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50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

Most welcome to the fraternity of Islam and congratulations for recognising the truth and breaking the yoke of utter slavery thrusted upon them by the most backward religion that supports casteism and divisiion of human beings.

MashaAllah, now they are equal human beings.
What a foolish step.

They should have adopted Buddhism instead. Buddhism not only does not have caste system but also provides them an option to covert back to Hinduism if needed to claim their education/job/political reservation under dalit quota.

Converting back from Islam to Hinduism is like signing their death warrant as punishment for apostasy in Islam is death.

Ambedkar was wise man and had already showed them the path but the followers are not wise enough to understand his advise.
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What a foolish step.

They should have adopted Buddhism instead. Buddhism not only does not have caste system but also provides them an option to covert back to Hinduism if needed to claim their education/job/political reservation under dalit quota.

Converting back from Islam to Hinduism is like signing their death warrant as punishment for apostasy in Islam is death.

Ambedkar is wise man and had already showed them the path but the followers are not wise enough to understand his advise.
Why does it pain you if they convert to Islam?

Thank you for accepting that Hinduism gives them a shot at reservation. I hope you won't be moaning if similar reservation is provided to muslims/christians.

Why don't you convert to Islam since you claimed that being Dharmic makes you feel inferior, you will no longer feel inferior;)
Why does it pain you if they convert to Islam?

It pains me to see my fellow people acting so foolish.

Thank you for accepting that Hinduism gives them a shot at reservation. I hope you won't be moaning if similar reservation is provided to muslims/christians.

There is no concept of caste in Islam or Christianity. Hence reservations are not applicable for people following those religions.

Why don't you convert to Islam since you claimed that being Dharmic makes you feel inferior, you will no longer feel inferior;)

I will adopt any religion which gives me liberty and freedom to think and follow what I believe in.

If you are intelligent enough then you now know which religions are not on my list.
It pains me to see my fellow people acting so foolish.
Says the man who needs medical help for inferiority complex and social anxiety:tsk:

There is no concept of caste in Islam or Christianity. Hence reservations are not applicable for people following those religions.
So Hinduism has castes. So tell me why do your fellow Sanghis keep claiming that castes are volatile and just define one's job? Is it because it suits them at that point of time?

I will adopt any religion which gives me liberty and freedom to think and follow what I believe in.

If you are intelligent enough then you now know which religions are not on my list.
You mean to say the religions that originated in South Asia:undecided:
So Hinduism has castes. So tell me why do your fellow Sanghis keep claiming that castes are volatile and just define one's job? Is it because it suits them at that point of time?

I have never been a member of any of the Sangh organisations. So I cannot answer for them.

All I would say is you are confusing old vedic varna system with modern day caste system.

Both are very different.
I have never been a member of any of the Sangh organisations. So I cannot answer for them.

All I would say is you are confusing old vedic varna system with modern day caste system.

Both are very different.
But your line of thought is quite similar to them and you don't really have to be a member to share their ideology. You can do that without officially being their member.

No I am not confused, it is either you or them who is confused. I am just a bystander watching all of this and just pointed out the difference since you claim something which is quite different to reality.
But your line of thought is quite similar to them and you don't really have to be a member to share their ideology. You can do that without officially being their member.

No I am not confused, it is either you or them who is confused. I am just a bystander watching all of this and just pointed out the difference since you claim something which is quite different to reality.

All patriotic people think alike irrespective of their party affiliations.
Time for dalits to fight for their right with gureila war against Indian gov
It's foolish to deny the existence of castes amongst South Asian Muslims, you can even see some of it on PDF itself (in which people proudly proclaim themselves to belong to a caste of some esteem, and inversely might refe to others as converts from castes without such esteem). However people are conflating society/culture which has changed through a thousand years of adaption, expansion, introduction of foreign ideas etc, and the egalitarian message of the Quran, which has remained the same.
Naah not the religious bigots who are hell bent on creating a Hindu Rashtra with limited/no rights to minorities. They aren't patriotic by any means.
You are one such religious bigots/one side of them. Because all the BS you utter is creation of your mind and your ilk, of course there are other idiots on other side as well. But more than them, its people like you who propagate such propaganda..

Most of the Hindu Rashtra BS here is done by fanatic mullahs and their propagandist like you. I have not seen any Hindu doing such a thing here on this forum. Just for the sake of your religion, Stop trying to ignite fire among communities living in peace in the country!!
I totally Support them. If those so called upper class fckers are not ready to consider them humans and give them equal rights it's better to leave this dharma. What is use of this dharma when you are not considered humans. Why should they follow this religion which makes them slaves and sub humans. All dalits should leave Hinduism. There is nothing for them in it. After all dalits are converted to Islam let's see who is in majority.
You are one such religious bigots/one side of them. Because all the BS you utter is creation of your mind and your ilk, of course there are other idiots on other side as well. But more than them, its people like you who propagate such propaganda..

Most of the Hindu Rashtra BS here is done by fanatic mullahs and their propagandist like you. I have not seen any Hindu doing such a thing here on this forum. Just for the sake of your religion, Stop trying to ignite fire among communities living in peace in the country!!
LOL it is funny to see Sanghis getting into personal attacks when they have nothing coherent to say. Hear it from the "Fanatic Mullahs" themselves

Make it a Hindu nation, says RSS chief - The Hindu
India should be declared Hindu nation: Pravin Togadia - Times of India
India must be declared a Hindu nation, says Uddhav - Times of India

Igniting fire is something Hindutva bigots do the best.
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