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60 Indian soldiers killed this year, double annual toll in last 2 years

i won't answer to your 144 figure again. i have already answerd it.
i won't answer your taliban surrender question again. as i have already told you the ground reality. the unit surrendered to taliban without fighting because they didn't wanted to fight muslims. i am giving you authentic reference for everything i am saying and you are just doing bow bow.

the only reason for surrender with proof.
about quetta attack.
1) those 63 were not passed out yet. technically not security personals.
2) it wasn't done by any rebels. but ISIS did it and accepted it.


about Pakistan losing assets to taliban. it's nothing new. taliban insurgeny cannot be compared with any one in india. they uses more sophisticated weapons that even indian army don't use them so much. but i accept the loses.
now about your army incompetence.
militants entered your army headquarter in uri and killed your 18 soldiers. Your answer will be GHQ attack where terrorists were contained at the gate and were not able to enter GHQ.
Your parliament was attacked.
your pathankot airbase was attacked and your brave soldiers took days to kill few terrorists. on average your army takes 2 days to kill 1 terrorist in such situation.
your navy incompetency destroyed your 2 submarines and many ships .1 ship just recently.
and not to mention your artillary headquarter attack incident.
your su 30 were destroyed due to your incompetent Pilots. you blamed russians for technical issues but were shown the mirror by investigations.
your army killed themselves in operation parakram.
your tejas took you 34 years and still it is not ready to be inducted. just recently rejected by your navy.

the list is so long that i cannot even mention all of you incompetencies here.
You won't answer my questions because you have been blown out by my posts.
Quetta cadets already passed:

Your ulema had to pass fatwa to civer up for the cowardice of your Army.
The militants in Kashmir are far better trained than rag tag Taliban tribals, we have recovered even MANPADs, ATGMs and thousands of RPGs on Kashmir.
Your Army headquarters was attacked.
Multiple attacks have happened on ISI offices.
29 Pakistani soldiers were killed in PAF Badaber.
Pakistan navy saw 53 deaths in PNS Moawin fire alone which more than all Indian Navy losses in accidents since 2005.

You do realize that as per data from aviation-safety.net & ejection.co.uk, since January 2012 there have 26 crashes of IAF fighter jets whereas PAF has seen 20 fighter jet crashes i.e. a ratio of 1.32:1.
Now taking into consideration the fact the IAF is 1.8 to 2.0x the size of PAF, PAFs crash rate is significantly worse than IAF's.

We are producing Su-30 since 2003 whereas your producing Chinese JF-17 since 2010 only.
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Did your parents teach you this?. Don't show your family background here.
Yes RIP... I condemn URI attack . How can you support terrorist attacks on sleeping soldiers. No sane man do this.
So yes RIP to Indian soldiers. And also RIP Pakistan soldiers killed during LOC tension .
I can see many people there celebrating deaths which is disgusting.

Oh f*ck off.

And get lost from this country. The lesser the kind of you in this country the better.

Yes, you are right . It made me wonder that this gentleman can not be a pakistani. So civilized and always post balance and truth.

He is not a Pakistani.

And that is why he doesn't say truth any where.
You won't answer my questions because you have been blown out by my posts.
Your ulema had to pass fatwa to civer up for the cowardice of your Army.
The militants in Kashmir are far better trained than rag tag Taliban tribals, we have recovered even MANPADs, ATGMs and thousands of RPGs on Kashmir.
Your Army headquarters was attacked.
Multiple attacks have happened on ISI offices.
29 Pakistani soldiers were killed in PAF Badaber.
Pakistan navy saw 53 deaths in PNS Moawin fire alone which more than all Indian Navy losses in accidents since 2005.

You do realize that as per data from aviation-safety.net & ejection.co.uk, since January 2012 there have 26 crashes of IAF fighter jets whereas PAF has seen 20 fighter jet crashes i.e. a ratio of 1.32:1.
Now taking into consideration the fact the IAF is 1.8 to 2.0x the size of PAF, PAFs crash rate is significantly worse than IAF's.

We are producing Su-30 since 2003 whereas your producing Chinese JF-17 since 2010 only.
in kashmir never was indian army being attacked by thousand of heavy weaponized men at a single time but taliban did that in fata.
the fatwa was given by some ulema against pakistan army and after that people stopped doing funeral ceremony of soldiers for some years.
PN have only one incident of such error but indian navy history is full of such incidents. since 2000.
  • December 2005: INS Trishul, a Talwar-class frigate, collided with a commercial vessel, Ambuja Laxmi, outside the Mumbai harbor, while returning from a training mission. This class of ships use stealth technology and a special hull design to ensure a reduced radar cross section. Radar systems installed by the port authorities and those on board Ambuja Laxmi were unable to detect INS Trishul and prevent the side on collision. No casualties were reported.
  • April 2006: INS Prahar, a Veer-class corvette, sank after colliding with MV Rajiv Gandhi about 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) away from the Goa coast. No casualties were reported. The commanding officer of the ship, Lieutenant Commander Yogesh Tripathi was found guilty of negligence by an Indian Navy court-martial and dismissed from service.
  • September 2006: INS Dunagiri, a Nilgiri-class frigate, collided with a Shipping Corporation of India merchant vessel, MV Kiti, off the coast of Mumbai. There were no casualties, but the Dunagiri suffered damage and required extensive repairs.
  • January 2008: INS Sindhughosh, a Kilo-class submarine, collided with a foreign merchant vessel MV Leeds Castle while trying to surface in waters north of Mumbai. The submarine was taking part in fleet-level war games, when the accident occurred. The Navy termed it a minor incident with no casualties reported.
  • February 2008: Five crew were killed and three critically injured due to exposure to hydrogen sulfide aboard INS Jalashwa, a landing platform dock. The ship was taking part in exercises in the Bay of Bengal.
  • August 2009: A collision of the missile corvette INS Kuthar with destroyer INS Ranvir in the Bay of Bengal was traced to a rudder failure, compounded by a flawed maneuver.
  • In 2010, three crew members on destroyer INS Mumbai were instantly killed when an AK-630 Close-in weapon system went off as safety drills were not followed.
  • January 2011: INS Vindhyagiri, a Nilgiri-class frigate, capsized after a collision with a Cyprus-flagged merchant vessel MV Nordlake near the Sunk Rock light house, following which a major fire broke out in the ship's engine and boiler room. Everyone on board was evacuated as soon as the fire broke out and hence there were no casualties. INS Vindhyagiri was later decommissioned.
  • August 2013: Blasts ripped through the torpedo compartment of the submarine INS Sindhurakshak while it was berthed at the naval dockyard off the Mumbai coast. Fifteen sailors and three officers were killed. Other sources state that a small explosion occurred around midnight which then triggered the two larger explosions. The disaster was thought to be the Indian navy's worst since the sinking of the frigate INS Khukri by a Pakistani submarine during the 1971 war.
  • December 2013: INS Konkan, a Pondicherry-class minesweeper under the Eastern Naval Command, caught fire at the naval dockyard at Visakhapatnam while undergoing repairs. The fire engulfed much of the ship's interior before it was extinguished. No casualties were reported.
  • December 2013: In the second incident in the same month, INS Talwar, the lead ship of the Talwar-class frigates of the Indian Navy, collided with a fishing trawler injuring four of the 27 people on board the trawler and sinking it. The fishing trawler was operating without lights.The captain of the ship was subsequently stripped of command.
  • December 2013: In the third incident in the same month, INS Tarkash, again a Talwar-class frigate, suffered damage to its hull when it hit the jetty while docking at the Mumbai naval base. The navy ordered a board of inquiry.
  • January 2014: INS Betwa, a Brahmaputra-class guided missile frigate, ran aground and collided with an unidentified object while approaching the Mumbai naval base. The sonar system of the frigate was cracked, leading to faulty readings and an ingress of saltwater into sensitive equipment.
  • January 2014: In the second incident in the same month, INS Vipul, a Veer-class corvette of the elite 22nd Killer Missile Vessel Squadron, was detected with a hole in its pillar compartment which forced the ship back into the harbour while it was on an operational deployment.
  • February 2014: On 3 February, INS Airavat, a Shardul-class amphibious warfare vessel, ran aground while returning to its home base at Visakhapatnam, causing slight damage to its propellers. Following the incident, its commanding officer, Captain JPS Virk, was relieved of command pending the findings of a Board of Inquiry.
  • February 2014: On 26 February, INS Sindhuratna, a Kilo-class submarine, had a fire detected on board when trials were being conducted which resulted in smoke leading to suffocation and death of two officers. Seven sailors were reported injured and were airlifted to the naval base hospital in Mumbai.According to the naval board of inquiry, the fire was caused due to problems in the cables of the vessel. This particular incident led to the resignation of Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral D K Joshi on 26 February 2014, who owned moral responsibility for the incidents in the past few months.
  • March 2014: INS Kolkata had a malfunction on board which led to a toxic gas leak killing Commander Kuntal Wadhwa instantly. According to the Indian Navy, the ship suffered a malfunction in its carbon dioxide unit while undergoing machinery trials, leading to gas leakage. Since the ship was not commissioned at the time of the incident, the enquiry into the mishap will be done by Mazagon Dock Limited, where the ship was constructed.
  • May 2014: INS Ganga suffered a minor explosion in the boiler room while undergoing a refit at the Mumbai dockyard. Four people suffered minor injuries. There was no fire and no equipment was damaged.
  • November 2014: A torpedo recovery vessel of the Astravahini class A-73 sank 30 nautical miles (56 km; 35 mi) off the Vizag coast during a routine mission to recover torpedoes fired by fleet ships during a routine exercise. The accident resulted in the death of one sailor while four others were reported as missing however 23 other personnel were rescued by SAR teams deployed right after the incident.
  • March 2015: A Dornier Do 228 aircraft belonging to the Indian Navy Aviation Squadron 310, on a routine training mission, lost radar contact and ditched at sea about 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) southwest of Goa on the night of 24 March 2015. The aircrew on board the aircraft comprised three officers (two pilots and one female observer). The lone survivor, Commander Nikhil Kuldip Joshi, was picked up by a passing fishing boat. The bodies of the other two officers Lieutenant Abhinav Nagori and Lieutenant Kiran Shekhawat were recovered. Media reports suggested that the female observer could be the first woman in India’s military to die in active service. Meanwhile, a Board of Inquiry was ordered to establish the cause of the accident.
  • November 2015: INS Kochi, a Kolkata-class destroyer, conducted BrahMos missile test firings whilst the airspace remained open to traffic, due to a communication failure.
  • March 2016: A fire broke out on the soon-to-be decommissioned aircraft carrierINS Viraat which resulted in the death of one and the injury of three others.
  • April 2016: A sailor lost his leg while two others were injured in an oxygen cylinder explosion on board INS Nireekshak. The explosion took place on 16 April while a diving bailout bottle, a small 12-inch (30 cm) oxygen bottle that is carried by divers in their diving helmet, was being charged. The sailors were admitted in the Military Hospital, Trivandrum as the ship was on it way to Mumbai from Visakhapatnam.
  • June 2016: Two people, a sailor and a civilian contractor, were killed by a toxic gas leak that occurred during maintenance work in the Sewage Treatment Plant compartment during the first refit of the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya at Karwar. Two other people were injured and taken to the naval hospital.
  • August 2016: A minor fire broke out at INS Dega after a MiG-29K accidentally jettisoned one of its drop tanks.
  • October 2016: Sub Lieutenant Tejveer Singh died on October 11, 2016 onboard INS Kuthar after he accidentally fired his 9mm pistol. He was shifted to Naval Hospital INHS Kalyani in Visakhapatnam where he succumbed to his injuries.
  • November 2016: The front portion of INS Nashak was damaged when it's GT engines failed in Mumbai harbor and it collided with a jetty on 18 November.
  • December 2016: Two sailors died and 14 others were injured when INS Betwa tipped over and crashed on its side while it was undocking in Mumbai. The main mast of the ship broke when it tipped over due to a failure in the dock block mechanism. The ship was being undocked after undergoing a midlife refit.
indian airforce losses in 2009,2010,2011 were 30 fighters,10 choppers. it reached 37 fighters,13 choppers in 2013.

it had increased during 2015,2016.

while pakistan airforce crash rate per 10 000 hours had decreased to 0.6 from 1.4 since 1998 which is the of the best in the region.
whereas India, using mostly Russian aircraft, has an accident rate of 1.37 per 10000 hours flown which has increased during last 2 years.
the actual ratio is 0.6:1.37 in PAF favour.

indian airforce losses in 1999 were alone 28.

indian mig losses 3.99 per 10,000 hours.
You won't answer my questions because you have been blown out by my posts.
Quetta cadets already passed:

Your ulema had to pass fatwa to civer up for the cowardice of your Army.
The militants in Kashmir are far better trained than rag tag Taliban tribals, we have recovered even MANPADs, ATGMs and thousands of RPGs on Kashmir.
Your Army headquarters was attacked.
Multiple attacks have happened on ISI offices.
29 Pakistani soldiers were killed in PAF Badaber.
Pakistan navy saw 53 deaths in PNS Moawin fire alone which more than all Indian Navy losses in accidents since 2005.

You do realize that as per data from aviation-safety.net & ejection.co.uk, since January 2012 there have 26 crashes of IAF fighter jets whereas PAF has seen 20 fighter jet crashes i.e. a ratio of 1.32:1.
Now taking into consideration the fact the IAF is 1.8 to 2.0x the size of PAF, PAFs crash rate is significantly worse than IAF's.

We are producing Su-30 since 2003 whereas your producing Chinese JF-17 since 2010 only.
you are not producing su30, you are just assembling it. You are trying to produce Tejas LCA since last 33 years but in vain. Stop fooling around.
You are in a good position to replace Shiekh Rasheed.
Not from sheikh rasheed constituency, i am from chaudry nisar constituency :D . By the way both are free from corruption but one is jihadi type named Sheikh Rasheed like you. And used to bash with nuclear weapons , and habit of making mockery of dead soldiers which is bad :tsk::tsk:
in kashmir never was indian army being attacked by thousand of heavy weaponized men at a single time but taliban did that in fata.
the fatwa was given by some ulema against pakistan army and after that people stopped doing funeral ceremony of soldiers for some years.
ťPN have only one incident of such error but indian navy history is full of such incidents. since 2000.
  • December 2005: INS Trishul, a Talwar-class frigate, collided with a commercial vessel, Ambuja Laxmi, outside the Mumbai harbor, while returning from a training mission. This class of ships use stealth technology and a special hull design to ensure a reduced radar cross section. Radar systems installed by the port authorities and those on board Ambuja Laxmi were unable to detect INS Trishul and prevent the side on collision. No casualties were reported.
  • April 2006: INS Prahar, a Veer-class corvette, sank after colliding with MV Rajiv Gandhi about 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) away from the Goa coast. No casualties were reported. The commanding officer of the ship, Lieutenant Commander Yogesh Tripathi was found guilty of negligence by an Indian Navy court-martial and dismissed from service.
  • September 2006: INS Dunagiri, a Nilgiri-class frigate, collided with a Shipping Corporation of India merchant vessel, MV Kiti, off the coast of Mumbai. There were no casualties, but the Dunagiri suffered damage and required extensive repairs.
  • January 2008: INS Sindhughosh, a Kilo-class submarine, collided with a foreign merchant vessel MV Leeds Castle while trying to surface in waters north of Mumbai. The submarine was taking part in fleet-level war games, when the accident occurred. The Navy termed it a minor incident with no casualties reported.
  • February 2008: Five crew were killed and three critically injured due to exposure to hydrogen sulfide aboard INS Jalashwa, a landing platform dock. The ship was taking part in exercises in the Bay of Bengal.
  • August 2009: A collision of the missile corvette INS Kuthar with destroyer INS Ranvir in the Bay of Bengal was traced to a rudder failure, compounded by a flawed maneuver.
  • In 2010, three crew members on destroyer INS Mumbai were instantly killed when an AK-630 Close-in weapon system went off as safety drills were not followed.
  • January 2011: INS Vindhyagiri, a Nilgiri-class frigate, capsized after a collision with a Cyprus-flagged merchant vessel MV Nordlake near the Sunk Rock light house, following which a major fire broke out in the ship's engine and boiler room. Everyone on board was evacuated as soon as the fire broke out and hence there were no casualties. INS Vindhyagiri was later decommissioned.
  • August 2013: Blasts ripped through the torpedo compartment of the submarine INS Sindhurakshak while it was berthed at the naval dockyard off the Mumbai coast. Fifteen sailors and three officers were killed. Other sources state that a small explosion occurred around midnight which then triggered the two larger explosions. The disaster was thought to be the Indian navy's worst since the sinking of the frigate INS Khukri by a Pakistani submarine during the 1971 war.
  • December 2013: INS Konkan, a Pondicherry-class minesweeper under the Eastern Naval Command, caught fire at the naval dockyard at Visakhapatnam while undergoing repairs. The fire engulfed much of the ship's interior before it was extinguished. No casualties were reported.
  • December 2013: In the second incident in the same month, INS Talwar, the lead ship of the Talwar-class frigates of the Indian Navy, collided with a fishing trawler injuring four of the 27 people on board the trawler and sinking it. The fishing trawler was operating without lights.The captain of the ship was subsequently stripped of command.
  • December 2013: In the third incident in the same month, INS Tarkash, again a Talwar-class frigate, suffered damage to its hull when it hit the jetty while docking at the Mumbai naval base. The navy ordered a board of inquiry.
  • January 2014: INS Betwa, a Brahmaputra-class guided missile frigate, ran aground and collided with an unidentified object while approaching the Mumbai naval base. The sonar system of the frigate was cracked, leading to faulty readings and an ingress of saltwater into sensitive equipment.
  • January 2014: In the second incident in the same month, INS Vipul, a Veer-class corvette of the elite 22nd Killer Missile Vessel Squadron, was detected with a hole in its pillar compartment which forced the ship back into the harbour while it was on an operational deployment.
  • February 2014: On 3 February, INS Airavat, a Shardul-class amphibious warfare vessel, ran aground while returning to its home base at Visakhapatnam, causing slight damage to its propellers. Following the incident, its commanding officer, Captain JPS Virk, was relieved of command pending the findings of a Board of Inquiry.
  • February 2014: On 26 February, INS Sindhuratna, a Kilo-class submarine, had a fire detected on board when trials were being conducted which resulted in smoke leading to suffocation and death of two officers. Seven sailors were reported injured and were airlifted to the naval base hospital in Mumbai.According to the naval board of inquiry, the fire was caused due to problems in the cables of the vessel. This particular incident led to the resignation of Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral D K Joshi on 26 February 2014, who owned moral responsibility for the incidents in the past few months.
  • March 2014: INS Kolkata had a malfunction on board which led to a toxic gas leak killing Commander Kuntal Wadhwa instantly. According to the Indian Navy, the ship suffered a malfunction in its carbon dioxide unit while undergoing machinery trials, leading to gas leakage. Since the ship was not commissioned at the time of the incident, the enquiry into the mishap will be done by Mazagon Dock Limited, where the ship was constructed.
  • May 2014: INS Ganga suffered a minor explosion in the boiler room while undergoing a refit at the Mumbai dockyard. Four people suffered minor injuries. There was no fire and no equipment was damaged.
  • November 2014: A torpedo recovery vessel of the Astravahini class A-73 sank 30 nautical miles (56 km; 35 mi) off the Vizag coast during a routine mission to recover torpedoes fired by fleet ships during a routine exercise. The accident resulted in the death of one sailor while four others were reported as missing however 23 other personnel were rescued by SAR teams deployed right after the incident.
  • March 2015: A Dornier Do 228 aircraft belonging to the Indian Navy Aviation Squadron 310, on a routine training mission, lost radar contact and ditched at sea about 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) southwest of Goa on the night of 24 March 2015. The aircrew on board the aircraft comprised three officers (two pilots and one female observer). The lone survivor, Commander Nikhil Kuldip Joshi, was picked up by a passing fishing boat. The bodies of the other two officers Lieutenant Abhinav Nagori and Lieutenant Kiran Shekhawat were recovered. Media reports suggested that the female observer could be the first woman in India’s military to die in active service. Meanwhile, a Board of Inquiry was ordered to establish the cause of the accident.
  • November 2015: INS Kochi, a Kolkata-class destroyer, conducted BrahMos missile test firings whilst the airspace remained open to traffic, due to a communication failure.
  • March 2016: A fire broke out on the soon-to-be decommissioned aircraft carrierINS Viraat which resulted in the death of one and the injury of three others.
  • April 2016: A sailor lost his leg while two others were injured in an oxygen cylinder explosion on board INS Nireekshak. The explosion took place on 16 April while a diving bailout bottle, a small 12-inch (30 cm) oxygen bottle that is carried by divers in their diving helmet, was being charged. The sailors were admitted in the Military Hospital, Trivandrum as the ship was on it way to Mumbai from Visakhapatnam.
  • June 2016: Two people, a sailor and a civilian contractor, were killed by a toxic gas leak that occurred during maintenance work in the Sewage Treatment Plant compartment during the first refit of the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya at Karwar. Two other people were injured and taken to the naval hospital.
  • August 2016: A minor fire broke out at INS Dega after a MiG-29K accidentally jettisoned one of its drop tanks.
  • October 2016: Sub Lieutenant Tejveer Singh died on October 11, 2016 onboard INS Kuthar after he accidentally fired his 9mm pistol. He was shifted to Naval Hospital INHS Kalyani in Visakhapatnam where he succumbed to his injuries.
  • November 2016: The front portion of INS Nashak was damaged when it's GT engines failed in Mumbai harbor and it collided with a jetty on 18 November.
  • December 2016: Two sailors died and 14 others were injured when INS Betwa tipped over and crashed on its side while it was undocking in Mumbai. The main mast of the ship broke when it tipped over due to a failure in the dock block mechanism. The ship was being undocked after undergoing a midlife refit.
indian airforce losses in 2009,2010,2011 were 30 fighters,10 choppers. it reached 37 fighters,13 choppers in 2013.

it had increased during 2015,2016.

while pakistan airforce crash rate per 10 000 hours had decreased to 0.6 from 1.4 since 1998 which is the of the best in the region.
whereas India, using mostly Russian aircraft, has an accident rate of 1.37 per 10000 hours flown which has increased during last 2 years.
the actual ratio is 0.6:1.37 in PAF favour.

indian airforce losses in 1999 were alone 28.

indian mig losses 3.99 per 10,000 hours.
The fact that Taliban was able to gather in huge numbers shows the lack of capability of Pakistan military and failure too
The fatwa was ordered by ISPR to save Pakistan Army from fighting due to cowardice.

All that doesn't matter as out total person be losses in Naval accidents since 2005 is 42 whereas Pakistan's is 53+.
ISPR tried to hide casualties of PNS Moawin fire o my to get exposed by own senator, God knows how many more they have hidden:

IAF has consistently had lower crash rate than PAF since 2011, Almost IAF crashes till 2008 were MiG-21 as they got phased out the crash rate reduced significantly and is less than PAF since 2011.
IAF saw 26 fighter crashes; PAF saw 20 in past 5 years.
Now given that IAF is 1.8-2.0X larger PAF crash rate is much worse



you are not producing su30, you are just assembling it. You are trying to produce Tejas LCA since last 33 years but in vain. Stop fooling around.
Su-30 MKI Has far more Indian content that JF-17 Has Pakistani content.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court-martial
The fact that Taliban was able to gather in huge numbers shows the lack of capability of Pakistan military and failure too
The fatwa was ordered by ISPR to save Pakistan Army from fighting due to cowardice.

All that doesn't matter as out total person be losses in Naval accidents since 2005 is 42 whereas Pakistan's is 53+.
ISPR tried to hide casualties of PNS Moawin fire o my to get exposed by own senator, God knows how many more they have hidden:

IAF has consistently had lower crash rate than PAF since 2011, Almost IAF crashes till 2008 were MiG-21 as they got phased out the crash rate reduced significantly and is less than PAF since 2011.
IAF saw 26 fighter crashes; PAF saw 20 in past 5 years.
Now given that IAF is 1.8-2.0X larger PAF crash rate is much worse



Su-30 MKI Has far more Indian content that JF-17 Has Pakistani content.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court-martial
If that be taken as true then why cant u make any avionics for Tejas ? not even engine for Tejas ? Not even missiles? Not even radar ? not even EW suite ? Not even nose cone ? Not even refueling probe ? ha ha if you were making SU30 then you would have also made Tejas by now, 33 years and 30000 crore rupees of Indian Tax payer you have wasted and still lying
Good one boys ,Keep stacking em up.
If that be taken as true then why cant u make any avionics for Tejas ? not even engine for Tejas ? Not even missiles? Not even radar ? not even EW suite ? Not even nose cone ? Not even refueling probe ? ha ha if you were making SU30 then you would have also made Tejas by now, 33 years and 30000 crore rupee of Indian Tax payer you have wasted and still lying
Even China cannot make indigenous engines.
As for the other items you do realize Pakistan doesn't make them too.
Not from sheikh rasheed constituency, i am from chaudry nisar constituency :D . By the way both are free from corruption but one is jihadi type named Sheikh Rasheed like you. And used to bash with nuclear weapons , and habit of making mockery of dead soldiers which is bad :tsk::tsk:

STFU dumb false flagger.
The fact that Taliban was able to gather in huge numbers shows the lack of capability of Pakistan military and failure too
The fatwa was ordered by ISPR to save Pakistan Army from fighting due to cowardice.

All that doesn't matter as out total person be losses in Naval accidents since 2005 is 42 whereas Pakistan's is 53+.
ISPR tried to hide casualties of PNS Moawin fire o my to get exposed by own senator, God knows how many more they have hidden:

IAF has consistently had lower crash rate than PAF since 2011, Almost IAF crashes till 2008 were MiG-21 as they got phased out the crash rate reduced significantly and is less than PAF since 2011.
IAF saw 26 fighter crashes; PAF saw 20 in past 5 years.
Now given that IAF is 1.8-2.0X larger PAF crash rate is much worse



Su-30 MKI Has far more Indian content that JF-17 Has Pakistani content.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court-martial

The Indian Air Force has recorded more than 1,100 crashes since 1970, mainly due to technical defect and maintenance faults. Since 2011-2012, the Indian Air Force has lost 15 helicopters and 35 aircrafts in crashes.(until 2015) only. and here you are giving me a number which contradict your own media figures.

india have lost more than 450 migs. Now after this number you can't say your safety record is better or near to PAF.
the best crash record by india was 2.2 in 10 000 aircraft in 2013. previous best was 3.5 per 10 000 hours in 2006-2007.


Pakistan crash rate per 10 000 hours is very much less than 1. Pakistan airforce in 2016 did 2 months along exercises with all airforce taking part in it. even during this exercise. they lost just 3 aircrafts in total along with a drone. only 3 planes lost this year. considering the number of hours flown during exercise. it's excellent safety record.
4 planes were lost during 2015. 5 during 2014.
considering the total strength of PAF and it's participation in war on terror. this record more than excellent considering crashes per 10000 hours.

on the other hand indian airforce is not fighting any war using airforce. it's crashes per 10000 hours are very high.

pakistan navy lost only 1 ship in that incident while your navy have destroyed 6 ships,2 submarines completely since 1990 and the highly demaged are more than 10 ships. with atleast 10 ships suffered minor injuries. yes we lost more men to that 1 incident but you lost too much ships in peace time.An article in India Today reported that since 1990, the Indian Navy has lost one warship in peacetime every five years.
i won't answer to your 144 figure again. i have already answerd it.
i won't answer your taliban surrender question again. as i have already told you the ground reality. the unit surrendered to taliban without fighting because they didn't wanted to fight muslims. i am giving you authentic reference for everything i am saying and you are just doing bow bow.

the only reason for surrender with proof.
about quetta attack.
1) those 63 were not passed out yet. technically not security personals.
2) it wasn't done by any rebels. but ISIS did it and accepted it.


about Pakistan losing assets to taliban. it's nothing new. taliban insurgeny cannot be compared with any one in india. they uses more sophisticated weapons that even indian army don't use them so much. but i accept the loses.
now about your army incompetence.
militants entered your army headquarter in uri and killed your 18 soldiers. Your answer will be GHQ attack where terrorists were contained at the gate and were not able to enter GHQ.
Your parliament was attacked.
your pathankot airbase was attacked and your brave soldiers took days to kill few terrorists. on average your army takes 2 days to kill 1 terrorist in such situation.
your navy incompetency destroyed your 2 submarines and many ships .1 ship just recently.
and not to mention your artillary headquarter attack incident.
your su 30 were destroyed due to your incompetent Pilots. you blamed russians for technical issues but were shown the mirror by investigations.
your army killed themselves in operation parakram.
your tejas took you 34 years and still it is not ready to be inducted. just recently rejected by your navy.

the list is so long that i cannot even mention all of you incompetencies here.

any reference to support your stance? or just lies?
because 3000+ terrorists have been killed with 587 security forces killed including police,rangers,FC in zarb e azb.
3097 figure was before zarb e azb in 2011. and it was the total SF killed since 911.

When you were feeling happy by quoting the figure of 4500 of IA right from 2001 you should look at what happened to your army and here is a report from your own newspaper

In the ongoing war on terrorism the armed forces have so far lost the equivalent of two full brigades. Among those killed were one three-star and a couple of two-star generals.

Briefing defence committees of the two houses of parliament at General Headquarters on Tuesday (partly reported in Dawn on Wednesday), Director-General of Military Operations Maj-Gen Ashfaq Nadeem said that 3,097 personnel had been killed and 721 others permanently disabled.

When you were feeling happy by quoting the figure of 4500 of IA right from 2001 you should look at what happened to your army and here is a report from your own newspaper

In the ongoing war on terrorism the armed forces have so far lost the equivalent of two full brigades. Among those killed were one three-star and a couple of two-star generals.

Briefing defence committees of the two houses of parliament at General Headquarters on Tuesday (partly reported in Dawn on Wednesday), Director-General of Military Operations Maj-Gen Ashfaq Nadeem said that 3,097 personnel had been killed and 721 others permanently disabled.
and dont forget about pakis soldiers lost due to afghan and irani firing as well as waziristani firing

you are not producing su30, you are just assembling it. You are trying to produce Tejas LCA since last 33 years but in vain. Stop fooling around.
nah it is not gone in vain because of this we have created our own aesa radrar and would soon create AMCA and we are producing Lca Tejas Mk1 And Mk1a and we were researching it form last 30 years but remember India went from lot of problems that time and we did not have anything we started everything from scratch
The Indian Air Force has recorded more than 1,100 crashes since 1970, mainly due to technical defect and maintenance faults. Since 2011-2012, the Indian Air Force has lost 15 helicopters and 35 aircrafts in crashes.(until 2015) only. and here you are giving me a number which contradict your own media figures.

india have lost more than 450 migs. Now after this number you can't say your safety record is better or near to PAF.
the best crash record by india was 2.2 in 10 000 aircraft in 2013. previous best was 3.5 per 10 000 hours in 2006-2007.


Pakistan crash rate per 10 000 hours is very much less than 1. Pakistan airforce in 2016 did 2 months along exercises with all airforce taking part in it. even during this exercise. they lost just 3 aircrafts in total along with a drone. only 3 planes lost this year. considering the number of hours flown during exercise. it's excellent safety record.
4 planes were lost during 2015. 5 during 2014.
considering the total strength of PAF and it's participation in war on terror. this record more than excellent considering crashes per 10000 hours.

on the other hand indian airforce is not fighting any war using airforce. it's crashes per 10000 hours are very high.

pakistan navy lost only 1 ship in that incident while your navy have destroyed 6 ships,2 submarines completely since 1990 and the highly demaged are more than 10 ships. with atleast 10 ships suffered minor injuries. yes we lost more men to that 1 incident but you lost too much ships in peace time.An article in India Today reported that since 1990, the Indian Navy has lost one warship in peacetime every five years.

Indian military has seen 26 fighter jets crashes since 2012 and 11 helicopter crashes.

On the other hand Pakistan military has seen 20 fighter jet crashes & 11 helicopter crashes.

Now as Indian military has bear my twice more aircraft than Pakistan, Pakistan's crash record is far more worse.
Which is why >60% of PAF Mirage & F-7P are grounded.



On the other hand Indian Navy lost only one major ships since 2000, (a corvette), the other one was a 36 year old frigate which was to be decommissioned in a month anyway.
Also only one submarine was lost.

The fact that ISPR tried to suppress PNS Moawin casualties is further proof that ISPR hides naval accidents.
When you were feeling happy by quoting the figure of 4500 of IA right from 2001 you should look at what happened to your army and here is a report from your own newspaper

In the ongoing war on terrorism the armed forces have so far lost the equivalent of two full brigades. Among those killed were one three-star and a couple of two-star generals.

Briefing defence committees of the two houses of parliament at General Headquarters on Tuesday (partly reported in Dawn on Wednesday), Director-General of Military Operations Maj-Gen Ashfaq Nadeem said that 3,097 personnel had been killed and 721 others permanently disabled.

lies won't save you. This 3097 figure is from 2011 and it includes deaths since 911. None of them were killed on LOC.
the figure 4675 of indian army don't include indian deaths in insurgencies attack or siachin or other deaths. op parakram deaths also not included. what happened with indian army in these years is just like"ye to lul ho gaya". we expected 4675 to be it but but but it is more than that.

Army's response to RTI filed by Pankaj Darve revealed that post Kargil conflict, as many as 4,675 soldiers have lost their lives along the LoC in ceasefire violations by Pakistan.

casualities were 144 in june. in november your army was forced to tell the truth. and they told it. it was quoted by your media.

597 military personnel have committed suicide in last 5 years, government says(as of june 2014) in 2015 it was 69. total= 666 from 2009 to 2015.

69 Suicides In Indian Army In 2015, Government Says

Data showed that while a total of 25 personnel were killed in action, 316 died due to a variety of diseases and illnesses and 117 suffered fatal cardiac arrest.

operation parakram deaths 1874. accepted by indians.

siachin death 1000+. accepted.

and lot more.
and now come to Pakistani casualities.
you yourself had said 2000 pakistani soldiers killed since kargil on LOC. even though actual figure is less but i will take it.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/60-india...l-in-last-2-years.467380/page-2#ixzz4TIVOpHnj
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