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yes but if you know one thing kenetic energy stopps when one or too many objects come in the way .... sooo after 30 stories it has to stop it cant go on beacuse it a huge structure .... you see it was an inside job

You have to wrong, if 30 stories were enough cause the floor below those stories to buckle then 31 stories (now with kenetic energy) will cause the floor below it to buckle and 32 stories with kenetic energy will cause the floors below it to buckle , you see how it works? Each level just multiplies.

for instance i get a truck throw it throught thousand upon thousand metal rods it will snap alot of them but will eventuailly stop beacuse of the frequent pauses

Bad example, that truck is not multiplying in force the way falling floors were. In other words it has met one requirment--kenetic energy, but lacks the other. If we use trucks as a metaphor for the WTC calapse then we would need multiple trucks each bigger and heavier then the last, and each smashing into one another, almost like train.

jsut to let you know the black boxes where not found on the official report of 911 so in this case it mean there was no evidence found the most funny thing is these boxes are made up of metal and taitayneum and they are able to with stand ALOT OF DAMAGE but for some reason they where destroyed...

remember zia ul haque plane c130 crashed but they still found the black boxes

Zia's plane did not crash into a concrete building that later collapsed on the wreckage.
ummm ok...... how about i break it down for you kenetic energy stops ..... with WTC it should have beacuse the building was built beacuse of that pourpose ... it not that if i jump a 3 story building and i weight around 230 at 6 3 that kenetic energy would make me pass the soil in the earth crust throught the core and pooof iam in china...... the most funny thing is that you are describeing a controled demolition ... did you look at te new videos that people posted? its a couple of pages back
there no flamebel material on air crafts except jet fuel,
You are now, to put it as kindly as possible, ignorant and intellectually out of your league here. Sorry, but I cannot think of any other way to say it.
ummm ok...... how about i break it down for you kenetic energy stops .....

Of couse it does, when something can neutralize it, but in the case of the WTC the calapesing floors were just force multiplyers.

with WTC it should have beacuse the building was built beacuse of that pourpose ... it not that if i jump a 3 story building and i weight around 230 at 6 3 that kenetic energy would make me pass the soil in the earth crust throught the core and pooof iam in china......

Again, the floors were force multiplyers, and the construction of a structure is different to that of soil so of course the energy would be neutralized at some point, in the case of the WTC's it was when it reached the bottom floor.

the most funny thing is that you are describeing a controled demolition ... did you look at te new videos that people posted? its a couple of pages back

No i'm not talking about a controled demolition, i have posted a link with a demolition expert that sifted through the WTC wreckage and he concluded that it was not a demolition. Further, those videos are weak, they have no scientific basis, they just go off of what people say. Just because some 18 year old kids made some videos interview people that say they thought they heard explossions means nothing when demolition experts at ground zero debunked their claims. Another thing to consider is that people on 911 were in a state of panic, many people would mistaken a car door slamming with an explossion.

Yet another thing to consider is that people are unreliable, for instance, even though hundreds of eye witnesses seen flight 77 hit the Pentagon and aircraft debris was discovered some dumb people say they seen a missle hit the Pentagon :lol: and its been proven that the more time passes the more people's stories change; people are also susceptable to others. In physiology, for instance, i learned that people can be manipulated into beleiving anything, in one experiment they convinced a girl that she rode in a hot air balloon as a child, that girl even started to give vivid accounts and details of her hot air balloon ride even though it never happened :lol:

In the hystaria of 911 all it takes is one person yelling to clear out because they thought they heard an explossion and before you know it other people will start beleiving they too heard explossions.

Those videos are also deceiving, in 'lose change' they interview a witness that claimed he heard explossions, it tured out they edited out parts of his intervew to make it sound like he said he heard explossion but in reality he said something alone the lines of, the calapese sounded like explossion, it turned out that the subject interview was upset about it, and this is not the first and only account of "truthers" being dishonest and putting a spin on things.

Those videos ignore facts and science and instead focus on hear say, while at the same time making up incredible claims that have zero backing.
9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Holy sht, get off that cocaine.

If anything, it was an attack that the government let happen.
(i dont believe this or any variation, just suggesting a more plausible conspiracy)
ok mr smarty pant what else is flambel? in an air craft

Carpet, foam, plastic, rubber, various vinyls, aluminum and god only knows what else.

Look at the following picture and notice how everything burned even the aluminum, and PS the fuel tanks are in the wings.

yes you are right it dident it went face first into the ground which is even worse

If it was worse then how come the WTC aircraft were torn to shreds by the columns of the WTC and disintegrated before they could reach the other side ?
No brov Gambits Idea of "Flamable" IS WATER VAPOUR in the air


Ever tried to throw plastic in a fire ? It burns like there's going to be no tomorrow, and an aircraft's entire wiring, insulation, thermal insulation, much of the interior is ALL plastic.
Carpet, foam, plastic, rubber, various vinyls, aluminum and god only knows what else.

Look at the following picture and notice how everything burned even the aluminum, and PS the fuel tanks are in the wings.

See............that's why you are my favourite Russian, always on time with the correct info.
Ever tried to throw plastic in a fire ? It burns like there's going to be no tomorrow, and an aircraft's entire wiring, insulation, thermal insulation, much of the interior is ALL plastic.
Yes...And plastic is petroleum product, aka 'dino oil', which of course would burn. Is there any reason to take seriously anyone who asserted that the only thing flammable in an aircraft is avgas?

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