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A Deeper Look At The Bangladesh Election


Apr 18, 2016
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A deeper look at the Bangladesh election

23 hrs ago

© Provided by Al Jazeera Members of the Border Guard stand guard in front of Bangladesh Government Printing Press ahead of the 11th general election in Dhaka, Bangladesh on December 28 [File: Reuters/Mohammad Ponir Hossain]

Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.

On December 30, Bangladesh finally held a much awaited parliamentary election. Close to 100 million Bangladeshis voted in 40,000 polling stations across the country.

But even before polling began, many observers concluded that the vote, conducted under the country's increasingly authoritarian conditions, would be a managed affair. It was clear to many that the ruling Awami League party would tilt the election process in its favour utilising coercive mechanisms.

News coverage, reports from human rights organisations, confidential party documents leaked by journalists, and unusually candid public pronouncements by ruling party members, some of which went viral on social media ahead of the polls, revealed the government's elaborate plans for voter suppression, aggressive policing, systemic arrests and detentions of opposition activists - all with the singular objective of managing the election in the ruling party's favour.
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Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina speaks during a press conference after she secured a fourth term with a landslide victory in polls, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Dec. 31, 2018. However, the opposition slammed the win as farcical over claims of vote-rigging and clashes between rival supporters that killed at least 17 people.

People read a newspaper carrying news of general election results in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Dec. 31, 2018. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina secured a fourth term with a landslide victory. However, the opposition slammed the win as farcical over claims of vote-rigging and clashes between rival supporters that killed at least 17 people.

Given that no credible independent political polling exists in Bangladesh, analysts were left with reviews of spontaneous public engagements in political processions, social media sentiment analysis, and online polling as the only tangible measures for gauging popular support towards any political party. However unscientific, they showed that there was underpinning momentum towards voting for the country's major opposition alliance during this election cycle.

Even the most partisan of estimates coming from government-affiliated pollsters, some prepared by nebulous characters and organisations, allotted at least 49 parliamentary seats for the opposition out of the 298 contested. However, as the results came in, it seemed as though the government's elaborate machinery ended up over-managing the election and lost its grip on its own script along the way.

The Awami League party and its alliance ended up bagging 288 seats, leaving just seven seats for the Jatiya Oikko Front, the major opposition alliance led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. There were constituencies where the ruling party won 99.9 percent of the votes, and hardly any ruling party candidate lost their contests according to unofficial results.

During four prior elections held under neutral caretaker governments between 1991 and 2008, no winning party ever won more than 48 percent of the popular votes. In this election, the winners bagged more than 90 percent of the total votes cast, raising serious doubts over the fairness of the polls.

Suppressing the opposition
The December 30 election was relatively peaceful in comparison to Bangladesh's previous election cycles. However, the relative peace was achieved through the systemic oppression the state machinery carried out against the opposition over the past ten years, leaving it effectively hobbled and neutered.

Last year opposition leader Khaleda Zia was sent to jail on "corruption" charges; her son, Tarique Rahman, the acting party chief, is currently in exile in the UK sentenced to life imprisonment in relation to a 2004 attack on Awami leader Sheikh Hasina; and the lucky among the remaining opposition leaders are either already in jail or have hundreds of pending charges against them.

The unlucky among the opposition have been executed or forcibly disappeared. The months leading up to the election saw the highest number of extrajudicial killings over the last six years.

When the opposition appeared to be still managing to foster an effective alliance, bringing together major leftist, centrist, and Islamic elements of Bangladeshi politics, thugs wielding machetes and sticks were sent to their rallies.

Few visible election activities by the opposition alliance were allowed to take place; opposition campaign posters were removed from the streets, and opposition volunteers were arrested with unusual precision across the country.

Owing to widespread intimidation and systemic oppression, the opposition parties failed to place polling agents in most polling centres to ensure proper counting and certification of ballots.

Infiltrating the state
The ruling party managed to pull off this campaign of intimidation ahead of the polls thanks to the direct control it has managed to establish over key state organs since the early 2010s. How did it manage to do that?

For about a decade and a half, starting in the mid-1990s, Bangladesh witnessed four relatively fair elections. What guaranteed the relatively smooth electoral process was a legal provision that required the government to hand over power to a caretaker cabinet for 90 days prior to the election. This neutral unelected body organised and supervised the vote and ensured that there was no interference from any side.

But in 2011, an Awami-dominated parliament overturned the provision and the following election was marred by violence and irregularities. In parallel, the ruling party also launched a process of systematic politicisation of state institutions.

Over the past decade, judicial appointments from the lowest to the highest courts have been made along party lines. In 2017, Surendra Kumar Sinh, the sitting Chief Justice of Bangladesh was forced to resign and leave the country when he acted out of sync with the party line. Such subjugation of the judiciary allowed arbitrary arrests and political detentions in the lead-up to the latest election.

Police recruitment has also been done along party lines, rendering the police force an easy tool of political suppression.

Recruitment for the civil bureaucracy, including the election commission, are also going through a partisan process where about 30 percent of all government jobs are statutorily allocated to the children of "freedom fighters", a loosely defined group of men who fought for Bangladesh's independence some 47 years ago, under the leadership of Hasina's father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Given that the government certifies an ever-expanding list of Awami party men as "freedom fighters", such preferential recruitment has developed a clan-based civil bureaucracy which works in favour of the ruling elite. Key figures among the bureaucrats also receive perks that often go beyond the hefty salary raises they already receive.

Meanwhile, the army has been kept busy with lucrative construction deals and UN peacekeeping missions - a source of hard currency for the top officers - and away from the troubled political and electoral processes.

In a nutshell, the ruling party has created a politicised and dependent state apparatus in which state bureaucrats have to ensure the continuing rule of the incumbent in order to preserve their perks and privileges. Such a patron-client system emerged in Iraq, Syria, and Libya with disastrous consequences.

What lies ahead
Bangladesh has been gradually sliding back into authoritarianism over the last decade, after experiencing a chaotic democratic moment for about two decades in the 1990s and 2000s, when the country's two major political parties took turns in power. There were teething pains in that nascent democracy, but people still rejoiced over their ability to elect and change their political leadership.

What happened on December 30 clearly shows that Bangladesh has officially become a one-party state of an exotic variety, where elections take place, yet votes are not properly counted; where numerous opposition parties are allowed to exist, but are effectively rendered impotent and barred from ever reaching power; and where the raucous media are "free" but are only able to produce a self-censored cacophony of government-approved narratives.

Today in Bangladesh, a party has its own state which has one mission: to maintain the status quo. There are certainly at least two countries that are happy about that status quo remaining - China and India - both of which stand to benefit politically and economically with Hasina in power.

Some Western countries, which have been critical of the Bangladeshi government in the past, have so far refrained from congratulating the winner. However, the Trump administration expressed its willingness to continue working with the new government, which may not mean much for Washington, but in Bangladesh, it is seen as a stamp of approval, boosting Hasina's legitimacy.

This does not bode well for voices of dissent. The already disabled opposition alliance will likely see more heavy-handed repression and more of its activists thrown in jail, especially as the winner of the elections is making public pronouncements that it is a badge of honour to be called "authoritarian".

This new wave of oppression will likely keep Bangladesh's streets quiet, at least in the short term. But the absence of violence should not trick us into thinking the country will settle into authoritarian stability.

A rigged election which effectively side-lined, neutered, and humiliated the political centrists in Bangladesh will ultimately swell the ranks of rejectionists of all varieties, including the ones who reject democracy, secularism, and political change through peaceful means. And that does not bode well for the future of the country.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.

This kind of managed election will backfire at India in the long run. This is ruining the democratic institutions in Bangladesh and is making way for the anti India elements in Bangladesh to take power gradually. Its only matter of time
When a Zalim loses his Akl, becomes an object of ridicule and is raised to a high altitude, it means a very sharp and steep fall with devastating effects is nearby....

Interestingly, Mujib accomplished almost everything regarding authoratrian controls, written in this article, at a lightning speed! The end results were that fast too...
Lol, Al jazrera? The same news channel that made false stories about hefazoti workers getting killed by the security forces of Bangladesh which later in got busted by our own news channels?

LOL. Nobody takes them seriously in Bangladesh. They have an hidden agenda
In a nutshell, the ruling party has created a politicised and dependent state apparatus in which state bureaucrats have to ensure the continuing rule of the incumbent in order to preserve their perks and privileges. Such a patron-client system emerged in Iraq, Syria, and Libya with disastrous consequences.
May God help us in future.

What happened on December 30 clearly shows that Bangladesh has officially become a one-party state of an exotic variety, where elections take place, yet votes are not properly counted; where numerous opposition parties are allowed to exist, but are effectively rendered impotent and barred from ever reaching power; and where the raucous media are "free" but are only able to produce a self-censored cacophony of government-approved narratives.
May God help us in future.

A rigged election which effectively side-lined, neutered, and humiliated the political centrists in Bangladesh will ultimately swell the ranks of rejectionists of all varieties, including the ones who reject democracy, secularism, and political change through peaceful means. And that does not bode well for the future of the country.
May God help us in future.
May God help us in future.

May God help us in future.

May God help us in future.
Are you really too much afraid man about our future ? Even under caretaker Govt BNP got 30 seats , still was strong enough to create anarchy from 2013!
That's why we should not become careless about eroding the democracy just because economy is doing good currently.
I can not deny what you said . But I hope a new opposition will rise soon. I am expecting a system like Pakistan . As Pakistan has 3 parties now , so maybe Jatiya party is going to be a better opposition in next election . Maybe in this five years they will be organized . And also before 1991 BNP was actually nothing , as when it's founder Ziaur Rahman died , that time probably there was no proof that it is going to be soo big . However so Ershad can be bigger too. there are many possibilities . Now we have no other way to wait 1/2 years to see a significant change.

By the way , have you read a news that BNP candidate is going to participate in 27 January election in Gaibandha 3 seat ? ;) ?
Read the news bellow

Now tell me why it will be an issue if BNP have not taken oath yet , still their candidate took nomination form gaibandha 3? :D . It's clear that they are not afraid like we are !

Since few years , BNP is doing exactly the opposite as they are saying . So what's the point of being too much tensed if BNP candidate again took nomination form under the Govt ?

here is the news I am going to copy and paste so that all can read without visiting bd news .

Bengali news
Published: 02 Jan 2019 23:01 BdST Updated: 03 Jan 2019 00:01 BdST

গাইবান্ধা-৩ আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিলেন বিএনপি নেতা

একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনের ফল বাতিলের দাবি জানালেও স্থগিত গাইবান্ধা-৩ (সাদুল্লাপুর-পলাশবাড়ী) আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন এক বিএনপি নেতাসহ আরও চারজন।

বুধবার বিএনপি নেতা সৈয়দ মইনুল হাসান সাদিকসহ চারজন মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেন বলে সহকারী রিটার্নিং কর্মকর্তা ও গাইবান্ধা জেলা নির্বাচন কর্মকর্তা মাহবুবর রহমান জানিয়েছেন।

৩০ ডিসেম্বর হয়ে যাওয়া একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃত্বাধীন মহাজোট পেয়েছে ২৮৮ আসন এবং বিএনপির নেতৃত্বে জাতীয় ঐক্যফ্রন্ট পেয়েছে সাতটি আসন। নির্বাচনে অনিয়মের অভিযোগ তুলে ফলাফলকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছে ঐক্যফ্রন্ট।

ঐক্যফ্রন্ট মনোনীত ধানের শীষের প্রার্থী টি আই এম ফজলে রাব্বী চৌধুরী মারা যাওয়ায় এ আসনে নির্বাচন স্থগিত হয়। আসনটিতে আগামী ২৭ জানুয়ারি ভোট হবে।

পুনঃতফসিল অনুযায়ী, মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেওয়ার শেষ দিন ছিল বুধবার। বৃহস্পতিবার বাছাই শেষে প্রার্থিতা প্রত্যাহারের শেষ সময় ১০ জানুয়ারি। এরপর প্রতীক বরাদ্দ হবে ১১ জানুয়ারি।

জেলা বিএনপির সভাপতি সৈয়দ সাদিক ছাড়াও বুধবার মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন আওয়ামী লীগের মাহমুদুল হক ও ইয়াকুব-উল-আজাদ এবং জাতীয় পার্টির (এরশাদ) মঞ্জুরুল হক সাচ্চা।

সব মিলিয়ে এই আসনে মোট প্রার্থীর সংখ্যা দাঁড়াল ১১।

আগের প্রার্থীদের সাতজন। তারা হলেন- আওয়ামী লীগের ইউনুস আলী সরকার, জাতীয় পার্টির দিলারা খন্দকার শিল্পী, জাসদের এসএম খাদেমুল ইসলাম খুদি, ইসলামী আন্দোলনের হানিফ দেওয়ান, বাম গণতান্ত্রিক জোটের সাদেকুল ইসলাম, ন্যাশনাল পিপলস পার্টির মিজানুর রহমান তিতু ও স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী আবু জাফর জাহিদ নিউ।

Bengali news source : https://bangla.bdnews24.com/11thparliamentaryelection/article1578320.bdnews .

@Homo Sapiens , are we too much afraid of those bloody politicians who take oath in the morning and break in the evening ?
Is really democracy safe in there hand ?

Last edited:
I can not deny what you said . But I hope a new opposition will rise soon. I am expecting a system like Pakistan . As Pakistan has 3 parties now , so maybe Jatiya party is going to be a better opposition in next election . Maybe in this five years they will be organized . And also before 1991 BNP was actually nothing , as when it's founder Ziaur Rahman died , that time probably there was no proof that it is going to be soo big . However so Ershad can be bigger too. there are many possibilities . Now we have no other way to wait 1/2 years to see a significant change.

By the way , have you read a news that BNP candidate is going to participate in 27 January election in Gaibandha 3 seat ? ;) ?
Read the news bellow

Now tell me why it will be an issue if BNP have not taken oath yet , still their candidate tooki nomination form for gaibandha 3? :D . It's clear that they are not afraid like we are !

Since few years , BNP is doing exactly the opposite as they are saying . So what's the point of being too much tensed if BNP candidate again took nomination form under the Govt ?

here is the news I am going to copy and paste so that all can read without visiting bd news .

Bengali news
Published: 02 Jan 2019 23:01 BdST Updated: 03 Jan 2019 00:01 BdST

গাইবান্ধা-৩ আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিলেন বিএনপি নেতা

একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনের ফল বাতিলের দাবি জানালেও স্থগিত গাইবান্ধা-৩ (সাদুল্লাপুর-পলাশবাড়ী) আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন এক বিএনপি নেতাসহ আরও চারজন।

বুধবার বিএনপি নেতা সৈয়দ মইনুল হাসান সাদিকসহ চারজন মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেন বলে সহকারী রিটার্নিং কর্মকর্তা ও গাইবান্ধা জেলা নির্বাচন কর্মকর্তা মাহবুবর রহমান জানিয়েছেন।

৩০ ডিসেম্বর হয়ে যাওয়া একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃত্বাধীন মহাজোট পেয়েছে ২৮৮ আসন এবং বিএনপির নেতৃত্বে জাতীয় ঐক্যফ্রন্ট পেয়েছে সাতটি আসন। নির্বাচনে অনিয়মের অভিযোগ তুলে ফলাফলকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছে ঐক্যফ্রন্ট।

ঐক্যফ্রন্ট মনোনীত ধানের শীষের প্রার্থী টি আই এম ফজলে রাব্বী চৌধুরী মারা যাওয়ায় এ আসনে নির্বাচন স্থগিত হয়। আসনটিতে আগামী ২৭ জানুয়ারি ভোট হবে।

পুনঃতফসিল অনুযায়ী, মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেওয়ার শেষ দিন ছিল বুধবার। বৃহস্পতিবার বাছাই শেষে প্রার্থিতা প্রত্যাহারের শেষ সময় ১০ জানুয়ারি। এরপর প্রতীক বরাদ্দ হবে ১১ জানুয়ারি।

জেলা বিএনপির সভাপতি সৈয়দ সাদিক ছাড়াও বুধবার মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন আওয়ামী লীগের মাহমুদুল হক ও ইয়াকুব-উল-আজাদ এবং জাতীয় পার্টির (এরশাদ) মঞ্জুরুল হক সাচ্চা।

সব মিলিয়ে এই আসনে মোট প্রার্থীর সংখ্যা দাঁড়াল ১১।

আগের প্রার্থীদের সাতজন। তারা হলেন- আওয়ামী লীগের ইউনুস আলী সরকার, জাতীয় পার্টির দিলারা খন্দকার শিল্পী, জাসদের এসএম খাদেমুল ইসলাম খুদি, ইসলামী আন্দোলনের হানিফ দেওয়ান, বাম গণতান্ত্রিক জোটের সাদেকুল ইসলাম, ন্যাশনাল পিপলস পার্টির মিজানুর রহমান তিতু ও স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী আবু জাফর জাহিদ নিউ।

Bengali news source : https://bangla.bdnews24.com/11thparliamentaryelection/article1578320.bdnews .

@Homo Sapiens , are we too much afraid of those bloody politicians who take oath in the morning and break in the evening ?
Is really democracy safe in there hand ?

BD is your country , but still I will say don't take these politicians light …… They broke biggest Muslim Country …. One of them was reason of Tipue Sultan death...……. List is to long ……….. 1000s years old history...….
One more thing I will say ……. The hate that current Govt and system of BD putting in minds of BDeshis will hurt you , your nation on day...………….. but people here don't get that...……..
Just look at Pakistani society after Afghan war and Indian society under bjp(rss) under Modi....
By the way , have you read a news that BNP candidate is going to participate in 27 January election in Gaibandha 3 seat ? ;) ?
Read the news bellow

Now tell me why it will be an issue if BNP have not taken oath yet , still their candidate tooki nomination form for gaibandha 3? :D . It's clear that they are not afraid like we are !

Since few years , BNP is doing exactly the opposite as they are saying . So what's the point of being too much tensed if BNP candidate again took nomination form under the Govt ?

here is the news I am going to copy and paste so that all can read without visiting bd news .

Bengali news
Published: 02 Jan 2019 23:01 BdST Updated: 03 Jan 2019 00:01 BdST

গাইবান্ধা-৩ আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিলেন বিএনপি নেতা

একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনের ফল বাতিলের দাবি জানালেও স্থগিত গাইবান্ধা-৩ (সাদুল্লাপুর-পলাশবাড়ী) আসনে মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন এক বিএনপি নেতাসহ আরও চারজন।

বুধবার বিএনপি নেতা সৈয়দ মইনুল হাসান সাদিকসহ চারজন মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেন বলে সহকারী রিটার্নিং কর্মকর্তা ও গাইবান্ধা জেলা নির্বাচন কর্মকর্তা মাহবুবর রহমান জানিয়েছেন।

৩০ ডিসেম্বর হয়ে যাওয়া একাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃত্বাধীন মহাজোট পেয়েছে ২৮৮ আসন এবং বিএনপির নেতৃত্বে জাতীয় ঐক্যফ্রন্ট পেয়েছে সাতটি আসন। নির্বাচনে অনিয়মের অভিযোগ তুলে ফলাফলকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছে ঐক্যফ্রন্ট।

ঐক্যফ্রন্ট মনোনীত ধানের শীষের প্রার্থী টি আই এম ফজলে রাব্বী চৌধুরী মারা যাওয়ায় এ আসনে নির্বাচন স্থগিত হয়। আসনটিতে আগামী ২৭ জানুয়ারি ভোট হবে।

পুনঃতফসিল অনুযায়ী, মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দেওয়ার শেষ দিন ছিল বুধবার। বৃহস্পতিবার বাছাই শেষে প্রার্থিতা প্রত্যাহারের শেষ সময় ১০ জানুয়ারি। এরপর প্রতীক বরাদ্দ হবে ১১ জানুয়ারি।

জেলা বিএনপির সভাপতি সৈয়দ সাদিক ছাড়াও বুধবার মনোনয়নপত্র জমা দিয়েছেন আওয়ামী লীগের মাহমুদুল হক ও ইয়াকুব-উল-আজাদ এবং জাতীয় পার্টির (এরশাদ) মঞ্জুরুল হক সাচ্চা।

সব মিলিয়ে এই আসনে মোট প্রার্থীর সংখ্যা দাঁড়াল ১১।

আগের প্রার্থীদের সাতজন। তারা হলেন- আওয়ামী লীগের ইউনুস আলী সরকার, জাতীয় পার্টির দিলারা খন্দকার শিল্পী, জাসদের এসএম খাদেমুল ইসলাম খুদি, ইসলামী আন্দোলনের হানিফ দেওয়ান, বাম গণতান্ত্রিক জোটের সাদেকুল ইসলাম, ন্যাশনাল পিপলস পার্টির মিজানুর রহমান তিতু ও স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী আবু জাফর জাহিদ নিউ।

Bengali news source : https://bangla.bdnews24.com/11thparliamentaryelection/article1578320.bdnews .

@Homo Sapiens , are we too much afraid of those bloody politicians who take oath in the morning and break in the evening ?
Is really democracy safe in there hand ?
I have heard rumors....facebook posts, suggesting that Fakhrul is gonna be a minister :lol::lol::lol:

I am so confused about the things that I don't even know what to think...Does Awami league actually want to weaken BNP to absorb it not to destroy it? They have already pretty much absorbed Jatiya Party. Not to mention Jashad, Workers party, Tarikat Fedaration are fully integrated into Awami league...separate party in name only. And they might very well absorb Hefajat in near future...the process is started.

Is it gonna be like CPC rule of China? Where CPC and some parties allowed by CPC form a govt?
They have already pretty much absorbed Jatiya Party. Not to mention Jashad, Workers party, Tarikat Fedaration are fully integrated into Awami league...separate party in name only. And they might very well absorb Hefajat in near future...the process is started.

Is it gonna be like CPC rule of China? Where CPC and some parties allowed by CPC form a govt?
I am afraid to say this , it is going towards one party rule !!!! What you said above are clear indications …….

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