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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

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@masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @Ace of Spades @PakSword @StormBreaker @DESERT FIGHTER @SIPRA @Mentee


We need to breakdown the numbers to foster a better understanding ...otherwise, we shall remain locked in posts-n-counterposts....

With Rise of Indianness given catalyst by Hindutva and a new found selfassurance that such movements bring is now mainstream.

EconomicBycott of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan is now mainstream... SaffronFlags even on veg/fruit sellers using to distinguish between Muslims and the good Indians.

It is not new... certain BJP leaders have advocated it as a tool of GharWapsi as well.... lest we forget after the paper annexation of IoJK... the certain BJP leaders... I believe one CM as well...said that now the good Indians could/would marry Gorri Kashmiri girls @waz

All here on PDF... a keen student can search/research.

Golli maro salon ko
... and all other chants... and then viglanteez...

2002 Gujarat
2020 Delhi

Same people were in charge then...same people are in charge now... and this constant villification of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan is not only continuing but it is the primetime show of IndianMedia too....

The charge of being not loyal to India or Indianness.... the demand of putting India above Allah... the charges of having too many babies... or living off the Indian state's welfare system....

Furthermore, the disappointed ones call it Appeasement of Muslims ...first by CongRSS and now by BJP...

What is the classification and quantificaiton of this 'Appeasement' is difficult to rationalise...in absence of the accusers providing validated data @xeuss

We have seen how the IndianMonk CM crushed the protests against CAA.... police sodomising kids with iron batons and making the imam undress infront of his students...

Strong leader this IndianMonk!

If there are 220mln Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan .... then it is a sizable minority against the 1+Bln Indians.

We did calculate @Ace of Spades the share of NationalWealth by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ... which gives us solid understanding about the 'muscle' these bottom 50% have or could excercise.... @BHarwana

In IoJK it has taken the good Indians to deploy 900k+ troops..and still they have NO Control over the situation... just yesterday's 'encounter' is a glaring example of that FACT!

IoJK is essentially a Jail or a Shoebox with all the PakKashmiris contained within.... and then 900k+ IndianTroops trying to further Contian it!

1 Indian solidier to 9 Kashmiris i.e. old, young, man, woman or infants...

1% of 220mln is 2.2mln.

Although the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are spread thin within India and are in Ghettos....with minimum share of National Wealth.. 1% is 2.2mln.

What the MaqboozaDelhi Pogrom taught us that despite the POTUS being in twon the good Indians felt confident enough to get on with... wetting their sowrds red.. as some valiant Indian claimed. Rapping a 13 girl/child by seven Indians was just.... what?

India and Indians have to decide once and for all what do they wish with Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan?

Are they equal citizens?

Are they aliens among them living in Ghettoz?

With lowest per capita income and spending by the Indian gov.... the future of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan is more Gehtoofication and further Apartheid. @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Apartheid in villages, towns and cities.....

Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan living a parallel life in a parallel universe...

The longer this state of affairs last the more difficult would be integeration of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan within the Indian society and politics....state appratus...

In otherwords, lessening and lessening stakeholderhsip of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as the framing them the 'other' or alien...not Indian enough ...continues....

1% is 2.2 million.

10% is 22 million.

PakKashmiris could be Shoeboxed in the Valley of Sorrows .... 100.000 in 7000 massgrave. 10.000 GangRaped by the valiant IndianArmy ....

100s lost sight due to brave Indians firing shotguns on crowds....including very small childeren. 14.000 youngsters are taken by the brave IndianArmy....no one knows where they are.... And still NOTHING under control.

Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are spread all over India ...hence, lynching or chopping them off or burning alive is rather an easy affair...

However, it is impossible to turn entire India into Shoebox for 220mln Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan. Impossible!

LoveJihad. LandJihad. XJihad. YJihad. CoronaJihad.... the good Indians have more types are Jihads whirled at Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan than the Two types of Jihad in Islam.... talk about relentless branding of the 'other', the 'alien'....

Buddhists could be cleansed from India in those olden days.... because it was a different Age.... Muslims cann't be cleansed from Indian because now it is different Age. Mobility.

Now the IndianState is building ConcentrationCamps for the 'illegal' muslims in India.... nice... though GenocideWatch has raised red flag about it... but ConcentrationCamps are being built.

Can these ConcentrationCamps hold 60mln muslims who are supposed be illegal in India?

And what next? If noboday wants/owns these 60mln..then what? Leave them there... with men and women separated?

The final verdict on BabriMasjid by the Indian SC is rather interesting... without any evidence of so-called ancient structure to be ever there... the SC awards the place for a temple to be built on that very site where according to itself it never existed.... OrangeState?

1% is 2.2mln

10% is 22mln

There is always a breaking point...though Poverty is the Greatest Dehumaniser.... but there is always a BreakingPoint!

Should the good Indians continue on this path of seeing/treating the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as the 'other', the 'alien'... the 'secret Pakistanis' and keep economically bycotting them... for how long... will the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan keep finding ways to just survive?

The buzz word of Islamist to everything Muslim... is cool but only for so long...

Should 1% i.e. 2.2mln become truly disenchanted and without any hope... radicalisation/resistence becomes the only outlet.

10% i.e 22mln would be supportive of such Resistence... for their own survival... and then it could grow from there... resulting in unimaginable loss of Humanity!!!

It is all fine and dandy...for the good Indians to claim Ancient Glories and Past Injuries...but what they are doing today is, infact, already Creating their Future.

No amount of spinning, wordsmithing, word-plays or dennials can whitewash this emerging reality....

India has still a narrow time strip to course correct and integerate Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as equal citizens with percental representation in all of the State's Apparatus...

Now they are not stakeholders...but residents...focused upon survival in increasing hostile society!

Sarkari Muslims or MullahMaffia on Indian payroll don't count
.... doesn't matter how they burn PakFlag or say silly things... it is the 220mln Muslims fo MaqboozaHindustan that matter. 1%. 10%. 20%.

Hopefully, the good Indians also realise that the War on Terror is now wrapped up
...and Islamist/IslamicTerror narrative is receding by the day... it is all now about China. China. China.

IndianState and politician did cash on the War on Terror and could do all they wanted in IoJK and kept on blaming Pakistan from Kabootar to Venus and everything in between.

1%. 10%. 20% ..... what happens to Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and how they Resist it... is not going to stick to Islamist/IslmaicTerror ThemeSong or Blaming Pakistan....

But for now the good Indians seem to be prisoners of their own narrative... and ever Rising Indianness is now growing indpendent of Hindutva Catalyst as well.... leaving room only for more and more Hardliners....

India has an existential choice in front of it!


With the dishonorable exit of the indian stooge navaz Sharif all hell has broken loose. The high caste Indian elite has figured out that no more pleasantries or word play can sedate the pakistani so sanghis have come clean on to what they actually want.

Now without any sugar coating they are overtly demanding that Muslim must either convert and live like untouchables for the rest of their lives or - - - - - - - - - - -

Suriya is one such educated Indian poster who holds such views and I believe he's not the only one - - - - - - -.
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Fascinating points but I thought the Indian constitution was supposed to be secular itself and it would be heavily defended in that character. When you write as you did, how is that possible and how does the 'support' that the current government enjoys justify their standing over the treatment of their citizens based on the faith that they follow? So, are you saying that by constituting discrimination (good or bad) the government is making your nation more secular? Quite a feat because no one else has been able to do that. Furthermore, the aim appears to be quite heavily tilted on one side because I did not come across the sectarian colour of discrimination by those in power nor the mobs that take their inspiration from them. Could you, please, elaborate and that too with some credible sources so we can be enlightened? Thank you.
They greatly underestimate just how much support Modi's movement has in Bharat among the 'non Hindus/Dharmis', and even among the Shia, Bohras/Ahemedis etc..

The game in India is now all about the hardcore religious Sunnis vs virtually everyone else

and the Sunnis are going down, they have like 1 wicket left on a minefield of a pitch on a game that will play out at least another 3 years, electorally speaking... much longer otherwise.

eventually everyone will shake hands (or namaste) and India moves on to being a true secular India.. Hindus, Muslims (of all hues), the lot of them...

no big bloodletting fests, nothing of the sort.
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Who made you the spokesperson of Indian Muslims?

The same lady who made you the spokesperson of Pakistanis. Sitting as you do in comfort outside Pakistan. That way I have a much greater claim to understanding the Muslim Indian than you do. You are only a presence on the Internet. Don't fool yourself; you are not where things are happening.
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That is just the dishonest Pakistani in you speaking, which sees Indian Muslims as no different than disbelievers.

Open your eyes man and see what being attempted here. Ofcourse it is better for us that these trolls speak their own true language, I have no qualms about it.

It is important for us to understand the mindset.
Whether I agree or disagree is besides the point, I personally don't give a damn about Indian muslims, because they've made it clear that they don't give a damn about me and my Pakistani heritage. They consider pakistanis as traitors, and this isn't speculation, they've said it to my face

Of course, that doesn't mean Pakistan and Pakistanis should stay quiet, it's a good opportunity to damage India's reputation, so go full speed ahead, and talk about it to your hearts content.

My main point is that, whether you agree with joe or not, he's being polite. Calling him a troll in this case doesn't make sense, and it doesn't even seem like he's completely disagree with everyone here in the first place.
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Well, Sir, I shook my head in disbelief when @PradoTLC burst out and told us what he really thought of Muslim Indians. If you read his answer, on this thread, it becomes very clear.

There are those who will stand and bear witness to the plight of the Muslim Indian as a duty to themselves in terms of their religion. There are those who support the Muslim Indian due to the rightness of their cause, due to humanitarian reasons, not as an act of charity, but a restoration of just rights, and of the dignity of an Indian citizen. Then there are those who see Muslim Indians as cannon fodder, to be used to push through a wholly Pakistan-centric agenda. Nothing wrong with that, so long as the Muslim Indian understands which is which, and what may be expected where. I pointed out to @AfrazulMandal and to @xeuss (the third eloquent member of that group has a name that I cannot remember for the life of me) that they need to be aware of these different objectives, but it was a rude shock when I had to point out in addition that they were free to enlist support wherever they wished to.

To answer your question, I made my assessment from the self-incriminating words of the member himself.

why the disbelief?

it is common sense.... think will you trust some one who is willing to screw his own brother for political differences?

I know it can be hard for you... but think !
why the disbelief?

it is common sense.... think will you trust some one who is willing to screw his own brother for political differences?

I know it can be hard for you... but think !

I didn't realise that you were so stupid that you would give your game away.
Whether I agree or disagree is besides the point, I personally don't give a damn about Indian muslims, because they've made it clear that they don't give a damn about me and my Pakistani heritage. They consider pakistanis as traitors, and this isn't speculation, they've said it to my face

Of course, that doesn't mean Pakistan and Pakistanis should stay quiet, it's a good opportunity to damage India's reputation, so go full speed ahead, and talk about it to your hearts content.

My main point is that, whether you agree with joe or not, he's being polite. Calling him a troll in this case doesn't make sense, and it doesn't even seem like he's completely disagree with everyone here in the first place.

Firstly, Indian Muslims are too large a group to paint under one brush. That is like saying all Pakistanis are dishonest, as stated above by the troll in mention.

Second, I merely wanted you to read what is being written against our countrymen and to pit others against Pakistanis. This is the favored tactic of the secular Hindus to control Muslims.

Third, leave personal relationships behind and be impartial. Indian trolls have been banned for much the same rhetoric coming out of this poster, but because he is friends with some Mods and older members, he is given a free pass.

Your tendency to defend haters and enemies of Pakistan is troublesome.

No one should be exempt from the same rules as everyone else.

If such trolls can pit Pakistanis against each other, Muslims against each other, then what is the future of this forum for us?

why the disbelief?

it is common sense.... think will you trust some one who is willing to screw his own brother for political differences?

I know it can be hard for you... but think !

He is trying to amplify your voice and mark it as a tendency of Pakistanis. Please resist the urge brother to fall into his trap.

Indian Muslim are just as Muslim as any Pakistani. They pray and fast just like us, and ask Allah swt for help. Their leadership may have made mistakes in the past in regards to us, but now Indian Muslims' eyes are completely open.

Indian Muslims fought back goons of RSS like proud lions in the New Delhi mob attacks. They deserve our respect, admiration, and our sincerest prayers.

@xeuss I am so glad we have brothers like you to set the record straight, because for far too long Hindu radicals or Hindu seculars like Joe, were speaking for Indian Muslims alone.

Now we have an alternative and more authentic voice to speak on behalf of Indian Muslims. PDF needs more Indian Muslims too.

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