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A beloved Indian bus driver was set on fire in Australia. His family blames racism.


Jul 29, 2011
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Really sad news. A brother from Indian Sikh Community in Australia is burned alive.


y Katie Mettler October 31 at 5:41 AM
Indian bus driver set on fire in Australia
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Indian authorities blame racism for a deadly fire-bombing attack that killed an Indian-born bus driver in Brisbane, Australia. (Reuters)
Passengers already filled the seats of the Brisbane public bus Friday morning when the driver, Manmeet Alisher, pushed open the door in the city suburb of Moorooka so more commuters could board.

In Australia, Alisher, a 29-year-old from India, had established himself as a beloved member of the Punjabi community. He sang and participated in community outreach, reported Australian Broadcasting Corporation, announced on an ethnic radio station and wrote often of his new home in poetry. In six weeks, he planned to get married.

But on Friday morning, around 9 a.m., he settled into
he settled into his duties as one of the city’s newest bus drivers, welcoming his passengers inside.

Then one of those passengers pulled out a deadly device, what police described as an “incendiary item,” and threw it at Alisher.

Flames erupted and smoke filled the cabin, trapping the young man and his passengers inside. A taxi driver, realizing what was happening, kicked open the back door of the bus.

The passengers escaped; Alisher did not.

Queensland police said the bus driver was pronounced dead at the scene, prompting a homicide investigation that has devastated tight knit communities across two countries and forced authorities and family to ask incredulously: Why him ?
Most people from Austrlia are OK, but many Aussies are outright racist and hateful towards others.
I've even experienced their racist attitudes here in the Gulf, where they believe they can bully people from the subcontinent. The idiot backed out when he realized we weren't the typical nice, hard-working immigrant type he saw back in the dusty island. :rofl:
Indian govt raised this issue with Australia govt , but nothing can compensate the human life loss .
Damn that is brutal ... I hope Australian Police will catch those scum and make an example out them
I've even experienced their racist attitudes here in the Gulf, where they believe they can bully people from the subcontinent.

Subcontinentals are looked down upon in the whole world. I can't think of a single country where people hold us in high esteem.
What happened in New York to some indian dude was a lot worse compared to this but no one raised that issue heck no one here even said anything.
Sad news.. RIP.
Can't blame the whole of Australia though.

I read in the news that the attacker was mentally unstable.
His name is Anthony O'Donohue, 48.


The police say it isn't a racist attack or terrorism. obviously its not terrorism cause the guy that did this is not muslim and its not rasicm cause the guy is not black. what a load of cr*p.

They're labelling him as "mentally-ill" already.

What happened in New York to some indian dude was a lot worse compared to this but no one raised that issue heck no one here even said anything.

What happened?
Every criminal here claims to be mentally unstable, typical BS of the western judicial system.

Except only Westerners get labelled mentally ill by the media and society when they do something wrong. For the rest of us they blame our religion, culture, ethnicity. They are absolved of their wrongdoing while for us our not only are we punished, our whole community is.
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