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6 Including Major Martyred Near Turbat in IED Attack

We will continue to pay the price because some in uniform are more into politics and play on american tunes. The Baluchistan has been left without a proper combing op. Afghanistan and Iran continue to play double game while our so called friend KSA continues to dish out medals for the killers of our soldiers and people.
We will continue to pay the price because some in uniform are more into politics and play on american tunes. The Baluchistan has been left without a proper combing op. Afghanistan and Iran continue to play double game while our so called friend KSA continues to dish out medals for the killers of our soldiers and people.
This is what you get when you try to stay neutral and don't take sides. @MastanKhan Sir was absolutely right from the beginning of Pakistan siding with SA and GCC on yemen front.
Inna lillah e wa inna elaihe rajiun .... PA need to setup drone surveillance force or give these soldiers MRAP..... otherwise these paper boxes like Mitsubishi trucks etc are total garbage.
Since PDF has such a huge impact even army personnel sometimes pay a visit why cant we use this platform to fucking wake up our retarded military generals and get some fucking armoured vehicles for the soldiers at least deployed in such zones dont get me wrong martyrdom is a high place but our soldiers are dying for **** all and all we get is they died for a good cause what good cause fucking dieing and the enemy laughing from the mountain tops is a disgrace all we get is some stupid our heroes statement fucking brain dead military we have pal
IED's have been the bane of even the most advanced and well equipped militaries. Proper measures need to be taken against them.
What were the shaheed soldiers travelling in? I bet it would be a soft vehicle of sorts.
Allah bless them.
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