own religion, but it is not nice for someone else - you, in this instance - to go overboard and do the same or worse. My specific reference is to the several very low comments made about women in several posts. It was that which tipped my early enthusiasm into scepticism and then outright denial, and it is still not something that can be airily dismissed.

Your slanging matches about which you know where to stop might seem from another's point of view to have gone on too far. Not everyone will insert himself in between to point this out to you as you hurl your comments at others, but opinions are formed, and, in the absence of subsequent contrary evidence, these remain. These are mere opinions, and have no meaning to you except that it builds another layer of disbelief over what already exists.

As for how the Pakistani posters react to you, I have had similar experiences; for what it's worth, these reactions are not all uniform, some being genuine, and some opportunistic ploys to gain confidence and reliance on their goodwill. It is not for me to instruct you, but it is something that has happened before. Some of those who are using your example as weapons in a battle of their own choosing are literally using you and your posts as ammunition. Not your fault, but that is what it is.

One major point - my identity has been built up over some period of time. Those who date back to older times know my ethnic identity, my antecedents, down to my (original) religious affiliation and the originating districts of preceding generations of my family. There is nothing shadowy or nebulous about these, even down to my recent history and present whereabouts. I put it to all reading this that this is a material difference and not one to be discounted.

Finally, I am totally supportive of Muslim Indians - you will never, ever find me referring to them as Indian Muslims - but it seems that Afrazul Mandal is suspicious of me, and has gone to the lengths of considering me, in the teeth of the evidence, an RSS stooge. That must be the joke of the century. It seems to have affected xeuss as well, and for that reason, from that post onwards, I have not stepped forward to support them. My strong position regarding them has not changed one little bit.

PS: I promised to be constructive in every post. For whatever you write in future, my response shall be on merit. It may or may not display itself as a written response, but your word shall speak you. As I hope mine shall me.
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@Joe Shearer
Joe, what you profile signature quote / foot note means?

এই সমাবেশের প্রতি ক্রমশঃ বর্দ্ধিষ্ণু বিতৃষ্ণা ও ঘৃণা ।
@Joe Shearer
Joe, what you profile signature quote / foot note means?

এই সমাবেশের প্রতি ক্রমশঃ বর্দ্ধিষ্ণু বিতৃষ্ণা ও ঘৃণা ।

You must ask a Bengali. It indicates an increasing disenchantment and dislike of the goings on in PDF.
As for how the Pakistani posters react to you, I have had similar experiences; for what it's worth, these reactions are not all uniform, some being genuine, and some opportunistic ploys to gain confidence and reliance on their goodwill. It is not for me to instruct you, but it is something that has happened before. Some of those who are using your example as weapons in a battle of their own choosing are literally using you and your posts as ammunition. Not your fault, but that is what it is.

Dishonest, scheming Pakistanis again. @xeuss @undercover JIX

If you can pick yourself up and assume a less childish posture, you can read the post of @PradoTLC where he blurted out this unpleasant reality.

Oh, btw, you can express derision without besmirching your clothes. :enjoy:

Fighting Hindutva is a form of jihad and any Muslim who is willing to be used as cannon fodder in this jihad is an honorable Muslim.
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