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agreed where is OBL ???? americas cant fined him why? it can be impossible to not find a camel rider is it? i mean IT ALL A LIE
but the complete laughable thing is, OK, 9/11 was planned by osama bin laden and his men flew plane onto the building, the story looks pretty sane, isnt it, the hijacking of a plane is not so difficult and it happens. but the men didnt come from a speed boat to the port of new york city to rampage on citizens and terrorize them like godzilla for long hours untill they are tired of killing and caught, it cannot even be the super man story, not even spider man can do this sh1t

the biggest BOLLYWOOD DRAMA which occured when this story came up from no where and espacially the kasab part, who was a complete religious bigotted faggot and who had sworn to die to be in heaven was caught and arrested after this guy was tired of slaughtering the brave indian people, and esp the best part, when he had came from karachi from a fisher mans boat, and the world best super power indian navy fleet didnt caught him coming from karachi via fisher man's boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bollywood always makes funny indian movies with funny movie plots, most of the less funny indian movies are pirated copies of hollywood films. indians thought if we replace taj mehal hotel with WTC tower and osama with kasab it would be 100% indigenous indian story!!!, its not always to say hey its conspiracy theory and escape from it.
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agreed where is OBL ???? americas cant fined him why? it can be impossible to not find a camel rider is it? i mean IT ALL A LIE

Maybe because there is chance he is already dead.

Some say he died in 2002 of Kidney disease, others say he was killed in a drone attack.

We may never know.
Maybe because there is chance he is already dead.

Some say he died in 2002 of Kidney disease, others say he was killed in a drone attack.

We may never know.

yaah he died..

but his videos kept occuring long after 2002...

second, why big boss CIA cant confirm anything related to him?? during soviet war he was so close to america was he an alien who just flew away to mars after americans attacked afghanistan??, the americans still say "osama is hiding in afghanistan or pakistan"

when americans want to occupy australia they will say ohh osama went into some kangaroo's belly and he is hiding there since.
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Maybe because there is chance he is already dead.

Some say he died in 2002 of Kidney disease, others say he was killed in a drone attack.

We may never know.

but you see what is america saying ? he still alive and he sending his voice recordeds to CIA and FBI .... LOOOL.... but wait if i can ask you of one thing and you might remember ... during bushs administeration when they wanted to invade iraq dident the CIA had a dirty bag of tricks if sadam hussain retaleated saying he has nothing of WMD ... remember? the article stated that they would posts videos of him sexually molesting a boy ..... so he can get a bad image.... why dont you see that in OBL videos? each video he looks VERY different but still you say he is OBL and he did 911 ..... man its soo funny
to pdl3 i want you to notice one thing in the pictures that you showed me sir.... of the pentagon and the air plane debre or what was lleft of it.... ITS ALL SHATTERED! nothing is left of it its like i decentrigated and everything was destroyed ? how can this be i mean if you look at the crash the resently happend in russia by the polish plane it was preety much intact you could see the planes body and the engines and heck the passenger seats... please explain
One just needs common sense to understand the facts. I even gave you the best evidence ever to prove that 9/11 was a well orchestrated inside job, and you seem to have happily ignored the evidence. Good job :yahoo:

9/11 eyewitness

and here is more news coming in.....
Top construction firm - World Trade center destroyed by controlled demolition

All of those conspiracy theories have been debunked...every single one.

And instead of posting countless hour long videos that no one will watch try copying and pasting important information from a link.

Lets look at one link you provided, the very poor link you provided:

former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world's most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition.

What is the name of this company? Is it me or do conspiracy theorists half *** everything with vague miss information?

Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA,

Okay, now i know this artical was writen by joe blow :lol:

Hart then explained how the five dancing Israelis seen celebrating the attack on the World Trade Center in New Jersey as it unfolded, who turned out to be Mossad agents, proves at at a minimum Israel knew the attack was going to happen

OMG :lol: and they know this how? Did the dancing Mossad agents hold a big sign proclaiming they were Mossad?

Hart went further in speculating that the planes had been fitted with transponders and that the Israelis were guiding them in to the towers.

Utter fail, Joe blow doesn't know what a transponder is or how it works. :lol:

the conspirators would have to ensure that they were hit, making the use of remote controlled airliners a distinct possibility.

A transponder sends out beacons to air traffic controlers so that air traffic knows what aircraft is where.

And what is this remote control airliners nonesense? How did anyone manage to install the nessessary avionics in order to guide the aircraft by remote control? Aircraft maintance technicians won't let any joe blow come near their aircraft and install some unknown avionics, even if some joe blow managed to install some kind of remote control device it would have to be passed by the FAA. Also if these aircraft were romotely controled than how did one crash into a empty feild? If passengers rushed the cockpit they would be helpless to do anything if the aircraft was being guided from the ground.

ok vladamir putin and george bush :lol:

the windows you say pressure we say bombs ? how can i prove you wrong? pressure from the WTC would be thousand of pounds upon thousand pounds yes ? and it was defenately not air tight right? so presumely ones it started to collaps wouldent all the windows blowout why only certain amount of windows blew out .... i mean if it where pressure all the windows would dreak wouldent they? please elabourate

Not every window will blow out, try an expiriment, take a CBC pipe drill holes in it, than plug them. Next, Run high pressure air through the pipe and see if all of the pluged holes will pop out. Once one plug or X number of plugs pop out than much of the presure will cancel out via the openings.

Keeping that in mind, each floor was different. For instance, there were offices; some offices had closed door while others didn't, the same with the fire exits, some were open and some were closed, not to mention the 150 elevator shafts, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there was uneven distribution of pressure.

to pdl3 i want you to notice one thing in the pictures that you showed me sir.... of the pentagon and the air plane debre or what was lleft of it.... ITS ALL SHATTERED! nothing is left of it its like i decentrigated and everything was destroyed ? how can this be i mean if you look at the crash the resently happend in russia by the polish plane it was preety much intact you could see the planes body and the engines and heck the passenger seats... please explain

You can't compare the two accidents, one aircraft was smashed into a solid building while traveling 350 mph and the other aircraft was coming in for a slow landing while it clipped the tops of trees. I have seen wreckage, with my own eyes, from an aircraft that hit a building and it didn't look good, the aircraft was also traveling very slowly because it lost power.
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exploit weakness?? WTF are you talking? The only exploitation of weakness would be that of the DUMB people who blindly believe in such fabricated lies presented by the elite-funded corporate media and newspaper. Your so called "educated men" can not even get anywhere close to hijacking a bicycle and crash into the reception of World Trade Center. So you atleast need an "insider" help to a great deal to crash planes into the twin towers and the PENTAGON(can you believe it, these highly trained educated triabls crashed an hijacked plane into the Pentagon, and the people working in pentagon were all very busy flirting in social networking sites?). One just needs common sense to understand the facts. I even gave you the best evidence ever to prove that 9/11 was a well orchestrated inside job, and you seem to have happily ignored the evidence. Good job :yahoo:

9/11 eyewitness

and here is more news coming in.....
Top construction firm - World Trade center destroyed by controlled demolition
You got nothing but crap, assumptions and innuendos.
All of you here who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I am confident that you will rot in hell!

Har...Those flashes look more like they came from glass window deformations than from an explosion.

there's trails of smoke,,,!!! & it's much below hit-floors...


...I am confident that you will rot in hell!

We r already roting in this hell created by US government in collaboration with Israelis & Indians... Infact we were guided by our Prophet that we better rot in this hell so that we don't have to rot in "THE HELL" that's waiting for u...
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We r already roting in this hell created by US government in collaboration with Israelis & Indians...

Good you deserve it .... Only thing, it was created by your fellow countrymen, not by the US, not by the Israelis, nor by the Indians. Enjoy the fruits of your wonderful strategic depth. :agree:
9 11 & it's real conspirers, Predicted:-

Watch From minutes:9:30

Watch From Minutes:2:35
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I was almost convinced by your arguments that 911 wasn't an inside job until this recent discovery of multi-dollar treasure in afghanistan. :pop:
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