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50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

Yes they do. I have researched on it fully you can rest assured
Plz show the proof. I do not take random users word.
Also show me if they believe in five pillars of islam.
Do u know what 5 pillars consist of

really ? din't knew that , i thought shias & ahmedis are getting killed every day in pakistan
So are sunnis too, wht is the point ?
These Neo converts ; whom you are welcoming will
actually Practice Hinduism at Home

What they are doing is a political stunt to get attention

They are Hypocrites of the highest order

Islam is the worlds fastest growing faith and will become the largest in the world over the next few decades, we have support groups to help them be firm in their new faith and help them dump their old
Islam is the worlds fastest growing faith and will become the largest in the world over the next few decades, we have support groups to help them be firm in their new faith and help them dump their old

I am talking about only these people
who convert for Money and 15 Minutes of Fame
I am talking about only these people
who convert for Money and 15 Minutes of Fame

Wow you can read their minds, hearts snd souls, quite a gift you have there.

Your right why would they dump hinduism with all the idols, animal gods and casteism they gave suffered
Any sect? Ahmedias perhaps?

Nope, caste system is going away in Hindus. There are numerous Hindus without any caste and they are doing fine.
FYI, the most important Hindu temple now has Dalit priests. Wonder if an ahmedia would ever become a grand imam ever..

You Cant put an Ahmadi as a head of Sunni mosque not bcz of discrimination but a simple fact regarding differences in their praying methods and what they preach. An Ahmadi is as different to a muslim as a muslim to a christian or a jew.
They do believe in it absolutely. Even though I personally am not an Ahmadi but I belong to an Ahmadiyya family so I know this fact personally that they believe in Khatme Nubuwwat
Do you believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet of Allah?
They convert to Islam due to upper cast Hindu oppression. Conversion due to understanding of Islam or economic oppression ???.. Few years ago a small group of Muslim population in Russia covert to Christianity due to economic blockade ....
They could have converted to a much peaceful religion like christianity.
They could have converted to a much peaceful religion like christianity.
Oh no doubt. Ww2, nuke bombs and invasion isla,ic countries. Not to mention the wiping off local indeginiousnpeople in new foundlands
Islam strongly condemn cast system and give equal rights to every one so they are welcomed as our equal Muslims brothers May ALLAH ALMIGHTY ALONE show other non
Muslims right path
So why is muslim women not allowed in mosques for prayer? huh
Caste system among South Asian Muslims

The caste system you referred does not mean to differentiate among people from different castes, it simply allow people to know their origin or family roots but otherwise all are equal. I think you got a lil bit excited and that's what you could find in Wikipedia.

So why is muslim women not allowed in mosques for prayer? huh
Ever been to the mosque?
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