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7 ways to send China a strong message without war

no, you specifically said "west".

in the current context, there are only concepts involving the "west" - western countries, such as the US, UK, or the western part of the Chinese and indian border. clearly China and india do not share the same view on the western part of the border.

oh, you raise the Beijing air quality first now I am the troll? what a joke.

one day indian always liar.

who eat dirty pig meat in shanghai are lying...

who are suffocating and dying of pollution are lying ...

keep hands on your eyes and call the world liar.

chinese lying is only beaten by their stupidity.
It would mean the disintegration of India as a unified country if it ever dares mention the T words。

Always bear in mind that there are literally hundreds of rebel organizations which seek independence from India 。

If China decides to give weapons and financial aids to these entitie。。。。:omghaha:

Hell will break loose in Inida。
It would mean the disintegration of India as a unified country if it ever dares mention the T words。

Always bear in mind that there are literally hundreds of rebel organizations which seek independence from India 。

If China decides to give weapons and financial aids to these entitie。。。。:omghaha:

Hell will break loose in Inida。

T for Troll- another JOKER from C for China:omghaha:
You are just a troll..if you are so interested in visiting new delhi, we will give you special stapled visa since you are from hongkong..high IQ troll:omghaha:

Typical of a loser‘s talking。:omghaha:

India does not stand a freaking chance。

If it were not for the fact that China would have take under its care the huge population in the occupied territories,1962 would had turned out differently。

This time if India does not behave, China would have the wisdom and the resources to divide the NE,save Zangnan,into a number of independent states。Hell, BD might get a lice of the "meat". :omghaha:
Typical of a loser‘s talking。:omghaha:

India does not stand a freaking chance。

If it were not for the fact that China would have take under its care the huge population in the occupied territories,1962 would had turned out differently。

This time if India does not behave, China would have the wisdom and the resources to divide the NE,save Zangnan,into a number of independent states。Hell, BD might get a lice of the "meat". :omghaha:

are you day dreaming or fantasizing..or this is result of your state owned media's propaganda :omghaha:
Typical of a loser‘s talking。:omghaha:

India does not stand a freaking chance。

If it were not for the fact that China would have take under its care the huge population in the occupied territories,1962 would had turned out differently。

This time if India does not behave, China would have the wisdom and the resources to divide the NE,save Zangnan,into a number of independent states。Hell, BD might get a lice of the "meat". :omghaha:

wet dreams ... seems japanese inflicted so much humiliation on china, that you lost your mental balance ... and keep hallucinating all the time.

feel sorry for you... but it would be better if you consult a psychiatist.
it is amazing that most indians were brainwashed to the extent that their nation can stand a fight with China.

just look at the huge difference gap between us, guys, under the leadership of liars like your PM Singh and his party, you guys completely wasted 30 years. now the gap is wider than the one in 1962.

in 1962, when you have a machine gun, we have a machine gun, we went to the 1962 war. the same can no longer be said anymore! LCA is what you have, we have J-20, J-31, Y-20, Type-99G2 MBT, DF-41, DF-31, we have demonstrated anti satellite weapons, we have anti aircraft carrier missiles, we have our own operational satellite navigation systems formed by a network of 16 launched satellites.

what you have?

we have 3.4 trillion dollars foreign reserve, our economy is 12 trillion USD in PPP terms, it is 3-4 times as big as yours. tell me how you guys are going to show me something real?

oh, let's don't forget this: our national average IQ is 105, yours is 85.

Good points.

India is very poor at organising, just look at how they screwed up a small event like the commonwealth games and we carried out a very successful Olympic Games which is a much larger event. It summed up both countries capabilities. Indian indiscipline and arrogance blinded them from seeing their weaknesses and trying to solve them. We always find our weaknesses and solve them. This is why we will always stay ahead of India.
Good points.

India is very poor at organising, just look at how they screwed up a small event like the commonwealth games and we carried out a very successful Olympic Games which is a much larger event. It summed up both countries capabilities. Indian indiscipline and arrogance blinded them from seeing their weaknesses and trying to solve them. We always find our weaknesses and solve them. This is why we will always stay ahead of India.

oh really..check this out

China's Olympic Shame

China's Olympic Shame - TIME

11 Very Strange Ways China's Preparing to Host the Olympics

11 Very Strange Ways China's Preparing to Host the Olympics - 11 Points

Top 10 Things You Should Know about the Beijing Olympics and Falun Gong

FalunInfo.net - Top 10 Things You Should Know about the Beijing Olympics and Falun Gong
oh really..check this out

China's Olympic Shame

China's Olympic Shame - TIME

11 Very Strange Ways China's Preparing to Host the Olympics

11 Very Strange Ways China's Preparing to Host the Olympics - 11 Points

Top 10 Things You Should Know about the Beijing Olympics and Falun Gong

FalunInfo.net - Top 10 Things You Should Know about the Beijing Olympics and Falun Gong

The New Delhi games were a total disaster from uneven netball courts, athletes villages full of human faeces, bridges collapsing, to hotels with rat poison, etc. the Beijing Olympics was carried out perfectly, the accommodation was perfect, the infra stirs beautiful.
It sums up why India is so far behind China as a country and civilisation. Indian people are very indisciplined. This is why India will never surpass us.
The New Delhi games were a total disaster from uneven netball courts, athletes villages full of human faeces, bridges collapsing, to hotels with rat poison, etc. the Beijing Olympics was carried out perfectly, the accommodation was perfect, the infra stirs beautiful.
It sums up why India is so far behind China as a country and civilisation. Indian people are very indisciplined. This is why India will never surpass us.

Looks like you are blind cant read the links which I had posted, and you are repeating your master's commands repeatedly..say whatever you like to claim..go for it..we dont have to take your suggestion to surpass you..if you feel you will always be ahead of us, then why do I see you so jealous
British media mock India for Games disaster

From raising issues of child labour to pointing to the ''agonisingly inefficient infrastructure'', the British media on Thursday launched a scathing attack on the poor preparedness for the Commonwealth Games (CWG) that will begin in New Delhi Oct 3.
The upcoming Games was given prominent display in all the major newspapers here, with some using photographs to illustrate their point.

The Telegraph's story "Commonwealth Games 2010: England team's trip on a knife edge" not only reflected the gripping tension on whether the England team could withdraw from the Games over the state of the athletes' village and sporting arenas, it also criticised the use of child labour to finish the pending work at the venues.

The daily's website mischievously used an AP photograph that showed a group of poor labourers straining to pull a cart overloaded with bricks and sacks with "XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi" emblazoned in the background. It said safety fears intensified when a section of the ceiling on a weightlifting arena fell to the ground. On Tuesday, a pedestrian footbridge collapsed, injuring 27 workers.

Child labourers were photographed putting up seats in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main Games venue. "The use of child labour has been a steady concern throughout the project. Many work alongside their labourer parents who are paid as little as 3 pounds per day. The photographer who captured children at work had his accreditation rescinded yesterday (Wednesday) and a camera wiped by officials," the report said.

The Independent questioned "Why India is a bit player in the world of sport". The report pointed out that the Delhi Commonwealth Games "have seen the deaths of numerous construction workers, a massive uprooting of the capital's poor and, following allegations of corruption, the Indian Prime Minister stepping in to appoint officials to supervise the project".

It said that though $6 billion was being spent, delegates have condemned the athletes' village as "******, unhygienic and unfit for human habitation". The problems the Games have revealed are more than the usual Indian contradictions. "One of the favourite Indian expressions is 'Juldi, juldi' (hurry, hurry). The only problem is the stifling bureaucracy and the agonisingly inefficient infrastructure. The result is that cries of 'Juldi, juldi' rise like a cloud of vapour while the actual pace of the journey matches the legendary Indian bullock cart."

The Independent article ended by saying: "The most galling thing for the Indians is the contrast this provides with China, which used the 2008 Beijing Olympics as a giant coming-out party, proving that it could beat the West at its own sports. The tragedy for India is that, whatever happens in Delhi over the next few weeks, the world will conclude that this is another area where India cannot match its Asian rival."

The Daily Mail declared: "24 hours to save the Commonwealth Games: Clegg warns time is running out after Delhi stadium ceiling falls in". It quoted Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg as saying: "Time is running short. It's for athletes to decide themselves whether they want to attend or not, but I do hope we give the organisers the chance to sort themselves out so we give the games the chance to be the success they always wanted it to be."

A photograph accompanying the article showed a sound barrier being put up just outside the Commonwealth Games village. Its caption stated: "The methods used would probably not get past UK health and safety officers".

The Guardian reported that with the Games "at risk of descending into farce, thousands of athletes from the major competing nations remained in the dark about whether or not they would be boarding a plane to compete". Some 7,000 participants and officials from 71 countries and territories are expected to attend the Oct 3-14 Commonwealth Games, India's biggest sporting event after the 1982 Asian Games it hosted in New Delhi.
well to be honest. This is not a good situation that they have entered in our territory and we are silent. may be the Intel inputs are saying that, china is ready for war, so that'S why Indian administration is not responding. when the things are in non alert position then India might give a response.
The New Delhi games were a total disaster from uneven netball courts, athletes villages full of human faeces, bridges collapsing, to hotels with rat poison, etc. the Beijing Olympics was carried out perfectly, the accommodation was perfect, the infra stirs beautiful.
It sums up why India is so far behind China as a country and civilisation. Indian people are very indisciplined. This is why India will never surpass us.

Freedom is far more important that a fake sense of Pride as far as Indians are concerned. In the end of the day there is a cultural difference between Chinese and Indians. Chinese are willing to be subjugated by their (small set of) rulers for material achievements. While Indians continue to value their own freedom, their culture, their language over material achievements. This is true through history and even today. End of the day its about priorities.
Freedom is far more important that a fake sense of Pride as far as Indians are concerned. In the end of the day there is a cultural difference between Chinese and Indians. Chinese are willing to be subjugated by their (small set of) rulers for material achievements. While Indians continue to value their own freedom, their culture, their language over material achievements. This is true through history and even today. End of the day its about priorities.

Doesn't seem India has any freedom since you forced child labourers into working at the Delhi games. India neither has the freedom nor the material achievements. You can't do anything :lol:
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