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57 Hindus convert to islam in 10 days

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Many of thee might be template conversions only out of fear to protect themselves. Such fears has literally riddled the Pakistani society to core now. We need to recognize that all Pakistanis are equal citizens of Pakistan regardless of faith and there should be any laws pitting one community against another. Come of our laws today's are leading back to the 1947 muslim vs xxxx divide. We have to get twice better than india on every front if idea of Jinnah's Pakistan is to ever succeed.
Your constitution Prohibits any Non-Muslim from becoming President of Pakistan.

The Poor Ahmedis are killed and Pakistanis support their Killing.:hitwall:


come up with some other facepalm to deny massacre of minorities in India

Orissa saw killing of hundreds of Christians in India at the hands of Hindu indian fanatics.

Gujrat saw killing of thousands of Muslims in India at the hands of Hindu terrorists.

in 84 Streets of Delhi saw live burning, killings of Sikhs at the hands of Hindu fanatics.

The scenes are so horrible even to watch today.

please wash your own face first and then speak
Becoming a muslim under pressure is useless. He should have looked for other job if he was under so much pressure. On the other hand the muslims who were discriminating him were also equally wrong. What is my experience is that generally muslims are against caste system whether in Bangladesh, India or Pakistan. What I understand from my own experience is that muslims generally don't like to eat from hindus (or more precisely Hindu hawkers) in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh generally) because they don't use water after urinating which is a big ***** from Islamic point of view. Otherwise if he might have been working in other industry this situation will not arise.

because they don't use water after urinating which is a big ***** from Islamic point of view

they are human also,and they know wat to do or not.
btw ur experience is doubtful

come up with some other facepalm to deny massacre of minorities in India

Orissa saw killing of hundreds of Christians in India at the hands of Hindu indian fanatics.

Gujrat saw killing of thousands of Muslims in India at the hands of Hindu terrorists.

in 84 Streets of Delhi saw live burning, killings of Sikhs at the hands of Hindu fanatics.

The scenes are so horrible even to watch today.

please wash your own face first and then speak

Dont compare Pakistan's present with India's past just to make yourself feel better. Be brave enough to accept the reality and live in the present world. Tell me what scene did you watch today ?
what would u expect of someone who himself or his family is tortured on a daily basis... i for hecks sake if tortured would give away my religion (i am a christian by the way)... either u kill me at one go... or else dont torture me... i can just be a closet Christian..

i know now... that the egoist ppl might say... ooohh.. bring it on me... but i bet they would be the first person to denounce once they get an ounce of their flesh under the hammer...
And then say that one cannot become a muslim on gunpoint.

well this is overanalyzation of that
when it comes to religion no pressure must be greater then your believes
This incident is not one of its kind
it happens a lot with Muslims as well and the top of the list is "Gujrat fasadats"
the government will only act once the mindset of the people changes.

How exactly does the mindset change ?

I suppose if the Mullahs are the source, then the Mullahs need to change. But if they change their ways they will lose their power & influence over the Pakistani people.

Things like glorifying Salman Taseer's murderer only makes matters worse and makes the minority feel even more insecure.

@Jana : The "low caste dalits" that you talk about has a higher chance to secure a better job and get better education than a high caste Hindu. Caste system might still be relevant in remote areas but in Urban areas it is non existent ..I dont know why I even try.

Read Abdul Kalam's autobiography in which he describes what it was like growing up as a Muslim in a remote Hindu dominated village. If it was so bad he would not have aspired to dedicate his life on the defense of this nation or even go on to become the President.

Even on the forum you will find people from all sects of the Indian society.
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Why are the gays fighting for their right to marriage? Why did the blacks fight for their rights to be free of slavery?

All were minorities that made a difference once they took a stand.

Yeah but for that, there should be big enough minority to take a stand? Gays can fight because there are gays in mostly all the countries? Blacks could fight because they made 21-25% of america's population?

Yes minorities in pakistan is about 1-2 million but do you think population of 1 point something percent minorities can take a stand against majority of 98 percent something [170 million]?
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@Jana : The "low caste dalits" that you talk about has a higher chance to secure a better job and get better education than a high caste Hindu. Caste system might still be relevant in remote areas but in Urban areas it is non existent ..I dont know why I even try.

well i should agree with the writer..

on a lighter note.. i am fkin lookin for a gainful job for over a year.. in india.. (didnt try very hard though..)... though i am a minority.. unfortunately it is not under the SC/ST division. .. i am western educated (i know it doesn't make much sense).. nevertheless if there is any HR from the Indian side shoot me a mail at tomtommytomachen @ yahoo.com ... just thought y dont i try the time i spend on pdf for something gainful as well.. i will be india in a week.. ha..
This incident is not one of its kind
it happens a lot with Muslims as well and the top of the list is "Gujrat fasadats"

I'm sick of hearing this gujarat fasadat EVERYWHERE!
1000 muslims and 500 hindus died in riots. Do you think that that many muslims can die in pakistan if there were any riots?!

India's cricket team just got revealed today. 2 gujaratis are selcted in it. Guess what their names are?? Munaf patel, Yusuf pathan [both muslims]??

Be frank and tell me do you think a hindu or sikh in pakistan can aspire to become shah rukh khan [most famous indian in the world] or abdul kalam [most respected indian, even more than our pm Mr.Singh]??
Muslims in india [minority] are well settled than muslims in pakistan [majority]. Think twice before you post. Thank you.
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whats the big deal here... don't people know that many hindus got converted to islam after partition in pakistan to get better opportunities and fair treatment, just logic points out - after partition hindus in pakistan were close to high single digit %s as high as 9-10%, now its hardly 2-3% if one is optimist. Even the absolute number of hindus growth rate is slower than the lowest rate in India, that points out there were many conversions... i wont bother to provide sources for those %s just google them and find dozens of genuine articles. This article is a mere restatement....
I'm sick of hearing this gujarat fasadat EVERYWHERE!
1000 muslims and 500 hindus died in riots. Do you think that that many muslims can die in pakistan if there were any riots?!

India's cricket team just got revealed today. 2 gujaratis are selcted in it. Guess what their names are?? Munaf patel, Yusuf pathan [both muslims]??

Muslims in india [minority] is well settled than muslims in pakistan [majority]. Think twice before you post. Thank you.
So thats 2:1 ratio killed in favour of muslims.But when 80% of india is hindu then those killed must me more hindus around 80% and 15% muslims.Howcome more muslims got killed?Reason being that it was not one of the riots it was state pre-planned extermination of muslims under the disguise of riots.

Be frank and tell me do you think a hindu or sikh in pakistan can aspire to become shah rukh khan [most famous indian in the world] or abdul kalam [most respected indian, even more than our pm Mr.Singh]??
can a secular india make the poem written by muslim its national anthem?like pakistan's national anthem was witten by a hindu.
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