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A Deeper Look At The Bangladesh Election

I am afraid to say this , it is going towards one party rule !!!! What you said above are clear indications …….
Then what is the ideology?
They have Awami league a secular centrist party..with Tarikat federation(Islamist party)...Hefajat(a full Islamist party), Workers Party and JSD(Communist parties)...and Jatiya party(Perhaps a centrist party with more focus to rural areas)....and now they will absorb BNP(a center-right nationalist party).....What that makes the govt to be?

It's the people who run this coalition govt and the parties....now they are from all backgrounds....from Islamist to centrist to communists..How does it end up?
Then what is the ideology?
They have Awami league a secular centrist party..with Tarikat federation(Islamist party)...Hefajat(a full Islamist party), Workers Party and JSD(Communist parties)...and Jatiya party(Perhaps a centrist party with more focus to rural areas)....and now they will absorb BNP(a center-right nationalist party).....What that makes the govt to be?

It's the people who run this coalition govt and the parties....now they are from all backgrounds....from Islamist to centrist to communists..How does it end up?
Politicians are already enjoying god type status they will become real ??? One type of elite in power for 100 year ????? Their grandchildren take over from them ???/ No place for common BDeshi in power circle ??????? This can take BD to moon ??? This can also make BD hell ??? Only time will tell.
BD is your country , but still I will say don't take these politicians light …… They broke biggest Muslim Country …. One of them was reason of Tipue Sultan death...……. List is to long ……….. 1000s years old history...….
I do not refuse it brother . I am proud of my Muslim culture . But I know that peoples are sometimes unable to see the opposite side of coin. Here peoples think that India control the political fate of Bangladesh . But they really do not see the opposite site of the coin . Actually India does not have such ability to control the political fate of Bangladesh . Bangladesh is too big for them to tackle in many cases , but it's always remain unknown to peoples .
The hate that current Govt and system of BD putting in minds of BDeshis will hurt you , your nation on day...………….. but people here don't get that...……..
Yes that is a problem I admit . Okay lets wait next 5 years , if Al can change it's stand of not !

Just look at Pakistani society after Afghan war and Indian society under bjp(rss) under Modi....

Yes I saw , but trust me situation is not that bad yet , but as i said lets wait one or two years more . Lets see where they take us . And my warm thanks to you honestly , that you have feelings for us .

I have heard rumors....facebook posts, suggesting that Fakhrul is gonna be a minister :lol::lol::lol:
No idea brother , do not spend much time on Fb . But I do not think that it will happen . But no one knows the mind of our lady ;) .
I am so confused about the things that I don't even know what to think...Does Awami league actually want to weaken BNP to absorb it not to destroy it? They have already pretty much absorbed Jatiya Party.
What if the condition reversed some days ? ;) ? What is once jatiya party will be the main opponent ? or Gono forum rises like PTI ? You saw that many leaders join Gonoforum and many ex army officers too !. I will not comment on this , but surely I know that Raw does not control our political fate ;) . But our political fate is secured under some trusted hands :) .
Read the poem Kandari hussiar one more time , pay attention in every words . This poem was writen for all victim nation who are confused , want something that will not benefit them , but still they believe that they are doing the right thing . If you ( my compatriots ) still do not know who is our kandari aka captain, then I implore you to ask your heart ;) .

Here is the poetry in English so that our non Bengali fellows can understand .
Is it gonna be like CPC rule of China? Where CPC and some parties allowed by CPC form a govt?

As long as our Kandari do not fail , I have no problem . Please do not fail our kandari . do not be fooled by what you see with bare eyes .

Captain Beware (Kandari hushiar)
Kazi Nazrul Islam
Translation: Shafi Khaled [January, 2005]
Inspiration: Kabir Chowdury


Impregnable mountains, horizonless desert
Murky fathomless ocean O
Crossing in the nights darkness
Travelers: At once take note!

The boat trembles, the water swells
The boatmans without a way
The sails in tatters, somebody to catch the rudder
Who has the courage, ho?
Are you that youth? Hurry forth!
You, the future beckons
Heavy is the storm, crossing it is the cause
The boat must land at the distant shore!

Peerless the darkness haunts
On guard! Leaders of the Motherland and soldiers, too!
Ancient grievances have raised their heads
The deprived souls heave with passion
To achieve a fair hearing
They, too, must come along!

The hapless nation drowns, for swim it cannot
O Captain! Today you shall be watched
For determination and love
Hindu or Muslim? Wait! Who asks?
Captain! Proclaim: My Mother's children are drowning Human all!

Perils abound the mountains; fear, the travelers, assails
Thunder sonorous rumbles
Turning back strikes as unsound
Captain! Forget not your way; abandon not your post
Through strife, heave ho
You've assumed a duty profound!

Captain! The fields of Palashi recall
With the blood of the Bangali Clive bloodied his sword
Into the Ganga plunged India's sun, snuffed out
That sun will rise yet again, blood red in our blood!

Those who sang away their lives on the hangman's gallows
At watch, they softly surround; your sacrifice, what shall it be?
While the nation stands tested, just one's race appease?
The boat trembles, the water swells, Captain: Beware!
Courtesy: Nazrul Rochonaboli (Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1996), Vol. I, pp. 288-289

Ps : Please no one be fooled with the bold part in poetry , this song has nothing to do with India . Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was Indian by birth ,so he wrote the name of his country against British regime . It's basically a song for every nation who is scattered sheep who just got shepherd.
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Guys, this internet discussion is not really productive.

BD will be ruled for at least another 5 years by AL league - do not take multi-ethnic Pakistan and India as guides as they kind of need some kind of democracy to hold their constituent parts together. BD is a unitary state and seems to be taking off now like the likes of Taiwan and S Korea under a stable one-party rule.

AL are not perfect but they are delivering on infrastructure and the GDP fronts and only need to prove their credentials on the military front which we shall before the end of their next term.

The country could be in a much much worse situation than it is in and better to see a glass half-full rather than half-empty.
Guys, this internet discussion is not really productive.

BD will be ruled for at least another 5 years by AL league - do not take multi-ethnic Pakistan and India as guides as they kind of need some kind of democracy to hold their constituent parts together. BD is a unitary state and seems to be taking off now like the likes of Taiwan and S Korea under a stable one-party rule.

AL are not perfect but they are delivering on infrastructure and the GDP fronts and only need to prove their credentials on the military front which we shall before the end of their next term.

The country could be in a much much worse situation than it is in and better to see a glass half-full rather than half-empty.
We discuss on internet more because it's our nature. We are brave nation because we are brave keyboard warrior. We can not take anything easily because we do not live in reality.
That's the reason bad peoples always suck our blood for the sake of ideology and righteousness.
And we are trapped between this right and wrong stuffs. Imo only these things are right that will give us benefits. So yes let this govt continue, no point of argument on this matter. But still it was not election, but pre planned mass theft, we need to accept the truth!
However it was a good post from you honestly speaking . Expect some more balanced posts like this one in future.
Thank you .
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Alhumdulillah, all is well. How are you doing? Good to see you here after long time.
Glad to hear things are going well over there, asked you this because end of the day when we greet each other, that's all it matters.
Then what is the ideology?
They have Awami league a secular centrist party..with Tarikat federation(Islamist party)...Hefajat(a full Islamist party), Workers Party and JSD(Communist parties)...and Jatiya party(Perhaps a centrist party with more focus to rural areas)....and now they will absorb BNP(a center-right nationalist party).....What that makes the govt to be?

It's the people who run this coalition govt and the parties....now they are from all backgrounds....from Islamist to centrist to communists..How does it end up?

Bold part: Yes, people will be from different backgrounds and parties, but I do not see any input of their ideology/thinking into BAL administration. BAL will singlehandedly decide everything and the other parties will follow the lead. It has almost become a one-party rule but is different from the Socialist one. BAL has no other ideology than the dictatorial one to rule with an iron fist. Other partners will just stamp the BAL decisions and enjoy the perks and privileges they will be accorded with.
I am afraid to say this , it is going towards one party rule !!!! What you said above are clear indications …….

Why ridicule one party rule?

In some cases, such as Singapore, it helped bring much needed stability and progress. Which is what we need now. Instead of garbage distractions from some of these proven thieves and clowns.


Democracy is over-rated for uneducated third-worlders whose votes can be bought for a cup of tea and snacks.

Guys, this internet discussion is not really productive.

BD will be ruled for at least another 5 years by AL league - do not take multi-ethnic Pakistan and India as guides as they kind of need some kind of democracy to hold their constituent parts together. BD is a unitary state and seems to be taking off now like the likes of Taiwan and S Korea under a stable one-party rule.

AL are not perfect but they are delivering on infrastructure and the GDP fronts and only need to prove their credentials on the military front which we shall before the end of their next term.

The country could be in a much much worse situation than it is in and better to see a glass half-full rather than half-empty.

My thoughts exactly...
How snivelling little princesses (more like pieces of excrement) put down their own country as "uneducated third-worlders" and then decides to talk for all of them with its silver spoon stuck up its rear....is quite something else altogether.

Apparently human beings are not worth much if they are poor and "uneducated". Apparently you need to be "educated" to have any basic common sense and decency....and till that point, princesses that have left the country altogether can speak for everyone inside it for the "good" of them all....just pick "stability" (in some roughshod comparison with far better run countries that did the same)...no matter how slovenly. ugly and morally compromised the person providing it.

That old adage of intelligence is not the same as wisdom...falls on appropriately deaf ears of such a princess twink....one that now relegates itself to posting rooftop pictures of vegetable growing....as though that shows the "progress" such stability will bring.

@bluesky @Skies @Al-zakir @Atlas
When a Zalim loses his Akl, becomes an object of ridicule and is raised to a high altitude, it means a very sharp and steep fall with devastating effects is nearby....

Interestingly, Mujib accomplished almost everything regarding authoratrian controls, written in this article, at a lightning speed! The end results were that fast too...
Keep living in past , Bangladesh has moved past all of the misfortunes of 70s.
How snivelling little princesses (more like pieces of excrement) put down their own country as "uneducated third-worlders" and then decides to talk for all of them with its silver spoon stuck up its rear....is quite something else altogether.

Apparently human beings are not worth much if they are poor and "uneducated". Apparently you need to be "educated" to have any basic common sense and decency....and till that point, princesses that have left the country altogether can speak for everyone inside it for the "good" of them all....just pick "stability" (in some roughshod comparison with far better run countries that did the same)...no matter how slovenly. ugly and morally compromised the person providing it.

That old adage of intelligence is not the same as wisdom...falls on appropriately deaf ears of such a princess twink....one that now relegates itself to posting rooftop pictures of vegetable growing....as though that shows the "progress" such stability will bring.

@bluesky @Skies @Al-zakir @Atlas

He is correct on the whole.
Look at what democracy has brought India after 7 decades.
He is correct on the whole.
Look at what democracy has brought India after 7 decades.

The ability to form your bindi flag nation in first place :D ...and a whole lot more (i.e dont have to be reliant on others good graces for RMG LDC quota).....its fun exporting 200 billion USD in just services now....what does that convert to in sweatshop chaddi man-hours?

I'm just glad we are past our autocratic power hungry lady stage....its long past in the rearview mirror....just like the ability to buy only 25,000 (that too secondhand) cars a year....and produce near zero.

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