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5 Turkish Weapons of War Russia Should Fear

Head of Pentagon Eshton Carlon called Turkey bomb to ISIS not Kurds.
accordind DW.

Deputy Secretary USA-Rose Gottemoeller:
"US could arrange new sunctions against Russia for its systematic violation of the treaty on Tactic and Middle Range Rockets .
reports Ukrinform.

NATO sees threat of deterioration in the Donbas.
"Russia still didnt take troops and weapons, and Ukraine still does not control the border," stressed the NATO Secretary General.

Ukraine-Poroshenko has approved a 4 billion dollar defense budget 2016.

As you see NATO and USA dont give up fight:)
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I did told you before. If you don't know , ask to uncle google.
We have idiom " It is not a shame not to know, it is a shame not to learn".:-)
It seems that you're right about the range, according to the promotional video.
However, the means of radar jamming are effective on direct visibility to the source of interference. It is best if the source of interference gets into the main beam of the radar, but it is possible for the lateral beam. For ground radar there is no direct visibility. The only option is to create a very powerful radiation. To achieve success in a low-power radar jamming, or even powerful but obsolete radar that may be enough. However, jamming of powerful modern ground radar, having jamfree noise-like signal - no.
You can jam homing head of a missile if missile is self-homing, and if the response time of your system from the detection to the jamming is less than the flight time of the missile to the target. But if the missile is guided by a signal from the ground, you just do not find the signal, or again rely on brute force power of jamming signal and pray.
It seems that you're right about the range, according to the promotional video.
However, the means of radar jamming are effective on direct visibility to the source of interference. It is best if the source of interference gets into the main beam of the radar, but it is possible for the lateral beam. For ground radar there is no direct visibility. The only option is to create a very powerful radiation. To achieve success in a low-power radar jamming, or even powerful but obsolete radar that may be enough. However, jamming of powerful modern ground radar, having jamfree noise-like signal - no.
You can jam homing head of a missile if missile is self-homing, and if the response time of your system from the detection to the jamming is less than the flight time of the missile to the target. But if the missile is guided by a signal from the ground, you just do not find the signal, or again rely on brute force power of jamming signal and pray.
The signal you are talking about is a radio wave.. Thats the easiest way to jam it unless you have network enabled technology.. You better spend your time to read, this forum is not for you. We need maturity test to accept participants!
It seems that you're right about the range, according to the promotional video.
However, the means of radar jamming are effective on direct visibility to the source of interference. It is best if the source of interference gets into the main beam of the radar, but it is possible for the lateral beam. For ground radar there is no direct visibility. The only option is to create a very powerful radiation. To achieve success in a low-power radar jamming, or even powerful but obsolete radar that may be enough. However, jamming of powerful modern ground radar, having jamfree noise-like signal - no.
You can jam homing head of a missile if missile is self-homing, and if the response time of your system from the detection to the jamming is less than the flight time of the missile to the target. But if the missile is guided by a signal from the ground, you just do not find the signal, or again rely on brute force power of jamming signal and pray.

Sure , there is no direct communication as it is not friendly units :-) That's why such kind of jammers are designed to work in long distance in order to limit detection.We are talking about 150-200 km jamming range.

Beside this ,the matter is Fresnel zone and also line of sight.As you may know the geographic between possible nodes, you can see how difficult to see visibility between two points.Even S400 radars have a blind zone due to the earth. Imagine there is no hilly place and lets consider trucks heights are max 5-6 meters and we are talking about 100-150km distance between Koral and S400.

I mean it is not radio transmission between two towers. Your comment is not show the KORAL system missing capability. In fact ,It shows the positive capability.:-)
I hope I am clear.
The Turks won Russia at the forum, left to win the real war. :rofl: In Russia there is a saying, "Stupid like a Turk :D

Turks may be bit of emotional but not stupid. They caught you by surprise.

Situation needs to be deescalated. It will not only be good for Russia and Turkey but for whole world. Sanity should prevail.
The Russian Airforce have bought medium range air to air missiles. What i have read on the internet, india have bought 2000 of this missile(BVR), More then the half doesn't work or have bugs, can a indian member verify this fiasco?

So ther is no bvr missiles in ther arsenal:-).
The Russian Airforce have bought medium range air to air missiles. What i have read on the internet, india have bought 2000 of this missile(BVR), More then the half doesn't work or have bugs, can a indian member verify this fiasco?

So ther is no bvr missiles in ther arsenal:-).

Yes, that's why they didn't bring any R77 to Syria :-)
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