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A Dust Over India

Nothing offensive about his post, it's just a true account of how he saw India, from his point on view, and India is exactly like how he has described, a land of contradictions, India does have a lot of problems. Indians need to stop thinking that when people give an honest assessment of their country they are doing it out of hatred. The truth always hurts, but it is better than burying your heads in the sand, at least if you know and see the truth you can try and change and make a difference.
Nothing offensive about his post, it's just a true account of how he saw India, from his point on view, and India is exactly like how he has described, a land of contradictions, India does have a lot of problems. Indians need to stop thinking that when people give an honest assessment of their country they are doing it out of hatred. The truth always hurts, but it is better than burying your heads in the sand, at least if you know and see the truth you can try and change and make a difference.

What about your visit to india?

that is actually a well planned city, check the map,


how big is the city?? I find one McDonald, two KFCs, and a fvcking Korean restraint?
and the city does have some pollution problem, but as picture shows it's still a clean city. I also happened dig out this pic, beautiful structure.


and a hotel,

Very telling response to the blog.

"I am from India..Things that have been described is absolutely true.

But do you know one thing. The actual situation is worse. The beggars author is talking about actually represts only indian middle class!!.. yes they fall in the top 50% in economic ladder. If you want to see real poverty go to kalahandi or vidharba region

Do you know in last 10 years 200,000 farmers committed suicide just out of poverty. Just imagine 200,000 people (larger than the population of many European capital) committing suicide just out of hunger..That too is the official number. Some suspect it is around 500,000..It is a human genocide of worst form..So many people committing suicide just due to poverty

And you know what..Giving those 25,000 is not going to help. Charity by Mother Teresa or Diana or Bill gates is not going to solve this poverty of continental level..They may satisfy your ego..Maybe you can win a nobel prize but it is not going to solve any problem."
Really ?? a dust over New Delhi as you descend?? I live in New Delhi and frequently travel by plane, but I have never seen this "haze" the author describes......
its all about lack of resources and massive amount people going to cities for jobs

new planned cities like Chandigarh,Noida and Navi Mumbai are much better

Vashi Railway Station


Kopar Khairane Railway Station

Perhaps it's time for India's government to spend some more money on public hygiene and education than on building missiles and bragging about how powerful and influential it is.
Perhaps it's time for India's government to spend some more money on public hygiene and education than on building missiles and bragging about how powerful and influential it is.

Education Yes! and India is doing an ok job spending on it.

As for public hygiene, rather spending money better make more strict laws.

As for building missiles, its beyond your understanding, may not be even in this century.
but most of these foreigners and bloggers forgot that India is still a "new" kid in the block and all those developed nations didnt reached there with the blink of an eye. we were broke in 90s, we were looted by Britishers before that. Still we are able to stand with our head held high.
yea I agree we are currently like this, we accept that, though it has started improving but there are lots of lot work to do in pulling people out of poverty.
We are not shying away from our defects neither we are in denial nor we will bury our head in sand, similarly we will never hide our success too and we will celebrate those milestone with grandeur.

critics are always welcome TROLLERS are not.
:lol: atleast we do have a guaranteed sucess above every world power. I expect a total reincarnation for our people, than being cursed.:D
Thats must be why we were put down...
Really ?? a dust over New Delhi as you descend?? I live in New Delhi and frequently travel by plane, but I have never seen this "haze" the author describes......

Another Indian with his head in the sand. Don't pull up or you will kick up the dust.
Have courage to look at the mirror and accept the reality. Most of the things written are true. I did not read everything.
Accept the criticism and work on fixing it.
We are anti poor.
Our police works only for rich and powerful.
Our Judiciary.
We have lot of poverty, that is correct.
Corruption is there.
Also people try to cheat foreigner's, its also true.
Have courage to look at the mirror and accept the reality. Most of the things written are true. I did not read everything.
Accept the criticism and work on fixing it.
We are anti poor.
Our police works only for rich and powerful.
Our Judiciary.
We have lot of poverty, that is correct.
Corruption is there.
Also people try to cheat foreigner's, its also true.

Poverty is used as a mean to control the vast population at the bottom of the society. When the mass are too poor to survive, they don't have the energy or mean to overthrow their overlorders. The ruling elites in India have utilized poverty very effectively to stay in power.
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