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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

Ranjeet comes back for one evening after months. And is banned.

Wasn't he continuously banned ??

You've debulked this forum from a thriving multinational one to a Pakistani one with UN observers

Levina once got me to be part of a private group on FB where there were 10 or 12 Indians. These people ( not Levina ) who were mostly Sanghi, ganged up on me and I got off that FB group.

Here too I used to face lot of trolling, from people like Dray.

Though Ranjeet didn't troll me much. This I should say.
Firstly, Indian Muslims are too large a group to paint under one brush. That is like saying all Pakistanis are dishonest, as stated above by the troll in mention.

Second, I merely wanted you to read what is being written against our countrymen and to pit others against Pakistanis. This is the favored tactic of the secular Hindus to control Muslims.

Third, leave personal relationships behind and be impartial. Indian trolls have been banned for much the same rhetoric coming out of this poster, but because he is friends with some Mods and older members, he is given a free pass.

Your tendency to defend haters and enemies of Pakistan is troublesome.

No one should be exempt from the same rules as everyone else.

If such trolls can pit Pakistanis against each other, Muslims against each other, then what is the future of this forum for us?

He is trying to amplify your voice and mark it as a tendency of Pakistanis. Please resist the urge brother to fall into his trap.

Indian Muslim are just as Muslim as any Pakistani. They pray and fast just like us, and ask Allah swt for help. Their leadership may have made mistakes in the past in regards to us, but now Indian Muslims' eyes are completely open.

Indian Muslims fought back goons of RSS like proud lions in the New Delhi mob attacks. They deserve our respect, admiration, and our sincerest prayers.

@xeuss I am so glad we have brothers like you to set the record straight, because for far too long Hindu radicals or Hindu seculars like Joe, were speaking for Indian Muslims alone.

Now we have an alternative and more authentic voice to speak on behalf of Indian Muslims. PDF needs more Indian Muslims too.

Great post. Fully agree.
Wasn't he continuously banned ??

Levina once got me to be part of a private group on FB where there were 10 or 12 Indians. These people ( not Levina ) who were mostly Sanghi, ganged up on me and I got off that FB group.

Here too I used to face lot of trolling, from people like Dray.

Though Ranjeet didn't troll me much. This I should say.

My heart bleeds for you.

But what is your point.

This is about nationalities being represented.

Not little boys being bullied.

Be a man. Proper moustache for God's sake.

Wasn't he continuously banned ??

Levina once got me to be part of a private group on FB where there were 10 or 12 Indians. These people ( not Levina ) who were mostly Sanghi, ganged up on me and I got off that FB group.

Here too I used to face lot of trolling, from people like Dray.

Though Ranjeet didn't troll me much. This I should say.

Levina tried to get doppelganger to join that same group.

As I recall all he was asking for was a cup of coffee.

All her brother's jumped in.

That saga lasted 2-3 years.

I've heard of similar sagas amongst the senior Pakistani inner group worthies too.

It's all very colorful man. This desiness of ours.

I believe even after Iran reverts, I'd like to live in India among the same women I've loved.
My heart bleeds for you.

But what is your point.

This is about nationalities being represented.

Not little boys being bullied.

Be a man. Proper moustache for God's sake.

Yeah ?? So what is the point of having a moderator panel on the forum ?? The mod ability to delete a post, give warnings or ban a member ??

I know that this is an international forum. You want India to be represented by people like Dray or Andhadhun ??
Yeah ?? So what is the point of having a moderator panel on the forum ?? The mod ability to delete a post, give warnings or ban a member ??

I know that this is an international forum. You want India to be represented by people like Dray or Andhadhun ??

You cannot choose India jamahir.

India is and will be.

You can choose to live with that.

Or like Xeuss and Afrazul get a nice IT job outside.
Levina tried to get doppelganger to join that same group.

As I recall all he was asking for was a cup of coffee.

But Levina lives in UAE and doppelganger lives in Bombay. Was he ready to go all the way to UAE for a cup of coffee ??

But I remember distinctly about an Indian member in UAE also asking out Levina for a cup of coffee. She handled that well.
You cannot choose India jamahir.

India is and will be.

You can choose to live with that.

Well, that is too cryptic a post for me.

Doppelganger used to travel.a lot.

Dubai was a layover for many of his Frankfurt flights.

I see.

But I always thought he was a student in the Armed Forces Medical College in Bombay. Why did he travel ??
Well, that is too cryptic a post for me.

I see.

But I always thought he was a student in the Armed Forces Medical College in Bombay. Why did he travel ??

It's not cryptic at all.

You can be a Muslim within the system.

Or you can be a Muslim outside the system.

AFMC is in Poona.

And I know as much about his whereabouts as I do about yours.
If you wish. You were the one who wanted the discussion continued, in spite of my reluctance. That reluctance was due to my perception that you simply knew very little, and were trotting out simplistic phrases that you picked up from others.
You are talking as if you explicitly said to stop the discussion and in spite of that I went on and continued the discussion. It's I who decided to stop this endless debate. And you will decide I know very little? You didn't even refute my critical points.
Now that you have been given specific details, it seems - I could be wrong - that you find the whole mixture too rich for you, and the exercise of learning what you are speaking about too taxing, and want to start somewhere else with a new arrangement of the same cliches.
Yes, if we want to continue this debate, we need to start somewhere else as currently I have my hands tied behind my back. I can't openly argue with you on theological things on a Pakistani forum.
Your wish. Please don't ask me a second time to indulge you and answer your questions. I did, and you fled.
Wow, so I decided to close this debate because I don't have infinite time on my hands and you call this fleeing? It's almost as if you have decided who has won the argument. I still stand by my points. It's you who is being highly impractical about things. And hearing things like 'you fled' from you is quite a shock to me. Clearly, hi-fi English doesn't translate to simple manners. This is low-level stuff.
Whether you reply or not, this is my last remark addressed to you. It is difficult to believe that anything rational or knowledgeable will be forthcoming from your side.
It's because of ultra-liberals like you that right wingers have problems with liberals as people like you turn a blind eye to the most obvious things.

And as I said earlier, I stand by my point. We can continue with this debate at a different place at a later time. There's a reason I don't write long answers and that's because I feel it's too time consuming.

Having said all this, I still respect your age and wish you well.
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Fascinating points but I thought the Indian constitution was supposed to be secular itself and it would be heavily defended in that character. When you write as you did, how is that possible and how does the 'support' that the current government enjoys justify their standing over the treatment of their citizens based on the faith that they follow? So, are you saying that by constituting discrimination (good or bad) the government is making your nation more secular? Quite a feat because no one else has been able to do that. Furthermore, the aim appears to be quite heavily tilted on one side because I did not come across the sectarian colour of discrimination by those in power nor the mobs that take their inspiration from them. Could you, please, elaborate and that too with some credible sources so we can be enlightened? Thank you.

This is what is scary to me about the path the country is heading in- There is still time left for course correction.
A country like India- In my opinion can only survive if it sticks to its core values of being secular to the true sense- Uniform Civil code is the only way forward- Time to evolve is now before it passes to a point of no return.
Again, I didn't understand what that means but I will just say I cede this particular point.


Do NOT cede. Please be a man.

It means very clearly that you get the choice to be an Indian first here orva Muslim first here on PDF.

If you are an Indian first here then let there be a representation of all sections and viewpoints of India.

Why are you being selective or scared?

Im sorry but if you want to keep Muslim unfriendly Indian voices out if this place and are ganging up with the admins to pick and choose then you are bringing your Muslim identity on top first.

And then you are telling the world (including me) that see I've lost.

I don't have it in me to fight it out in my own country and my own land among the people of my own ancestors.

So I'm trying to protect this little cubbyhole for myself while I hide from the real world outside my door.

Cheers, Doc
Do NOT cede. Please be a man.

It means very clearly that you get the choice to be an Indian first here orva Muslim first here on PDF.

If you are an Indian first here then let there be a representation of all sections and viewpoints of India.

Why are you being selective or scared?

Im sorry but if you want to keep Muslim unfriendly Indian voices out if this place and are ganging up with the admins to pick and choose then you are bringing your Muslim identity on top first.

And then you are telling the world (including me) that see I've lost.

I don't have it in me to fight it out in my own country and my own land among the people of my own ancestors.

So I'm trying to protect this little cubbyhole for myself while I hide from the real world outside my door.

Cheers, Doc

Firstly, i didn't report any of these "Muslim-unfriendly" members to the forum admins. It was the mods / admins themselves who banned / ban these members. There was no collusion between me and the admins.

Secondly, I am an Indian and a Muslim and an Internationalist at the same time.

Thirdly, let those Dray types become unbanned and post here. You will see the ferocity of their troll attack on people like me and I will include @Naofumi here.

Fourthly, I am well aware of the changed India outside my door.
That meant Andhadhun represented the real India and you can chose if you belong to this India or not.

Absolutely spot on.

No cherry picking.

What you're suggesting is that all the points fall off after a ban is served, correct?

That may also require a tweak on the length of the ban. It may have to become a default one week ban and perhaps increases in duration if you earn multiple bans within a specific time period. Not sure if the forum software has the options to do that but I'll move these posts to their own thread in the suggestions section and see what the admins have to say.

Yes exactly.

Otherwise it's like those ridiculous multiple life sentences of 370 years pronounced by judges, to be literally served back to back, which is often what is happening.

It would also help, as webby agrees, to look into the system (and people) who actually give these warnings.

It's not possible to review all the warnings. We can't knock on your or webbys door 24x7.

And let's face it, there are serial abusers as part of your team who weaponise the power to give negative ratings willy nilly.

All of those add to bans. Because of the automated non humanized system put in place.
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