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5 old pictures of Palestine that Hillary Clinton needs to see

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@Bilad al-Haramayn

I don't believe right of return is necessary under the condition that Israel forms a single state, giving all Palestinians citizenship under it, with the same rights the Jewish Israeli's share. Although as you said, they seem to be getting radical, and most of them lean to the right, want as soon as possible to annex the West Bank.

If one state solution doesn't work, then two state solution, no right of return, but pull out of all settlers who came to West Bank under 'Eliyah' program, into settlements, and an end all together to the 'Eliyah' program.

Regarding your response to that one guy, well said bro. I'm past that mentality where I classify Arabs in the form of two camps, Islamist and non-islamist, or Muslim or non-Muslim. That is counterproductive and wrong. It prevents the Arab world from reaching any potential and any way of moving forward. We honestly can't go back into time anymore, and must introduce secularism, even at a slow rate. After years of political, cultural and philosophical research, I've come to conclude that we can't base our society off of God's model or Islamic model, it just doesn't work, and also I'm having trouble taking religion seriously. That being said, people can decide to remain faithful or not, but we can't let it interfere with state or progress.

So with that all said, it is required of us to strive for ethnic unity, and take pride in our ethnic roots. There is nothing wrong this, Iranians do it, Turks do it, Asians do it, etc....But, some are unfair towards us. We need to identify everything we have in common, since simply we share history, customs and tradition, and Arab countries are our nations, and we will look out for each other for our own good, in this dangerous world where everything is at stake. I believe we have a good future, if we go in with an atheist mindset that no outside source is there to save us or help us. And we need this considering how many enemies there are to Arabs, that seek dominating us, interfering in our region, etc....They are many unfortunately. I have faith in the new generation though.

Have you two seen post #9 or didn't bother reading it? Anyways, good luck with Hilary :)

It isn't odd but perhaps, for you it is. Unlike you, I do not forget those who sacrifice.

Mate, there isn't much to take pride in over WW1, most Empires broke apart, nation states dismembered, it was a new era in the world, and everyone saw it coming. Wasn't worth fighting for honestly. You can remember your people all you want, no one is preventing you.
Mate, there isn't much to take pride in over WW1, most Empires broke apart, nation states dismembered, it was a new era in the world, and everyone saw it coming. Wasn't worth fighting for honestly. You can remember your people all you want, no one is preventing you.
What's happening today is a proof that not there isn't much only but there is nothing to take pride in it for you, I take pride in it, knowing my people fought like real men. As I said, good luck with Hilary in future.
What's happening today is a proof that not there isn't much only but there is nothing to take pride in it for you, I take pride in it, knowing my people fought like real men.

I'm so confused right now, I don't care about that movie nor have I ever seen it, even though many suggested it to me. Simply I don't care about past, and that applies to movies as well, I don't watch old movies. This thread wasn't about Ottoman Empire, but you dragged it into the discussion. Arabs have had Empires as well, but they are not that disappointed nor hold any grudges towards anyone due to their collapse. If the point you're trying to make is that you don't like Arabs, I don't see why you expect me to care. Grow up.

Edit: I don't care for Hillary guy
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@Bilad al-Haramayn

I don't believe right of return is necessary under the condition that Israel forms a single state, giving all Palestinians citizenship under it, with the same rights the Jewish Israeli's share. Although as you said, they seem to be getting radical, and most of them lean to the right, want as soon as possible to annex the West Bank.

If one state solution doesn't work, then two state solution, no right of return, but pull out of all settlers who came to West Bank under 'Eliyah' program, into settlements, and an end all together to the 'Eliyah' program.

Regarding your response to that one guy, well said bro. I'm past that mentality where I classify Arabs in the form of two camps, Islamist and non-islamist, or Muslim or non-Muslim. That is counterproductive and wrong. It prevents the Arab world from reaching any potential and any way of moving forward. We honestly can't go back into time anymore, and must introduce secularism, even at a slow rate. After years of political, cultural and philosophical research, I've come to conclude that we can't base our society off of God's model or Islamic model, it just doesn't work, and also I'm having trouble taking religion seriously. That being said, people can decide to remain faithful or not, but we can't let it interfere with state or progress.

So with that all said, it is required of us to strive for ethnic unity, and take pride in our ethnic roots. There is nothing wrong this, Iranians do it, Turks do it, Asians do it, etc....But, some are unfair towards us. We need to identify everything we have in common, since simply we share history, customs and tradition, and Arab countries are our nations, and we will look out for each other for our own good, in this dangerous world where everything is at stake. I believe we have a good future, if we go in with an atheist mindset that no outside source is there to save us or help us. And we need this considering how many enemies there are to Arabs, that seek dominating us, interfering in our region, etc....They are many unfortunately. I have faith in the new generation though.

Mate, there isn't much to take pride in over WW1, most Empires broke apart, nation states dismembered, it was a new era in the world, and everyone saw it coming. Wasn't worth fighting for honestly. You can remember your people all you want, no one is preventing you.

You disappoint me Hazzy. You genuinely hurt my heart. Good luck to you and your so called Arab 'brothers'.
If the point you're trying to make is that you don't like Arabs, I don't see why you expect me to care. Grow up.
Don't worry, I grew up to a point that I know neither you individually nor your thoughts represent the whole Arabic world of 450M or more.
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Because Palestinians are our brethren that we share almost everything in common with and because their cause is a righteous one. We are the same people. Our paths have just developed in a different direction (modern nation states that divided the Arab world and region) but their faith could just as well have occurred for any other Arab people if the Zionists had handpicked another part of the Arab world. I feel a sympathy for Palestinians whether they are Muslim, Christians or Atheists. We as Arabs, not exactly being free of problems, oppression, foreign meddling etc. in the past decades, can relate to them.
Besides every single movement and people in the world have faults but those who commit them (their representatives) are always a small minority among their people and the common man and woman always pays the highest price.

I guess that you share the same sentiments in regards to Kashmir? I would be surprised if you do.

emotional answer.
My suggestion is that the sooner Saudi Arabia in particular and whole Muslims countries in general get out of fixation with past the better.

Palestenians WERE in that land, but no where does the Quran state they should and must return to that land.

In the name of greater peace can't a compromise be struck ?
Hilary's another puppet and so is Trump.
Every US President hopeful has to appease Zionist Jews in order to have a chance at office.

It's amazing how they have infiltrated the sole super power and use it to do their bidding around the world and have Christians brainwashed into laying their lives down for them. Christians in a Christian country have to get the nod from Zionists to run their own country. Its like a zombie superpower. But we have been warned about this alliance and know this era is going to be the most testing time for Palestinians and Muslims in general. Best thing is for prayer and self improvement until...

Thanks for the pics.
emotional answer.
My suggestion is that the sooner Saudi Arabia in particular and whole Muslims countries in general get out of fixation with past the better.

We agree.

Palestenians WERE in that land, but no where does the Quran state they should and must return to that land.

Quran and Islam have nothing to do with this, we don't claim the land on religious basis, unlike Israeli's who do.

In the name of greater peace can't a compromise be struck ?

If Israel agrees to it, yes, it can be had tomorrow. Anyway your post didn't suggest anything about 'compromise', it was just an empty rant, seems like you wanted to blow off steam.
We agree.

Quran and Islam have nothing to do with this, we don't claim the land on religious basis, unlike Israeli's who do.

If Israel agrees to it, yes, it can be had tomorrow. Anyway your post didn't suggest anything about 'compromise', it was just an empty rant, seems like you wanted to blow off steam.

I can't debate.
Please study independent history.
We Pakistani MUSLIMS never kept international ties with Israel because of our Palestinian brothers, but apparently Arab 'brothers' like the Egyptians and Saudis are closer to Palestinians like falcon. The type of brothers that would bury Palestinian people in tunnels, and have relations with Israel.

Truly, it is the racism and bigotry that ruins the Ummah. Good luck with your Arab 'brothers' falcon. May they be humble and treat you with respect like the Jordanians did. Ethnic and tribal superiority is like a cancer.

This thread made me fucking sick.
Nobody believes in 'end time prophecies' anymore, the Western population is not religious

Not religious my ***. . They are bound together because of religious reasons that is the only important thing and a Hillary Clinton will never give a shit on palestine it's like george Bush becoming a muslim it's not gonna happen..
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