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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

They were mainly the priests and clergy.

The Athrvan.

Keepers of tge Flame.

All other classes (just as the Hindus) gor rolled into a single Behdin class in India cause the intricate role differentiation was no longer tenable on a foreign land as refugees who now basically had to do everything on their own.

But let's get back to the Indian refugees now.

Yes the world should demand reparations from India for them
I doubt Muslims are going to be expelled. No Indian Muslim is going to immigrate to Pakistan. They don't want to lose out on government freebies provided to them.

Btw my before my old id got banned. I use to read posts of a banned user mujahidindian or something. This @AfrazulMandal dude must be mujahidindian

There's a reason we did not annex Bangladesh in 71.

It's eventually going to be what was always proposed to Pakistan.

I doubt Muslims are going to be expelled. No Indian Muslim is going to immigrate to Pakistan. They don't want to lose out on government freebies provided to them.

Btw my before my old id got banned. I use to read posts of a banned user mujahidindian or something. This @AfrazulMandal dude must be mujahidindian

There was an ultra slimy Indian Muslim called EjazR ...
I don't get it. Elaborate

India is eventually going to segregate Muslims it can live with and those it cannot.

Those it canmot will find themselves moving to Bangladesh.

There will be territorial flux for tjis segregation, as the better alternative to holding large reservations of such Muslims in India within the general populace.

Bangladesh continues to have an independent foreign policy that does not clash with India.

And a standing army..

This is the deep state brainchild of the Congress.

There is a reason Muslims of the subcontinent fear the Congress more than the Sangh.
India is eventually going to segregate Muslims it can live with and those it cannot.

Those it canmot will find themselves moving to Bangladesh.

There will be territorial flux for tjis segregation, as the better alternative to holding large reservations of such Muslims in India within the general populace.

Bangladesh continues to have an independent foreign policy that does not clash with India.

And a standing army..

This is the deep state brainchild of the Congress.

There is a reason Muslims of the subcontinent fear the Congress more than the Sangh.

NRC in assam was after all started by the BJP....right? riiiiiiight?
India is eventually going to segregate Muslims it can live with and those it cannot.

Those it canmot will find themselves moving to Bangladesh.

There will be territorial flux for tjis segregation, as the better alternative to holding large reservations of such Muslims in India within the general populace.

Bangladesh continues to have an independent foreign policy that does not clash with India.

And a standing army..

This is the deep state brainchild of the Congress.

There is a reason Muslims of the subcontinent fear the Congress more than the Sangh.
How are they going to be made to leave?

Indian state does not have the courage to conduct a genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Muslims are not going to leave on their own.

And Bangladesh is too small and densely populated to accommodate them. That is the reason why it dumps it's unwanted people in India.

And Mr Imran Khan has made it clear that Pakistan won't accept a single Indian Muslim refugee. He firmly said that Pakistan is even willing to nuke India if Muslims are expelled.

Jinnah wanted Pakistan to provide refuge to all British Indian Muslims. It's sad that son of the soils don't want Indian Muslims.

@El Sidd
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Jinnah wanted Pakistan to provide refuge to all British Indian Muslims. It's sad that son of the soils don't want Indian Muslims.

@El Sidd

The demand was self determination in areas of majority while ensuring freedom of personal law in those areas where Muslims constituted minority.

Nowhere did Jinnah advocate that Muslims then and anyone afterwards be sent to those majority areas.
Joe Shearer is poor man's Shashi Tharoor.

When I was new to this forum, our Joe Shearer and his Tamilian Brahman disciple @Nilgiri used to make wilds allegations against me. First they called me a false flagger. Then they said I was @padamchen . Then I became @AfrazulMandal

This Tam Brahman sissy Nilgiri used to deliberately provoke me and then report my posts to get me banned. The white wannabe Tam Brahman teams up with his Pakistani buddies to bash Bangladeshis and Black people. His second biggest crush(the first being @Joe Shearer) is a notoriously racist former think tank who considers Gangus and Dravidians as subhuman who are only fit to be exterminated. This beech if he ever tried this sht in real life, he would have get beaten to death. Hence he tries to mimick Joe Shearer online and get few thanks from the usual idiots. His language and writing have started to resemble Joe's. Lol! How pathetic. No individuality of his own so copy some other bigmouth loser.

The guy has some homosexual obsession with you IVC race Pakistani males. This fool posted his picture to impress Pakistanis. I hope someday our paths cross.

How pathetic most of compatriots are! This is why the nation is going drain.

When Muslims launch Ghazwa E Hind, none of these pathetic Indians will be to fight. All they can do is deliver 'secularism' sermons and insult true patriots like me.

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Avicenna @Smarana Mitra @Śakra

We are on completely different ends of the political spectrum, but it is quite interesting that somehow we both have earned the ire of these two trolls.

I would like Indian members to be honest with their feelings and so we can discuss issues as adults, rather than playing teenage drama over this forum by forming gangs to out people.

I can defend Joe here.

He is a genuine well wisher of Muslims, as far as I have seen.
Even though we have strong disagreements.

That's how our campaign against Sanghis in the gulf worked.

I liked what you wrote, but you yourself are a man of controversies. I am still not quite sure of your identity or motives, but let's leave that for another time.

Needless to say, you are completely wrong about this character, otherwise you wouldn't be hearing from me now.
The demand was self determination in areas of majority while ensuring freedom of personal law in those areas where Muslims constituted minority.

Nowhere did Jinnah advocate that Muslims then and anyone afterwards be sent to those majority areas.
He did not explicitly state a transfer of population.

But he envisaged a Pakistan which would provide refuge to all Muslims in the region.
@dharmi There is no such thing as an Islamist, it is a concocted term with negative connotations, and the similarly concocted term political Islam is also irrelevant.

If you want to learn about Islam, there are many scholars on YouTube and other places.

@AfrazulMandal @xeuss @jamahir @The_Showstopper @humbl @Joe Shearer

who are some good Islamist debaters who might give us some pause to think and consider their point of view ?

don't tell me there are no Islamist intellectuals out there

though it wouldn't surprise anyone if there actually turned out to be none :P

This is completely bullsh*t. BD won't even exchange BD Hindus for Bengali-speaking Indian Muslims. And you're taking about Hindi/Urdu speaking Ms?

BD is under no obligation to deal with Indian internal problems.
He did not explicitly state a transfer of population.

But he envisaged a Pakistan which would provide refuge to all Muslims in the region.

He envisioned a Pakistan who would speak for the oppressed anywhere in the world.

Pakistan is and was and will remain a fate accomplished.

A political movement for self determination through democratic measures.

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