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Honestely i dont know why people say 911 was not an inside job when they know that alot of info that the goverment gave was false ..... they see it from documenteries and not the ones that alex jones make real one but they still say no to it why? you belive anyhting that CNN or THE NEW YORK TIMES would say but why nothing else ? beaucse you been told that.... you been told the goverment loves you it needs you it there to protect you LOOOOOL..... shure during the cuban missel chrises American generals put the idea on the table to attack american cities with nukes to have an excuse to invade cuba..... how can i not think they would do it to invade afganistan to have minerals gas oil? that they desperately needed heck oyu guys frogot about IRAQ thoes Mutha F*uckers went in there only for the oil and said sorry after wards as a joke! open up you minds and look at what true beaucse i know there a time comeing that this very same goverment to fit there ver y agenda they WILL turn on the people one day
People who deny that al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 are no better than al Qaeda themselves! You are hateful anti-Americans. I hope you rot in hell!

dude whether we accepted or denied the fact of 9/11 , we all are going to hell for sure .....:devil:
um brother steel dosent bend only under EXTREME temparatures it can you need an infernanaytor or sumthing like that to BEND steel we showed many many buildings that caught on fire and dident burn to the ground like WTC so you proof has no wings case closed.

No you do not, steel melts at 2750F and from and we know the temperatures inside the WTC reached atleast 1,100 degrees; point being, steel losses 50% of its strength at those temperature. Remember the aircraft impact damaged the core columns, when this happened the burden of the load transfered to other parts of the core columns as well as horizontal and vertical columns, so now we have columns that have lost atleast 50% of their strength while trying to support a load that they were not designed for.

And many buildings did catch fire; however, none were impacted by a passenger jet that took out their support.

I will show the following illustrations again for people that are too lazy to read the intire thread:

The following picture shows the vertical columns being pulled inward by the horizontal columns:

And this is when the vertical columns buckled:

and jsut to let you know how your very proof is wrong how? if you ever looked WTC falled down REALLY REALLY FAST for a building who has the metal beams thousand upon thousands bolts support beams welding all of that how can it be desmanteled soo fast ? wehn WTC went for a free fall its ever section collapsed on each other wouldent it stop at some way? it would ... but it dident....

No, it used Kenetic energy, after the first floor gave out all of the weight from the floors above transfered the force to the floor below, after each floor the force multipled many times over. The bolts and ribets just could not support the weight of 20 floor plus the kenetic energy it built up while falling. In short those bolts and ribets will snap like twigs, so there will be no stoppage, just kenetic force multiplying after each floor.

now for the biggest bullshit ever bro the black boxes they never ever found them not even in the history of man kind that they never found one before 9 11 was that first time ...... they took the black boxes to hide the evidence ..... but still you insist that there where muslims who did it even tho there are people in this world who say no to this ..... but you still insist? God dose say in his holy book " you will keep telling them that tehy are wrong but they will insist they are right Lo i have harden there hearts"

The black boxes from flight and 77 and 93 were recovered, more importantly one of the black boxes from flight 77 was destroyed, the aircraft that impacted the WTC's were traveling at over 500 mph, the impact of flight 77 was only 300 mph but that was enough to destroy the black box on boad. At the end it was not just the enitial impact in to the WTC but also the calapes that further crushed the black boxes.

Here is a picture of that black box:

The Black Boxes - 911myths
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um brother steel dosent bend only under EXTREME temparatures it can you need an infernanaytor or sumthing like that to BEND steel we showed many many buildings that caught on fire and dident burn to the ground like WTC so you proof has no wings case closed.

It does bend easily when a couple of thousand tonnes weight is applied on it, as in the case of the buildings.

and jsut to let you know how your very proof is wrong how? if you ever looked WTC falled down REALLY REALLY FAST for a building who has the metal beams thousand upon thousands bolts support beams welding all of that how can it be desmanteled soo fast ? wehn WTC went for a free fall its ever section collapsed on each other wouldent it stop at some way? it would ... but it dident....

It was momentum that caused the collapse, the VelocityxMass with which one floor collapsed on the other made the next floor unable to sustain it's weight and collapse, continuing the downward collapse.

now for the biggest bullshit ever bro the black boxes they never ever found them not even in the history of man kind that they never found one before 9 11 was that first time ...... they took the black boxes to hide the evidence ..... but still you insist that there where muslims who did it even tho there are people in this world who say no to this ..... but you still insist? God dose say in his holy book " you will keep telling them that tehy are wrong but they will insist they are right Lo i have harden there hearts"

The aircraft disintegrated on impact ! How could the black boxes have possibly have survived ? If not the impact then the fire should have destroyed them, if not that, the couple of million tonnes of concrete that fell on it could have easily flattened it to a pancake.
So you say my heart has been hardened ? Well I have another verse for you "Spread not rumours without confirming their authenticity" and since there is no concrete evidence to confirm this rumour, I will stick with the story that makes sense.
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Military bases are for troops that would be helping in the transition of responsibilities from ISAF to ANA. And they have raised the number of troops to prepare for the final offensive against the Taliban.
you cant increase number of troops and take out the talibans who have thousands of miles of tunnels and well established bases in the mountains. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. just ask british and russians.
America annual purchasing power parity is 15.6 Dollars, therefore they can easily repay their debts in a matter of years, as for losing jobs, it's called outsourcing...
My economist brother which idiot told you that you can purchase your way out of debt...if a country needs to get out of debt it must decrease imports and increase exports to generate money. america is world largest CONSUMER nation and thats why its in 12+trillion dollar debt. that "purchasing power" got it in this mess in the first place. LOL
It's impossible to abandon it because of it's popularity but even if someone is stupid enough to propose this idea, the world will stand against it.
Well I hate to tell you but the idiots who are purposing are leaders of the country who use dollar the most and one of those idiots is Timothy Franz Geithner who is the Secretary of the US Treasury...
dont be a fool, talks to replace dollar started before 9-11 but only now they have taken speed. read article below.
Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals:
If America was so desperate for money, WHY would they give out so much humanitarian aid ? WHY would they take it on themselves to build a new Afghanistan from scratch ?
they dont give out humanitarian aid for good will, prime example is our country...they buy political leaders through "humanitarian aid"
they cannot exploit Afghanistan's resources without building some infrastructure plus they use it shut up anti-war groups at home.

why are so blind to things that are right in front of you!
you cant increase number of troops and take out the talibans who have thousands of miles of tunnels and well established bases in the mountains. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. just ask british and russians.

Yes you can, ask me and anyone else form Pak Army.

My economist brother which idiot told you that you can purchase your way out of debt...if a country needs to get out of debt it must decrease imports and increase exports to generate money. america is world largest CONSUMER nation and thats why its in 12+trillion dollar debt. that "purchasing power" got it in this mess in the first place. LOL

I realize that, what I was trying to imply was that their economy can easily cover the debt, the PPP was just a scale for you to comare their economy.

Well I hate to tell you but the idiots who are purposing are leaders of the country who use dollar the most and one of those idiots is Timothy Franz Geithner who is the Secretary of the US Treasury...
dont be a fool, talks to replace dollar started before 9-11 but only now they have taken speed. read article below.
Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals:

That is not because of the weakness of the dollar but to produce a currency specifically for trade, a global currency if you will.

they dont give out humanitarian aid for good will, prime example is our country...they buy political leaders through "humanitarian aid"
they cannot exploit Afghanistan's resources without building some infrastructure plus they use it shut up anti-war groups at home.

why are so blind to things that are right in front of you!

If they are indeed hunting for resources then I would like a good reason as to why they pulled out of Iraq when they had complete control over it ? Iraq is rich in oil, why abandon it then ?
And I don't believe what's in front of me because I do the noble thing and go deeper, understanding the greater perspective.
well i will say one thing as well you are saying one part of WTC was on fire yes? so how did the rest of wtc catch on fire? please elabourate beaucse you guys are telling me that steel lost 50% of its strength but what about the rest of WTC? and there is no evidence that fire was all over in the building and even if the weight of the building caused all the coloums to collaps it is impossible how that building is built to withstand thousand upon thousand pounds of force

jsut to let you know the black boxes where not found on the official report of 911 so in this case it mean there was no evidence found the most funny thing is these boxes are made up of metal and taitayneum and they are able to with stand ALOT OF DAMAGE but for some reason they where destroyed...

remember zia ul haque plane c130 crashed but they still found the black boxes

bro... thoes pictures that you always show me are preety much a lie how 80% of the fuel was burnt out opon the colition with WTC so 20% was lets in .... which means that 20% of fuel made a multi million dollar building fall? how? its jsut purely impossible i can seen buildings that catch on fire on the pictures posted but your replay was that the air plane crashed into the central collums and thus weakend the structure ? how? let me relate this to one thing Controaled demolition ..... is when they have to bring down a structure by tnt or dynamite they weaken the structure from top to buttom if they DONT it will not collaps correctely and be standing up ... the air planes hitted mostely the top of WTC which if not enuff to knock down the building completely so thus your theories fail
well i will say one thing as well you are saying one part of WTC was on fire yes? so how did the rest of wtc catch on fire? please elabourate beaucse you guys are telling me that steel lost 50% of its strength but what about the rest of WTC? and there is no evidence that fire was all over in the building and even if the weight of the building caused all the coloums to collaps it is impossible how that building is built to withstand thousand upon thousand pounds of force

The only parts of the WTC's that were on fire were where the aircraft impacted. The aircraft did two things--first it destroyed much of core columns, then the fire weaken all the rest of the supporting columns. At this point the weight is distributed unevenly troughout the supporting columns, now factor in steel that has lost 50% of its strength, also factor in all of the weight pushing down on the remaining columns.

The fire around the impact zone was all that was needed to cause a chain reaction, remember it was kenetic energy coupled with massive weight that caused the calapse.

Think of it this way, if you take a plank of wood and place a 100lbs weight on it nothing will happen, now if you drop that same 100lbs from from ten feet the plank of wood will snap, this is called kenetic energy.


jsut to let you know the black boxes where not found on the official report of 911 so in this case it mean there was no evidence found the most funny thing is these boxes are made up of metal and taitayneum and they are able to with stand ALOT OF DAMAGE but for some reason they where destroyed...

remember zia ul haque plane c130 crashed but they still found the black boxes

Look at the picture below, it is of the black box from flight 77:

Flight 77 impacted the Pentagon at approximately 300mph yet look what happened to the black box. Flight 11 and 175 were traveling at approximately 500 and 600 mph, so imagine what their black boxes looked like. You are also forgetting that the WTC fell which likely further crushed the black boxes.

Think of all of the twisted metal found at the WTC, now look at the picture of the black box, it is hard to tell what it looks like, and remember most people working at ground zero were rescue workers not FAA, even if rescue workers were shown a picture of a black box and told to look for something similar how would they be able to recognize a black box when it looks just like any other peice of debris?


bro... thoes pictures that you always show me are preety much a lie how 80% of the fuel was burnt out opon the colition with WTC so 20% was lets in .... which means that 20% of fuel made a multi million dollar building fall? how? its jsut purely impossible i can seen buildings that catch on fire on the pictures posted but your replay was that the air plane crashed into the central collums and thus weakend the structure ? how?

The jet fuel matters little, from the NIST's investigation they concluded that just office furniture alone can burn at over 1,100 degrees, this is not factoring in jet fuel, or all of the highly flamable material on board the aircraft that hit the WTC's

let me relate this to one thing Controaled demolition ..... is when they have to bring down a structure by tnt or dynamite they weaken the structure from top to buttom if they DONT it will not collaps correctely and be standing up ... the air planes hitted mostely the top of WTC which if not enuff to knock down the building completely so thus your theories fail

There was demolition experts working at ground zero and this is a summary of what he said:


conspiracy theorists claim: #1. The collapse of the towers looked exactly like controlled demolitions.

Demolition experts claim that was at ground zero: No they did not. The key to any demolition investigation is in finding out the "where"--the actual point at which the building failed. All photographic evidence shows WTC1 and 2 failed at the point of impact. Actual implosion demolitions always start with the bottom floors. Photo evidence shows the lower floors of WTC 1 and 2 were intact until destroyed from above.
your froghetting one thing all these coinsedent are to be first times and just to let you know its the first time in history that a black box was destroyed i think ..... there no flamebel material on air crafts except jet fuel, for demolition i trying to explain one thing the planes that hit WTC hitted the core structure yes ? and half of the steel weakend ONLY ON TOP what about the rest of WTC? there where no fires on other floors so why did it all collaps its impossible the rest of the steel was not even heated there should have been an explanation to this a steel structure like that can probly with stand its own weight so how can it not withstand a couple of stories debre?
your froghetting one thing all these coinsedent are to be first times and just to let you know its the first time in history that a black box was destroyed i think .....

You think or you know?

there no flamebel material on air crafts except jet fuel,

Wrong, an aircraft is made up of all sorts of flamable materials, ruber, plastic, carpet, and foam are just a few materials found on an aircraft that burn, Even aluminum can burn. You're also forgeting the flamable material inside the WTC.

for demolition i trying to explain one thing the planes that hit WTC hitted the core structure yes ? and half of the steel weakend ONLY ON TOP what about the rest of WTC? there where no fires on other floors so why did it all collaps its impossible the rest of the steel was not even heated there should have been an explanation to this a steel structure like that can probly with stand its own weight so how can it not withstand a couple of stories debre?

I already stated that the fire didn't need to ingulf the intire WTC for it to calapse, remember the floors above the fire all fell on the floor below the fire, which started a chain reaction which build up kenetic energy. That kenetic energy was too much for the bolts and ribots to withstand. It's true when you say the WTC can withstand its own waight but when the calapse happened to 20 or 30 floor falling created kenetic energy that was many times greater then what the structure was designed for. In other word a 100T load will, for instance, weigh 300T if dropped from a certain height.
yes but if you know one thing kenetic energy stopps when one or too many objects come in the way .... sooo after 30 stories it has to stop it cant go on beacuse it a huge structure .... you see it was an inside job
for instance i get a truck throw it throught thousand upon thousand metal rods it will snap alot of them but will eventuailly stop beacuse of the frequent pauses
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