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57 Hindus convert to islam in 10 days

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Its not our concern.They r pakistanis and they should do whatevr they think is best 4 them.
It's no surprise that minorities in Pakistan are second class citizens.
Wish life could have been better for these poor bunch. Pakistani Government or Mullahs (whoever gets the job done) should provide job security to minorities who are equally talented as Muslims, and the Pakistani society as a whole needs to embrace some tolerance. Intolerance is one of the roots of the problems engulfing Pakistan today, and I dont think it is the Pakistani people's fault.
its not worth giving up your religion, its definitely worse off if you're doing it to fool someone.

Everything is justified in matters of life and death.

I will narrate a very simple example to you before I go to sleep.

Is it ok to jump a red signal (breaking a law) in normal circumstances?

Obviously NO!

Is it ok to jump a red signal (breaking a law) when one is in an ambulance rushing one's father to hospital?

Obviously YES!

Rules, ethics, morals, principles etc. do not matter when it comes to life and death.

Good Night.
They should have done this long back to get it over with. Hinduism doesn't preach to sacrifice oneself to "save" one's religion or belief.
Gays fight for themselves in societies where they are aloowed to exist in the first place.

Does Pakistan allow gays or homosexuals to exist in the first place?

Then how can you expect them to fight the system?

For there to be a Gandhi, there have to be Britishers at the other end.

Do you think this 'stand up' thing would have worked for Jews in Hitler's Germany?

What can an unarmed civilian fearing for his family's and kids' life do in a society where the murder of a Governer is openly espoused and praised and the killer is showered with rose petals??

You don't seriously expect them to fight back, do you?

What they did is what any lesser mortal fearing for his life would do. After all, jaan hai toh jahaan hai.
He wasn't under a life threatening situation - it was monetary gain - a job. Could be a good one, could be just any job.

Gays exist in Pakistan as much as anywhere else. Definitely Hindus exist in Pakistan as well. They may face discrimination - but they need to make a stand not fake convert for the sake of benefits. Thats what I'm saying, if you do that, you don't even get sympathy for being wronged in the first place.

By your logic slavery would never have ended and they were not allowed to be free under pain of death. It was THE LAW. A slave was the owner's property. The civil war did happen, Martin Luther King DID have a dream, Segregation in Public schools did end, the voting rights act was passed.
It's no surprise that minorities in Pakistan are second class citizens.
Wish life could have been better for these poor bunch. Pakistani Government or Mullahs (whoever gets the job done) should provide job security to minorities who are equally talented as Muslims, and the Pakistani society as a whole needs to embrace some tolerance. Intolerance is one of the roots of the problems engulfing Pakistan today, and I dont think it is the Pakistani people's fault.
Well Mullahs are the source of the problem but the government will only act once the mindset of the people changes. There should be labor laws in place where an employee can't be terminated due to issues of race/religion.
He wasn't under a life threatening situation - it was monetary gain - a job. Could be a good one, could be just any job.

Gays exist in Pakistan as much as anywhere else. Definitely Hindus exist in Pakistan as well. They may face discrimination - but they need to make a stand not fake convert for the sake of benefits. Thats what I'm saying, if you do that, you don't even get sympathy for being wronged in the first place.

By your logic slavery would never have ended and they were not allowed to be free under pain of death. It was THE LAW. A slave was the owner's property. The civil war did happen, Martin Luther King DID have a dream, Segregation in Public schools did end, the voting rights act was passed.

Gays and Slaves would have converted to a straight or white if they had a choice!

When people do so many lousy things just to survive, converting to islam is the least of offenses. It might be offensive to you that a person is converting to islam for survival but a lot of his neighbors would consider it a victory for their religion.
old old report had been posted last year. why a bharati needed to post it again atleast he should have checked if it was posted or not the forum pretty much provides this facility.

may be he was too excited to post anything against Pakistan :)))) guess he missed in India Muslims have to take up Hindu names for getting employment and low cast converting enmass to Christianity due to social discrimination
It's no surprise that minorities in Pakistan are second class citizens.

:no::no: run a reality check on your own country India and see the status of minorities in India. infact your own low cast Hindus are treated worst than even second class citizens.

and its all going on in so called secular hindu India
Gays fight for themselves in societies where they are aloowed to exist in the first place.

Does Pakistan allow gays or homosexuals to exist in the first place?

third gender people have been given legal status


Do you think this 'stand up' thing would have worked for Jews in Hitler's Germany?


immature of you to juxtapose Pakistan with hitler's germany. Wont even dignify it with a response
They should have done this long back to get it over with. Hinduism doesn't preach to sacrifice oneself to "save" one's religion or belief.

They can come back to their Former country from Oppression.:pakistan:
:no::no: run a reality check on your own country India and see the status of minorities in India. infact your own low cast Hindus are treated worst than even second class citizens.

and its all going on in so called secular hindu India

Your constitution Prohibits any Non-Muslim from becoming President of Pakistan.

The Poor Ahmedis are killed and Pakistanis support their Killing.:hitwall:
no different from poor Christians in Orissa and Muslims elsewhere in hindustan who have faced everything from persecution to violence

Jana said it in a nutshell :)

this thread is just a flame bait and should be closed
Becoming a muslim under pressure is useless. He should have looked for other job if he was under so much pressure. On the other hand the muslims who were discriminating him were also equally wrong. What is my experience is that generally muslims are against caste system whether in Bangladesh, India or Pakistan. What I understand from my own experience is that muslims generally don't like to eat from hindus (or more precisely Hindu hawkers) in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh generally) because they don't use water after urinating which is a big ***** from Islamic point of view. Otherwise if he might have been working in other industry this situation will not arise.
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