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57 Hindus convert to islam in 10 days

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I do think the above is not comparable with the what occurs in the West to Muslims. You see Muslims pressured about veils, the media constantly churning out Islamophobic material, data falsified to victimize Muslims. The Pakistani media certainly doesn't do this. In terms of persecution the Pakistani media is a lot less hostile than the western media.

If Muslims in the west converted to Christianity because they felt that their shops were being persecuted by neighbouring shopkeepers, most people would probably laugh.
can a secular india make the poem written by muslim its national anthem?like pakistan's national anthem was witten by a hindu.

It depends on the poem, poet is religion-independent word.
who wrote
' sare jahan se acha, hindostaan hamaraa
hum bulbulen hain iski, ye gulsithaan hamara '
evry1 in india carries it in their hearts.
we usd 2 sing the song twice a week in school nd its no less than national anthem
or rather govt is by majority community which allow majority community to prevail on minority.

It matters coz country(read :pakistan) which is made for its religious identity still goes on to follow being secular values and a country(read:india) which propagandize itself as secular still behave as religious oligarchy.

Arrey, Bhaijaan,
What is secular about Asia Bibi and her fate; what was done to Salman Taseer and what is going around his assassin Qadri and his followers? Now also try convincing the Qadiyanis that their treatment is part of secular values? Can you convince yourself about the truth (if any) in your statement?
M.A. Jinnah was secular, period.
So he converted to get better job. So what??? The one thing this incident proves is that the guy was weak and was unable to struggle to gain some better job and livelihood. What he proved was that he was weak and incompetent. Their are many hindus who are doing jobs in different organizations on some very key posts. In my organization we have one hindu who is the in charge of all the web developers in our office. All the guys in his team are Muslim. Nobody asks him to be Muslim. I don't know why Bharatis try to make fuss our one or two minor incidents. Is it some inner guilt over Babri Masjid, Sikh massacre and Orissa roits or something else???

Looking at some highly dumb comments by the Bharatis it is time to close this thread. :agree:
Arrey, Bhaijaan,
What is secular about Asia Bibi and her fate; what was done to Salman Taseer and what is going around his assassin Qadri and his followers? Now also try convincing the Qadiyanis that their treatment is part of secular values? Can you convince yourself about the truth (if any) in your statement?
M.A. Jinnah was secular, period.

Same thing which is secular about sikh massacre.
Same thing which is secular about muslim genocide.
Same thing which is secular about christian genocide.
Same thing which is secular about sikh massacre.
Same thing which is secular about muslim genocide.
Same thing which is secular about christian genocide.

Arey Bhaijaan, quit trolling.
You claimed that Pakistan is upholding 'secular values'. Now substantiate
that point. Try at least to make some pertinent arguments. Quit gassing around.
There is enough 'global warming' as is.
Gays and Slaves would have converted to a straight or white if they had a choice!

When people do so many lousy things just to survive, converting to islam is the least of offenses. It might be offensive to you that a person is converting to islam for survival but a lot of his neighbors would consider it a victory for their religion.
This is something hard-wired into the Muslim mind - to be extremely cautious of the munafiqs, you're inviting more trouble than good by going down this path - more trouble than fighting for your rights against bigoted Muslims.
Hindu Threat to Christians: Convert or Flee

New York Times
OREPANGA, India — The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

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A Christian in her burned home in the Indian state of Orissa. Villagers blamed Hindu militants.

The New York Times
Borepanga has been rocked by weeks of religious violence.
They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Mr. Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

“ ‘Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,’ ” Mr. Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. “ ‘Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.’ ”

India, the world’s most populous democracy and officially a secular nation, is today haunted by a stark assault on one of its fundamental freedoms. Here in eastern Orissa State, riven by six weeks of religious clashes, Christian families like the Digals say they are being forced to abandon their faith in exchange for their safety.

The forced conversions come amid widening attacks on Christians here and in at least five other states across the country, as India prepares for national elections next spring.

The clash of faiths has cut a wide swath of panic and destruction through these once quiet hamlets fed by paddy fields and jackfruit trees. Here in Kandhamal, the district that has seen the greatest violence, more than 30 people have been killed, 3,000 homes burned and over 130 churches destroyed, including the tin-roofed Baptist prayer hall where the Digals worshiped. Today it is a heap of rubble on an empty field, where cows blithely graze.

Across this ghastly terrain lie the singed remains of mud-and-thatch homes. Christian-owned businesses have been systematically attacked. Orange flags (orange is the sacred color of Hinduism) flutter triumphantly above the rooftops of houses and storefronts.

India is no stranger to religious violence between Christians, who make up about 2 percent of the population, and India’s Hindu-majority of 1.1 billion people. But this most recent spasm is the most intense in years.

It was set off, people here say, by the killing on Aug. 23 of a charismatic Hindu preacher known as Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, who for 40 years had rallied the area’s people to choose Hinduism over Christianity.

The police have blamed Maoist guerrillas for the swami’s killing. But Hindu radicals continue to hold Christians responsible.

In recent weeks, they have plastered these villages with gruesome posters of the swami’s hacked corpse. “Who killed him?” the posters ask. “What is the solution?”

Behind the clashes are long-simmering tensions between equally impoverished groups: the Panas and Kandhas. Both original inhabitants of the land, the two groups for ages worshiped the same gods. Over the past several decades, the Panas for the most part became Christian, as Roman Catholic and Baptist missionaries arrived here more than 60 years ago, followed more recently by Pentecostals, who have proselytized more aggressively.

Meanwhile, the Kandhas, in part through the teachings of Swami Laxmanananda, embraced Hinduism. The men tied the sacred Hindu white thread around their torsos; their wives daubed their foreheads with bright red vermilion. Temples sprouted.

Hate has been fed by economic tensions as well, as the government has categorized each group differently and given them different privileges.

The Kandhas accused the Panas of cheating to obtain coveted quotas for government jobs. The Christian Panas, in turn, say their neighbors have become resentful as they have educated themselves and prospered.

Their grievances have erupted in sporadic clashes over the past 15 years, but they have exploded with a fury since the killing of Swami Laxmanananda.

Two nights after his death, a Hindu mob in the village of Nuagaon dragged a Catholic priest and a nun from their residence, tore off much of their clothing and paraded them through the streets.

The nun told the police that she had been raped by four men, a charge the police say was borne out by a medical examination. Yet no one was arrested in the case until five weeks later, after a storm of media coverage. Today, five men are under arrest in connection with inciting the riots. The police say they are trying to find the nun and bring her back here to identify her attackers.

Christians driven from their homes by fears of forced conversions prayed at a refugee camp last week in Bhubaneshwar, India.

Given a chance to explain the recent violence, Subash Chauhan, the state’s highest-ranking leader of Bajrang Dal, a Hindu radical group, described much of it as “a spontaneous reaction.”

He said in an interview that the nun had not been raped but had had regular consensual sex.

On Sunday evening, as much of Kandhamal remained under curfew, Mr. Chauhan sat in the hall of a Hindu school in the state capital, Bhubaneshwar, beneath a huge portrait of the swami. A state police officer was assigned to protect him round the clock. He cupped a trilling Blackberry in his hand.

Mr. Chauhan denied that his group was responsible for forced conversions and in turn accused Christian missionaries of luring villagers with incentives of schools and social services.

He was asked repeatedly whether Christians in Orissa should be left free to worship the god of their choice. “Why not?” he finally said, but he warned that it was unrealistic to expect the Kandhas to politely let their Pana enemies live among them as followers of Jesus.

“Who am I to give assurance?” he snapped. “Those who have exploited the Kandhas say they want to live together?”

Besides, he said, “they are Hindus by birth.”

Hindu extremists have held ceremonies in the country’s indigenous belt for the past several years intended to purge tribal communities of Christian influence.

It is impossible to know how many have been reconverted here, in the wake of the latest violence, though a three-day journey through the villages of Kandhamal turned up plenty of anecdotal evidence.

A few steps from where the nun had been attacked in Nuagaon, five men, their heads freshly shorn, emerged from a soggy tent in a relief camp for Christians fleeing their homes.

The men had also been summoned to a village meeting in late August, where hundreds of their neighbors stood with machetes in hand and issued a firm order: Get your heads shaved and bow down before our gods, or leave this place.

Trembling with fear, Daud Nayak, 56, submitted to a shaving, a Hindu sign of sacrifice. He drank, as instructed, a tumbler of diluted cow dung, considered to be purifying.

In the eyes of his neighbors, he reckoned, he became a Hindu.

In his heart, he said, he could not bear it.

All five men said they fled the next day with their families. They refuse to return.

In another village, Birachakka, a man named Balkrishna Digal and his son, Saroj, said they had been summoned to a similar meeting and told by Hindu leaders who came from nearby villages that they, too, would have to convert. In their case, the ceremony was deferred because of rumors of Christian-Hindu clashes nearby.

For the time being, the family had placed an orange flag on their mud home. Their Hindu neighbors promised to protect them.

Here in Borepanga, the family of Solomon Digal was not so lucky. Shortly after they recounted their Sept. 10 Hindu conversion story to a reporter in the dark of night, the Digals were again summoned by their neighbors. They were scolded and fined 501 rupees, or about $12, a pinching sum here.

The next morning, calmly clearing his cauliflower field, Lisura Paricha, one of the Hindu men who had summoned the Digals, confirmed that they had been penalized. Their crime, he said, was to talk to outsiders.

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I do think the above is not comparable with the what occurs in the West to Muslims. You see Muslims pressured about veils, the media constantly churning out Islamophobic material, data falsified to victimize Muslims. The Pakistani media certainly doesn't do this. In terms of persecution the Pakistani media is a lot less hostile than the western media.

If Muslims in the west converted to Christianity because they felt that their shops were being persecuted by neighbouring shopkeepers, most people would probably laugh.
Actually a big difference is, most sane corners of Pakistan are committed towards stopping such bigotry. The media almost always supports the minorities.

In stark comparison, western societies are convinced Muslims are evil and the Muslims have to stand ground and fight the media, societal pressures, and the general perception.

It is not comparable indeed...
yes the media is a big factor and you will rarely come across an article that is anti-Hindu, anti-Christian, or anti-Sikh in Pakistani media (even though India is seen as belligerent). There is certainly no agenda of minority persecution in Pakistan through the media.

There are quite clear Islamaphobic medias in the West (which India is trying to copy).
I do think the above is not comparable with the what occurs in the West to Muslims. You see Muslims pressured about veils, the media constantly churning out Islamophobic material, data falsified to victimize Muslims. The Pakistani media certainly doesn't do this. In terms of persecution the Pakistani media is a lot less hostile than the western media.

If that were the case most of ur elite Pakistani hadn't moved their assets to the west.Most of the kids of elite were studying in the west or dare to settle down there .

Even ur Ex-presdeint is currently lodged in the city of London.So much for muslim facing pressure in the west...no kidding haan.

If Muslims in the west converted to Christianity because they felt that their shops were being persecuted by neighbouring shopkeepers, most people would probably laugh.

Pls, don't fun of the minorities of Pakistan living in dire strait .

The different between west and Pakistan regarding minority security is what is between heaven and hell.

If i'm wrong, just go and count the number of Pakistanis standing for Visa in front western embassies today .
Dont compare Pakistan's present with India's past just to make yourself feel better. Be brave enough to accept the reality and live in the present world. Tell me what scene did you watch today ?

:no: this is just a one fresh case out of many unreported in INDIA

Dalit woman resists rape, set ablaze in Punjab (*INDIA)
Neel Kamal, TNN, Jan 17, 2011, 12.39am IST

MANSA (Punjab): A dalit woman was set on fire in Punjab's Mansa district after she resisted the attempts of an upper caste farmer to rape her. The woman died on Sunday morning.

The accused, Sandeep Singh, was booked for murder but he is absconding, said police.

Singh and the woman lived in the same village. Her husband is a tailor while she worked as a farm labourer. On Friday evening, when she was alone at home, Singh barged in and attempted to rape her. The woman fought hard to resist him. Singh then poured kerosene on her, set her ablaze and ran away.

On hearing the women's cries, neighbours rushed to her help. Her family members took her to a Bathinda hospital. ''Her condition was grave and she was shifted to Baba Farid Medical College at Faridkot,'' her husband said.

She died of burn injuries on Sunday morning, said Behniwal police post head Rajinder Singh. Police are looking for Singh.

Dalit woman resists rape, set ablaze in Punjab - The Times of India

Another low cast dalit woman was recently rapped by your elected member of your Indian Govt please check your Indian culture of social pressure and human discrimination of not only Non-Hindus but your own low cast Hindus too.

If you want more examples of recent time i would post one by one
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