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Use a little common scence after reading the article, why would a imperialistic state invade Afghanistan?
hint: 3.7 TRILLION $ natural resources (those are in the places they currently have control on, who knows what kind of wealth is locked in taliban area)
read the article below:
FOXNews.com - U.S. Discovers $1T in Afghan Mineral Deposits

Yes but considering that all that wealth is untapped and requires enormous initial investment coupled with the fact that the Americans will start withdrawing their forces from next year, your theory seems to be destined for the dust bin...........
you have to have peanuts in your brain to believe that some terrorists manage to bring down trade center.
just look at the stuff they are hiding from people.

What's not to believe ? Any idiot with a few hours on the flight simulator and a will to die can ram his plane into a building.
Yes but considering that all that wealth is untapped and requires enormous initial investment coupled with the fact that the Americans will start withdrawing their forces from next year, your theory seems to be destined for the dust bin...........

not exactly, they will withdraw from certain areas and will remain in the areas with the mineral deposits! Americans aren't that stupid enough to leave this much resources behind:disagree:!
not exactly, they will withdraw from certain areas and will remain in the areas with the mineral deposits! Americans aren't that stupid enough to leave this much resources behind:disagree:!

They left Iraq, which is rich in oil reserves..........America is the world's largest economy, I don't think they need to "Steal" other people's resources.
They left Iraq, which is rich in oil reserves..........America is the world's largest economy, I don't think they need to "Steal" other people's resources.

they didn't completely leave Iraq! America has more than one permanent military base in Iraq with a considerable troop presence!

They are also building permanent Military bases in certain parts of Afghanistan!
they didn't completely leave Iraq! America has more than one permanent military base in Iraq with a considerable troop presence!

They are also building permanent Military bases in certain parts of Afghanistan!
And yet the Iraqi government left the US out of those oil contracts.
"fact that the Americans will start withdrawing their forces from next year"
America is the world's largest economy, I don't think they need to "Steal" other people's resources.
If they are leaving AFG next year than why are they building permanent basses and raising troops numbers...do you really not think before you write?
World's largest economy is in 12+Trillion dollar debt, a house forecloses in World's largest economy every 90 second. World's largest economy has lost 800 MILLION jobs in 9 years to china ALONE. World's largest economy is currently thing about abandoning dollar due the threat that China, Arabs, Russia and Japan are going to dump it in market.
They had every reason to attack afghanistan, they knew about the resources for a long time since the british attempt.
they needed 9-11 to justify their attacks, I personally believe that 2nd 9/11 is in the making.
As some information has leaked through Alex Jones, 2nd 9-11 would involve nuclear or chemical weapon and will be blamed on PAKISTAN...
they didn't completely leave Iraq! America has more than one permanent military base in Iraq with a considerable troop presence!

They are also building permanent Military bases in certain parts of Afghanistan!
glad to see some one who is using their brains.
they didn't completely leave Iraq! America has more than one permanent military base in Iraq with a considerable troop presence!

They are also building permanent Military bases in certain parts of Afghanistan!

Many nations have bases in other countries, Singapore has one in India, would it be fair to say that Singapore is there to steal Indian resources ? Seriously, If you were talking about a mining base it could be understood that it was there to extract minerals but how could a military base mean that they are stealing resources ?
If they are leaving AFG next year than why are they building permanent basses and raising troops numbers...do you really not think before you write?

Military bases are for troops that would be helping in the transition of responsibilities from ISAF to ANA. And they have raised the number of troops to prepare for the final offensive against the Taliban.

World's largest economy is in 12+Trillion dollar debt, a house forecloses in World's largest economy every 90 second. World's largest economy has lost 800 MILLION jobs in 9 years to china ALONE. World's largest economy is currently thing about abandoning dollar due the threat that China, Arabs, Russia and Japan are going to dump it in market.

America annual purchasing power parity is 15.6 Dollars, therefore they can easily repay their debts in a matter of years, as for losing jobs, it's called outsourcing and if you haven't heard it's quite a global phenomenon nowadays, and your point about abandoning the dollar is impossible, dollar is the currency used for most of the transactions across the world, many nations use it as their official or de facto currency and not to mention most country have their reserves in dollars. It's impossible to abandon it because of it's popularity but even if someone is stupid enough to propose this idea, the world will stand against it.

They had every reason to attack afghanistan, they knew about the resources for a long time since the british attempt.
they needed 9-11 to justify their attacks, I personally believe that 2nd 9/11 is in the making.
As some information has leaked through Alex Jones, 2nd 9-11 would involve nuclear or chemical weapon and will be blamed on PAKISTAN...

Like I said before, the world's largest economy does not need to steal, it would be like implicating Bill Gates in a bank robbery when we all know he has no shortage of money.
If America was so desperate for money, WHY would they give out so much humanitarian aid ? WHY would they take it on themselves to build a new Afghanistan from scratch ?
If you never read the begining of the thread if you have no knowledge so please look at the videos

I already watched, and this is not all, I have done extensive research on EACH of the conspiracy theories, and none of them cling except the one which says the WTC should have fallen sideways, later I learnt that because of the heat generated by the fire, the steel rods reinforcing the concrete bent and the building collapsed in on itself, the rest was like dominoes.
um brother steel dosent bend only under EXTREME temparatures it can you need an infernanaytor or sumthing like that to BEND steel we showed many many buildings that caught on fire and dident burn to the ground like WTC so you proof has no wings case closed.

and jsut to let you know how your very proof is wrong how? if you ever looked WTC falled down REALLY REALLY FAST for a building who has the metal beams thousand upon thousands bolts support beams welding all of that how can it be desmanteled soo fast ? wehn WTC went for a free fall its ever section collapsed on each other wouldent it stop at some way? it would ... but it dident....

now for the biggest bullshit ever bro the black boxes they never ever found them not even in the history of man kind that they never found one before 9 11 was that first time ...... they took the black boxes to hide the evidence ..... but still you insist that there where muslims who did it even tho there are people in this world who say no to this ..... but you still insist? God dose say in his holy book " you will keep telling them that tehy are wrong but they will insist they are right Lo i have harden there hearts"
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