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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

My only comment is that when the views (as you say, "My responses are a reaction to society's treatment of Muslims today") you espouse become the topic of discussion, then that is taking away from understanding and acknowledging the problem.

At this moment, none of the majority Hindus are *not* even willing to acknowledge that there is a problem. Calling for a separate homeland, is not getting them closer to that.

Focus on the issue first, get people to acknowledge there is a problem, before chasing solutions. You often do a good job at that, when you want to.

You have to raise the stakes and play the power game, if you wish to be taken seriously.

Indian Muslims could exponentially increase their strength by lobbying in Arab countries, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, and Africa.

Use Malcolm X's strategy to bring outside pressure against this regime, as local opposition is being stifled.
For me, secular 'Hindutva' and extremist Hindutva is the same thing. Nehru and Gandhi were no less damaging to Pakistan than current Modi.

Obviously some people on this forum are impressed by good English, without looking into the mindset behind what is written.

Yet they feign innocence when caught in their lies.

Atleast be honest to yourself.
I can defend Joe here.

He is a genuine well wisher of Muslims, as far as I have seen.
Even though we have strong disagreements.

Use Malcolm X's strategy to bring outside pressure against this regime, as local opposition is being stifled.
That's how our campaign against Sanghis in the gulf worked.
I think everyone is aware of the rot in their society.

But how can you wake someone up who is pretending to sleep?

Except Joe, I don't see anyone acknowledging the problem.

I agree. I do not know what to do. If there was a simple solution or magic bullet, we would have done that long ago.

All we can do is keep challenging the hypocrisy everywhere we see it. And there is no denying that we are overwhelmed. The amount of hate we see, cannot be challenged easily and effectively.
Although i learnt to despise General Zia in my later life ,but one thing i admire about him that he kept the Region on its toes from Afghanistan to India. Had he been alive ,work on another separate Muslim Homeland in India would have been in its last stage.
Although i learnt to despise General Zia in my later life ,but one thing i admire about him that he kept the Region on its toes from Afghanistan to India. Had he been alive ,work on another separate Muslim Homeland in India would have been in its last stage.
That was not sustainable.

His gains were temporary and actually probably hastened Hindu consolidation in India.
True. Or just use India's campaign against apartheid in South Africa. Hopefully Hindus can relate more to it.

That is the best way.

highlight Hindu bigotry all over the world.

There is ONE big problem here.


On the contrary, apartheid was a globally accepted problem.

My point is - the world itself (at least most important powers, political, social and economical) is largely Islamophobic. But we need to do what we can.

That is the best way.

highlight Hindu bigotry all over the world.

There is ONE big problem here.


On the contrary, apartheid was a globally accepted problem.

My point is - the world itself (at least most important powers, political, social and economical) is largely Islamophobic. But we need to do what we can.

Realisation dawns.

Accha hai.
For me, secular 'Hindutva' and extremist Hindutva is the same thing. Nehru and Gandhi were no less damaging to Pakistan than current Modi.

Obviously some people on this forum are impressed by good English, without looking into the mindset behind what is written.

Yet they feign innocence when caught in their lies.

Atleast be honest to yourself.
Joe Shearer is poor man's Shashi Tharoor.

When I was new to this forum, our Joe Shearer and his Tamilian Brahman disciple @Nilgiri used to make wilds allegations against me. First they called me a false flagger. Then they said I was @padamchen . Then I became @AfrazulMandal

This Tam Brahman sissy Nilgiri used to deliberately provoke me and then report my posts to get me banned. The white wannabe Tam Brahman teams up with his Pakistani buddies to bash Bangladeshis and Black people. His second biggest crush(the first being @Joe Shearer) is a notoriously racist former think tank who considers Gangus and Dravidians as subhuman who are only fit to be exterminated. This beech if he ever tried this sht in real life, he would have get beaten to death. Hence he tries to mimick Joe Shearer online and get few thanks from the usual idiots. His language and writing have started to resemble Joe's. Lol! How pathetic. No individuality of his own so copy some other bigmouth loser.

The guy has some homosexual obsession with you IVC race Pakistani males. This fool posted his picture to impress Pakistanis. I hope someday our paths cross.

How pathetic most of compatriots are! This is why the nation is going drain.

When Muslims launch Ghazwa E Hind, none of these pathetic Indians will be to fight. All they can do is deliver 'secularism' sermons and insult true patriots like me.

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Avicenna @Smarana Mitra @Śakra
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My point is - the world itself (at least most important powers, political, social and economical) is largely Islamophobic. But we need to do what we can.

We do the best we can. Rest is up to Allah.

How pathetic most of compatriots are! This is why the nation is going drain.

When Muslims launch Ghazwa E Hind, none of these pathetic Indians will be to fight. All they can do is deliver 'secularism' sermons and insult true patriots like me.

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Avicenna @Smarana Mitra @Śakra

Just curious. How are you a true patriot? A short answer would help.
To an extent, yeah lol

but intellectually, the right leaning folk have started to dominate lately, Malhotra, Elst, Kulshreshta (his star is rising)

TV screamers like Ornob etc too

Some Indian leftists, Nehruvian secularists, communists even.. all seem to have a bit of an argument

yet to hear anything from a pure Islamist debater that makes one go hmm

Owaisi, Zakir Naik... Menk, Dawah etc <- weak sauce, the lot of them.

nobody's making a good case for Islam here.. :(

if that's even possible :P

@AfrazulMandal @xeuss @jamahir @The_Showstopper @humbl @Joe Shearer

who are some good Islamist debaters who might give us some pause to think and consider their point of view ?

don't tell me there are no Islamist intellectuals out there

though it wouldn't surprise anyone if there actually turned out to be none :P
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