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I wish I had a nickle for every threads and arguments relating to INSIDE JOB, I would be a millionaire by know!!!!

All power to you Mr. Zaga, you will need it because you really, and really have an upstream battle..

did you look at the videos yet?
did you look at the videos yet?

Your statement shows how long I have been in this forum, and how many of your kinds have shown videos of this kind, and not only that how many time sane members have made points to make one understand.

Thanks, I have not looked at your videos, but I have in other threads.....
looks like no one want to know the truth ( the statement that iam about to make is simple and stright but i dont know the right numbers but there in the video ) when the air planes hit wtc 80% of the fuel was burnt upon impact which let 20% in WTC from the goverment led investigations it was said that air plane fuel loosend up the structure and thus collasped ? but if you can tell me one thing how much heat dose an open fire contain ? lets say the MOST 500 degreese and the melting point of metal is 1370 degrees which is a huge difference .... on that day on 9 11 there was melted meral pouring out of WTC how can this happen? the people that worked there told a couple of months before 911 there was construcrion happening on numerious floors bombs planted but not any types of dynamite it was thermite dynamite that when started it liquidizes metal to make it into molten metal which we saw on 911.... controlled demolition ... i remember there a channel in pakistan called reality channel it showed controlled
looks like no one want to know the truth ( the statement that iam about to make is simple and stright but i dont know the right numbers but there in the video ) when the air planes hit wtc 80% of the fuel was burnt upon impact which let 20% in WTC from the goverment led investigations it was said that air plane fuel loosend up the structure and thus collasped ? but if you can tell me one thing how much heat dose an open fire contain ? lets say the MOST 500 degreese and the melting point of metal is 1370 degrees which is a huge difference .... on that day on 9 11 there was melted meral pouring out of WTC how can this happen? the people that worked there told a couple of months before 911 there was construcrion happening on numerious floors bombs planted but not any types of dynamite it was thermite dynamite that when started it liquidizes metal to make it into molten metal which we saw on 911.... controlled demolition ... i remember there a channel in pakistan called reality channel it showed controlled

Yes Yes Yes also do not forget about building number 7, where it was a planned demolition job!! I mean how can a building on the side be destroyed in a perfect form...
You know, I tend to stay away from these discussions because my dad saw the plane hit pentagon with his own eyes.

but one day I saw this:

the fruck am i supposed to say to that?
^^^demolition i remember how the buildings use to go down in such a neat formation ... obviously you need to loosen the key points of the building ie... the steel beams ... if you refer to to video 8 or 9 i think they show pictures of hundreds of beams in a cut out manner as if something ripped throught the metal thoe are linear shaped charges that use thermate to cut throught the metal ... here how a controled emolition works ... they start from the top by blowing off the colums then one the first of the colums collaps the timer on the other colums blow so it colapses in a sequence which WTC DID if you compare controlled demolition and 911 you will be shocked .... that it for now ill write more later
You know, I tend to stay away from these discussions because my dad saw the plane hit pentagon with his own eyes.

but one day I saw this:

the fruck am i supposed to say to that?

hey freekin just to ask you one thing when a plane hit a wall or building it leaves alot of debre like engines wings or adlest seats it dident leave nothing!!! many say there was a cruise missel that was with it that dethonated on impact
Yes Yes Yes also do not forget about building number 7, where it was a planned demolition job!! I mean how can a building on the side be destroyed in a perfect form...

youll be surprised why they destroyed building 7
youll be surprised why they destroyed building 7

Know I am more interested in the reasoning behind destroying building number 7, let me guess, was it finally "Money" for the owner of World trade center.... (Insurance Money).

What begs me to ask you a rational question is, did the Insurance company have enough money to pay the owner, and If they did, are they still in Business?
yes they still are in buisness funnyiest thing is the owner inshured the the building just for terriost attacks before 911 and got million out of inshurerance
Why do people still keep circling back to the same story? For those believing these videos, please see all the other debunking theories and videos. If you can't believe OBL and AQ are behind this (despite they themselves claiming this multiple times), how can you then say it was an insider's job? If one is inconclusive proof, then how come the other is conclusive proof of America's involvement? This hypocrisy is as glaring as that of Dr. Zakir Naik (pretty much what is the only bad thing about him).

And please stop this theory of "follow the money trail" - there is no proof of "Jews" and "Jewish companies" making money out of this tragedy. There are equally unproven theories of Arab businessmen and AQ minions making money by short selling airline and insurance stocks.
You know, I tend to stay away from these discussions because my dad saw the plane hit pentagon with his own eyes.

but one day I saw this:

the fruck am i supposed to say to that?

Watch 9/11: Science and Conspiracy | National Geographic Channel.

They construct a scale model, smash a 757 scaled model, get the same collision and destruction and the plane structure does not remain intact that's why there's no externally visible part of the 757. Tests were conducted by independent professors from more than a dozen universities.

Bullshit, false assumptions, short sightedness, schizophrenia and insanity all have their limits but conspiracy theories have no limit.

Mumbai Attacks were an inside job. 7/7 was an inside job. Roswell has been hidden. There was no moon landing. McCartney is dead. Perpetual motion is real and governments are hiding free energy. Illuminati and Freemasons use water fluoridation to control minds. Freemasons created AIDS. Elvis is alive and lives in Paris. Governments hide the Rendlesham Forest incident. Madrid Bombings were an inside job. Friday's attacks were planned. Ahmedis got themselves killed to get sympathies and get Ordinance XX revoked.

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to sparkling way ..... have you every saw the free falll of WTC ? a building of that size steel beams bending BREAKING and thus comeing down in a couple of seconds? you never answer my question . how can a steel structured building be decimated by air planes? you might say the fuel loosend up the structure wrong open fires have a maximal temperature of 500 degreese and steel dosent get any hotter than the heat applied to it. so how did WTC fall? please explain?
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