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50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

I totally Support them. If those so called upper class fckers are not ready to consider them humans and give them equal rights it's better to leave this dharma. What is use of this dharma when you are not considered humans. Why should they follow this religion which makes them slaves and sub humans. All dalits should leave Hinduism. There is nothing for them in it. After all dalits are converted to Islam let's see who is in majority.

Do they still have reservation if they become muslims ?
LOL it is funny to see Sanghis getting into personal attacks when they have nothing coherent to say. Hear it from the "Fanatic Mullahs" themselves

Make it a Hindu nation, says RSS chief - The Hindu
India should be declared Hindu nation: Pravin Togadia - Times of India
India must be declared a Hindu nation, says Uddhav - Times of India

Igniting fire is something Hindutva bigots do the best.
That's idiotic too..
Hindu Rashtra with limited/no rights to minorities. - Where do you see anyone making that specific claim of giving limited or no rights to minority? Didnt you just made it yourself?

Ironic is that your community was happy when Congress was appeasing them, going against supreme courts and giving them special powers and refusing rights to Muslim women in case of Shah Bano case. See In that case your community reached out to their friendly govt, and forced them to create rules going against all laws. Do you see friendly govt, of the people you pointed out, favoring them by following their dictat of creating Hindu rashtra? or taking away all rights of monorties? Is it happening? No way it can happen, even when they are the ones in power. Btw, real minority in India are Jains, Budhist, Sikhs etc. So can even one think any govt can take away there rights. Thats pure BS.
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Naah not the religious bigots who are hell bent on creating a Hindu Rashtra with limited/no rights to minorities. They aren't patriotic by any means.
ppl do not see the difference between being patriotic and being nationalistic.
disclaimer : those ppl did not have access to proper education and hence they join bigotry for livelihood.
ppl do not see the difference between being patriotic and being nationalistic.
disclaimer : those ppl did not have access to proper education and hence they join bigotry for livelihood.

So Owasi is patriotic or Nationalistic ?

Did he have proper education and did he join bigotry for livelihood ?

This proves that despite the mind numbing cacophony of India bashers on PDF, there is full religious freedom even in Yogi run state.

Interestingly those who worry about religious freedom in India support death or other punishments for apostasy in their own countries :)

At least 50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh have announced they were converting to Islam following a rise in atrocities against their community.


A group of Dalits in Moradabad took idols of Hindu deities to immerse in the nearby river.

One local resident told ABP News, “Barbers refused to cut our hair under pressure from the members of the upper caste. Our beard grew and we began to look like Muslims. It was then we decided to embrace Islam.”

Also Read: PM Narendra Modi lashes out at Pak for glorifying terrorists, but does not talk about unrest in Kashmir

Hearing the news of Dalits converting to Islam, some Bajrang Dal members arrived at the spot and made desperate attempts to persuade them to not go ahead with their action. But, the Dalits refused to budge and reiterated their plans to embrace Islam.

The Dalits said that they had high hopes from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and newly appointed Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, but both, according to them, had become ‘anti-Dalits.’

Great... now we have fifty less Hindu Dalits and We have 50 more Muslim Dalits in India... This story never ends... this conversion and re-conversion is a great business... take money form One religion.. to convert and take money form another to reconvert....

This proves that despite the mind numbing cacophony of India bashers on PDF, there is full religious freedom even in Yogi run state.

Interestingly those who worry about religious freedom in India support death or other punishments for apostasy in their own countries :)


Its a lot worse than that,

THIS is the reality of islamic nations,

Jakarta's first non-muslim governor in 50 years sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for asking muslims to vote for him.

Now these guys are free to go to any masjid, they can stand in first row, and after learning Namaz, they can even lead a Jamat.
Its a lot worse than that,

THIS is the reality of islamic nations,

Jakarta's first non-muslim governor in 50 years sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for asking muslims to vote for him.

At least he went through a justice system and judge sentenced him for blasphemy only for two years.
Tell me how died yet for cow in india from the hand of a mob justice?
Why these bhartis try to be so innocent.like they never did something wrong in their country.
You bloody uncircumcised kafir ....... just for that they will now post a new thread on "rape" and then a thread on "caste" and "toilet" to show your low standards.

is he raping them?
girls seem very happy standing beside him.
i am sure he will pay for their services.
You are mistaken if consider think this is a religious issue.

Converting to a different religion does not help. They will still be persecuted.

Most of the times the issue does not even involve upper castes and the issue is between primarily between OBCs and Dalits.

The main issue is feudalism. The land owners vs the farm workers.

It is a class issue and religion is just an excuse.

This is the reason why you do not see the same in the cities but only in the villages.

OTOH VHP needs to do a Ghar Wapsi on the Dalits.

Its curious as to why they have not done that First.
Yes, two years for the crime of a being a non muslim seeking muslim votes [emoji38]

Sounds like "justice" to me.

How many muslims has mob violence killed in Pakistan ?

Spoken like a true muslim :tup:

How much money do you think is fair islamic payment ?
You didnot awenser my question how many im died for cows yet?
And about a guys with girl.
Honestly tell me indian hindu dont go to prostitutes?
I never go so dont know price but you can ask your any hindu brother.
I am sure they will tell you indian rates.
Or tell me india have no prostitutes aand hindus dont go to them?
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