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People who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I hope you rot in hell!
You have no right to use such harsh words for those who don't agree with you. for all we know Americans have killed more people in Iraq & Afghanistan than Alqaeeda so its pretty obvious who are going to rot in hell. :bunny:
we all knw that 9/11 was inside job
People who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I hope you rot in hell!

People who deny that 9/11 was an Inside Job are no better than the Zionists themselves! You are hateful anti-Muslims. I hope you rot in hell!
Zaki, Taliban didn't do the 9/11 attack. Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban was hiding a smaller group, Al Qaeda, who were actually the ones who did the attack.
and let me add that Taliban could've avoided the whole WOT if they had given up Already but they supported it just to show a middle finger to infidels and become popular among conservatives anti americans.Talibans were too much arrogant.They brought their own downfall.Pakistan made the absolute worst choice by supporting them.They even turned on Pakistan.We should have supported some secular war lord instead of Talibans who in any case had their eyes on Pakistan too.As far as you trying to explain AQ did 9/11.I think it's a fruitless exercise.There are some people here who even if Mullah Omar personally calls them and tell them we are behind terrorists attacks would not believe that Muslims can blow something up.
That was compressed air:
Why "compressed air" prefers to exit ONLY in one particular row of windows of building fronts leaving rest of the windows...!!! It was NOT compressed air, it was charge that was used to break up central re-enforces column at intervals...

Puffs(Yellow Arrows) r at much lower level than the falling floors... they were actually timed devices yielding the way for falling floors...while the compress air that u talk of is coming out of ALL the windows (Red arrows) equally..

I mentioned this in post #35 but i will mention it again... 2. an aircraft impact would severe the charge wire, thus no impact would occur--
Well u r poorly informed then...

Now a days they don't even use wires,,, they use wire-less devices where each charge is timed so that they would trigger at a pre-decided intervals,,, each charge is wirelessly exploded by timing devices...

I quote:-

Our TeleBlaster telemetry blast initiation system was designed for blasters by blasters ; a wireless blast initiation system used to safely initiate commercial explosives blasts.

Wanna see the series of explosions going on in the center of buildings...1st video below also answers ur proposition that WTC fell to one side which wasn't characteristic of controlled-demolitions... (See how CBS r trying to cover flashes by putting blue title bars)
Notice the left-most vertical column of windows being rocked in series...
See the flashes after minutes 00:43 & hear the sound,,, just above the top black-band,,,

--1. buildings aren’t brought down from the top down
Really,,, didn't u expect them to make it NOT look like a demolition, so rather start collapse from the floors where alleged-planes hit,,,

& even if ur theory is considered right then WTC-7 did come down from below... so at least this was a controlled-demolition according to ur concepts...

3. One of the pictures i provided shows how the vertical columns concaved and caused the horizontal beams to sag, i even provided a picture showing the columns giving way right before the collapse
all imploded buildings do that,,, just go & watch implosions again,,,

that's why we call it implosion as opposed to explosion coz they all buckle inwards... coz the central column is blown up 1st so that falling floors pull the sides of building inwards,,, thus bringing the building down onto its footprints,,,

ur "buckling" theory actually proves that WTCs were imploded.

--4. Another photo shows one of the towers leaning, thus this supports the theory of the sagging columns--
Answered above,, in the 1st video,,, Many imploded buildings lean to one side... nothing amazing about it....



5.In order to rig the building with explosives workers would have to work weeks perhaps months
Perhaps, residents of building did report that there were lots of repairs/power outages going on 4-6 weeks preceding 911... these were all cover-ups for those installments,,,
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I never thought this thread would continue for this long. I guess I underestimated the convincing power of a poorly made argument and a short video made while sitting in the basement having nothing to do.
I never thought this thread would continue for this long. I guess I underestimated the convincing power of a poorly made argument and a short video made while sitting in the basement having nothing to do.
I guess I too underestimated the convincing power of Nat Geo's documentry where they bent much much thinner beam loaded on one side with heavy metal plates, over a well oxigenated unrelenting fire & where they crash a wing-less :partay: rocket shaped scale model of 757 to prove why pentagon didn't get any damage from wings... should I laugh or what!!!

& ppl don't forget tests were done by "independent professors" who looked like students "from more than a dozen universities" aka Perdue uni...
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I do believe that the 9/11 attack is done by al-qaeda. The problem is you can very well justify the 9/11 but cant the other tragic bombing done by them.
first of all saying that killing is done by america or israel itself is sympathizing al-qaeda.
there were actually two fatwas givin by osama-bin-laden first was that american soldiers to be removed from saudia arab and second was american foreign policy towards israel. To fulfill these, he successfully gather huge support against america.the planing was very well done and its not a difficult job at that time to hijack four planes and then the incident.
i dont recognize al-qaeda as muslims.In my view they are not extremist but terrorist.The group of people who use the name islam to do these acts and gain support.These people in my view are dirt and because of them the people have negative thinking about islam.
The root causes in making of these terrorist organisations are condition of muslims in israel and foreign policies of us.But still blasting a civilian place is intolerable.
Why "compressed air" prefers to exit ONLY in one particular row of windows of building fronts leaving rest of the windows...!!! It was NOT compressed air, it was charge that was used to break up central re-enforces column at intervals...

Elevator shafts and different layout from floor to floor insured an uneven distribution of air. During the calapse why else do you think the debris shot outwards? This is because the wtc was like a vacuum tube, once the floors gave way they came down causing massive compression.

Puffs(Yellow Arrows) r at much lower level than the falling floors... they were actually timed devices yielding the way for falling floors...while the compress air that u talk of is coming out of ALL the windows (Red arrows) equally..

Of course they are, what else did you expect?

Well u r poorly informed then...

Now a days they don't even use wires,,, they use wire-less devices where each charge is timed so that they would trigger at a pre-decided intervals,,, each charge is wirelessly exploded by timing devices...

I quote:-

Our TeleBlaster telemetry blast initiation system was designed for blasters by blasters ; a wireless blast initiation system used to safely initiate commercial explosives blasts.

Lets say they did use remote explosives, how on earth did they manage to drill hundreds of explosive charges into the walls and floors?

Wanna see the series of explosions going on in the center of buildings...1st video below also answers ur proposition that WTC fell to one side which wasn't characteristic of controlled-demolitions... (See how CBS r trying to cover flashes by putting blue title bars)
YouTube - WTC flashes
YouTube - North Tower incredible flashes and pops

Those videos you posted are nothing more than falling debris, look at the video i provided below, from the 0:13 second mark to the end of the video you can see what looks like hundreds of explosions but it is nothing more than falling debrise reflecting sunlight. When the debrise tubles it gives off momentary reflections in random sequence.

& even if ur theory is considered right then WTC-7 did come down from below... so at least this was a controlled-demolition according to ur concepts...

Yep conspiracy theorists know more than the NIST. Please read all of it:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7 following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "Our take-home message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

After 7 hours of uncontrolled fires, a steel girder on Floor 13 lost its connection to one of the 81 columns supporting the building. Floor 13 collapsed, beginning a cascade of floor failures to Floor 5. Column 79, no longer supported by a girder, buckled, triggering a rapid succession of structural failures that moved from east to west. All 23 central columns, followed by the exterior columns, failed in what's known as a "progressive collapse"--that is, local damage that spreads from one structural element to another, eventually resulting in the collapse of the entire structure.

"Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires."

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down.

A key factor in the collapse, NIST concluded, was the failure of structural "connections that were designed to resist gravity loads, but not thermally induced lateral loads." According to Sunder: "For the first time we have shown that fire can induce a progressive collapse."

And look here they even talk about the possibility of explosives:

Spurred by conspiracy theorists' questions, investigators did look specifically at the possibility that explosives were involved. "Hypothetical blast events did not play a role in the collapse of WTC 7," the report states, adding that investigators "found no evidence whose explanation required invocation of a blast event." Moreover, the smallest charge capable of initiating column failure "would have resulted in a sound level of 130 dB [decibels] to 140 dB at a distance of at least half a mile." Witnesses did not report hearing such a loud noise, nor is one audible on recordings of the collapse.

World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest - Popularmechanics.com

And an animation showing just how wtc 7 callapsed:

LSDYNA Physics-based model of the collapse initiation of WTC 7

So we know the construction of wtc 7 was poor but what many people don't know is that 25 percent of the lower building was "scooped out" or damaged, this along with what the NIST expalained is more than enough to expalin just why wtc 7 fell and more importantly why it collapsed from the bottom.

ur "buckling" theory actually proves that WTCs were imploded.

No it does not, when a building is set for demolition the explosive charges weaken the structures suporting columns, thus causing the structure to fall from the bottom down. The "buckling" effect occured as aresult of the horizintal beams sagging and pulling in the vertical culumns. Again, when the the buildings collapesed the vertical culumns were pushed inwards, and right when the collapse happend the "buckle" occured exactly where the vertical columns were being pulled in, when this happened the top part of the structure came down and pulverized the floors bellow. The leaning of the top half of the structure occured because one side of the structure sustained more damage than the other, thus gravity took effect.

To reiterate, the part of the tower that leaned was caused from the structural damage sustained from the aircrafts impact, and although sometimes building do lean upon demolition it does not prove that the collapse of the wtc was due to explosive charges, but what it does support is the fact that the top structure leaned in the direction of the most heavely damaged part of the structure.

Answered above,, in the 1st video,,, Many imploded buildings lean to one side... nothing amazing about it....

You miss interpreted what i was conveying. The building leaned because it sustained damage to that part of the structure, but this was after the floors started to 'pancake' and build up energy.

Perhaps, residents of building did report that there were lots of repairs/power outages going on 4-6 weeks preceding 911... these were all cover-ups for those installments,,,
YouTube - 9/11 Coincidences (9/19)

Few questions, how long did this take? And did they go to every level? Most people seem to think that a demolition can be done quickly and easily and they are wrong.

The demolition of the Washington DC Convention Center in 2004 involved preparations that went on for months. Massive crews were at work, placing explosives around ~500 columns and doing other preparation work. The crews and activity were highly noticeable to people in the area.[7]
The demolition of Kodak Park's Buildings 9 and 23 in Rochester, New York took months of preparation. Setting up the explosives involved cutting torches to slice through metal pipes and heavy equipment to drill holes in the forest of thick concrete support beams, and placing sticks of dynamite into the holes. When they go off, the explosions cause the buildings to implode, or collapse inward.

Controlled demolition -Debunk 9/11 Myths

I also recall an interview with the same people that were repairing problems in the wtc, no they weren't demolition experts, nor did they go through out the buildings which would be a must if the building was set for demolition.
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Situation 1:- Actual Planes crash, Controlled Demolition Nonetheless
How many people does it take to plant, manage and set off controlled demolitions off WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7 = Well over 1,000

Situation 2:- No Actual Planes crash, Controlled Demolition Nonetheless
Add another 140 or so further families who are faking deaths of their kins for 9 years now.

Situation 3:- No Actual Planes crash, Controlled Demolition Nonetheless, Fake crash in Pentagon
Add another twenty dozen people who controlled the fake crash and later took part in the recovery efforts

Situation 4:- No Actual Planes crash, Controlled Demolition Nonetheless, Fake crash in Pentagon, United 93 shot down
Add another bunch of accomplices who shot down the plane

9/11 Commission Report:- Produced by the 9/11 Commission. It had 10 members and would have employed, used and been associated with more than a hundred people.

NTISB:- Another fake investigation report. Add another three dozen or so people.

FAA:- Fake plane crashes and hijackings hence no actual hijackers. FAA produced fake reports. Add another dozen or so people.

Other figures:-
1. Those who made the plan must be around a dozen. It's not a one man job.

2. People with critical knowledge like planting explosives and later came to know about involvement must be in three figures.

3. Air Traffic Controllers, Firefighters, Emergency Responders, Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies add another thousand or so people.

4. Total victims :- 2976 means around 3,000 families have been faking their grief (in case the deaths were faked, yes this is one argument as well that nobody died or figures have been exaggerated)

Total Accomplices with knowledge about planning, execution and later cover up of the whole operation including people with cursory knowledge like those in WTC 1, 2 and 7 who signed, oversaw or knew about "repair" work, those who saw the whole event but "did not hear any explosions" and those who later came to know but kept silent (or were silenced):- Well over 5,000 in worst estimates

Seriously the best kept secret in modern history.

You can never under-estimate stupidity and what the human mind can comprehend as valid arguments.

I'll quote a source here:-

Ultimately, therefore, whether or not you buy into the government-conspiracy theory depends not so much on facts as on what you are willing to believe. To begin, you must believe that a significant number of government employees were willing participants in the murder of other Americans. You must also believe that the same government that has been incapable of keeping highly sensitive National Intelligence Estimates off the front pages of the nation’s newspapers is capable of keeping evidence of the worst crime in our country’s history absolutely secret.

This secrecy is important because the conspiracy involves not only the people who planned and executed the operation but thousands of others who have investigated and studied the events in detail. In the eyes of the conspiracy theorists, anyone who does not agree with them has been somehow intimidated, bribed, or otherwise coerced into supporting the government’s line.

Finally, and most importantly, you must believe that the same government that flawlessly orchestrated one of the most complex conspiracies in history was unable to carry out the relatively simple task of “finding” weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

If you can believe all that, I have an even more elaborate theory for you. The events of 9/11 took place exactly as you claim with one important exception. The conspiracy wasn’t carried out by the government, but by a small coterie of individuals in the government who hate President Bush and believed that the only way that he could be brought down was to goad him into a war that they could then sabotage. They did this in such a way that the thousands of Americans who were party to the conspiracy believed they were actually working for the government.

Do I really believe that? Of course not. Would any reasonable person believe it? I hope not. Will someone believe it? Almost certainly, which illustrates why it is so important that whoever moved Ockham’s Razor put it back immediately.
pdl3 one thing i want to ask of if you say the pressure of the building cause the windows to blow from key structural points it is wrong it is air circulated which allows air to come in and out it aint sealed .... i mean the PEOPLE WHO WORKED THERE EVEN SAY THAT BEFORE 911 there was being work done on floors and there drilling and areas where off limits? i mean have you guy have you heads soo up the fake news ***** that there no return?
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