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7.8 earthquake 50 km east of Pak-Iran border.

Guys i just experienced Earthquake in my city Jaipur, its in news now that it had a Richter rating of 7 n its center was near Indo-Pak border.

Anybody else felt it or any news from ur city???:what:
Epicenter, per geo, was in Pak-Iran border area..
Terrifying .. its a first time i experience it .. Whole building was shaking badly ..
Blimey... that sounds pretty strong! Very unfortunate...
As per news channels Earthquake has been experienced upto Delhi n Noida too...:drag:
Iran had another earthquake sometime back, albeit to the North of the country, this one was near Pak border.

FElt it here in Dubai as well, pretty intense...it came in 2 phases

People are still outaide the building but not me, ab 11 loors kaun bhagay itnay say earthquake main!:P
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