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60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

Because I know the history of my own country slightly better than you
As testing of millions of American high school students demonstrates, living in a country does not mean you know its history.

and what you quote is from a website whose sole purpose is to highlight the case for the Jewish diaspora.
And that makes it fit to be spurned somehow? Here, take it from The Daily Times instead: link
As testing of millions of American high school students demonstrates, living in a country does not mean you know its history.

Well I am not an American high school student.
And that makes it fit to be spurned somehow? Here, take it from The Daily Times instead: link

Now where does it say that we burned a synagogue and people were persecuted? People left of their own accord. It says people felt uncomfortable, well sometimes 50 millions Shias feel uncomfortable too on occasions, however the main point is as follows which you seem to ignore quite selectively - by one of your own - who happened to live in the country that you are out to malign:

“I must convey to the Israeli people that Pakistani society is in general very generous and my families have never had any problems here. We live in full freedom and enjoy excellent friendships with many people here in Karachi.” He went on, then, to add: “I have been to India as well, though I found Indian society to be less tolerant, highly emotional and more anti-Semitic. Pakistanis respect people of all faiths because it is a doctrine of their Sufi version of Islam, which is very different from Arab Wahhabism.”

He wrote a letter. Nobody forced him to make this statement. Most people could care less if someone was a Sikh, Hindu, Jew etc. etc. When all you see in the Western media is the pictures of folks from the Islamic right, then the perception is that every Pakistani is against everyone else.

In the end, believe what you must, Palestinians are not going to leave their land out of their own accord. The solution is a simple one. Agree that Palestinians have a right to remain on their own land. Stop your expanding settlements, allow Palestinians to establish their own country on what remains of their land and move on.
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Now where does it say that we burned a synagogue and people were persecuted? People left of their own accord. It says people felt uncomfortable -
First you called it a lie, then you refuse to do your own homework to disprove it, and now you say that burning a synagogue and other evil acts don't count as persecution. We arrive back at the question of why what you write should be honored and respected by others.

I must convey to the Israeli people that Pakistani society is in general very generous and my families have never had any problems
And now, after dissing a source merely because it was written by Jews and targeted the diaspora, you are quoting from The Jerusalem Post.

you seem to ignore quite selectively - by one of your own - who happened to live in the country that you are out to malign -
Who is ignoring what? The Pakistani who wrote The Daily Times article himself doubts the veracity of the letter by this "doctor"! link2
Soloman I like your stuburnness join our ISI force we will double your pay what you get paid
So in your opinion the solution to a land grab is to simply give in and move on and become refugees in Saudi Arabia?
There is something to be said for a regional, rather than bilateral, solution. There was never a country called "Palestine": many "Palestinians" can trace their family origins and allegiance to Egypt or Syria; the original area of the British Mandate for establishing a Jewish Homeland included the West Bank and Jordan before the Sauds drove Hussein out of Arabia and the Brits installed him in Amman as a kind of sop. All over the Muslim world Jews were expelled or compelled to flee, swelling Israel's population even further, while Palestinians who wish to emigrate to Arab countries are sometimes allowed to do so, but never allowed to be made into citizens. (In Jordan and Syria, sometimes citizens are reclassified as "Palestinians". )

So the "appeasement" should only be done by Palestinians and the Israelis have no responsibility in the suffering and occupation of an entire people?
Why not develop this idea further?

If I were to give credence to your questionable logic, then I could argue that the ability that Saudis have to ease the suffering is no more or less than the ability of the Western European countries to take in all of the Jews -
The Sauds have the wealth, geography, and economy to absorb their Palestinian brethren. Yet why should Jews give up their national home, a desire they have craved for thousands of years? The answer to the "Jewish Question" - the one that works and is in agreement with Woodrow Wilson's principles of self-determination and nationhood, is the division of peoples into separate nation-states. Europe isn't going to take back its Jews any more than give up Greece, the Balkan states, Hungary, or any other state created after WWI. And that still leaves the issue of the Jews expelled from Arab and Muslim countries. Whereas the "nationality" of "Palestinians", on the other hand, is something enforced at gunpoint by Arab terrorists or the occupying armies of Arab states.

ou should not bring up silly points about other arab countries having to clean up the mess created by Israeli zionists.
Oh, I don't doubt Zionists created something of a stir by the return of so many Jews to their historic homeland. But to claim that ALL problems are of Zionists' making is to rob peoples of their history, and give license to dictators and terrorists to commit unlimited evils.
What a stupid thread.

This country is a disgrace to Judaism and humanity. It is based upon a hate and lie filled Zionist dogma which is rejected by many Jews. I can remember reading a survey a few years ago which found that when asked what the justification for Israel was , the answer by 95% of Israelis was that it is God's word that this is our land. On the other hand when asked if they believed in God the number was around the 70% figure!
This country is a disgrace to Judaism and humanity. It is based upon a hate and lie filled Zionist dogma which is rejected by many Jews.
According to ex-PLO ambassador Dr. Ghazi Hussein (link1, link2), the Zionists were complicit in the Holocaust against non-Zionist Jews. But the Holocaust really didn't happen. Even so, what the Israelis do to Palestinian Arabs is worse than the non-existent Holocaust. And most Jews weren't Zionist, and the Nazis' nonexistent persecution of Jews was only towards the assimilated non-Zionist Jews, while they kept the Zionists alive...

This is the sort of reasoning one has to subscribe to if one chooses to maintain that Zionism is a "hate and lie-filled" dogma. How can Pakistanis hope to fight terror at home and embrace modernism if they choose to wallow in ignorance and bigotry and fail to fight for truth in word and deed?
There should be a thread made, which should go like this "60 reasons why Israel needs to be erased". Now that is a topic to discuss.
There are endless reasons to be proud of Israel: Culture, science, sport, technology, Jewish life, nature, and innovation to name a few.

Here are 60 more reasons to celebrate Israel's 60 years of independence:

1. Israel is the only Jewish country in the world.

Praise be to God that there is no other, otherwise the world would be an unbearable hell

2. Life expectancy in Israel is one of the highest in the world: 82.2 years for women and 78.5 years for men.

what about your own country When will celebrate the same Life expectancy ?

3. Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation in the world.

This is a shame on humanity and not a cause for pride because those immigrants who have been placed in the homes of the indigenous population of Palestine

4. The Jewish population in Israel consists 40% of world Jewry.

This is good news certainly for the countries that the Jews left because they finally got rid of the Jews

5. Israel has more museums per capita than any other country.

Certainly have a lot of museums to commemorate the massacres they committed against Palestinians

6. Israeli historian, UCLA professor, Saul Friedlander won Pulitzer Prize for 2008 for his book on history of Jews in Hitler¹s Germany.

Hurrah Hurrah already this news pleased the Jews and you are one of them

7. Israel has highest number of university degrees per capita in the world.

If they have all this intelligence they had to know that their presence in Palestine has no future

8. Israel is one of 8 countries in the world that have the technological ability to build and launch its own satellites.

When it becomes your own all the US technology, why not make the space shuttle also

9. Israel has the second highest number of startup companies in the world, ranking directly under the U.S.

This is nonsense and not true, because the Israeli and U.S. companies there is no difference between them

10. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth, at about 1200 ft below sea level.

There is no doubt that they dug deep underground until the Dead Sea has become so deeply:rofl:

11. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation.

Please, stop I can no longer breathe from laughter:rofl:

12. Millions of birds migrate twice yearly along the length of Israel, from Africa to Europe and back, making it the world¹s biggest junction for bird migration.

Bravo bravo this is indeed a great achievement LETS DANCE :yahoo::yahoo:

13. :blah::blah::blah: 60.
Whatever your reason is come celebrate with Israel and all the Jewish people.

^^^^^^It's in big red letters, so it MUST be true, right? No need to study history or pay attention to scholarship or the personal experiences of those who remember, no sir! Big red letters are all it takes!
There is something to be said for a regional, rather than bilateral, solution.
There was never a country called "Palestine": many "Palestinians" can trace their family origins and allegiance to Egypt or Syria; the original area of the British Mandate for establishing a Jewish Homeland included the West Bank and Jordan before the Sauds drove Hussein out of Arabia and the Brits installed him in Amman as a kind of sop
Come on susu I thought you were smarter than this...
There was never a state called Israel before 1948, what kind of reasoning are you trying to pull off, in fact the biblical narration of a jewish kingdom, is no more real than the fables of King Arthur's Kingdom. You also seem to ignore genetic studies that stipulates the difference between Palestinians and other arabs, and historical studies that stipulates that Palestinians are locals and not Immigrants like Jews, who more or less are 100% outsiders and non-natives.
There has been numerous maps showing the creation of a jewish states, right from small blobs in Palestine to what was put forward in 1947.

All over the Muslim world Jews were expelled or compelled to flee, swelling Israel's population even further, while Palestinians who wish to emigrate to Arab countries are sometimes allowed to do so, but never allowed to be made into citizens. (In Jordan and Syria, sometimes citizens are reclassified as "Palestinians". )

Myth/lie you chose, the primary reason for the Jewish migration to Israel was the newly created Israeli state and not the BS about Arabs expelling jews, although a few where, most Jews left voluntarily. Palestinians did not emigrate, they fled the pogroms committed against them, your absurdity has reached new heights.

Why not develop this idea further?
The Sauds have the wealth, geography, and economy to absorb their Palestinian brethren. Yet why should Jews give up their national home, a desire they have craved for thousands of years? The answer to the "Jewish Question" - the one that works and is in agreement with Woodrow Wilson's principles of self-determination and nationhood, is the division of peoples into separate nation-states. Europe isn't going to take back its Jews any more than give up Greece, the Balkan states, Hungary, or any other state created after WWI. And that still leaves the issue of the Jews expelled from Arab and Muslim countries. Whereas the "nationality" of "Palestinians", on the other hand, is something enforced at gunpoint by Arab terrorists or the occupying armies of Arab states.
Omg, are you serious? you are seriously brainwashed my friend. One simple answer, because they do not belong there, the same way non-Palestinian jews do not belong in Palestine, period.
There is absolutely no reason why a native population should relocated so some stranger can sit in their place. Palestine is not the Jews' national home, you should try, Poland, Russia, the Ukraine etc where 90% of the Jews originate from, heck they aren't even Semites but Slavs, Caucasians etc. Another thing is that jews have not craved their homeland for 1000s of years, absolute BS, they never believed in a jewish nation state before the creation of zionism which is a construct of a jewish nationalism, and throughout modern history no more than 8,000-10,000 primarily religious jews at a time living in Palestine, why else was there no attempt by jews to migrate to Palestine even though they could?
Europe has to take back its jewish citizens as they don't belong in the Middle East.

Oh, I don't doubt Zionists created something of a stir by the return of so many Jews to their historic homeland. But to claim that ALL problems are of Zionists' making is to rob peoples of their history, and give license to dictators and terrorists to commit unlimited evils.

I'll say it one more time, there is no such thing as a jewish historical homeland, you can keep repeating it to your self, it simply wouldn't become more truth for that matter as this can't be supported either historically or by archeological findings.
The matter of fact is, that there is no real connection to Palestine by today's Jewry,
The majority of jews either migrated or stayed and converted to Christianity and to Islam later, and hence the real successors of the historical jews are there as Palestinians, not some slavic or caucasian convert from Europe.


Instead You ought to be ashamed supporting an ethnic cleansing in broad day light and the stealing of people's land and property, not to talk about the genocide they commit against another people, while the blood of the victims in Auschwitz has barely dried out.
You can sit there and deny the existence of Palestinians and support their relocation, but believe me they are there and will not go away, never forgive or forget. And any rational person would know that history runs in cycles, and when the tide turns, zionists would be on the run and people would remember their treatment of the native population. I just hope to live enough to see it :sniper:
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According to ex-PLO ambassador Dr. Ghazi Hussein (link1, link2), the Zionists were complicit in the Holocaust against non-Zionist Jews. But the Holocaust really didn't happen. Even so, what the Israelis do to Palestinian Arabs is worse than the non-existent Holocaust. And most Jews weren't Zionist, and the Nazis' nonexistent persecution of Jews was only towards the assimilated non-Zionist Jews, while they kept the Zionists alive...

This is the sort of reasoning one has to subscribe to if one chooses to maintain that Zionism is a "hate and lie-filled" dogma. How can Pakistanis hope to fight terror at home and embrace modernism if they choose to wallow inignorance and bigotry and fail to fight for truth in word and deed?

Your being ridiculous now. If it isn't a hateful dogma then why does it allow it's soldiers to murder innocent babies?
The good news Zionists are being isolated through projects such as J-Street etc.
^^^^^^It's in big red letters, so it MUST be true, right? No need to study history or pay attention to scholarship or the personal experiences of those who remember, no sir! Big red letters are all it takes!

Dear Solomon2, Try to be liberated and free your mind of the Israeli propaganda, And you will see that the Israelis are living in a dream, And they one day will wake up and discover The truth . . . too late
Fact is the Israeli's stole the land of the Palestinians, and are using there crocodile tears to justify the innocent killings of the Palestinians. The holocaust happened over 60 years ago and still the jews are crying over it, and it seems the experience of the past has not taught them nothing. They have become the new Hitler and have replaced the Polish ghetto's with Palestinian Ghetto's.
Fact is the Israeli's stole the land of the Palestinians, and are using there crocodile tears to justify the innocent killings of the Palestinians. The holocaust happened over 60 years ago and still the jews are crying over it, and it seems the experience of the past has not taught them nothing. They have become the new Hitler and have replaced the Polish ghetto's with Palestinian Ghetto's.

This is exactly what happened my brother . . .

Can you believe that two days before, a Group of the Jews of France made the French government shut down Muslim religious satellite channel, Because this channel is talking about the true image of Islam
Jews just want to keep the image of 9 / 11 of Islam in order to continue to blackmail the West
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