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For everybody's communal sanity, please lock this thread. It would be appreciated. That would give Mr. Sock Puppet nowhere to go, since he is interested in nothing else, it seems.

While that would indeed be the sensible thing to do; there is no way we can keep a good (hallucinating loony) man down. It will pop up again.
While it is believed that a fool and his money is easily parted, a fool and his ideas (sadly) can never be separated.
The same figherfighters that that debunked the 'explosion' myth by acknowledging their oxygen tanks were left behind.

Wrong and wrong, building 7 was badly damaged, at least 25 of the outer core was destroyed and it did burn, infact it burned for over 7 hours and it should be noted that diesel tanks inside building 7 spurred the fire.

Your argument is typical of conspiracy theorists, I take it you also believe that flight 93 had no wreckage? Stop listening to diluted conspiracy theorists.

Diesel generators, and abandoned oxygen tanks.

Stop it with the nonsense, there is no way three building could have been set up for demolition without anyone noticing, like I mentioned before it takes demolition technicians months to prepare buildings, this includes striping walls, floorboards, removing and cutting pipes and electrical wire and drilling hundreds or thousand of wholes for explosive charges, then running miles of charge wire through the building. Use some common sense.

Your claim about figherfighters hearing explosions, presumable from dynamite, in wtc7 and making it out is absurd. Like I mentioned earlier I know a bomb technician that worked for an intelligence agency, he was actually my instructor, so I know a thing or two. Firstly the shockwave will kill you......period. You won't be able to outrun it or 'ride the wave' as you see in movies. it will turn your organs into mush.

Lets use so critical thinking skills, it takes just seconds for all explosive charges in a building to go off, almost immediately after, the building collapses, so unless those figherfighters were able to outrun a ~600-2000mph shockwave, depending on the charge, and actually outrun the falling floors I say your claim is busted...no utterly annihilated.

:rofl: No you don't, your claims are rediculous and false.

So FBI, CIA and Massad 'privately' told you they were involved? :rofl: Or let me guess you heard this nonsense from a conspiracy theory website that is probably written by a schizophrenic.

i agree what u talking about...but If I use my commonsense them my brain dont accept that these whole buildings can come down just by hitting with the planes only...whereas these towers were totally reinforced concrete with steel which can withstand temps more than 1200 degree Centrigrade....:woot:
regarding building seven it was not even hit by any plane plus why it caught fire only on that day due to internal diesel generators combustion and what happened to their own internal water sprinkler systems and smoke detectors..why they became faulty the same day...inspite it was a very sensitive buiding....:lol:

okay if u trying to refute all the explanations i gave u above...even though I have reasonable explanations of everything above...but here i might not wanna do more discussions cuz u might not wanna bielieve cuz ure ideas and concepts are totally biased..but i might add for ure info that it is for sure that some govts do have hold of some of the inside pplz involved in the case...and they already know the whole game play ...i guess that should be enough...look may be I do have some inside info ....:lol:
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Can lightning strike and kill a man? Yes. But the odds, according to you, should be extremely unlikely. That mean if lightning struck and kill Joe Schmoe instead of John Doe standing next to him, it must be God Himself who had it in for poor Joe. By your argument, every arson evidences that incriminated a person must be suspect because it is extremely unlikely that anything could survive a house fire.

talk about lightening now?

well that fits, you have been talking about everything other than how improbable the survival is of this blessed fireproof passport with wings :usflag:

No...It is YOU who are scared. It is the muslims who are afraid of their religion associated to this attack on US.

who would do such a thing?:what:
Melted steal cores but left body untouched ?

the ridiculous theories goes to you my dear old friend.
Basic science -- Epic fail.

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

talk about lightening now?

well that fits, you have been talking about everything other than how improbable the survival is of this blessed fireproof passport with wings :usflag:

who would do such a thing?:what:
Statistics -- Epic fail.
Basic science -- Epic fail.

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

Statistics -- Epic fail.

i dont know what you are on about but knowing you probability is what you meant because you seem to have no idea of the difference between probability and statistics :rofl:

care to elaborate - got anymore junk examples?

come up with a new theory of how the passport survived?

or are you QUIETLY realising that you were driving into a dead end?:chilli:
i dont know what you are on about but knowing you probability is what you meant because you seem to have no idea of the difference between probability and statistics :rofl:

care to elaborate - got anymore junk examples?

come up with a new theory of how the passport survived?

or are you QUIETLY realising that you were driving into a dead end?:chilli:
The burden is upon you to show how it is improbable that ANY item, be it a booklet or a credit card or human remains, could survive. It is not enough to simply aver that it is 'extremely unlikely' when real world evidences contradicts your assertion. Either you are wrong, or every piece of evidences in every crimes are suspect.

Probability or statistics -- Epic fail for you. We can add logical thinking as well.
The burden is upon you to show how it is improbable that ANY item, be it a booklet or a credit card or human remains, could survive. It is not enough to simply aver that it is 'extremely unlikely' when real world evidences contradicts your assertion. Either you are wrong, or every piece of evidences in every crimes are suspect.

Probability or statistics -- Epic fail for you. We can add logical thinking as well.

why do you keep embarrassing yourself - what person with any brains would try to prove a negative - ofcourse it **could** happen but its pretty damn unlikely to survive an inferno, survive a crash blast, go through a building and land in tact - and thats what you refuse to say.

up to now you have not shown anything that suggests something comparable happened because there is nothing that is as blessed as the passport from within the plane

the burden of "logic" lies with you - how did it happen?

cant explain it? well theres a surprise

and just for your benefit below is a definition of statistics

(used with a sing. verb) The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.

it has ZERO relevance

you are making it up as you go along.
Melted steal cores but left body untouched ?

the ridiculous theories goes to you my dear old friend.

No steel melted period! Get it through your head. As I explained before the steel weakened by a factor of at least 50% due to the fire which is estimated to be over 1,100 F. Whatever 'steal' that was melted was not from the wtc but aluminum from the aircraft.

Unless you have something to disprove my verified finding it is you that is ridiculous.

i agree what u talking about...but If I use my commonsense them my brain dont accept that these whole buildings can come down just by hitting with the planes only...whereas these towers were totally reinforced concrete with steel which can withstand temps more than 1200 degree Centrigrade....:woot:

Again as mentioned before the temperature likely reached over 1,100 degrees, enough to weaken the steel by 50%, if the building simply caught fire than perhaps it would have never collapsed but in this case two airliners flew through both buildings and damaged much of the support columns.

regarding building seven it was not even hit by any plane plus why it caught fire only on that day due to internal diesel generators combustion and what happened to their own internal water sprinkler systems and smoke detectors..why they became faulty the same day...inspite it was a very sensitive buiding....:lol:

WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft it was hit by debris:

The debris either ignited the fuel tanks or the debris itself was on fire. Water sprinklers can only do so much once fuel tanks are burning.

okay if u trying to refute all the explanations i gave u above...even though I have reasonable explanations of everything above...

Actually you have not had one, all of your explanations have been questions of 'how can this happen' and 'how did that happen'.

but here i might not wanna do more discussions cuz u might not wanna bielieve cuz ure ideas and concepts are totally biased..

It's the other way around, it is you and others like you who ignore facts and reports. It is the truthers who believe anything and everything that circulates around the 9-11 attacks no matter how absurd they may be.
happen but its pretty damn unlikely to survive an inferno, survive a crash blast, go through a building and land in tact - and thats what you refuse to say.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that much flamable debris survived? I gave you a photograph which showed paper littering the street after the first aircraft hit. Why is it that those papers can survive but a passport can not?

YouTube - WTC rare footage!

Here is a video showing the evacuation after the attacks look at frame 1:02-1:05 than look at frame 1:09 and 1:28, clearly papers survived.

up to now you have not shown anything that suggests something comparable happened because there is nothing that is as blessed as the passport from within the plane.

I would say that the random papers that survived the crash and litted the streets were very 'blessed' :angel: And something comparable did happen, do you remember the Oklahoma city bombings?

I suppose the Oklahoma city bombing was also a conspiracy because various papers and other flamables survived a bomb blast that destroyed or damaged 324 buildings . The blast from the bomb at Oklahoma city was much more powerful that jet fuel perhaps even more potent that an airliner and jet fuel hitting a building. This bomb was made from: 5,400lbs of ammonium nitrate, 65 gallons of liquid nitromethane, and several crates of explosive Tovex, as well as seventeen bags of highly explosive ANFO.

Yet...somehow....papers survived. I suppose it too was blessed.

the burden of "logic" lies with you - how did it happen?

It has been explained many times before, yet you had no rebutal other than 'how is it possible' and 'how can it survive'.
As I explained before the steel weakened by a factor of at least 50% due to the fire which is estimated to be over 1,100 F

i dont get into the in's and out of how the buildings fell but how has that temperature been verified?

i think you are not telling the truth - the type of fire needed to reach that temperature would not remain constant and would probably become less intense with time (black smoke starved of oxygen) - you are assuming that they remained constant at the maxi,mum temperature for hydrocarbons!

but thats up to you to argue about
Why is it that those papers can survive but a passport can not?

because (FOR THE TENTH TIME) those papers were in the building and not in the plane so they are two different matters and will be treated completely differently.

the credit card that survived remained in the rubble, that is the closest comparison i know of and that did not have a magic blessed trajectory

you clearly have not read the thread properly, please take a second (and a few deep breaths) before you post again
i dont get into the in's and out of how the buildings fell

I know and it shows.

but how has that temperature been verified?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology conducted a test to see how hot a house fire can get.

i think you are not telling the truth - the type of fire needed to reach that temperature would not remain constant and would probably become less intense with time (black smoke starved of oxygen) - you are assuming that they remained constant at the maxi,mum temperature for hydrocarbons!

Wrong, fires get more intense with time such as coals turning red. And that black smoke was from plastic and rubber onbard the aircraft. Now to address the oxogen issue, both buildings had an entrance hole and exit hole as well as blown out windows i doubt that there was any oxogen starvation.

because (FOR THE TENTH TIME) those papers were in the building and not in the plane so they are two different matters and will be treated completely differently.

How do you know that those papers were all from the building? And why would it be a completely different matter when both papers from inside the aircraft as well as inside the building indured the same blast, the same fireball, and were ejected out of the same exit hole?

you clearly have not read the thread properly, please take a second (and a few deep breaths) before you post again

I have read the thread very clearly, perhaps you should take a deap breath and think twice before you post futile claims.
i dont get into the in's and out of how the buildings fell but how has that temperature been verified?

i think you are not telling the truth - the type of fire needed to reach that temperature would not remain constant and would probably become less intense with time (black smoke starved of oxygen) - you are assuming that they remained constant at the maxi,mum temperature for hydrocarbons!

but thats up to you to argue about
This has been debunked years ago. The fact that you even bring this up tells everyone that you are severely behind the times as well failed basic science.

Black smoke equals to oxygen deprivation...??? :lol:


Guess the environment around that burnt aircraft must be in a force field. New firefighting technology from the ME we do not know about?

Black smoke DOES NOT indicate oxygen deprivation but incomplete combustion of the materials involved.
This has been debunked years ago. The fact that you even bring this up tells everyone that you are severely behind the times as well failed basic science.

Black smoke equals to oxygen deprivation...??? :lol:


Guess the environment around that burnt aircraft must be in a force field. New firefighting technology from the ME we do not know about?

Black smoke DOES NOT indicate oxygen deprivation but incomplete combustion of the materials involved.

stick to your area of expertise mate, explain the statistics of the passport and its magic survival ROFL
why do you keep embarrassing yourself - what person with any brains would try to prove a negative - ofcourse it **could** happen but its pretty damn unlikely to survive an inferno, survive a crash blast, go through a building and land in tact - and thats what you refuse to say.

up to now you have not shown anything that suggests something comparable happened because there is nothing that is as blessed as the passport from within the plane

the burden of "logic" lies with you - how did it happen?

cant explain it? well theres a surprise

and just for your benefit below is a definition of statistics

it has ZERO relevance

you are making it up as you go along.
The one who consistently embarrassed himself here are YOU and the other loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers.

Here is the relationship between statistics and probability...

Statistics & Probability
Statistics is a set of methods used to collect and analyze data. Those statistical methods help people identify, study, and solve a variety of problems. Statistics help people make good decisions about uncertain situations. Probability is used to describe events that do not occur with certainty.

People in varied occupations use statistics. Health professionals use statistical methods to determine whether a specific drug or procedure is useful in the treatment of medical problems. Weather forecasters use statistics to more accurately predict the weather. Engineers use statistics to benchmark standards for product safety and quality. Scientists employ statistical methods to design effective experiments. Economists apply statistical techniques in predicting future economic trends.

Statisticians analyze data in two varying ways: exploratory methods and confirmatory methods. Exploratory methods are used to analyze what the data seem to be saying. These exploratory methods often involve computing averages or percentages and displaying the data on some type of graph. Confirmatory methods apply ideas from probability theory in an attempt to answer specific questions.
Whatever arguments you want to apply against the passport, you must also apply the same against other items that survived and were found, be it incriminating to the hijackers or as mementos of the dead victims. If it is improbable for a passport to survive, so is it improbable for a credit card or a human hand. This is not about proving any negative statement.

Epic fail.

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

stick to your area of expertise mate, explain the statistics of the passport and its magic survival ROFL
And black smoke = oxygen deprivation...:lol:
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