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8 to 11 Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib yesterday after got hit by anti Julani coalition

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DNA shows 95% of your people are Turkified by turkish invaders. Before getting conquered you ruled by Persian and Roman invaders for centuries.






Turkified :


DNA tests:






45% of Persian Dna is from Arabs.
Russia is making a strategic error by making an enemy out of Turkey.

Does Putin think they will flat pack their Syrian bases like the USA? I thought Putin was smarter than that.

Just to add, the anti-Turk vitriol is disgusting on these threads. Those who can't ever actually beat Turkey will simply hate them for all eternity. Meanwhile Turkey will quietly conduct its business like a professional, hopefully with minimal losses.
Come back when you have some proper evidence rather than some claims. Even when a single Syria dies there are pictures and evidence all over the place. Only someone who is either totally gullible or a propagandist will believe so many soldier died without any real evidence.
In the Syrian war, what are YOUR standards for "real evidence"? i'm seriously curious.
Russia is making a strategic error by making an enemy out of Turkey.

Does Putin think they will flat pack their Syrian bases like the USA? I thought Putin was smarter than that.

Just to add, the anti-Turk vitriol is disgusting on these threads. Those who can't ever actually beat Turkey will simply hate them for all eternity. Meanwhile Turkey will quietly conduct its business like a professional, hopefully with minimal losses.
Turkey is no match for Russia. Are you kidding ?
Turkey is no match for Russia. Are you kidding ?
Relax. I'm not saying Turkey is about to try and storm Stalingrad. I'm saying a confrontation with a determined Turkey, limited to the Syrian border region will be very difficult for Russia to actually win decisively.
Assad Regime and Russia very well knows what happened with their soldiers

We dont care about pathetic butthurt people who are looking for evidence

also Hundreds of Regime soldiers and Iran backed terrorists were killed by the Turkish Armed Forces when they attacked Turkish military forces in Al Bab by 2016 and in Afrin by 2018

you should join the army instead of posting all the pics
In the Syrian war, what are YOUR standards for "real evidence"? i'm seriously curious.

Lets start with a single name of a soldier that has been killed in this so called attack. Then we can take it from there.
u know that's not true, no one is financing HTS, they earn their income from locals

The Uae and S.Arabia are financing HTS
and HTS gets weapons via PKK/YPG Terror Organization

The US/Israel/The Uae/S.Arabia use ISIS , HTS and PKK/YPG Terror Organizations in Syria for their interests

even The Uae uses Al Qaeda linked Al-Shabab Terror Organization to attack Turks in Somali

you should join the army instead of posting all the pics

dont worry
every TURK is a soldier in a war .. you pathetic camel rider

Turkey is no match for Russia. Are you kidding ?

We have seen loser Russians in Afghanistan and Chechenya in 10 years

Russia was became enemy to Turkiye and Turkish People again because of the US/The UK/Israel/France use Russia as puppet

stupid PUTIN will lose Turkiye and the US will be so happy

-- Turkiye can block Bosphorus against Russian Navy ... ( now Russia is a threat to Turkiye )
-- Turkiye can build KANAL ISTANBUL and American/NATO Warships will flow into the Black Sea against Russia
-- Turkiye can make Georgia as NATO Member
-- Turkiye can work with Ukraine because of Crimea is not Russian territory in the eyes of the UN
-- Turkiye can join to NATO Forces in Baltics against Russia
-- Turkiye and Azerbaijan can re-take Karabag from Armenia
-- Turkiye can start new military operations to take Tel Rıfat , Ayn al Arab , Munbij , etc
-- Turkiye can declare war on Assad Regime and Russia can not fire even one bullet to Turkiye

and stupid PUTIN is risking TURKSTREAM gas pipeline project , Nuclear Power Plant project , S400 deal with Turkiye

Syria is not national security for Russia and Russia can not fight against 82 million Turkiye
on the other hand Syria is national security for Turkiye and Turkiye can fight anyone in Syria ( The US or Russia , that doesnt matter )

ERDOGAN said .. Turkey warned Russia not to stand in our way in Idlib
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According to Defense Minister Hulusi Akar

T-155 Howitzers and T-122 MLRSs hit 54 ASSAD Regime targets and 76 Regime soldiers were killed by the Turkish Armed Forces

Yesterday more than 320 Tanks, Howitzers, AFVs , Military Vehicles entered Idlib to protect Turkish military observation points in Idlib .... and more is coming

btw in the last 3 days more than 300 Regime soldiers and 4 Russian troops were killed in Idlib
lol no
We dont care about our slaves persians,arabs,jews,armenians,greeks,etc who ruled by the TURKS for centuries

TRUMP said We killed son of bitches QASIM SULEIMANI
You yourself are one of these turkified slaves and kid yourself by claim you are descendant from genghiz khan and Attila:lol:

The Uae and S.Arabia are financing HTS
and HTS gets weapons via PKK/YPG Terror Organization

The US/Israel/The Uae/S.Arabia use ISIS , HTS and PKK/YPG Terror Organizations in Syria for their interests

even The Uae uses Al Qaeda linked Al-Shabab Terror Organization to attack Turks in Somali

dont worry
every TURK is a soldier in a war .. you pathetic camel rider

We have seen loser Russians in Afghanistan and Chechenya in 10 years

Russia was became enemy to Turkiye and Turkish People again because of the US/The UK/Israel/France use Russia as puppet

stupid PUTIN will lose Turkiye and the US will be so happy

-- Turkiye can block Bosphorus against Russian Navy ... ( now Russia is a threat to Turkiye )
-- Turkiye can build KANAL ISTANBUL and American/NATO Warships will flow into the Black Sea against Russia
-- Turkiye can make Georgia as NATO Member
-- Turkiye can work with Ukraine because of Crimea is not Russian territory in the eyes of the UN
-- Turkiye can join to NATO Forces in Baltics against Russia
-- Turkiye and Azerbaijan can re-take Karabag from Armenia
-- Turkiye can start new military operations to take Tel Rıfat , Ayn al Arab , Munbij , etc
-- Turkiye can declare war on Assad Regime and Russia can not fire even one bullet to Turkiye

and stupid PUTIN is risking TURKSTREAM gas pipeline project , Nuclear Power Plant project , S400 deal with Turkiye

Syria is not national security for Russia and Russia can not fight against 82 million Turkiye
on the other hand Syria is national security for Turkiye and Turkiye can fight anyone in Syria ( The US or Russia , that doesnt matter )

ERDOGAN said .. Turkey warned Russia not to stand in our way in Idlib
Aren’t the people who raped and turkified you are camel riders?! Which you claim to be descendant of them even though you are nothing but a Bosnian slave harem?!:lol:
I am saying again We dont care about our slaves persians,arabs,jews,armenians,greeks,etc who ruled by the TURKS for centuries
You don’t get it do you?! You are a slave yourself who got raped and he thinks that he is central Asian you are just like a Mexican who claim to be Spaniard:lol:
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