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50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

Wish they could have given up religion. One poison gets replaced by another.
Its interesting that you identified the two women standing besides that muslim man as "prostitutes" :lol:

That is what makes you a typical muslim.

Far less have died for cows than in the name of islam or in the name of allah. In fact, its almost negligible.

anyone can recognize them from picture not difficult.
less or more killing is same but i think you are ok with killing for cow.
and tell hindus don't go to prostitutes?
Wish Them all Good Luck And Blessings.Sad to see this community still suffering in india just because of the backward caste system.Why do people still follow such mean way of living?
You do know how Arabs treat desi muslims - right?
That Islam does not have a caste system is the worst lie propagated around.
You may not have call it caste but you have a system that ranks muslims - Call is caste or class or what ever, makes no difference.
I have lived in an Arab neighborhood, was showered with love and warmth - many members of my family inter-married with these Arabs and we considered each other as family.

Maybe they treat Indians differently, not sure.

Its a lot worse than that,

THIS is the reality of islamic nations,

Jakarta's first non-muslim governor in 50 years sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for asking muslims to vote for him.

That's not the story at all you fool.

That governor was voted in and supported by Muslims, he was imprisoned after a blasphemy incident.
They have been misled into following a false religion.
We must enlighten them and bring them back to the Path of God.
One local resident told ABP News, “Barbers refused to cut our hair under pressure from the members of the upper caste. Our beard grew and we began to look like Muslims. It was then we decided to embrace Islam.”

That is not good enough reason to convert to Islam .............. their personal grievances aside but they really need to be told to properly think over it, properly research about it, read the Quran and understand it's message and then accept it or refuse it ........ if they accept they need to accept wholeheartedly. For such reason mentioned by these people Quran doesn't recognise anyone as a person who has believed and submitted to ALLAH.

Before anyone questions why I said this, he / they need to read what Quran said about faith of Arab Bedouins (In times of Messenger Peace be upon him)..... Bedouins who said they have accepted Islam.
So Owasi is patriotic or Nationalistic ?

Did he have proper education and did he join bigotry for livelihood ?
akbaruddin is a bigot while asaduddin is a "rockstar" patriot, kinda like shashi tharoor.
akbaruddin is a bigot while asaduddin is a "rockstar" patriot, kinda like shashi tharoor.

So he is a patriot, but not a Nationalist.

Which means his patriotism is a matter of convenience, based on his place of stay. Tomorrow if he moves to the US, he will be a patriot to the US.

BTW Shashi Tharoor is a Nationalist.

How about Owaisi's relation to education and joining bigotry for livelihood ?
That's idiotic too..
Hindu Rashtra with limited/no rights to minorities. - Where do you see anyone making that specific claim of giving limited or no rights to minority? Didnt you just made it yourself?

Ironic is that your community was happy when Congress was appeasing them, going against supreme courts and giving them special powers and refusing rights to Muslim women in case of Shah Bano case. See In that case your community reached out to their friendly govt, and forced them to create rules going against all laws. Do you see friendly govt, of the people you pointed out, favoring them by following their dictat of creating Hindu rashtra? or taking away all rights of monorties? Is it happening? No way it can happen, even when they are the ones in power. Btw, real minority in India are Jains, Budhist, Sikhs etc. So can even one think any govt can take away there rights. Thats pure BS.
Well I believe you are neither aware of history nor the current affairs, You want specific claims. Here they are

The only problem left, according to Golwalkar, was that of the religious minorities. The answer to the question why the Sangh Parivar activists even today see themselves as the only true "nationalists'' and look upon Christians and Muslims as "traitors'' can also be found in Golwalkar.

And finally, here was Golwalkar's solution to the minorities problem: the "foreign elements'' (Christians and Muslims) may "live at the mercy'' of the "national race (Aryan Hindus) as long as the national race may allow them to do so and to quit the country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities' problem. That is the only logical and correct solution.''

Source: http://www.thehindu.com/2002/05/10/stories/2002051002041200.htm

Indeed ironic it is that even after 7 decades of appeasement and special "powers", this community aka muslims languish almost at the bottom of Indian development indices. Following diktat? They themselves are striving for it, look at what one of the BJP ruled state's CM has to say...

Yogi Adityanath says nothing wrong with Hindu Rashtra concept

You need to wake up and smell the coffee mate. The problem with your lot is that when it suits you, Indian muslims become minority else they aren't. Anyways you should read what counts as minority.

Well I believe you are neither aware of history nor the current affairs, You want specific claims. Here they are

The only problem left, according to Golwalkar, was that of the religious minorities. The answer to the question why the Sangh Parivar activists even today see themselves as the only true "nationalists'' and look upon Christians and Muslims as "traitors'' can also be found in Golwalkar.

And finally, here was Golwalkar's solution to the minorities problem: the "foreign elements'' (Christians and Muslims) may "live at the mercy'' of the "national race (Aryan Hindus) as long as the national race may allow them to do so and to quit the country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities' problem. That is the only logical and correct solution.''

Source: http://www.thehindu.com/2002/05/10/stories/2002051002041200.htm

Indeed ironic it is that even after 7 decades of appeasement and special "powers", this community aka muslims languish almost at the bottom of Indian development indices. Following diktat? They themselves are striving for it, look at what one of the BJP ruled state's CM has to say...

Yogi Adityanath says nothing wrong with Hindu Rashtra concept

You need to wake up and smell the coffee mate. The problem with your lot is that when it suits you, Indian muslims become minority else they aren't. Anyways you should read what counts as minority.
Please Stop posting this theHindu BS. Golwalkar lived in the era when our country was heading towards division on the basis of religion. Jinnah said similar things too. Its stupid to discuss the issues of that era today. People from both sides were charged up. Those issues are irrelevant today.

RSS sees Muslims & Christians as traitors, thats beyond stupid. Garbage journalism of theHindu. There are RSS backed Muslim & Christian orgs out there.I hope you know that.

You know the reason why after decades of appeasement your community has not progressed. The reason is your community are in total control of mullahs and the top Imams etc. were the ones who got benefits. Sad part is these mullahs/imams did not wanted your community to take up education, and progress. As the more educated they get, the less control they will have over the crowds. Its your communities internal problems which has kept them backward. Please look within for your communities internal problems, work on them, use country's resources and succeed. We all want the right thinking people to do well.

On the Hindu rashtra rhetoric - tell me who is in power? Isn't it a RSS backed govt? Since you know so much, tell me when are we officially turning into Hindu Rashtra, and also when are we taking away rights from minorities. Do you seriously think that even us "the supporters of Modi" will let that happen?

My sincere advise to you my friend is - Stop being paranoid, and we may have political differences or other differences, but don't use Pakistan style propaganda to score brownie points against your own on a Pakistani forum.
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Please Stop posting theHindu BS. Golwalkar lived in the era where our country was moving towards division on the basis of religion. Jinnah said similar things too. Its stupid to discuss the issues of that era today. People from both sides were charged up.

RSS sees Muslims & Christians as traitors, thats beyond stupid. Garbage journalism of theHindu. There are RSS backed Muslim & Christian orgs out there.

You know the reason why after decades of appeasement your community has not progressed. The reason is your community are in total control of mullahs and the top Imams etc. were the ones who got benefits. Sad part is these mullahs/imams did not wanted your community to take up education, and progress. As the more educated they get, the less control they will have over the crowds. Its your communities internal problems which has kept them backward. Also dont you know how big of a factor, Muslim votes have been in all elections. How they have always voted as a block on the orders of Mullahs/Shahi Imams? Probably since 2014 this trend has been broken, as parties appeasing a particular community got severe thrashing in elections.

Now tell me who is in power? Isn't it a RSS backed govt? Since you know so much, tell me when are we officially turning into Hindu Rashtra, and also when are we taking away rights from minorities. Do you seriously think that even us "the supporters of Modi" will let that happen?

My sincere advise to you my friend is - Stop being paranoid. Also, we may have political differences or other differences, but don't use Pakistan style propaganda to score brownie points on a Pakistani forum.
So you can discuss Nehru, Gandhi, Mughals etc but hey no unboxing the bigotry of RSS and its pioneers.

But didn't you say that muslims as a community were appeased, pampered, given special powers? Now you claim it was Mullahs who were appeased.

Go through the various threads of PDF and you will get to know how RSS/BJP is inching India towards Hindu Rashtra.

No I am not being paranoid, but you are being ignorant to these realities. Instead of addressing them, you want to hush them off. When Sanghis gleefully post anything adversarial to Indian muslims right here on PDF while knowing that they are posting about their own country men, why shouldn't I do the same. At least I don't post/write against Indian Hindus, I simply expose Sanghi double standards.
So you can discuss Nehru, Gandhi, Mughals etc but hey no unboxing the bigotry of RSS and its pioneers.

But didn't you say that muslims as a community were appeased, pampered, given special powers? Now you claim it was Mullahs who were appeased.

Go through the various threads of PDF and you will get to know how RSS/BJP is inching India towards Hindu Rashtra.

No I am not being paranoid, but you are being ignorant to these realities. Instead of addressing them, you want to hush them off. When Sanghis gleefully post anything adversarial to Indian muslims right here on PDF while knowing that they are posting about their own country men, why shouldn't I do the same. At least I don't post/write against Indian Hindus, I simply expose Sanghi double standards.
When did i bring Nehru, Gandhi, Mughals in this debate? Btw, RSS can never be compared to barbaric Mughals. How millions of Hindus they mssacred? How thousands of temples they demolished? In comparision what has RSS done to any one to be compared to barbaric mughals. You guys consider them your heroes. Isnt it shameful?

How is appeasement of mullahs not muslim appeasement? Mullahs getting benefits and in return getting political parties votes. Why do you giys blindly follow your Mullahs? Why cant you think independently? That's your flaw, you guys are tied to a flawed thought process. You need to change to progress. Thats the need of the time.

So Is PDF going to decide if India is Hindu Rashtra or not or parliament /Govt of India? You said rights of minorities are being taken away. Tell me any special rights that you guys had and is taken away forcefully by Hindu rashtra govt. The only issue is that you guys have become desperate that your favoring govt is not in power. So have started the stupid propaganda. TheHindu tops in Communist/Congress propaganda pieces which is reference point for people like you.

Well, actually nothing can be done when the problem is in your head. Do whatever you want, but if you think current govt will get effected by such propaganada. Then you are badly mistaken. The govt is firmly in place, and will remain so for years to come. Better learn to get used to the new status. No special rights to your community. Laws will be made so that everyone is treated in the same way.
When did i bring Nehru, Gandhi, Mughals in this debate? Btw, RSS can never be compared to barbaric Mughals. How millions of Hindus they mssacred? How thousands of temples they demolished? In comparision what has RSS done to any one to be compared to barbaric mughals. You guys consider them your heroes. Isnt it shameful?
Not you specifically, but Sanghis in general do that. "RSS can never be compared to barbaric mughals":lol:. Historians won't agree with you barring some crackpot Sanghis historians for whom Taj Mahal was "tejomahalay". Yo millions massacred, thousands of temples demolished:D. Yet somehow you ended up being a majority with in 3-4 centuries. You must have really worked hard to reach a billion today:devil:

How is appeasement of mullahs not muslim appeasement? Mullahs getting benefits and in return getting political parties votes. Why do you giys blindly follow your Mullahs? Why cant you think independently? That's your flaw, you guys are tied to a flawed thought process. You need to change to progress. Thats the need of the time.
Indeed how come Mullah appeasement become muslim appeasement. Because Mullahs might have benefited by it but not muslims in general. Think independently? The same can be said about the millions of Hindus who follow Babas many of whom are frauds, rapists etc

So Is PDF going to decide if India is Hindu Rashtra or not or parliament /Govt of India? You said rights of minorities are being taken away. Tell me any special rights that you guys had and is taken away forcefully by Hindu rashtra govt. The only issue is that you guys have become desperate that your favoring govt is not in power. So have started the stupid propaganda. TheHindu tops in Communist/Congress propaganda pieces which is reference point for people like you.
PDF doesn't decide if India is becoming Hindu Rashtra or not but there are many threads posted in here which shows how India is sliding into religious intolerance and inching towards Hindu Rashtra.

Well, actually nothing can be done when the problem is in your head. Do whatever you want, but if you think current govt will get effected by such propaganada. Then you are badly mistaken. The govt is firmly in place, and will remain so for years to come. Better learn to get used to the new status. No special rights to your community. Laws will be made so that everyone is treated in the same way.
Naah I know the current government doesn't get affected to anything, only gets affected by Gau mayya's:lol:. LOL Even after repeatedly asking what those special rights were, yet you come back with "No special rights to your community.":hitwall:

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