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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

facts and truth will continue.

@AfrazulMandal @xeuss

I do not want to sink a needle into you, deeper and deeper, so this is the last I will say on the subject.

Let me remind you, while you read these frank confessions: These false friends are in constant hesitations and fluctuations. They always live between belief and disbelief. They do not remain in one state or condition. They betray their partners making no difference whether their partners are believers or disbelievers. Since they wander in bewilderment and break their promises, no one can trust them. Owing to their lack of commitment, no one can count on them. So, these fair-weather, opportunist friends, due to their constant betrayal, can never be good partners not only for the believers but also for the disbelievers.

Certain words have been substituted to remove these from the ambit of theology.
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@AfrazulMandal @xeuss

I do not want to sink a needle into you, deeper and deeper, so this is the last I will say on the subject.

Let me remind you, while you read these frank confessions: These false friends are in constant hesitations and fluctuations. They always live between belief and disbelief. They do not remain in one state or condition. They betray their partners making no difference whether their partners are believers or disbelievers. Since they wander in bewilderment and break their promises, no one can trust them. Owing to their lack of commitment, no one can count on them. So, these fair-weather, opportunist friends, due to their constant betrayal, can never be good partners not only for the believers but also for the disbelievers.

Certain words have been substituted to remove these from the ambit of theology.
I don't trust or distrust Pakistanis for being Pakistanis.

I try to see beyond one's nationality when discussing a topic.

If you are referring to the brotherhood among us, well, that is a reality. Despite all the ills that plague the Muslim world, there is a genuine feeling of solidarity and brotherhood that we cherish. So, yes - friends they shall remain.

When it comes to Pakistani nationalists furthering their nationalist agenda - I know it is not wise to trust them. They would happily feed 50 million (say) Muslims to ghar wapsi just to be able to vilify the Indian state.

And when it comes to the topic of betrayal - disbelievers have a history of that too. It is getting worse each day as well.

And then there were Sarkari Muslims, as Prado seems to be referring to. No one can deny their existence either.
I don't trust or distrust Pakistanis for being Pakistanis.

I try to see beyond one's nationality when discussing a topic.

If you are referring to the brotherhood among us, well, that is a reality. Despite all the ills that plague the Muslim world, there is a genuine feeling of solidarity and brotherhood that we cherish. So, yes - friends they shall remain.

When it comes to Pakistani nationalists furthering their nationalist agenda - I know it is not wise to trust them. They would happily feed 50 million (say) Muslims to ghar wapsi just to be able to vilify the Indian state.

And when it comes to the topic of betrayal - disbelievers have a history of that too. It is getting worse each day as well.

And then there were Sarkari Muslims, as Prado seems to be referring to. No one can deny their existence either.

Fair enough.

My point has been made for me, elegantly and well.
What you are seeing today with the BJP and the Sangh was wargamed and set in motion by Indira's generation.

And EVERY successive government, central.and state (affected bordering states) has been on board.
What we are seeing? Nationwide NRC?
What we are seeing? Nationwide NRC?

Everything. Including that.

The deep state has always been very clear about its Muslim demographic.

The BJP has simply politically weaponised it. At the level of the lay populace.
Everything. Including that.

The deep state has always been very clear about its Muslim demographic.

The BJP has simply politically weaponised it. At the level of the lay populace.
Umm, would you like back your claims from some credible sources?
Otherwise, it seems like a fool's speculations (take no offence).
Umm, would you like back your claims from some credible sources?
Otherwise, it seems like a fool's speculations (take no offence).

The deep state remains deep because it's not open source.
s: These false friends are in constant hesitations and fluctuations. They always live between belief and disbelief. They do not remain in one state or condition. They betray their partners making no difference whether their partners are believers or disbelievers. Since they wander in bewilderment and break their promises, no one can trust them. Owing to their lack of commitment, no one can count on them. So, these fair-weather, opportunist friends, due to their constant betrayal, can never be good partners not only for the believers but also for the disbelievers

You just described indian RSS hindus perfectly... i could not have said it better

India's policy via Afganistan is perfect example. On the face they say they are afgan friends but inside they hate them and useful against Pakistan...
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