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what about building 7 ? how did it fall? that too was said to be ingulped by flames and loosend as so it falled apart loooooooooool..... you actuailly belive that why dont you do the research ? how can this happen metal being melted and giant pools of molten metal found underneath the wreckage of WTC
Weather 9/11 was inside or outside job it wont bring millions of dead Iraqi's or Afghans back from there grave's. :disagree:

Al Qaeda and Taliban should just give themselves up then. Start allowing infrastructure to develop instead of blowing everything to bits. :woot:
what about building 7 ? how did it fall? that too was said to be ingulped by flames and loosend as so it falled apart loooooooooool..... you actuailly belive that why dont you do the research ? how can this happen metal being melted and giant pools of molten metal found underneath the wreckage of WTC

Have you seen the actual videos and the responses to these conspiracy theories? There is one going on in Nat Geo these days. I suggest you see it. Basically, the impact of the aircrafts ripped through the fireproofing which exposed the steel reinforcements directly to the fire. This melted the steel on those levels and the floors started to collapse. And once it was set in motion, the rest was a cascade effect. In fact, the "systematic demolition" effect was due to this cascading. If you look at the video moments before the collapse, you will see that only the levels from where the impact occurred and below crumbled. The top part was intact even during the collapse of the rest of the floors below. So going by your theories of explosives placed at particular levels, they would have had to know WELL BEFORE which levels the planes would and SHOULD hit. This, I am afraid, is not predictable for even the world's best pilots. And don't even suggest that they placed these explosives after the impact happened. With the kind of temperatures in there, it would have been impossible for any human to go in and place an explosive.
what about building 7 ? how did it fall? that too was said to be ingulped by flames and loosend as so it falled apart loooooooooool..... you actuailly belive that why dont you do the research ? how can this happen metal being melted and giant pools of molten metal found underneath the wreckage of WTC

Yes and ofcourse that 45 degree cut of steel structure beams also, do not forget about that.....
^^^demolition i remember how the buildings use to go down in such a neat formation ...

Anything but neat look at the following picture:

As you can see it didn't just fall "neat" in order to bring the wtc down with a controlled demolition countless workers would have to spend weeks perhaps months stripping the sheetrock and carpets in order to drill the thousands of holes required for the explosive charges, even more obsurd is that they would have to run hundreds of miles of charge wire. Using the thermite excuse is even worse because with thermite workers would some how have to figure out how to get to the calulms then some how place thousands of packages of thermite but here's the catch! Thermite burns slow, the wtc's fell relatively quickly, to add injury to insult thermite is extreemly combostible, in other words the twc would light up like a Christmas tree if thermite was used. Lastly, if either thermite or dynomite was used it would be tripped off by the aircrafts impact or at least cause a disruption in the charge wire.

obviously you need to loosen the key points of the building ie... the steel beams ... if you refer to to video 8 or 9 i think they show pictures of hundreds of beams in a cut out manner as if something ripped throught the metal thoe are linear shaped charges that use thermate to cut throught the metal ...

ahhh those were cut by workers on the ground:

notice the 45 degree angle cut :lol:

here how a controled emolition works ... they start from the top by blowing off the colums then one the first of the colums collaps the timer on the other colums blow so it colapses in a sequence which WTC DID if you compare controlled demolition and 911 you will be shocked .... that it for now ill write more later

Are you sure about that? Common sense would say to weaken the lower floor because that is where most of the structures stress is, thus weakening the lower floors would cause the building to simply give out.

Here is a video, look closely, the explosive charges are on the lower floors.

hey freekin just to ask you one thing when a plane hit a wall or building it leaves alot of debre like engines wings or adlest seats it dident leave nothing!!!

There is plenty of debris! You need to stop listening to the conspiracy therorists, they blatantly lie or are too lazy to research or just go off of what other conspiracy theorists tell them, Here's pictures of the wreckage now keep in mind the kenetic energy from the planes impact insured that most debris went through the structure, but nevertheless there is debris even engines.

And so conspiracy theorists can't claim the debris was randomly placed there, here is a picture positively identifying debris from the engine. Now that we know debris was present we also know that the engines and landing gear found at the scence was too big and heavy too heavy to be placed at the scence undetected like many of the conspiracy theorists insist.

many say there was a cruise missel that was with it that dethonated on impact

This is a rubish that comes from conspiracy theorists, it is know that there was hundreds of eye witnesses to the impact and some were even pilots, so no cruise missles.

to sparkling way ..... have you every saw the free falll of WTC ? a building of that size steel beams bending BREAKING and thus comeing down in a couple of seconds? you never answer my question . how can a steel structured building be decimated by air planes?

To put it in simple terms, a plane traveling at 500+ mph will create massive damage, first the plane is a solid mass traveling at an incredible speed, thus much of the support columns will be damaged and not only by the impact but by the massive explossion. Next you have to factor in the hot flames and the massive stress on the weakened columns, remember the fire does NOT need to melt the steel, it just needs to weaken it, after that gravity takes over.

Here is your proof:

Notice the concave vertical beams, this is because the horizontal beams weakened just enough for them the sag, thus pulling in the vertical columns. Like i said earlier gravity did the rest and the end result was that the vertical columns buckled and gave way. The picture is also further proof it was not a demolition.

This illustration explains it a little better:

And this is when the outer walls caved, thus causing the building to 'pancake':

you might say the fuel loosend up the structure wrong open fires have a maximal temperature of 500 degreese and steel dosent get any hotter than the heat applied to it. so how did WTC fall? please explain?

See above explenation. What most people seem to forget is that fuel was not the only combustible inside the wtc, plastic, wood, foam rubber and alot of other highly combustable materials burned. Still not convinced? lets look at bond fires, normally a fresh bond fire isn't hot enough to, for instance, to melt glass, but let the wood burn enough and you will get hot coal that will liquify a glass bottle in seconds, btw the lowest melting point for glass is 1400c.

what about building 7 ? how did it fall? that too was said to be ingulped by flames and loosend as so it falled apart loooooooooool..... you actuailly belive that why dont you do the research ? how can this happen metal being melted and giant pools of molten metal found underneath the wreckage of WTC

It fell for several reasons, one it had a number of deisel generators, 7 i believe, that exploded due to the massive damage it received from the falling debris and it burned unckecked for 7 hours.
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Laser-Guided system might have been used in guiding the planes/cruise missiles whatever they were,,,
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Here's a snap from video u posted,,, compared to WTCs puffs.

9/11 Truth: Explosions, Squibs, Puffs in WTC Collapse Footage - LiveVideo.com

That was compressed air:

Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air—along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse—was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popularmechanics.com

I mentioned this in post #35 but i will mention it again--1. buildings arn't brought down from the top down--2. an aircraft impact would severe the charge wire, thus no impact would occur--3. One of the pictures i provided shows how the vertical culumns concaved and caused the horizontal beams to sag, i even provided a picture showing the culumns giving way right before the calapse--4. Another photo showes one of the towers leaning, thus this supports the theory of the sagging columns--5. In order to rig the building with explossives workers would have to work weeks perhaps months stripping the floors and walls in order to drill the thousands of holes required for the explossive charges than workers would have to run hundreds possibly thousands of miles of charge wire.
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People who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I hope you rot in hell!

You mean those who does not agree with you on this very subject should be rotten in hell?

What a great logic you have :tdown:

Although i agree Talibans are terrorists so anything can be expected from them but at the same time we must not forget everybody has their own opinion and all their opinion should be respected regardless of your political differences.
First of all, before I post the "slap-in-the-face video evidence" to prove 9/11 was an well orchestrated inside Job, let me make this point clear.... Anyone who believes that a group of tribals living in the mountains were the ones who crashed airliners into the twin towers of the WORLD's MOST POWERFUL country are the biggest Idiots. And the people who are running this world(The American Globalists) will keep fooling such ignorant masses. And guess what, they even made us believe that they are not able to find Osama bin laden(The guy who worked for US before 9/11 happened) all these years even by having the most advanced satellite tracking system in the world. They have satellite system that can even read out the exact line from a book which you have taken to some underground bunker to read.
Check out the below links to get educated. Do some research in the internet to get the facts. Dont simply sit and swallow the **** fed to you by mainstream media. All mainstream medias are owned/funded by the Elites.
Bombshell: Osama Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11 Pak Alert Press
Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
Is Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive?
Bush 9/11 Inaction on Vimeo

Also check out below post for the evidence that 9/11 was an inside Job:
Zaki, Taliban didn't do the 9/11 attack. Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban was hiding a smaller group, Al Qaeda, who were actually the ones who did the attack.
freekin i agree with you but there one thing that i would like to ask of .. remember mulla omar? when he asked OBL that did he do 9/11 he said no..... taliban are very strict with there law and regulation that they have to follow is under the command or his boss Mullah omar ... when 9/11 happend MO asked OBL did you do 9/11 ? he said no how can he say no when there is soo called solid evidence and videos and witneses that are against him? it was planned no one can walk up to a air port and not be caught with box cutter knives or what ever the media states that they had to hijack the airplanes... heck i remember that even before 911 i was always checked fully accompanied by the former opressed race in america the black people .... it all BS ... and MR. TRUTH SEEKER dident you say you are not going to comment on this fourm again bye bye
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