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70 million Iranians using high-speed mobile internet: Regulator


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
News / Economy
70 million Iranians using high-speed mobile internet: Regulator
Thursday, 25 June 2020 6:29 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 25 June 2020 6:29 PM ]


Iran says number of mobile users with access to high-speed services have risen to 70 million.
The number of Iranians with access to high-speed mobile internet services has increased exponentially over the past seven years to reach a total of 70 million, says the country’s telecoms regulator.

The official IRNA news agency cited figures by CRA as saying that coverage of third and fourth generation of mobile internet had increased from 12 percent of the population in 2013 to nearly 83 percent this year.

It said the total number of 3G and 4G SIM cards owned by Iranians had exceeded 100 million, adding that around 70 million are currently using the high-speed services on an active basis.

The total number of mobile phone subscribers in Iran, a country of nearly 85 million, is currently around 120 million, said the report.

Fast internet is currently accessible across 83 percent of Iran’s roads and railways, said the report, adding that the figure was almost zero in 2006 according to CRA figures.

Iran to open second largest data center over weekend: Minister
Iran’s telecoms minister says a second large-scale data center would come online later this week.

The report said, however, that increased coverage of mobile internet in Iran had come at the expense of reduced access to fast broadband.

The figures showed that using fast broadband had declined to cover only 10 percent of users in Iran this year, down from 42 million users or 53 percent of the population in 2017.

Increased use of high-speed mobile internet in Iran has come despite restrictions imposed on the country’s access to equipment and technologies needed to expand the communication services sector.

The restrictions, imposed by the United States, have mainly targeted foreign companies delivering key equipment and expertise to Iran.

Iran is planning to introduce ultrafast services of the fifth generation of internet, known as 5G, in the current calendar year ending March 2021.
News / Economy
Iran to open second largest data center over weekend: Minister
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 5:43 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 24 June 2020 5:55 PM ]


Iran’s telecoms minister says a second large-scale data center would come online later this week.
Iran’s telecoms minister says a second large-scale data center meant to improve security and sustainability in the cyberspace would come online later this week.

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said in a tweet on Wednesday that Iran’s first mobile phone operator MCI would launch the data center in the northwestern city of Tabriz on June 28.

دومین مرکز داده‌ی بزرگ اقماری شبکه‌ی ملی اطلاعات که توسط همراه اول در «تبریز» احداث شده است، یکشنبه وارد مدار خواهد شد. افزایش پایداری زیرساختهای مراکز داده و افزایش ظرفیت خدمات ابری حاصل این افتتاح است. کسب‌وکار دیجیتال برای جوانان آذری هم راحت‌تر خواهد شد.
یاشاسین آذربایجان

— MJ Azari Jahromi (@azarijahromi) June 24, 2020 ">http://
دومین مرکز داده‌ی بزرگ اقماری شبکه‌ی ملی اطلاعات که توسط همراه اول در «تبریز» احداث شده است، یکشنبه وارد مدار خواهد شد. افزایش پایداری زیرساختهای مراکز داده و افزایش ظرفیت خدمات ابری حاصل این افتتاح است. کسب‌وکار دیجیتال برای جوانان آذری هم راحت‌تر خواهد شد.
یاشاسین آذربایجان

— MJ Azari Jahromi (@azarijahromi) June 24, 2020

Azari Jahromi said the data center would boost sustainability of the network infrastructure in Iran while it will significantly increase the capacity for cloud computing in the country.

He said the launch would also improve the business environment for internet startups in Iran’s Azerbaijan, a major ethnic region bordering Turkey with a huge contribution to Iran’s economic output.

Iran opens largest data center with private investment
Iran’s second-largest mobile operator opens a 400-rack data center in the capital Tehran.

The minister did not elaborate on the size of investment carried out by the MCI to launch the project. However, it will come exactly a month after rival mobile operator MTN Irancell unveiled Iran’s largest data center in the capital Tehran.

Irancell authorities said at the time that the $63-million facility would increase Iran’s overall data center capacity by 25 percent.

The expansion of internet infrastructure in Iran comes less than a year after the country used its domestic online services to handle a blackout that was caused by rioting over fuel price hikes.

The government said after the blackout was lifted in December that the National Information Network (NIN) had proved highly useful in the provision of key online services during the blackout.

Authorities insist the NIN infrastructure should improve concurrent with efforts to expand the internet in Iran as the country needs a reliable network to back up sensitive services during emergencies.

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We are currently using 4.5G and also Turkey plans to introduce 5G in 2021. What i don't understand is, 4.5G is already fast for users like me. What's need for 5G?
More control over people. That's all there's to it.
If conspiracy theorists told us just 15 years ago that one day the governments will convince us to carry a tracking device with us which contains all of our information in it, we would've laughed at them and called them crazy, but it has already happened.
More control over people. That's all there's to it.
If conspiracy theorists told us just 15 years ago that one day the governments will convince us to carry a tracking device with us which contains all of our information in it, we would've laughed at them and called them crazy, but it has already happened.
data of average joe just gets stored though.. they will comb through it if you become suspicious.
data of average joe just gets stored though.. they will comb through it if you become suspicious.
We can never predict the advances of big data and the computational power of governments in future.
Not only that, soon IPv6 will replace IPv4, providing enough valid IP addresses to give every device each person owns a valid IP. Not that everyone will necessarily get a valid IP though, but just the idea of a unique IP address for every device on the internet sounds horrific to me. And soon there will be brain implants as well. Too many people have chronic mental diseases and like it or not, brain implants will make it to our lives. Now imagine how much power governments will have over people in future.
Iran successfully tests 5G in lab in Tehran
Wednesday, 22 July 2020 12:15 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 22 July 2020 12:17 PM ]


Photo published on July 22, 2020 shows a view to a site where Iran’s second largest mobile operator MTN Irancell launched a first lab testing site for 5G high-speed mobile internet in the Iranian capital Tehran.
An Iranian deputy telecoms minister says a first trial in the country for the high-speed 5G mobile internet technology has been successfully carried out in a laboratory in Tehran.

Sattar Hashemi said on Wednesday that the test conducted in the ICT Research Center in downtown Tehran had reached a speed of 1.5 gigabits per second (Gb/s).

“The 5G is a major improvement on 4G regarding the delay in sending information and we managed to reduce the delay by 5 to 6 milliseconds in this test,” Hashemi told the semi-official Mehr news agency.

A separate report by the official IRNA news agency said the testing site had been launched by Iran’s second largest mobile operator MTN Irancell.

The report said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani oversaw the trial through a video conference call from his Cabinet session.

Hashemi did not elaborate on any exact timetable for rolling out the fifth generation of mobile internet in Iran.

He said high-ranking government officials would soon hold a ceremony to officially unveil 5G in the country and announce the terms of its regulation and pricing systems.

Previous statements by ICT officials have suggested that Iran’s largest mobile operator MCI would launch a first batch of 5G masts in at least six locations in Tehran by the end of summer.

Iran’s MCI to switch on 5G mobile network in August: Minister
Iran’s MCI is to roll out a first 5G mobile network in the capital Tehran in August.

Hashemi said the test trial in ICT research center would enable all stakeholders of the ethnology in Iran, including other mobile operators, to contribute to the project.

He said speeds of up to 20 Gb/s, which are much higher than the one reached during the Wednesday lab trial in Iran, would depend on various factors, including the size of investment in the project.

“However, the average considered for this (5G) will be a speed between 1.5 to 2 Gb/s,” he said.

Iran has not disclosed any information about which global supplier it is using to launch the 5G mobile network. However, the MCI and other operators have been engaged in partnerships with major Chinese telecommunication companies in the past.
I'm yet to see what 5G applications will change the world.
A lot of hypes at the moment
it will impact big firms or universities performance. I remember our uni's internet was tooo slow while authorities were saying we are using the best service available.

online gaming I guess..
it will impact big firms or universities performance. I remember our uni's internet was tooo slow while authorities were saying we are using the best service available.
5g is for mobile phones. Fibre is optimal for home and office.

Do they still use ADSL in Iran?

online gaming I guess..
Online games doesnt require high speed internet, and consumes very little bandwidth
Do they still use ADSL in Iran?
Yes. ADSL remains by far the most common type of internet connection for home users in Iran. MCI is also offering VDSL and FTTx to some lucky users living in areas connected to their optical fiber network but it's not that common yet. A high number of internet users in Iran also use wireless technologies, particularly 4G and LTE.
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