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89% of Pakistanis believe education can stop religious extremism: Poll

@Zarvan You should read the history of Muslim defeat in Spain and in Iraq by the mongols. Power is a language everyone understands, Muslim world if it has to survive must put all efforts to educate its population and develop competitively in science and technology.

Its the "we are the best" syndrome that has been our downfall and still is. Maybe people don't want to let go of their shattered glory however true it maybe.
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I am with the 11% here, education cannot stop religious extremism for sure. Since education isn't in abundance may be people the 89% are clutching at straws here. If the content of Pakistani syllabus is anything to go by where looters and plunderers are glorified and the Hinjews are vilified (don't jump on me there are lot of tv programmes and articles on this very site search for them) then what would be the result.

Anyways education doesn't necessarily bring enlightenment, isn't Hitler educated isn't Osama educated ?? aren't the recently known terrorists world wide educated??

It is actually denigrating the uneducated because a uneducated person can be more compassionate than a educated bigot who has fixed ideas.
Education is one factor but along with that Pakistan needs to adopt a law requiring everyone (men and women) to serve in the Army for at least 1 year. We should learn this from South Korea and Germany and i think they do this after high school. Our people are immature and do not come together as a nation. Pushing them to serve in the army for a little while would mean tasting a sense of discipline.
Education can only stop religious extremism to a little extent . It all depends upon the upcoming of the individual by his/her parents .
BTW i really appreciate one thing about girls and which is ki they remain isloated with religious extremism........mostly !
@Zarvan You should read the history of Muslim defeat in Spain and in Iraq by the mongols. Power is a language everyone understands, Muslim world if it has to survive must put all efforts to educate its population and develop competitively in science and technology.
When I said you should not I know why they got defeated because they were to what we say in Urdu is Aiash they were spending money on women and and making luxurious homes than education and other stuff Sir but when you are attacked you have to hit back and hit back with what ever power you have Sir that is what I am saying their is no contradiction

Haha my friend, you need to watch the ideas explained by an intellectual named Hassan Nisar. Unfortunately, you would be restricted as much of this material is on youtube that is blocked by the most stupid things by the great Pakistani govt.
Yes the jerk Hassan Nisar this tells a lot about you involved in all kind of evils ask him first the land on which he has built his farmhouse where did he got it from
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We should Ban Islam teaching from the education. There should be no place of Religion teaching in the education.
Man learns religion at home, also madaras are available for religion teaching.
I would say you should include all other religion in you education. Let people see the menu and figure out themselves.
Ignorance about one's own religion (or any form of ignorance about anything) is not going to help really.
I would say you should include all other religion in you education. Let people see the menu and figure out themselves.
Ignorance about one's own religion (or any form of ignorance about anything) is not going to help really.
Then who will give time to science and other subjects?? There are dozens of religion and many people does not believe on any religion.
It is good if only basics are included. Otherwise this is very wider world.
Then who will give time to science and other subjects?? There are dozens of religion and many people does not believe on any religion.
It is good if only basics are included. Otherwise this is very wider world.
Sorry Sir in Muslim world Islam have to be taught and lot of Islamic course have to be taught and also Science and other subjects
Sorry Sir in Muslim world Islam have to be taught and lot of Islamic course have to be taught and also Science and other subjects
Yes of course, separate courses or certificates but it should not be necessary requirement in education(schools/colleges)
Yes of course, separate courses or certificates but it should not be necessary requirement in education(schools/colleges)
No Sir it has to be compulsory till intermediate after that if some one want to Specialize in Islamic law and other Islamic subjects he should take admission in that in Islamic society it has to be compulsory till 12th Sir
Time for another long post:

Then who will give time to science and other subjects?? There are dozens of religion and many people does not believe on any religion.
It is good if only basics are included. Otherwise this is very wider world.

I too believe that Islam should not be a compulsory subject but an electable course in schools, colleges and universities... however the facts are that Pakistani parents are overwhelmingly for it. I tried to find the survey that backs it but failed but the majority of Pakistani parents when asked whether Islam should be taught as a subject and should be compulsory in schools majority of respondents said yes.

My point is that I have realized throughout time that the Zarvan's really do make the majority in our country-they are not outright TTP supporters but are sympathizers. I may be wrong but that is debatable. My point is secularism which is what I want cannot be the general rule unless there is a shift in thinking. Education can do that.

What I am getting at is teaching Mu'tazili Islam is a brilliant way to turn the tide against the extremists and can be the first step to secularization. We can treat this as an opportunity instead of a problem. We can teach a secular understanding of Islam, a tolerant Islam of Ibn Rushd and Harraj. We do that and we win their minds ensuring another Zarvan could not be produced. We preach hate against Hindus and others we produce Taliban militants.

This could be a wonderful opportunity if the education system is over-hauled and can be used to secularize society-after all an entire school of thought is based on secularism (Mutazila)... teach them about the concepts of Ibn Rushd, the philosophers and historians, the astronomers and scientists we produced. Ibn Khaldun, Youssuf were all secular-minded. We teach them that we win the war.

When terrorists shot Malala and killed clerics opposed to them we should have learned this right away but we did not. It is time to turn education into our advantage and secularize society- Islamic studies can be a useful place to do this. Replace the mullah there with a liberal mutazili or sufi scholar. We are on the path to secularism and optional Islamic studies.

What do you think @Hyperion, @muse, @Redbull and other secularists?
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Time for another long post:

I too believe that Islam should not be a compulsory subject but an electable course in schools, colleges and universities... however the facts are that Pakistani parents are overwhelmingly for it. I tried to find the survey that backs it but failed but the majority of Pakistani parents when asked whether Islam should be taught as a subject and should be compulsory in schools majority of respondents said yes.

My point is that I have realized throughout time that the Zarvan's really do make the majority in our country-they are not outright TTP supporters but are sympathizers. I may be wrong but that is debatable. My point is secularism which is what I want cannot be the general rule unless there is a shift in thinking. Education can do that.

What I am getting at is teaching Mu'tazili Islam is a brilliant way to turn the tide against the extremists and can be the first step to secularization. We can treat this as an opportunity instead of a problem. We can teach a secular understanding of Islam, a tolerant Islam of Ibn Rushd and Harraj. We do that and we win their minds ensuring another Zarvan could not be produced. We preach hate against Hindus and others we produce Taliban militants.

This could be a wonderful opportunity if the education system is over-hauled and can be used to secularize society-after all an entire school of thought is based on secularism (Mutazila)... teach them about the concepts of Ibn Rushd, the philosophers and historians, the astronomers and scientists we produced. Ibn Khaldun, Youssuf were all secular-minded. We teach them that we win the war.

When terrorists shot Malala and killed clerics opposed to them we should have learned this right away but we did not. It is time to turn education into our advantage and secularize society- Islamic studies can be a useful place to do this. Replace the mullah there with a liberal mutazili or sufi scholar. We are on the path to secularism and optional Islamic studies.

What do you think @Hyperion, @muse, @Redbull and other secularists?
Mutazlla are the deviants and they were countered and defeated by great scholars specially Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Islam in Islamic society is compulsory subject and it is duty of state to teach Islam to teach Quran and Hadees and Seerat and secularism is complete **** and kufr and totally against the teachings of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and even those cartoons were not seculars and we teach ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW not IBN RUSHD and others because authority is and Islam is what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have said not what some defeated deviant guys of Mutzala said and this post of you have exposed you and you talk about sufism good joke Sir read Imam Ghazali and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani and HAZRAT ALI HAJVERI they are far more strict on isssues than so called Mullahs but Abu Juhals without reading them want to promote them
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Zarvan, keep your bloody exposes to yourself. Dont give fatwas. You realize you look like a joke in front of educated people here?

Educated people the man he is supporting were defeated and exposed by great Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal long time ago they are seculars and not educated and we have Islam we don't need this **** of secularism Sir and its matter of Islam you please focus on your problems
The only thing this survey proves is that 89% of people are delusional who have no grasp over the most basal instincts of human nature and to how fundamentalism operates at psychological level.

The Cult of Scientology has committed crimes that would give inferiority complex to a mullah.The fact that 100% of their members are Graduates did not put an end to their fundamentalism.

Should we be surprised that 89% of Pakistanis believe education can stop religious extremism! No we should not. It is a fact that with education comes understanding, and understanding leads to tolerance. A nation can only prosper if it is able to educate its masses. We see people, especially young adults, because of lack of education being brain washed into becoming suicide bombers and terrorists who kill innocent without any remorse. Education is a tool that gives an individual the capability to reason and think. Unfortunately today one out of every 10 children who is deprived of education worldwide comes from Pakistan.

Pakistan’s founder the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah said, “Without education it is complete darkness and with education it is light. Education is a matter of life and death to our nation. The world is moving so fast that if you do not educate yourselves you will be not only completely left behind, but will be finished up. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had enjoined his followers to go even to China in the pursuit of knowledge. If that was the commandment in those days when communications were difficult, then, truly, Muslims as the true followers of the glorious heritage of Islam, should surely utilize all available opportunities. No sacrifice of time or personal comfort should be regarded too great for the advancement of the cause of education.” He further said addressing the youth of the new nation, “My young friends, I look forward to you as the real makers of Pakistan, do not be exploited and do not be misled. Create amongst yourselves complete unity and solidarity. Set an example of what youth can do. Your main occupation should be in fairness to yourself, to your parents, in fairness to the State, to devote your attention to your studies. If you fritter away your energies now, you will always regret.”

If only all Pakistanis follow their founder’s lead, Pakistan will become an educated progressive country in no time and in that country they will be no place for extremism of any sort.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

It is pretty disappointing to see an Military professional endorsing a view which is equivalent which could at best be described as clutching straws in a hurricane.
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