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89% of Pakistanis believe education can stop religious extremism: Poll

the remaining 11% who do not think do are byproduct of zia era madrassah education.
I was stuck in an argument few days ago with some jamati tableegi beghairats whose ideals are "true enforcement of Islam" can help stop extremism and terrorism..excuse me...but my brain just grew a tumor!

Sorry Sir in Muslim world Islam have to be taught and lot of Islamic course have to be taught and also Science and other subjects

Yes, keep teaching a lot of Islamic courses and we will have more mujahideen to settle 7th century scores.
While the kuffars will be busy exploring Moon and Mars!

Zarvan, keep your bloody exposes to yourself. Dont give fatwas. You realize you look like a joke in front of educated people here?

Not look like....
He is the joke!
Educated people the man he is supporting were defeated and exposed by great Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal long time ago they are seculars and not educated and we have Islam we don't need this **** of secularism Sir and its matter of Islam you please focus on your problems

Both sides wasted time in debating nonsense..nothing else..time to move ahead!
I was just wondering about one thing, though I agree with 89% of the Pakistanis that education can stop extremism , I agree with @muse not only education matters but the content of the education also matters. However we all know some of the top AQ leaders are well educated.
Taking about 7/7 London, one of the sucide bomber was actually a teacher in british school. He was a educated person, a teacher, what made him do that? Any answer from the senior members?
@Aeronaut @Zarvan @A1Kaid
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I am with the 11% here, education cannot stop religious extremism for sure. Since education isn't in abundance may be people the 89% are clutching at straws here. If the content of Pakistani syllabus is anything to go by where looters and plunderers are glorified and the Hinjews are vilified (don't jump on me there are lot of tv programmes and articles on this very site search for them) then what would be the result.

Anyways education doesn't necessarily bring enlightenment, isn't Hitler educated isn't Osama educated ?? aren't the recently known terrorists world wide educated??

It is actually denigrating the uneducated because a uneducated person can be more compassionate than a educated bigot who has fixed ideas.

Yep, we study hindus everyday at school, we care about you sooo much.
Never go full retard.
The only thing this survey proves is that 89% of people are delusional who have no grasp over the most basal instincts of human nature and to how fundamentalism operates at psychological level.

The Cult of Scientology has committed crimes that would give inferiority complex to a mullah.The fact that 100% of their members are Graduates did not put an end to their fundamentalism.

It is pretty disappointing to see an Military professional endorsing a view which is equivalent which could at best be described as clutching straws in a hurricane.

I disagree here. Education translates into higher earning power which also translates into better standard of life, more disposable and discretionary income etc etc. Perhaps you are right in saying there is no guarantor that education will ensure a person does not become a fundamentalist but I would argue that it greatly reduces the chances. For example a lot of TTP fighters according to government reports are being paid, for example according to PNCA government report on FATA:

Age-disaggregated figures are not available for FATA, but overall under-employment and unemployment rates in each agency are estimated to exceed 50%.42 According to a recent survey (MICS43), more than 60% of those employed (mostly male) have to leave their tribal agency to find employment. This means that the economy of the area only provides employment to a small fraction of its working-age population.

Inadequate livelihoods and the absence of sufficient employment opportunities in FATA and KP are important crisis drivers. A militant recruit can earn between PKR 15,000 and 20,000 ($176 to $235) per month, which is nearly double the remuneration for unskilled work available in Peshawar.

Now note this:

The female literacy rate in KP is 30%, and only 3% in FATA, compared to an overall nationwide literacy rate of 54%. According to official reports, female enrolment in schools in the KP is 3.8% and 1.3% in FATA, while only 22% of girls nationwide complete primary schooling.

The literacy rate in FATA is 22% total. These combined... you see a radical potent mix that is capable of obliterating everything. Just add a little bit of grievance-lets say the drone bombing in Bajaur that killed lots of Maseed seminary students you now have a full blown insurgency.

Lack of education played a part. There is no guarantee but from my own report I include this:

The well funded and well armed bit specially stands surprisingly true since around 86% of the Taliban have never gone to a college or university before and 40% have only studied till Matric (About 9th grade) or even less [5]


So you see here there is a corelation. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Yep, we study hindus everyday at school, we care about you sooo much.
Never go full retard.

:lol: i love that line never go full retard.

u can search what is written about hindus in your text books yourself. I never said it is all u study, but what is written is enough to poison young minds.
Then who will give time to science and other subjects?? There are dozens of religion and many people does not believe on any religion.
It is good if only basics are included. Otherwise this is very wider world.
We can always have it part of social studies, religions has been part of human society for quite long and still shape our society and behaviour. Its time people know few basic things about other religions (their own they will learn anyway from parents).

You dont need to believe in religion to study religion, the same way one can be expert in greek mythology without believing any of it. One can add atheism (although I know its not religion) to it as well.
the remaining 11% who do not think do are byproduct of zia era madrassah education.
I was stuck in an argument few days ago with some jamati tableegi beghairats whose ideals are "true enforcement of Islam" can help stop extremism and terrorism..excuse me...but my brain just grew a tumor!

Yes, keep teaching a lot of Islamic courses and we will have more mujahideen to settle 7th century scores.
While the kuffars will be busy exploring Moon and Mars!

Not look like....
He is the joke!

Yes we will spread Islam and keep spreading it

I was just wondering about one thing, though I agree with 89% of the Pakistanis that education can stop extremism , I agree with @muse not only education matters but the content of the education also matters. However we all know some of the top AQ leaders are well educated.
Taking about 7/7 London, one of the sucide bomber was actually a teacher in british school. He was a educated person, a teacher, what made him do that? Any answer from the senior members?
@Aeronaut @Zarvan @A1Kaid
Attack on Muslims and Muslim lands and attacks on Islam and west support for those who insult Islam and figures related to Islam is increasing hatred towards west and it will soon burn them
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Yes we will spread Islam and keep spreading it

Attack on Muslims and Muslim lands and attacks on Islam and west support for those who insult Islam and figures related to Islam is increasing hatred towards west and it will soon burn them
Yes, but isn't it the basis for recruiting and brainwashing anyone and luring them into jihad? A kid from the street can be brainwashed on the basis of same which you just mentioned, how a literate person can be different?
My point was If education can eliminate extremism, then how come a teacher was lured into it, does that mean you need to have a strong faith and education to eliminate extremism?
Yes, but isn't it the basis for recruiting and brainwashing anyone and luring them into jihad? A kid from the street can be brainwashed on the basis of same which you just mentioned, how a literate person can be different?
My point was If education can eliminate extremism, then how come a teacher was lured into it, does that mean you need to have a strong faith and education to eliminate extremism?
Sir you need to teach Islam Sir that is only way you can differentiate between good and evil for Muslims in war we are not allowed to target civilians but other targets we have to make sure we make the part of history
Sir you need to teach Islam Sir that is only way you can differentiate between good and evil for Muslims in war we are not allowed to target civilians but other targets we have to make sure we make the part of history

Without teaching "Islam", how will people know whether it is right or wrong to murder?, right or wrong to steal, to right or wrong to be insurrectionists, wrong or right to hate all others - it is only through the "training" that is imparted from teaching "Islam" that we can know whether the Wahabi Takfiri are right or wrong - so you guys need to think this through carefully.
Without teaching "Islam", how will people know whether it is right or wrong to murder?, right or wrong to steal, to right or wrong to be insurrectionists, wrong or right to hate all others - it is only through the "training" that is imparted from teaching "Islam" that we can know whether the Wahabi Takfiri are right or wrong - so you guys need to think this through carefully.
Sir Islam is from ALLAH and its laws are from ALLAH and he has given best laws and we need to teach those laws to Islam and in Islam you taken life is also allowed in many conditions Sir Islam is for peace those who want peace but those who attack we are told to finish them Sir
Without teaching "Islam", how will people know whether it is right or wrong to murder?, right or wrong to steal, to right or wrong to be insurrectionists, wrong or right to hate all others - it is only through the "training" that is imparted from teaching "Islam" that we can know whether the Wahabi Takfiri are right or wrong - so you guys need to think this through carefully.

I must tell, as for Pakistanis in Pakistan it's absolutely wrong, no Muslims in any Muslim country are acting the way you are acting. Stop being backwards and start the first step of solving the issues by admitting it's all your faults.
I must tell, as for Pakistanis in Pakistan it's absolutely wrong, no Muslims in any Muslim country are acting the way you are acting. Stop being backwards and start the first step of solving the issues by admitting it's all your faults.

That's a great post, please explain to Pakistanis what is "wrong" and "backwards" in the way they are acting - admitting faults is an absolute must, after all charity begins at home and all that
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