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The clock is ticking down on the disinformers of 9-11 they need another false flag ,they need to attack another muslim country fast for the sake of zion.
The one who consistently embarrassed himself here are YOU and the other loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers.

lets keep this civil and not lie, you would have more credibility if you did not lie.

i have not put forward a single "theory" - all i have done is put forward the idea that the passport surviving was somewhat miraculous

since then i watched you persistently take the bait and try to debunk something that is not "debunkable" - i have had this discussion before with 9/11 debunkers and the smarter ones tend to agree quite early on that its highly improbable - at that point the discussion ends.

Here is the relationship between statistics and probability...

with all due respect you are descending into farce, where have i said there is no relation between statistics and probability?

ofcourse there is, but in this discussion statistics are irrelevant, this whole discussion is about chance therefore we are only concerned about probability - i only walk you through this because i like how plucky you are.

i would respect your opinions a bit better if you used your own words

Whatever arguments you want to apply against the passport, you must also apply the same against other items that survived and were found

the concept of controls and variables are totally lost to you - you need to compare an apple with an apple, how hard is that to understand?
lets keep this civil and not lie, you would have more credibility if you did not lie.

i have not put forward a single "theory" - all i have done is put forward the idea that the passport surviving was somewhat miraculous
Same for a credit card. A passport and a credit card are personal items. You speak as if very few people possess these things. A passport and a credit card are usually carried on the body. So if it is improbable that a passport could survive, then it should be equally improbable that a credit card should survive. Same for other personal items like rings or the human hand that bears the ring and touches the passport and the credit card.

since then i watched you persistently take the bait and try to debunk something that is not "debunkable" - i have had this discussion before with 9/11 debunkers and the smarter ones tend to agree quite early on that its highly improbable - at that point the discussion ends.
Then they are not very smart.

Now please dispense with the tiresome argument that you are only presenting an 'idea'. Show us how is improbable that any item, not just a passport or a credit card, could survive. :D
Same for a credit card. A passport and a credit card are personal items. You speak as if very few people possess these things. A passport and a credit card are usually carried on the body. So if it is improbable that a passport could survive, then it should be equally improbable that a credit card should survive. Same for other personal items like rings or the human hand that bears the ring and touches the passport and the credit card.

they are different events - they behaved in different ways

Now please dispense with the tiresome argument that you are only presenting an 'idea'. Show us how is improbable that any item, not just a passport or a credit card, could survive.

i have already explained this, i cannot show you?
so what if 9/11 was an inside job,its all about decieving for MOLOK bush promised us the world ,at momment we still waiting ,:rofl:we wont wait long if the ship is sinking , dont expect the rats not to jump ship,we dont want to be on wrong side of history:agree:
:usflag:you my american friends have only us left as true friends but even friends know when you on life support you are as good as dead ,time to make new friends :wave:
they are different events - they behaved in different ways

i have already explained this, i cannot show you?
Utter bovine excrement.

An aircraft and a credit card are structures. Say we drop both from 100 meters altitude. Upon impact, there will so much damages to the aircraft that it will render it unusable. On the other hand, by the time the credit card impact the ground, we can still use the thing as it was originally intended. Point is that the degree of damages depends on the structure's mass and degree of complexity of said structure. The aircraft certainly is more complex than the credit card or a booklet called a 'passport', no?

In an explosion, the compressive force often propels objects and the objects' speed are affected by each object's individual mass and weight. If an object is light weight enough, it can travel ahead of the fire's flame front, if any exist, in that explosion and this explains why something like this...


...Can survive.

Epic fail. Move along.
Utter bovine excrement.

An aircraft and a credit card are structures. Say we drop both from 100 meters altitude. Upon impact, there will so much damages to the aircraft that it will render it unusable. On the other hand, by the time the credit card impact the ground, we can still use the thing as it was originally intended. Point is that the degree of damages depends on the structure's mass and degree of complexity of said structure. The aircraft certainly is more complex than the credit card or a booklet called a 'passport', no?

. If an object is light weight enough, it can travel ahead of the fire's flame front, if any exist, in that explosion and this explains why something like this...


...Can survive.

Epic fail. Move along.

ridiculous comparison and a strawman argument - who the heck denied that a seatbelt cannot remain in tact if a plane crashes - not me for sure

In an explosion, the compressive force often propels objects and the objects' speed are affected by each object's individual mass and weight

how do you know where the passport was propelled to or in what direction it traveled?

how do you not know it was in the hijackers pocket as you would logically expect?

in that case it should have been incinerated alongside the hijacker

if it was in a bag it would have remained in the bag - how come it was independent of everything else.

you simply dont know so stop trying because you have to make up a new argument each time - why not do the smart thing and concede the point :taz:

. If an object is light weight enough, it can travel ahead of the fire's flame front,

any number of objects WITHIN THE PLANE could have theoretically done that - but they didn't survive like the passport did?

were any other passports found?

not only did this passport do that it managed to avoid the whole building, as well as the fires and also the impact of the collision, what a passport!
ridiculous comparison and a strawman argument - who the heck denied that a seatbelt cannot remain in tact if a plane crashes - not me for sure

how do you know where the passport was propelled to or in what direction it traveled?

how do you not know it was in the hijackers pocket as you would logically expect?

in that case it should have been incinerated alongside the hijacker

if it was in a bag it would have remained in the bag - how come it was independent of everything else.

you simply dont know so stop trying because you have to make up a new argument each time - why not do the smart thing and concede the point :taz:

any number of objects WITHIN THE PLANE could have theoretically done that - but they didn't survive like the passport did?

were any other passports found?

not only did this passport do that it managed to avoid the whole building, as well as the fires and also the impact of the collision, what a passport!
This is why we should not take you, your arguments, and your claim that you 'debated' others seriously. You cannot even see how you debunked yourself. You concede that other items FROM THE AIRCRAFT can survive, but then you turned around and asserted that none of them did despite overwhelming evidences, like a life vest, presented to you.

Epic fail. Move along.
why cant we just all acept that yes 9/11 was an inside job and it was good for the business ,why do these muslims and the truth sayers have to tell the truth.my american friends and us hindu's love to lie it is our right as a demoncracy,i get the shakes my legs start wobbling when we get exposed .bush is an idiot how can you see the plane crash in to them towers live he should have stayed in the bohemian grove ,now they cought him out and its all over utube dam you bushy you should have kept your mouth shut.
You concede that other items FROM THE AIRCRAFT can survive, but then you turned around and asserted that none of them did despite overwhelming evidences, like a life vest, presented to you.

your comprehension is appalling, your brain seems to have some reverse diffusion quality where information is not absorbed but leaked.

i have never once said it was impossible, my whole line of reasoning from the VERY FIRST POST was how unlikely and miraculous an event this is - whats actually your point - do you even agree that it is unlikely?

and again, stop saying you have evidence, you dont - what other passports survived? why is it this one survived?

what lifejacket are you on about?

carry on ignoring the big questions.

what you are doing is a frantic net search to provide bits and pieces to try and support your non-argument - this initself is an admission that you are winging it
your comprehension is appalling, your brain seems to have some reverse diffusion quality where information is not absorbed but leaked.

i have never once said it was impossible, my whole line of reasoning from the VERY FIRST POST was how unlikely and miraculous an event this is - whats actually your point - do you even agree that it is unlikely?
No...I do not agree that it is unlikely. I am saying that it is not unusual for objects like paper to survive an explosion AND a fire. It is YOUR comprehension at basic science that is appalling.

and again, stop saying you have evidence, you dont - what other passports survived? why is it this one survived?
The fact that it is a passport is irrelevant. What is relevant is that other personal items, such as credit cards and rings, survived. What make this particular passport significant is that it incriminate a muslim in a terrorist attack on US.

what lifejacket are you on about?
The one I posted earlier. It belongs INSIDE an aircraft, no? And remember that you conceded that other objects inside an aircraft can survive. So if a life vest survive, so can a passport, an ID card, a ring, or a human hand.

carry on ignoring the big questions.

what you are doing is a frantic net search to provide bits and pieces to try and support your non-argument - this initself is an admission that you are winging it
The fact that you repeated failed to provide any sort of evidences to support your claim that it is improbable for small objects to survive while keep calling for an 'apple to apple' comparison proved you know nothing about statistics and probability. It is YOU who are 'winging it', friend.

Epic fail. Move along.
there must be something seriously wrong with some one that always keeps finishing his posts as epic fail ,did your mamma drop you on your head when you were a baby:lol:
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No...I do not agree that it is unlikely.

then explain the lack of other objects found that NOT ONLY survived, but landed by some road near the towers

better still, show me more than 3 items that followed the fairytale story of the passport, which for something that you say is a likely event should be no problem :ROFL:

What is relevant is that other personal items, such as credit cards and rings, survived. What make this particular passport significant is that it incriminate a muslim in a terrorist attack on US.

none of this items escaped the plane explosion and found a blessed path out of the wtc building onto the street - things can survive but theres only so many times i can tell you that the passport and credit card are different events - one survived one cataclysm, the other survived multiple

The one I posted earlier. It belongs INSIDE an aircraft, no?

provide a link to the picture, dont know where you got it from.

And remember that you conceded that other objects inside an aircraft can survive.

i said its theoretically possible, that does not automatically make it "likely", right?

The fact that you repeated failed to provide any sort of evidences to support your claim that it is improbable for small objects to survive while keep calling for an 'apple to apple' comparison proved you know nothing about statistics and probability. It is YOU who are 'winging it', friend.

asking me to prove a negative again? un-bel-iev-able

why cant you answer some questions like where was the passport when it was in the plane?

was it inside the trouser pocket of the hijacker?

was it inside a jacket pocket?

was it inside a bag?

was it stuffed in the passenger seat?

answers gambit, where are the answers!
You are unbelievable, your arguments have all been epic failures, everything from oxygen deprivation, to asserting probability and talking your way out of overwhelming evidence. You have been disproved and dismissed, first with evidence that other flammable artifacts survived than with the evidence at Oklahoma.

and again, stop saying you have evidence, you dont - what other passports survived? why is it this one survived?

Once again i will demolish your argument, and this time for good:

Let me guess, your excuse will be 'it's not the same items' and 'you don't know the trajectory '...

And now an even better picture of debris, particularly papers that survived the impact--note the man kneeling down and what he is looking at--it appears to be luggage. This picture should tell you several things, firstly papers are clearly evident, thus they survived the explosion, secondly we have what appears to be luggage, passports are usually stored in luggage under these circumstances a passport can survive, but even then that argument is irrelevant considering other papers survived. This is not a phenomena know only to 9-11, many other blasts and fires have turned up evidence such as the Oklahoma city bombing.

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YLet me guess, your excuse will be 'it's not the same items' and 'you don't know the the trajectory '...
This is why his argument should be best describe as deceptive. He demands no less than an exact match and the absent of said match, there is a 'conspiracy'. The man is so wrong at so many levels in so many areas of science and logic.

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