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pdl3 one thing i want to ask of if you say the pressure of the building cause the windows to blow from key structural points it is wrong it is air circulated which allows air to come in and out it aint sealed

Your sentence isn't very coherent but i'm guessing you're trying to say that the wtc wasn't an air tight structure but had air circulation that could escape via doors, windows or other means.

Firstly, the windows have their breaking point in X poinds per square foot, with that being said the collapse of the wtc created a force of X pounds of displaced air per square foot, so even if we assume that some windows were open if the displaced air is greater than the breaking point of the windows than the windows will blow out. Once again i'm going to point out that during the collapse the debrise shot outwards because of the massive displacement of air.

.... i mean the PEOPLE WHO WORKED THERE EVEN SAY THAT BEFORE 911 there was being work done on floors and there drilling and areas where off limits? i mean have you guy have you heads soo up the fake news ***** that there no return?

Do you have any idea what goes into preping a building for demolition and not just any building but the wtc? In order to bring down the wtc crews would have to go through every floor and strip everything, including carpet and sheetrock. You think workers wouldn't notice holes filled with explossive charges under their feet? Moreover, i seen a video were they interview one of those mystery workers.

Once again:

The demolition of the Washington DC Convention Center in 2004 involved preparations that went on for months. Massive crews were at work, placing explosives around ~500 columns and doing other preparation work. The crews and activity were highly noticeable to people in the area.[7]

The demolition of Kodak Park's Buildings 9 and 23 in Rochester, New York took months of preparation. Setting up the explosives involved cutting torches to slice through metal pipes and heavy equipment to drill holes in the forest of thick concrete support beams, and placing sticks of dynamite into the holes. When they go off, the explosions cause the buildings to implode, or collapse inward.

Controlled demolition -Debunk 9/11 Myths
Laser-Guided system might have been used in guiding the planes/cruise missiles whatever they were,,,
Good...At least we can establish that you admit there was an aircraft, and a cruise missile IS an aircraft, that deliberately crashed into each tower. Still...It make little sense to use something as sophisticated as a laser guide when the towers themselves provided ample electronic guidance, even for unsophisticated optical guidance. The towers' exterior are largely glass. Each rose over 400 meters above ground. What is the need to have precision laser guidance?
Wanna see the series of explosions going on in the center of buildings...1st video below also answers ur proposition that WTC fell to one side which wasn't characteristic of controlled-demolitions... (See how CBS r trying to cover flashes by putting blue title bars)
Har...Those flashes look more like they came from glass window deformations than from an explosion.
all imploded buildings do that,,, just go & watch implosions again,,,

that's why we call it implosion as opposed to explosion coz they all buckle inwards... coz the central column is blown up 1st so that falling floors pull the sides of building inwards,,, thus bringing the building down onto its footprints,,,

ur "buckling" theory actually proves that WTCs were imploded.
Wrong...You are assuming that the central columns were deliberately compromised. The 'how' of their structural failures can come from either a deliberately implanted explosive charge, or a large object collided with them. No one can deny that the central columns' structural integrity were compromised. The question is the 'how' and that is where you are misleading people. Once the aircraft severed enough of the group's columns, the collapse behavior would of course be similar to how a structure is deliberately compromised.
Perhaps, residents of building did report that there were lots of repairs/power outages going on 4-6 weeks preceding 911... these were all cover-ups for those installments,,
So when the lights are out the building installed the explosive charges by itself...??? :rofl:

Please provide a credible source that has residents reported power outages AND workers making a lot of construction related noise. Sorry...But 'loosechange' is not a credible source.
I guess I too underestimated the convincing power of Nat Geo's documentry where they bent much much thinner beam loaded on one side with heavy metal plates, over a well oxigenated unrelenting fire & where they crash a wing-less :partay: rocket shaped scale model of 757 to prove why pentagon didn't get any damage from wings... should I laugh or what!!!

& ppl don't forget tests were done by "independent professors" who looked like students "from more than a dozen universities" aka Perdue uni...
You should laugh...But at your own ignorance and gullibility. In aviation, weight is a penalty. An aircraft is not a solid object but essentially a hollow one. The fuselage is a tube, not a rod. The wings are fuel cavities and liquid mass do not offer the same type of structural integrity as solid mass can. That is why we have buildings made of concrete, not of water tanks. So when the airliner's wings met the Pentagon's solid concrete sides, guess what...The wings will be sheared off.
...let me make this point clear.... Anyone who believes that a group of tribals living in the mountains were the ones who crashed airliners into the twin towers of the WORLD's MOST POWERFUL country are the biggest Idiots.
You are correct. Anyone who does so believe should be committed to a mental rehab. Instead, they should believe that those airliners were hijacked and piloted by educated men, fully comfortable with modern day's technological level and how to exploit weaknesses.
First of all, before I post the "slap-in-the-face video evidence" to prove 9/11 was an well orchestrated inside Job, let me make this point clear.... Anyone who believes that a group of tribals living in the mountains were the ones who crashed airliners into the twin towers of the WORLD's MOST POWERFUL country are the biggest Idiots.

I fail to see the sophistication in hijacking airliners and crashing them into buildings. Moreover, those 'tribals' carried out attacks on the WTC in 1993, they also attacked a US navy ship as well as the US embasy in 1998 which prompted than president Clinton to order air strikes over Afghanistan.
ok vladamir putin and george bush :lol:

the windows you say pressure we say bombs ? how can i prove you wrong? pressure from the WTC would be thousand of pounds upon thousand pounds yes ? and it was defenately not air tight right? so presumely ones it started to collaps wouldent all the windows blowout why only certain amount of windows blew out .... i mean if it where pressure all the windows would dreak wouldent they? please elabourate
You are correct. Anyone who does so believe should be committed to a mental rehab. Instead, they should believe that those airliners were hijacked and piloted by educated men, fully comfortable with modern day's technological level and how to exploit weaknesses.

exploit weakness?? WTF are you talking? The only exploitation of weakness would be that of the DUMB people who blindly believe in such fabricated lies presented by the elite-funded corporate media and newspaper. Your so called "educated men" can not even get anywhere close to hijacking a bicycle and crash into the reception of World Trade Center. So you atleast need an "insider" help to a great deal to crash planes into the twin towers and the PENTAGON(can you believe it, these highly trained educated triabls crashed an hijacked plane into the Pentagon, and the people working in pentagon were all very busy flirting in social networking sites?). One just needs common sense to understand the facts. I even gave you the best evidence ever to prove that 9/11 was a well orchestrated inside job, and you seem to have happily ignored the evidence. Good job :yahoo:

9/11 eyewitness

and here is more news coming in.....
Top construction firm - World Trade center destroyed by controlled demolition

americans are on the verge of evacuating afghanistan but that bloody bin laden who was the cause of 9/11 can never be found is he a JAMES BOND or something?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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