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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

We are a kinda/sorta federalized union of states but yeah...

we do lack a unifying diktat from some arab skydaddy

and for that we should be eternally grateful to our millions of other super cool skydaddies

"Kashmir mangta ? yeh le mere trishul ka sharp/bell-end apne muh me, ghazi" :smokin:

I was directly alluding to the Islamic conquest of Hind.
The whole world saw it on TV.

Such tactics of urban warfare are not normal in riots in India.

Iski planning jabarjast thi.

Bahar wallon se. Time aur paisa aur samaan. Full tayyari thi.
I don't what garbage you saw but I can assure you that's a big distortion.

There's thread where I posted about it at that time.

And you're talking about Tahir Hussain?
We are a kinda/sorta federalized union of states but yeah...

we do lack a unifying diktat from some arab skydaddy

and for that we should be eternally grateful to our millions of other super cool skydaddies

"Kashmir mangta ? yeh le mere trishul ka sharp/bell-end apne muh me, ghazi" :smokin:
What a vile depiction of Hindu bigotry.
There was another one I read earlier from Joe. All these posts from Joe are giving me indigestion. :lol:



You - and @padamchen - both make this standard assumption that loyalty to the concept of India or Indianness contradicts the interests of enabling the Muslim descendants of the erstwhile rulers of Mughal India. Indian Muslims today would be perfectly loyal to India if their interests were not damaged by hindutva and allowed to be damaged by the inaction of "moderates" whom I wax lyrical over constantly on these pages. You're discussing the psyche of Indian Muslims here and are placing blame on those who dare to stand up for them, instead of asking why they're abandoning hindutva India in the first place. My point is, if not Pakistanis, then someone else would extend a hand. Ask yourself, if Pakistan didn't exist but India maintained an identical degree of religious and social discord, would Indian Muslims not seek relief elsewhere? That Pakistan is a reasonably assertive, vocal and stubborn nation is actually India's problem.

At the same time, people generally aren't as stupid as one may think. People are and should remain pragmatic. Indian muslims are well aware that Pakistan's interests are to thwart hindutva completely otherwise the legacy of Islamic India is under threat of destruction across south Asia. Again, you're talking about psyche. Therefore, it is straightforward that Indian Muslims would only appreciate what Pakistan is trying to tell them and the world if India pushes them to that point. I'm not going to sprawl a list of events that I think exemplify the devolved status that Indian muslims now occupy in hindutva run India, as I'm sure everyone is tired of my lists, but unless hindutva is rolled back and undone, Indian Muslims - who are target no. 1 - will find ways to resist.

It is always Pakistan's fault. Standard Indian mantra.

When Pakistan is not found, it is Muslims' fault.

@That Guy

Joe is a perfect example of " Mithi Churi" do not get fooled by his polite, innocent and mohazzab words....behind a sinister motive is lurking.. Ye log piyassay ko kunwain kay paas lay ja kar...pani nahi pilatay....andar dhakka maar detay hain......:angel:

Yazdaan Panaah Baad........

They are trolls who support abusers and fight people in gangs. Basically they are cowards.

This is done to stifle people's ability to speak their minds, because they want to build a narrative and put Pakistanis on the back foot.

They reside in a world where only they can be correct. Take a look at their actions, not their diplomaric words, and you will know them.

Look how casually they admit their true intentions.
You are alluding that both @AfrazulMandal and I are on this forum seeking support for Indian Muslims from Pakistanis. I don't think that is the case for either of us.

What is troubling is, if some Hindu is on the forum and criticizing India, you would never accuse him of "seeking support from Pakistan". I have noticed @Shantanu_Left, types a lot of critical messages against the Sanghis etc. But you wouldn't ever say that he is seeking "Pakistani support"

So at the end, an Indian Muslim, unless he is always loudly abusing Pakistan, is considered by even liberal and well-meaning Hindus like @Joe Shearer, to be engaged in some sort of subversion and reaching out to Pakistan for support.

@Shantanu_Left Is actually a breath of fresh air, as he is not anti-Pakistani, that is why Joe and his Tamil friend don't like him and try to prove he is not who he says.

Every Non-Pakistani must hate Pakistanis, this is their mission and goal on this forum. Look how casually they mock Indian Muslims, Kashmiris, Pakistanis, and BDs.

If you don't agree, they will begin attacking you directly every chance they get.

This is what they tried to do with me to silence me. Hence why I am calling them out.

Go through the mails of PIP for the last two weeks, or ten days. See how I am constantly attacked, never by name, always by implication, on several charges, one being a refusal to accept Shantanu_Left as a genuine Indian. For that reason, I have scrupulously avoided interacting with him. It would feed all the unfounded suspicions of that pack.

You have begun this mess and carried it through for a long time. How long can you hide yourself?

Just as you try to manipulate people against me, along with your Tamil friend, I will be there too to speak the truth.

Call it "do unto others"

You can simply ignore me and carry on, but you seem fit to raise and support any and all who have a disagreement with me (and other Pakistanis) and enflame the situation further. As seen in the now locked thread.

This shows your obsessive nature.

I know Mods are partial towards you, that is the only reason you are not banned, all while you play your games against anyone who disagrees with you on Pakistan, Kashmir, Indian Muslims, or India in general.

Act your age and back off from this teenage drama.
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@Shantanu_Left Is actually a breath of fresh air, as he is not anti-Pakistani, that is why Joe and his Tamil friend don't like him and try to prove he is not who he says.

Every Non-Pakistani must hate Pakistanis, this is their mission and goal on this forum. Look how casually they mock Indian Muslims, Kashmiris, Pakistanis, and BDs.

If you don't agree, they will begin attacking you directly every change they get.

This is what they tried to do with me to silence me. Hence why I am calling them out.

You have begun this mess and carried it through for a long time. How long can you hide yourself?

Just as you try to manipulate people against me, along with your Tamil friend, I will be there too to speak the truth.

Call it "do unto others"

You can simply ignore me and carry on, but you seem fit to raise and support any and all who have a disagreement with me (and other Pakistanis) and enflame the situation further. As seen in the now locked thread.

This shows your obsessive nature.

I know Mods are partial towards you, that is the only reason you are not banned, all while you play your games against anyone who disagrees with you on Pakistan, Kashmir, Indian Muslims, or India in general.

Act your age and back off from this teenage drama.


It feels nice to step on your toes. It's become a habit.
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