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A Foreign Minister In Uniform Gen Raheel Shareef

A military head going to another nation for military reasons is completely within reason. If the Gen realm was incharge of the nation like everyone keeps propagating, he'd be negotiation economics and business links with foreign dignitaries and nations.
The last COAS was a bad one. He held much of the power in disguise of COAS (let PPP do corruption at the expense of military being in control). Raheel is much better, considering how many times he had the choice of taking over. Plus, he has been very flexible, such as letting the gov't negotiate with the TTP as well as pursuing talks with India (despite him disagreeing with both).

Good to know that there is still 2 years left of him, which means no "revolution" is coming during that time. So be it Altaf or Imran, the gov't isn't going anywhere (unless Nawaz does serious mess up) and Raheel has no sympathy for either Altaf (Raheel knows the kind of party he runs) and Imran (Raheel knows Imran is terrorist sympathizer, hence he didn't let him come on day of APS opening).
leaving aside Gen Kayani being bad or good. One thing is certain i.e. Kayani orchested a make shift change in army's philosophy of control. This philosophy doesnt envisage a coup type grabbing but co-existing for safeguarding institutional interests or grabbing the power through soft means. Kayani never threatened to take over the country but getting PPP to do army's bidding by scaring the hell out of them. Gen Raheel is following the footsteps.

miyaam saab was one of them. u kinda like useless political leader so whats the harm?
Yep he may be but another leader earned the reputation not "used" in addition to being useless as well. Like someone throws a prostitute out of the bed even withoit payinh her.
Yep he may be but another leader earned the reputation not "used" in addition to being useless as well. Like someone throws a prostitute out of the bed even withoit payinh her.
who toid you this . pervez rashid? one is who is accused the other one was award in military era.
Kayani never threatened to take over the country but getting PPP to do army's bidding by scaring the hell out of them. Gen Raheel is following the footsteps.

Makes me feel uneasy hearing about it. The relations between the government and military shouldn't be guided by fear or mistrust.
who toid you this . pervez rashid? one is who is accused the other one was award in military era.
nobody "toid" me....

Makes me feel uneasy hearing about it. The relations between the government and military shouldn't be guided by fear or mistrust.
There has always been a mistrust between civilians and the military throughout history. This conflict has continued to exist even when military was the explicit ruler of the country. The expansion of military in multiple dimensions has created multiple new conflicts of interest. Today the military is involved in Energy,Fertilizer,Banking,Brokerage,Real Estate, Oil and Gas production,Food sectors etc etc. While conducting business, the institutional monopolistic and authoritative mindset remains the same which causes troubles with the civilian administration.
Sad state of affairs.
Sad for your side:wink: the fact is that in past seven years our foreign affairs department sleeping like dead, the politicians are more concern on their private business rather than think about country. I personally don't care if any civil foreign minister raised a strong voice and defend Pakistan like in trouble defend his/her family. NS all past trips was business related i.e Nawaz and Co. They put away Iran Pakistan pipe line project like used toilet paper the reason nothing but Nawaz own interests.
Sad for your side:wink: the fact is that in past seven years our foreign affairs department sleeping like dead, the politicians are more concern on their private business rather than think about country. I personally don't care if any civil foreign minister raised a strong voice and defend Pakistan like in trouble defend his/her family. NS all past trips was business related i.e Nawaz and Co. They put away Iran Pakistan pipe line project like used toilet paper the reason nothing but Nawaz own interests.

you don't get the drift... sad because of the points that you have just mentioned. this depicts the failure of the most important pillar of a country.
you don't get the drift... sad because of the points that you have just mentioned. this depicts the failure of the most important pillar of a country.
Ok! I thought you trolling like other indian members:wink: thanks for your input.
While I as much as anyone want Pakistan freed from useless, incompetent & corrupt politicians, is the army the best option? Who will watch the watchmen? The good thing about having Nawaz in power is that if we don't like him, we can protest, we can form our own political parties, and in five years time, we can remove him. Can the same said be about the army?

Why on earth should the chowkidar be allowed to take over the role of the makaan-maalik?
Awaam shahi is always safer than dandashahi. As you rightly said; you can kick out Nawaz or Zardari or any other Politician through the ballot? How will you kick out the Khakis ?
nobody "toid" me....

There has always been a mistrust between civilians and the military throughout history. This conflict has continued to exist even when military was the explicit ruler of the country. The expansion of military in multiple dimensions has created multiple new conflicts of interest. Today the military is involved in Energy,Fertilizer,Banking,Brokerage,Real Estate, Oil and Gas production,Food sectors etc etc. While conducting business, the institutional monopolistic and authoritative mindset remains the same which causes troubles with the civilian administration.
Fake & noora allegations on pakarmy?
cant you just bring a bit to any courts in pakistan?
no you wont?
none of any armed forces chiefs former or in service , has MAYFAIR MANSIONS in london?
none of them, has billions in swiss banks?
traitors who are in the power, used thier fake power to grab the national wealth, & nawaz sharif & his family is one of them.
thats the only reason, they are speechless , when gen. Raheel sharif took over some of vital power sections from them?
hence they still, making money with fake feul crisis, & fake power failures?
And wha if they fail? Will they accept responsibility or then again hide behind the same "useless" political leader like they have done on numorous occasions in the past.

They will not fail, its corrupt politicians who always fail & cry for DEMOCRAZY.

The good thing about having Nawaz in power is that if we don't like him, we can protest, we can form our own political parties, and in five years time, we can remove him.

Good luck with that.

What we know about PA rule is, Pakistan has always developed. Lets take Gen. Musharrafs time of rule which was good for Pakistan, Pakistan was developing & Pakistan had an outstanding image in the world in his time of rule.
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