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Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job


May 7, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

As tensions between the U.S. and Russia remain at an all time high comparable to that of the Cold War, it seems that strong-armed Putin has had just about enough of Obama’s petty nuisances. Several analysts have recently speculated that to put Obama in his place once and for all, Putin was set to release evidence (i.e. satellite imagery) in his position that revealed the 9/11 terror attacks as an inside job.

These so called “inside jobs” are better known as false-flag attacks in which they were specifically and strategically designed so as to deceive the public into thinking something that isn’t true. In other words, U.S. officials would plan and execute an attack on America and its people that would look as though a certain enemy entity had carried out the atrocity.


This is only the case when America has proven interests in the homeland of the attributed group. As many have explained before, from both sides of the aisle, the United States had a heavy oil interest and is thought to have been the motive for the alleged false flag attacks.

Several documented cases have been exposed showing that this would be nothing new in the military realm of America in the pursuit of selfish interest. That being the case, it appears as though the rest of the world is growing tired of the impact America is having as it carries out its agenda.

In an effort to expose the government for what it is doing – killing Americans in an effort to invade elsewhere, and then killing nationals wherever they go – some have threatened to leak military details exposing America’s atrocities. The most recent of speculation has fallen upon Putin as he is said to have certain satellite images that prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that America was complicit in a false flag attack.

Supposedly demonstrating that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by American officials – well, you could imagine the repercussions. All faith and trust in government would disintegrate, riots would break out in the streets and perhaps a civil uprising would commence.


That being said, imagine what America would look like upon the world stage. An easy target for Muslim extremists or maybe a takeover by a foreign competing superpower? Although these scenarios may be a stretch, you could see how other forces could easily take advantage of such a situation.

Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job | TellMeNow.com | News, Politics, Entertainment, Life, Humor, Community
It will not be a easy task to prove and convince US people that 9/11 was an inside job.
And your government should be charged with false flag attacks and war crimes against Iraq and Afghanistan and lie on public

I'm more concerned that Putin was withholding evidence to prove that my govt. was involved in false flag attacks. Otherwise no evidence means you can't charge them.
If putin really had such information he would have left to stone unturned to humiliate America
withholding such evidence is a crime too, isnt it? Some countries that have a problem with muslims used the 'war on terror' card after the 2001 happening to invade other countries, sharpen their privacy laws as an excuse or crack down on their own muslims, whether it be military or privacy wise. Russia, China and other countries with a 'muslim issue' used this 'war on terror' card conveniently too and still do, and their actions havent attracted much public attention and condemnation from western countries because they are basically all in the same boat and dont mind at all when innocent muslims get killed due collateral damage along some retarded terrorists. Almost no one in the west gives a rats *** about the Rohingya, Palestinians, Uyghurs, Central African muslims etc. Perhaps this 'war on terror' card is not needed anymore in Russia and so Putin is now prepared to blow up America's cover, but still it seems fishy for Putin being so late.
ps: If someone can expose crap such as Al qaeda too, i'd appreciate it, because i dont believe that some of those prominent terrorist groups are truly independent and not linked to certain powers that wish to destabilize Africa, Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia and China too.
It will not be a easy task to prove and convince US people that 9/11 was an inside job.

Proving is not the problem. For american public CNN is the only holy cow they worship so doesnt matter if it true or not as for them Russia is the great satan. .
It has been.

You mean Russia is the not the real Great Satan ?


You are overlooking another great satan on imperial march in the Pacific; one that is growing stronger every day, and is much more menacing than Ruskies who with their waning power are striking out of desperation.
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